Triple Treats Pt. 01


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Then finally, one month of the jaw clenching mind blowing orgasm induced impalement on the end of Jerry's weapon would complete the three month cycle and we'd all be back where we started.

Often though, we'd have to improvise. One day, Joe rocked up unannounced and knocked on the door. We were all watching the Kardashian's and Pinkie answered the door. I'd only just got back from hard fucking Simon. We were, as we always were at home, dressed in very little and this night, invariably, we were re-dressed in our respective and proper colours. Of course Joe was wanting me, his green Triplet, but it was April's month doing him! He came into the room and I nearly forgot to jump up and kiss and hug him, because in my slow post coital brain, I was porking Simon this month...

"Hi baby, I was hoping you might help me quickly with this application for membership to Mensa." He looked guilty. I expected he was horny and the application a ruse. Bloody April must be really banging him good!

"Sure baby, I'd love to. I just need to go to the loo. I'll be back in a jiff, okay baby?" I gave my sister in 'Blue' the eye and nicked into the bathroom.

April rose and faked a yawn. "Oh, well I need to clean my teeth before bed. Goodnight Joe." She purred.

"Oh, okay, goodnight April, I'll see you next week maybe?"

"I'm sure we'll be seeing each other before then, goodnight." She opened the bathroom door and disappeared from his view.

I was waiting, nude and holding out my sheer light green baby-doll and skimpy white panties.

"Gees May, these panties stink! God, we need to wear the same colour undies from now on just in case this happens again." She hissed her whisper. I giggled. She screwed up her nose and eased into my cum infused nickers. Simon's cum had dried like a crusty salt pan in the crutch. I pulled on April's blue camisole, but it only came to my navel and I didn't want to bother with her black silky panty short style briefs, thinking it might be more fun to waltz out there nude in front of 'our' boyfriend.

So I wandered out nonchalantly then pretended to notice Joe standing there gobsmacked.

"Oh, sorry Joe, I forgot you were still here." I shook my tits, barely hidden behind the almost sheer silk. "May will be out shortly." I smiled pleasantly and swayed into April's room, shut the door, stifled a giggle and stuck my ear up against it to listen in to the fun.

"Sorry babe, just needed to do a pee. Do you mind if I leave the panties off. Joe must have been speechless. I nearly laughed, but clamped it fast. "All right Joe, come on into my room and let's do this." April cooed to 'our' boyfriend.

I heard the door shut so I crept back out into the main room. Pinkie giggled and together we pressed up against my bedroom door.

"Oh Joe... It's sooo big!" April hammed it up. We hardly felt the poor guy inside us, and we were only four days into a new cycle, so I knew April's cunt likely reflected the Grand Canyon having become accustomed to Jerry's awesome dimensions for a month.

"Oh god May, you're so tight, oohhh... "I checked the wall clock. Wow, a new short haul record... three seconds! We tippy toed back to the couch and giggled some more.

I should have realised Joe would need to piss, so when I popped my wet face up from Pinkie's snatch and watched him creep across the void to the bathroom I stupidly said 'Hi'.

"Oh, um, hi April, ah, June. Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt, I just needed to..." He ran for the bathroom door.

Funny enough that was the last occasion poor Joe knocked on our door unannounced...

So our college days flew buy. We had rotational sex with our three boyfriends, all of whom we'd tested safe in our Chemistry class under the befuddled gaze of Mrs Simpson, our perplexed lecturer, who couldn't understand our fascination with yogurt culture.

Strangely enough our boyfriends never tired of us. Unbeknown to them they were getting different pussy each month. Okay, so it was identical pussy, but it was fresh and came with a slightly different twinge of kink, so, although it seemed sort of the same to each of them, it in fact wasn't, and we certainly kept our three boys happy and contented.

Pinkies idea was working, but, as they say, the best laid plans of mice and men...


In reflection our problem was overconfidence.

The complications of our arrangement became more complex as our needs and desires became exponentially greater.

As our years of education drew to a close we three sat to evaluate proceedings and to map out the way forward.

Although we had PHD's yet to complete, we knew that, given our graduating high distinctions, that path was a given. As Doctors our potential earnings would be substantial, so a comfortable living was guaranteed. We three combined still had ten million dollars banked in our trust fund awaiting our twenty first birthdays, which happened to be in two weeks' time, thus prompting this reflective discussion. Just the interest dividends on that money had paid for all our years in college. So, a comfortable future living seemed assured.

So, what of our love life, of our relationships? We had started the discussion talking of the 'long term', of marriage and families and settling down to 'normality'.

Now we seek no condolences here. We are what we are, and we three were freaks of nature. Born three, we were actually one... always had been. We were an incomplete identity and if any of us left the others for anything other than very short periods of time, we pined and felt incomplete and lost. Holidays singularly were not possible; we would fret and suffer an unholy loneliness without the close companionship of each other. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, our desire to be 'normal' drove us. Perhaps we should have just accepted that normalcy for freaks like us was not plausible, nor was it ever going to be viable and so, flying in the face of common sense, we deduced that all problems were solvable; they just required careful planning and total dedication.

With that perspective in mind, please judge us fairly.

"Okay," April began. "So we have the full and complete profiles of each of our men before us."

Pinkie and I nodded as we studied the data on each of our laptops. April continued.

"Each of our boyfriends loves his 'girlfriend'. I know for a fact that Simon would marry me in a nanosecond. He worships me... well us, and he would commit for life. So guys... what are your thoughts on pushing Simon to the altar?" April chuckled. "Because in his case he'd run there yelling 'yippee'!"

We all smiled. Of the three men, and as could be expected, Simon simply worshiped 'his' girl. He was batting way outside his league, and he knew it. He stood nearly two inches shorter than us in flats and was cute... not handsome... skinny, not manly. But his cock was nice and best of all he was bright and fun to be with. Okay, we used him, teased him and flaunted ourselves whilst in his presence and in public, but he loved it. In Simon's eyes his girl could do no wrong. He would worship her/us until death. Yeah, Simon was a keeper!

So I decided to be the devil's advocate. "His only real issue, number One, is that he's introverted and monetarily poor, like he wouldn't make it in the business world without prompting. I know he's brilliant, but if we want our future husband's to be successful I don't think Simon will make the grade, then..."

"I disagree, number two. With our guidance and encouragement Simon could achieve anything he put his mind too. We could set him up in business with some of our trust fund and I would guarantee, given that boys dedication and work ethic, that he'd go gangbusters."

I shrugged, I couldn't contradict her logic, after all my sister thought exactly like me.

"So, hands up, do we, marry Simon?"

I might pause here just to catch you up. Yes, I mean it when I write 'we' in reference to marriage. In our desperate drive to attain society's acceptance, to achieve that desired normalcy, we wanted to be married, but as already stated, we were all for one and one for all. I think you can now imagine the encroaching complexities previously mentioned. Flitting between dorm rooms and a frat house (in the case of Jerry), were small potatoes compared to the dynamics involved in the charade of maintaining three separate marriages! I mean we'd had close calls already. Rotating colours and remembering which one of us was who at any given moment, was sometimes head spinning. We'd stumbled out of trouble a number of times, thinking quickly on the spot or acting in the spur of the moment. So far we'd escaped detection and so, you may well ask, how the hell would three rotational marriages work? Of course being monogamous for us was out of the question, as was life lived in three separate marriages. No, it had to work like it was a living breathing organism, three marriages intertwined. They'd be complete openness and sharing, full disclosure and information swapping... between us. It would be like one big marriage, only the three of us would not only enjoy the beast attributes of three different and exciting men, but we would enjoy the experience together. The potential 'husbands' would remain oblivious and clueless to the reality, thinking they were in a happy loving monogamous relationship. We didn't consider this morally wrong nor did we believe this to be cheating, deceitful or underhanded. In our minds we were one identity, and that simply put, spelt 'monogamy'.

I guess our logic was warped, but then Einstein's theory of relativity was considered cuckoo too.

"So, hands up for Simon?" Aprils question spurred me back to the present.

Pinkie put her hand up. "He's a bit wimpy, but sometimes that's a nice change. He's a nice guy, always polite and caring and I know he loves us, so I vote Simon."

"Me too." I couldn't fault the logic.

"Okay, I'll marry Simon... now May?"

Yeah, looking back it was all pretty clinical, but worse was to come... oh god... please forgive us.

"I think Joe's cock's too small." Pinkie pouted.

"Yeah, but it is average. My whinge is; he doesn't last long, even after I've got him off twice." April added.

"Hey, his tongue is the best!" I offered my support for my prospective man. They all nodded agreement. "And he's really clever with money. Do you guys know he's got a blue chip share portfolio already, worth nearly one mil?"

"He could look after all three of us with regards to taxation and shit!" Pinkie stated. "But April's right, he's a bit bland and all, a quick draw and well..."

"Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, but he is a nice guy. Very considerate; can hold his own around clients and business associates and he's fiercely protective." I added in support.

"You know he gets really excited when I flirt with other men." Pinkie giggled.

"I noticed that as well number Three. Hmm, do you think we could cuckold him? Supplement his cock's shortfall by introducing a lover into the mix..."

"Like Jerry?"

"God no May, we want our marriages to have at least one degree of separation. No, I mean someone who WE have no interest emotionally, just a big guy with big equipment that will fuck us brain dead in front of Joe and supplement his short comings." The others chuckled. "I think Joe would actually like it. We could make it a 'work in progress'. Perhaps just June and I could do the deed, that way you could claim later, if it all goes pear shaped, that you were completely faithful and that it was just a trick played by your naughty sisters."

"But I don't want to miss out on a big dick if there's one going around!" I pouted. They both laughed.

"Okay you little slut, we keep you in the loop. But that idea might work with our Joe."

I licked my lips as the image of me riding a huge cock and screaming in orgasm whilst my darling Joe watched on horrified, but overwhelmed with exuberant excitement, had me twitching downstairs. Sluts... it's spelt S.L.U.T.s. Short for Silly Lustful United Triplets! Or should that be unhinged triplets?

The thought of adding a fourth man to our tryst failed to set off the alarm bells in my head. I was all dizzy and wonky with lust. Of course the unfathomed complexity of the idea paled to the reality of the journey ahead.

"So, hand's up for Joe to marry May!"

Three hands waved. I had a bad feeling Joe was destined for cuckoldry because suddenly my sisters seemed very keen on our 'Mr Average'.

"So, that leaves big Jerry... now I think..."

Pinkies hand beat mine into the air, and we all three giggled.

Yeah, Jerry wasn't a super brain and he didn't possess the doting worshipfulness of Simon, nor did he have the caring thoughtful, about to be cucked, persona of Joe, but Jerry had one attribute, and it was a really good one. Yes, Pinkie would marry Jerry. I shuddered at the realisation. Jerry's massive dark cock would be splitting me open for years to come... Shit, was that a minor orgasm? My body shook, and all three of us glanced at each other curiously, and as one entity, trying to evaluate just what the hell had shuddered through all three of us simultaneously.

We laughed... it became contagious. We rolled about in stiches, giddy with the thought that we'd be married to three different men, the best attributes of all males on earth, wrapped up as our husbands.

But, as with all well plotted plans, we needed to work through the detail.

"So, how do we do it? I feel that a longer term spent with each guy will be necessary. A one month turn around is a little short with relation to a marriage, giving logistics around holidays and work commitments." April deferred to me.

"I propose a three month rotation. We have to be careful not to book any time away with our partner at the time, such as vacations and stuff, to cross the boundaries of the rotational period. We three represent three months of the year, so I think it's fitting that we likewise rotate quarterly and in tune with the seasons. This would mean that over a three year period, each of us would have spent a full year of different seasons with the same husband. Let's say you April, take summer with Simon first. Your next rotation would then be for autumn with Jerry, because, like we do now, Jerry should follow Simon for reasons of 'accommodation' (Pinkie giggled... silly slut). Then you'd rotate to Joe for winter and a nice well-earned pussy rest up, before you go back to Simon for spring. It would take three years for you to go full cycle and back to another summer with Simon. We two off course would be experiencing the exact same seasonal changers with our respective 'husbands'. It would be easy to remember and therefore prohibit any cross-over or conflicting engagements that might cross the seasonal boundaries. These conflicts, of course, would only relate to pre-planned excursions out of town, state or country, where we can't make the switch over."

Pinkie continued. "We could plan, in advance, quarterly 'us' times. Tell each 'hubby' that we want to meet on the last day of every season, as a pretext to us staying close as triplets, but in reality we swap clothes, diaries and information, and move to the next husband for the following season."

"Yeah," April thought aloud. "We could advance book a fancy hotel for the last day of each month, have the bull we're using to cuckold Joe come over and fuck our brains out. A triple treat!"

Okay, so you can see where this is going. I might use the analogy of 'plummeting toward a bottomless cliff, in a rocket sled without a handbrake or an 'off' button'.

I was thinking with my pussy. "Fuck, that would be so hot Sis! Listen to this! We take the last day of each season off work, book a classy resort room, drink to excess, and exchange fun facts and then have our asses fucked; the one hole we should deny each husband." I giggled and then thought of the 'pink' slut trying to get Jerry's tree trunk up her bottom hole. Evidently April was thinking the same thing. We both stared at her with steely vision. Pinkie just pouted and hung a finger from her bottom lip.

"Okay... I get it, so once a season, like every three months I can have anal with our bull. Hmm... That's doable... I accept!" She looked chirpy.

"And we'll all do New Years together too!" Big sis added exuberantly.

Anal with Jerry wasn't humanly possible, so this idea would maintain the status quo. No husband would get anal penetration, only the 'bull'... who would get the lot... any hole, any triplet, four times a year. Plus he'd also get whoever was rostered on with Joe, if we cuckolded him, all year round! Lucky bull! I could already see the fireworks in my head every New Year's Eve as I screamed in anal induced orgasm... alongside my two beautiful sisters. Ooh, goodie!

We high fived and set our plan in motion.

Yeah, I know...


End of part one.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

AFTER looking over all four parts, here is a summary: Sick story about a triplet who enjoys degrading her sisters, even including rape, then, in their sickness they go out and ruin the lives of others including their own children. Sick story, an author with a sick mind. Keep your sanity and skip this terrible mess. The author can make it sound good, even exciting, but it is the stuff of ruination.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Sister July and August are on a gangbang vacation across Africa

they will soon join the other.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Thanks for the Preamble

Glad you said this was not a BTB story and contained cuckolds, although you stated it differently. So I did not read your story. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

die, dickheaded fag.

gmann57gmann57over 8 years ago

your stories are all pretty good Arch, I can see this one going in many different directions

Kitist02Kitist02over 8 years ago
Triple the fun!

OK, I'm having trouble keeping up with who is with who at any one time, but I can't imagine the mental gymnastics you had to go through while writing it.

I'm enjoying it, laughed aloud on occasion, and felt dismayed at Pinkie's enthusiastic folly. I think it really needs another chapter just to wind up all the loose ends and explain your opening scene.

gordo12gordo12over 8 years ago
OK unlike the other killjoys I got quite a few laughs out of it.

Keep it going 4*

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 8 years ago
This has been done before. And much better.

Read "My Twin Loves" by Christo. Better yet read "Triple Threat" by Curious2C. His story had some cleverness to it. This game these three women are about to play is a dangerous one. You give no consideration to the fact that some men would not be happy about being lied to, cheated on and made into a cuckold. There are worse things out there than a divorce. One other point. The Dahm triplets out of Playboy just aren't that cute or good looking.

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
good sory gave you a 5

for effort and content.!!

patilliepatillieover 8 years ago

Your first tale was best, this is a bit too convoluted for me. We get it, the sisters are smart and come up with a way to juggle the men, but that is a bit boring.

No drama, no tension, so no interesting story.

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