Two Moms, Two Laps: Movie Night


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I held her until she calmed, and noticed she'd sunk all the way down, taking my entire length. She gave me a tiny smile. "Perfect. You are always perfect."

"I loved that," I told her honestly.

"Me too." She grinned and moaned as she pulled off of my cock. I was a wet creamy mess, and I hadn't contributed any of it. She giggled. "Sorry Mommy. I guess while Daddy's training my mouth, you're going to get a taste of your baby girl."

Mom stood and hugged her. "Are you alright?"

Penny laughed. "Seriously? You didn't see that? I'm better than alright. Fucking amazing."

Mom pretended to glare at her. "Your language, baby girl. I've half a mind to wash that dirty little mouth out with cock."

"Daddy cock?" Penny chuckled.

"Lots and lots of Daddy cock."

"Jeremy cock too?"

"Oh yes. No punishment would be complete without Jeremy cock."

"Fan-fucking-tastic," Penny laughed.

Mom grabbed her hair, and pulled her over to Dad's eager cock. "Punish our baby girl's filthy mouth, Dear. But not until she's got the Swirly-go-round right."

She leaned over and smacked Penny's bottom, making her squeal before Dad pulled her mouth onto his cock.

Mom came over and knelt between my knees. "Goodness. She did leave quite a mess, didn't she?"

"Too much?" I asked.

She smiled. "Never too much of my baby girl or my baby boy." She looked over at Dad. "Good enough view?"

He tore his eyes from where Penny was sucking him, and nodded. "Perfect."

Mom chuckled. "Just like our boy."

She licked me clean, taking her time, praising Penny's taste. I heard bits and pieces of Dad instructing Penny.

"A little softer with the a tiny bit more...there! That's it. Can you remember that?" She nodded whimpering cutely. "Flatten your tongue at the top, then roll it for the sides, close, it's like your trying to reach your tongue over the top of the head, past your the sides..."

Mom stole my attention away by giving me the real thing. I moaned for her, and brushed her hair. "Seven Mom? You have six more as good as this?"

She sat up, kissing my cock. "Six better. It's the last of the seven."

She took me in her mouth and did something new, my head lodged at the edge of her throat, pulsing. Her tongue felt like a finger squeezing the shaft, moving back and forth, while my cock was held trapped by her tight throat entrance. She pulled off gasping, moments before I would have come. "Patience, Jeremy. No coming in Mommy's mouth until I say so."

"Holy Christ, Mom! What was that!"

She grinned. "Tunnel of Love. Mommy loves her baby boy."

"That one too!" Penny cried out. "You have to teach me that one."

"No baby girl. One at a time, until you perfect it and practice it at least 20 times."

Penny giggled. "Ok. Tomorrow then."

Dad groaned. "Evil baby girl. That's what we have, Alice."

Mom laughed, her head tilted sideway, her tongue wrapping around my shaft while Dad watched her. "Would you want her any other way?"

Penny learned from Dad, then she'd come over and practice what she'd learned. Mom would remind both of us how it was supposed to be done, while teasing Penny by making Dad or I groan with some special skill of hers. It was great incentive, and Penny was very good at taking her instruction, then putting it to use. She'd play the baby girl act for Dad, and the horny girlfriend for me.

"That's one thing you won't have to teach her," Dad said, playfully spanking his little girl's pink bottom, for getting a lesson wrong. She was still wearing her skirt, tucked up out of the way, and nothing else. Like Mom.

"What's that, Dear? If you leave one mark on her sweet little hiney, you'll be cut off for a week, and all her training will be done with our boy."

Dad was caressing more than spanking, and she was barely pinked up at all. "Teasing and roleplaying. She's a master. No doubt about that."

"I'm not teasing, Daddy," she whined. "I need my bottom spanked. I was a bad girl. After ten tries, I shouldn't ever get it wrong. Not if I want to catch up to Mommy."

"Are you telling me you didn't bite on purpose?" he laughed, giving her one real smack, make her cry out."

"Would Daddy's baby girl do that? To her Daddy's wonderful tasty, lip stretching, manly pee-pee?"

"Take her son. Before I do something that will get me in trouble."

She giggled. "Sorry Daddy. Baby girl's kitty is only for Jeremy. My poo-poo hole too, someday. But my lips are for Daddy." She climbed off his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly. "Tell me Daddy. Tell me you love me."

He laughed, hugging her, "I love our baby girl."

"No, Daddy, tell me you love me."

He kissed her softly, pulling her hair back from her face. He looked into her sky-blue eyes. "I love you Penny. My son is a lucky man."

She gave him a hug. "Daddy's lucky too, right?" she said softly. "To have me and Mommy."

"Yes, Daddy's the luckiest man in the world to have his wonderful family, and beautiful girls." He turned to me. "Take her. Now. Please," he begged.

Mom stopped her play, and I went over and got my girl, holding her in my lap. Mom went over to Dad, sitting in his lap, straddling him. She reached down and slid his cock into her, settling down onto it, making him groan. "Thank you, Alice."

"Daddy still loves his first baby girl?" Mom teased.

"More than life itself."

Mom rode him, lovingly, taking care of his need that my evil girlfriend had inflamed.

"Do you think I'll ever be able to take it that easily?" she asked quietly.

"Yes. My bet is it won't be that long, either. Not the way you learn."

She rested her head on my shoulder. "We're not being too naughty here, are we? You're Ok with all of this, right?"

"It's wonderful. You're wonderful."

She cuddled in. "Your parents are wonderful. Your Mom is amazing. With her teaching me, I'm going to be the best little cock-sucker ever." She kissed me. "And it will all be for you. You're never going to want to leave me."

She grabbed my cock gently, her finger stroking. "Can I finish this for you? Or do you want to save it for your Mom."

"For Mommy?" I teased.

She blushed. "A little over the top?"

I laughed, and gave her a hug. "No 'baby girl' I think it did exactly what it was supposed to do. Did you work that out with Mom? Any of this? All of it?"

She grinned, then starting kissing my chin. "Would we do that?" she said innocently, then chuckled. "Thanks for thinking we could, but most of this is spur of the moment."


She hugged me. "Maybe not all of it. The little girl bit, and getting one of you two to give me a facial, we might have discussed. The lessons, that was Mom being Mom."

We were talking, and I looked over to where Mom and Dad seemed to be having a similar intimate conversation. Mom was giving him a slow rocking ride.

Penny slid off my lap. "I'm going to worship Fuck-God now, so no interruptions. Consider this a pop-quiz. You pop and I get an A."

I leaned back, and let her restore the lead to my pencil, before getting serious. No doubt about it. One evening with Mom and she was getting better. Much better. I was going to have to work on the stamina. I'd already come three times, and after only a few minutes, I was thinking about how good number four was going to be.

"Easy, Penny," Mom said. "You could get him to shoot in a couple of minutes, but where's the fun in that? Draw it out, enjoy it."

Penny eased up, getting playful, putting me on a roller-coaster of lust, bringing me close over and over again, just to back off. I leaned back and closed my eyes, wallowing in the sensation.

"How's she doing, Jeremy. Learning her lessons?" Mom asked.

Penny took that as an opportunity to show me her progress on the Swirly-go-round, making me gasp.

"I'll take that as a yes," Mom giggled.

She did it twice more, my fingers digging into the cushions as I tried to hang on. Penny sat up, stroking me rapidly. "Where?" she asked.

"That wonderful mouth. Take it all for me."

She smiled for a brief second before bobbing up and down, leaving her new lessons behind, and easing me into her tight throat. "Close," I groaned.

She pulled me back to the front of her mouth, her tongue teasing as her hands stroked me fast. A guttural groan escaped my lips as I surrendered, letting her milk me for several seconds, until I had to beg her to ease up, I was so sensitive.

She held my cock in her hand, brushing it against her cheek. "That was a sweet little load. I think we've almost sucked you dry."

Mom was back on her knees in front of Dad, tending him as well. "Over here, too. We can be proud of this."

The girls got up, and Mom took Penny's hand, heading for the kitchen. They were giggling like schoolgirls, while Dad and I did our best to recover.

"What do you think, Dad? Can I keep her?"

He chuckled. "Don't take this wrong, but if you don't, we're going to find out if you're too big to get your ass kicked by your old man." He sighed. "That's a hell of a girl you've got there."

Dad looked over at the kitchen, where our women were sipping beverages, chatting. He patted the cushion nearer to him. I scooted over. "This wasn't some plan to get your mother was it?" he asked quietly.

"No. Not that I know of. Penny invited herself over. The matching outfits were their idea. Maybe you can get Mom to tell you more about how they conspired before Penny came over."

He shook his head. "Not this time. I'll let her have her fun. They seem to be having a ball, and we didn't do too badly either, did we?"

"No complaints from me." I got up, stretching. "Another beer? I never did get that Grolsch."

"Sure. One more."

I returned with our beers, the old fashioned bottles, with the swing-top porcelain cap. I gave Dad his, sat down next to him, and he held his bottle up in invitation. I clinked mine against his, and took a sip.

He put his hand on my shoulder. "I know that sharing her that first time was hard. Even with me. Hell, maybe especially with me. I'm proud of you."

I nodded quietly. "I didn't expect it to hit me like that. I...I think I'm only now beginning to realize what it must be like for you."

He laughed, taking a sip. "Whatever you were feeling, multiply it a hundred-fold. Twenty years, and I'm the only man she's touched like that. I was her first and only. I always thought, who am I kidding, I knew she'd never be with anyone but me. This isn't easy, is it?"

"No. It's not."

Dad was watching the girls, sipping his bear. "I'm sorry. I'm not strong enough to change the rules yet. I hope you understand. She's...she's my everything. I can't give her up. I could never even do this much with anyone but you."

"I understand better. I do. I appreciate where we are now, let's not even think about changing anything. What we have now is pretty spectacular."

He grinned. "It is, isn't it. I take back that 20 year comment. With your Mom helping her, I don't think it's going to take that many months. Our little girl is remarkable."

They were walking over, and Mom sat in my lap, giving me a kiss on the cheek. Penny stood in front of Dad, her hands behind her back, twisting bashfully. So fucking cute.

"Daddy? Can I sit in your lap?"

Dad laughed, making her giggle when he pulled her down. "Wicked little minx. Daddy's lap is always here for you."

He hugged her, and Mom picked up the remote. "How do we start this over? I'd like to see it all the way through again, in peace this time."

I'll admit it. Watching Dad hold my girl in his lap, cuddling, whispering, watching the movie together, it was almost as bad as seeing her mouth on him for the first time.

Mom pressed her lips to my ear. "It's Ok, baby. You should feel that way. She's yours. He may be your father, but he's still a man, holding your woman."

"I feel rotten," I told her softly. "He's willing to let me be here with you, like this, and I still want to fight for her. Ungrateful. That's what I feel."

Mom was kissing my neck, her tongue gently outlining my ear. "It's not the same. I've always been yours. Always, from the day you were born. She only became yours last night. He's not going to take her, you know. He couldn't, not from the pedestal she's put you on."

I looked over at them, watching our movie. Penny's head was resting on his shoulder, quietly. He was stroking her long hair, idly. They'd share a few words about the movie, laughing less, talking calmly, sweetly. She wiggled a little in his lap, and he adjusted her, before she settled back down, obviously content.

"Are you Ok?" Mom asked. "Do you want me to go get her for you."

Penny looked over at us, and smiled. She winked at me and blew me a kiss, before snuggling into Dad, and focusing her attention back on the screen.

"No. They look happy. Besides, I've got you here, with me. What more could I ever ask for?"

"I love you, Jeremy. I love watching you change in the last week, becoming a man. It's a little difficult, giving up the baby boy."

"I love you, Mom. I'll always be your baby boy."

Things had calmed down a lot, and when the movie was over, Penny gave Dad a kiss, and come over to me. "Take me home, Jeremy? It's getting late."

We got dressed, all of us a little embarrassed over how things had worked out. Penny said her goodbyes, and I got her video for her.

"Why are there three?" she asked, as we walked out the door for the ten minute walk to her place.

"One with your Mom's 'optional' scene, one without. The third one has your initial BJ video. Since you made it for 'Mom & Dad' I thought you might want to share it with your parents one day if everything goes well."

She took them, and put all three in her small bag. "I'm not sure, but I guess it's nice to have the option. I never saw it; is it good?"

"Hot as hell. I guess that's no surprise, with you starring in it."

She blushed, giving me a hug. "I had a blast, but I have to admit, I'm feeling kind of weird about everything. Are you Ok with it all?"

"It was a little iffy there for a while, but it's cool. You like the lessons?"

Penny laughed. "So weird. I don't know if I could have gone through with any of it, if you and your Dad weren't so damn alike. I swear, it's like being with you, twenty years from now. Almost like you jumped forward in time, got a lifetime of experience, then came back and taught it to me. Several times, I'd forget it was him I was with, until he'd correct me on something. Pretty damned hot, like there's two of you. I'm not freaking you out am I?"

"No. I get it. When your Mom was blowing me, and I looked down into her eyes, the same exact eyes as you, I got a similar feeling. Like it was you, just more knowledgeable. Maybe we're both freaks."

I left her at her door, feeling strange about seeing her father, and took my time going home, enjoying the feeling of being the luckiest guy in the world. I was still thinking about Aunt Marie, and starting the second part of my plan to bring her into the fold. I think Mom was ready. I hoped so, since I wasn't willing to wait much longer.

* * *

I got home, and found the downstairs empty. I walked over to the stairs and heard Mom and Dad going at it upstairs. Hard to believe he was even able to after that evening.

They must have been pretty worked up. They'd left a mess downstairs. I took a few minutes to clean up after us, put away the movies, and locked up.

Back upstairs, Mom sounded like she was having a good time. I saw their door was shut, for the first time in a week. I listened for a while, and headed back to my room. I had considered going in and giving Mom a well deserved feeding, but I got the hint. Dad needed Mom for himself. I wasn't about to open the door, or even knock. No, this was Dad time.

I'd get my time with Mom. Especially if things went the way I hoped the next day.


Things are getting complicated. Time to get the Aunt back involved. Hope you enjoyed this little tale.

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WishfulVaginaWishfulVagina5 months ago

I love that Penny took on that little girl role with Harold. That's hot. Yeah, it's wild, but this is fantasy. I want it to get even crazier. I'm seeing one great big sex party with everyone involved. Most curious to see who gets to take Colin's virginity!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So the mom is jealous of her sister but gives jeremy a death stare and god forbid he be jealous and feel some kind of way about his girlfriend penny blowing his own father?? … who also is her husband that she is possessive of from aunt Marie, but it’s ok if her sons gf who is a hot college blonde and is more of a threat blows her husband??? Sorry just wanted to make sure I got all that right.. and somehow penny went from a pretty innocent virgin to now being over the top dying to blow her bf dad? Calling him daddy and not feeling weird about doing that to her boyfriend? And she has no problem letting her own mom fuck her boyfriend right in front of her and her dad watching her sex tape…

I don’t know man this sorry is kind of the opposite of hot unless you have some group sex or cuck fetish or something. All the characters are becoming unlikable because all they do is want to cheat and treat it like it’s just another cup of coffee their having, no big deal…

The series could have been good but over last few it just turned into a dumpster fire. Would give it a 0/5 if I could.

HungryPapaBearHungryPapaBear6 months ago

This episode started getting silly. & not in a good way.

💦 💦 💦 💦

K3vinGK3vinG8 months ago

Too much "mommy" & "daddy" talk for my taste, but hot otherwise

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This story is just awesome. I had a feeling there was a big manipulation going on here, and it was well done. On top of everything else, there are so many hilarious moments. "The kitty might be on life-support, but my mouth is just fine." And Penny saying her pussy is like the Brooklyn Tunnel now, after Dad remarks she has a tiny pussy when watching the video. Had me in stitches. Keep this up please :)

I had mixed feelings when Penny paused the video and got all emotional, admitting she thought she wasn't Jeremy's first because of how good he was, but cries into Mom's arms saying he was good because she was there, leading the way. I felt bad for her since she really wasn't his first, and to top it off, it was the Mom that was. Poor girl. I wonder how she'll react if she finds out the truth. This might be one of those rare times where I would be in favour of withholding the truth because the only thing revealing it would achieve is heartbreak and pain.

There was a nice, tender moment further on with the whole "you're the best daughter we never had" scene. That was unexpected and moving. Good stuff. I swear this story has it all and there are still a few chapters to go.

Dad's little heart-to-heart with Jeremy near the end made me appreciate him more as a person, showing that he truly loves his wife, "she's... she's my everything. I can't give her up", and isn't just some possessive horn-dog like many thought he was (myself included, I admit). He also says he's not strong enough to change the rules YET, which means there is still hope for Jeremy to get his mom within the rules dad sets.

Oh and one more thing... Pirate ship? Swirly-go-round? Tunnel of Love? Secret Seven!? I must know more! I would give this chapter more than 5 stars if it were possible.

Gym52Gym52about 1 year ago

Freaky, that word may not be in the dictionary but it explains the situation in this story.

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Great job, thanks for sharing.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

I know this is fiction, but honestly, how much better off would humans be if mothers and fathers took the time to really their sons and daughters about the difference between making love and having sex. The husband's reaction after seeing the video between Jemery and Penny forced him to realize how boarish, uncouth, and uneducated he was the first time with Alice. He simply did not know any better. Even though he loved her, he did not care about her pleasure. In real life, I have not problem with mutually consenual incest. Likewise, I have ni problem with an open marriage as long as there are no secrets or lies. Without honesty, no relatonship can survive.

AaronLeos2019AaronLeos2019almost 3 years ago

i had trouble reading when he started sharing his girlfriend with his dad

magic10fingers4magic10fingers4over 3 years ago
What a festive party

A true fuck feast! Pure lust with all that passion!

Zed998Zed998over 4 years ago
Outstanding story

I was glad to see the two moms story was continued. I've been reading the first four chapters over the last two nights. This is one of my favorite series so far. Looking forward to reading more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

The mutual appreciation aspect made the story perfect. Well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The story is ruined

I felt just fine with his girlfriend staying with him and was ruined when she gave the dad a bj becuase I am grossed out by that and felt like that ruined the love between penny and him and it just pissed me off

calibammacalibammaover 6 years ago
Evil Dad

I don’t think that that evil dad should have gotten some of Penny that early, not even a blow Job. The way he treated Alice for her actions either her son. Therefore only 3 Star ⭐️ rating.. He should have been made to wait awhile 😊

curiousboy40curiousboy40over 7 years ago

fuck, now this parents teaching their kids right!

wish my folks were even a 10th as open and thoughtfull.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
far fetches

soon the 2 dads will be fucking penny and then colins and jeremy fucks all the lonely women on his block, whether they want to or not. Alice takes on all the men on the block.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Oh, My, God!!

This storyline is awesome!! It's so intense, I'm totally blown away by it. thank you and keep up the excellent work

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
remind me again the title of this series

and how it all began

this is a far cry from how it started. I don't even recognize the characters as resembling them as the people we first met.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
There is something making me mad

I hate hearing that Penny turned on Jeremy and she was acting so sexual with Jeremy's dad. I was getting very pissed and wanted to skip all of it, but I wanted to know what happened. I felt jealous for Jeremy.

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanover 10 years ago
This story has me sufficiently involved now that I actually find myself looking...

...for those elements that keep it from achieving perfection, at least for me.

One thing I was glad to see in this chapter was the promise to Alice by Jeremy to stick to the rules, and no bending them on a whim. It struck me as much more honest, especially with Alice reluctantly consenting to Jeremy's wishes even as she desperately wants her husband to end the rules and open the floodgates.

Point being, at least Jeremy is being (mostly) honest now, with everyone. He and Alice continue to cling to their precious lie, and Alice is really digging a deeper and deeper hole, what with her plaintive pleas for Jeremy to "win her" from her beloved husband, but's at last a start. It jibes better with everything else they keep saying to the dad, and to each other.

Colleen, on the other hand, is playing a seriously dangerous game with her own husband. Fucking her daughter, her daughter's boyfriend, that same boy's mother, and, soon enough, his dad...and Colin? Oh, and Jenny sucking (and soon fucking) her boyfriend's dad? All while she and her mother are keeping everything a secret from him?

Mighty presumptuous of Colleen, don't you think? What if her husband isn't nearly as understanding and downright horny as Alice's husband seems to be? To this point in the story, we've been given no reason to think he is, or will be.

Since this is a porn fantasy, of course he will end up being fine with everything, but still...mighty presumptuous on Collen's part, and Jenny's too.

Lastly, as some of the others here have mentioned, yep, I'm suffering from a bit of a sugar overload, what with all the "daddy," "mommy," and "baby girl" talk. Too much. Way too much. Jenny is coming off now as overly cloying, not to mention highly unbelievable. Please, tone her character down a bit, keeping her a bit more in line with the sweet, naive virgin she was only two days ago. Otherwise, she's starting to sound like a Machiavellian Anna Nicole Smith in some bad Cinemax soft porn flick.

On the other hand, man, but do you hit the mark when you go the other route, each time you allow Alice and Jenny and even the dad a bit of room to feel and express real emotions. Every scene in which you delve into the love, beauty and gratitude aspects, particularly between Jenny and Alice—the deep feelings and revelations, minus the saccharine "sexy talk" affectations—you knock it out of the park. During those moments, you achieve the sublime.

In the meantime, I'll keep reading, and hoping. I fear what's coming with Aunt Marie, what with Jeremy constantly talking about making her his family's fuck toy, as if she doesn't matter at all. I don't want to see her degraded that way, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Wonderful story. Vivid characters, passionate narratives.

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