When Marriage Cools: Arlene


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I sat down beside her and held her for a very long time until her tears finally dried up. "Arly, I've never stopped loving you. We need to see if we can be husband and wife again."

"Are you sure, Rob, will you be able to make love to me after what happened?"

"I think your guilt is far worse than my pain. We have to try, we need to know if we can be husband and wife again."

I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom and slipped off both of our robes. We laid on the bed and I held her warm body for a long time, kissing her face, her neck, her upper body.

She was trembling in fear when I nestled my face down in between her legs and started lapping her beautiful pussy. She only produced a few drops of fluid, then held her arms out to me.

"Please, Rob, please..."

She tried. God, how she tried, but she couldn't surrender her body to me. After I came, she rolled away. "I'm sorry, Rob. Dear God, I'm so very sorry..."

"Arly, that was our first time in three years. Stay with me on this, it will get better, I promise."

I hoped it was getting better. I spent a lot of time touching her, holding her, reassuring her. When we went to bed, I played with her but let her take the lead. If she wasn't responsive, I didn't push it. She soon realized what I was doing and became more aggressive in our lovemaking... But it was only an act. She faked her orgasms and I knew it. Our intimacy had become a lie... We had to face it, there was no way back.

One night she told me she had a date with her friend Alex to go to a concert. The date had been made months before and she didn't want to break it.

That shouldn't have been a surprise, but it was. How could I have expected this beautiful sensuous woman to remain celibate for three years? Still it hurt. But it made the decision easy for me. When she left, I made my flight reservation to go back to Argentina.

After spending the night in the spare room, I showered and came down to breakfast.

"Rob, what's wrong? Why didn't you sleep with me last night?"

"It's over, Arlene. I'm going back..."

"NO... NOOO... please, you can't... You promised we would try..."

"We did try... It didn't work..."

"Please, Rob, you can't... I'll try harder... you'll see... Please don't give up on us... I love you so very much."

"I'm stepping aside so you can be with Alex."

"NOOOO... I don't want Alex. I love you. Alex is only a friend. I swear, we've never been intimate..."

"Yeah, sure. If he was that much of a friend, he would have given me his ticket and we could have gone to the concert together."

"I had to go out with Alex last night to tell him I wouldn't be seeing him again. I owed him that much for all the kindness he's shown me. I couldn't just tell him over the telephone..." She looked utterly defeated. She stiffened her resolve and dried her tears with the back of her hand.

"When are you going back?"

"Next week."


We both went our separate ways that Saturday morning. She had some shopping to do and was going to drop Robbie off with Mary. I had to talk to our investment banker to straighten out our accounts.

When I got home late that afternoon, Arlene was waiting for me inside the door, dressed only in a pearl choker and five inch heels, her pussy shaved bare. She wore so much eye makeup and red lipstick, she looked like a cheap streetwalker.

She kissed me passionately and towed me into the bedroom. There was a butt plug stuck in her asshole. After undressing me, she pushed me down on the bed...

Her mouth went down on my cock.

"Arly, what's going on? You don't have to..."

She popped her mouth off long enough to growl, "Yes, I do. Tonight I'm your whore."

She made love to my cock, stroking it, sucking it, twisting it in her mouth. She didn't finish me off. Instead, she rolled over onto her face and stuck her beautiful ass in the air.

"Fuck me hard, Rob, hard as you can, make your whore come..."

I slipped it into her very tight warm hole and began stroking. She yelled her encouragement, then stopped and reached back for my cock and pulled it up to her rosebud.

"In my asshole, Rob..."

"Arly, I don't think..."

"I don't give a fuck what you think. I'm your whore and you're going to fuck every hole I've got... They all did it... Now it's your turn... Do it, godammit, fuck my ass..."

She obviously had given herself an enema and lubed it up because my cock slid in relatively easily. She was keening, slapping her ass back on me with every one of my thrusts. I couldn't tell if she was enjoying it but she was determined to give me that puckered hole.

"Harder, you bastard, fuck me harder," she reached around and grabbed my ass cheeks.

Finally, that tight rubbery tube did its job and I blew my spunk into her rectum. When she felt me softening, she disengaged and laid down on her back beside me. She hadn't come.

"Why?" I asked.

"Later... just hold me, darling..."

I did, roaming my free hand over her body, kissing her face and upper torso, sucking on those hard rubbery nipples. After about fifteen minutes, she cleaned my cock with a damp washcloth and again took me in her mouth. When I was hard again, she did a leg over and lowered herself down on me. She slid her clit back and forth on my pubis, then began to hump me, driving my cock into that exact spot in her nether regions she wanted to feel me... whimpering... keening...

So many emotions at the same time. It was all there in her grotesquely contorted face, washed by her tears of lust, fear, pain, want, sorrow. Faster she moved, determined not to be denied. I tried to stay with her but couldn't find the rhythm so I just arched my back and let her ride.

Her head flew back and she let out a blood curdling scream, clenching her pussy muscles as she brought herself to the mother of all orgasms, pouring her juices down my pole, pumping, crying, not wanting to let it end. It was magnificent... her first real orgasm since I'd been back.

Finally she slumped forward, nuzzling her face into my neck, sobbing uncontrollably. I held her lovingly, running my hands over her back and beautiful butt, trying to exorcize her demons. But she wasn't done... Her eyes were on fire as she rolled off and parted those lovely legs. I wanted to bury my face in that dripping gash.

"No," she yelled, "not that... fuck your whore. Drive it in as deep and hard as you can."

It was obvious that she wanted it rough so I rammed into her. During the next thirty minutes, we fucked in every position known to man. She had two more strong orgasms before I again exploded. We laid together on our sides, tightly holding onto each other. She wasn't crying anymore, just basking in the afterglow of her orgasmic bliss.

"Why, Arly?" I asked again.

"You'll see," she replied softly.

We both drifted off. I was so relaxed, I fell into a very deep sleep. When I awoke the next morning, she was standing beside our bed, freshly showered and totally naked. I reached for her hand but she pulled away.

"Please, Rob, come with me."

I followed, hardening again as I watched her beautiful ass wiggling towards the den. She stopped before we got there.

"Please, Rob, know that I love you more than anything in my life. I need to show you something..."

Spread around the den were a number of large glossies of the two of us coupling in every position with my cock in every one of her holes. My face was blanked out with a felt marker pen.

"What is this, Arly? You didn't have to..."

"Yes, I did. I hope and pray this will work for you. I know you, Rob. Sometimes I watch the pain in your face when you stare off into space. I know you are remembering those horrible pictures... I want these to replace those images in your mind...

"Every day, I want you to come down here and select one, then drag my ass into the bedroom and do that exact thing to me. I want it rough. I want you to take out your hate and anger on me. I want you to treat me like your whore... then burn that picture."

"I don't know if I can..."

"Goddamn you, Rob, you HAVE to do it..."

"Any picture?" I grinned.

"Yes, and I will keep my asshole lubed and ready until all of these are gone, just in case you choose one of those," she pointed to a group of pictures with my cock in her butthole.

"You realize I may want to modify some of these positions," I chuckled and grabbed one of her sucking my cock.

"Anything you want, I'm your whore until these are all gone."

"And then?"

"And then... you'll have a decision to make. Either put what happened behind you or we part forever."

From the lovemaking session we'd had the previous night, I had already made up my mind to never leave her again. This wasn't just for me, she wanted to be punished. Maybe it was the catharsis we both needed. Regardless of the truth, this was going to be a lot of fun.

"Alright, whore, get that beautiful ass of yours into the bedroom."

Once in bed, she dove down on my cock with her mouth.

"Whoa, I can't let you have all the fun," I laughed and pulled her around in a 69.

We were in no hurry, slowly licking and sucking each other. I don't remember how many times she came but she drained me once in her mouth and once more in her pussy.

It took three weeks before all of the pictures were gone. After we burned the last one, she asked.

"Darling, are we OK? Do you think we can be a couple again?"

"Yes, definitely. I'd already made up my mind the night you raped me," I laughed.

"Well, if you haven't had enough time, there is a duplicate set of our pictures in a binder in the den, this time with your face showing. If you get horny, find something you like, then grab your cock and come looking for me... and if you can't decide, I'll help you select one," she chuckled.

I held her tightly, feeling her warmth, inhaling the scent of the woman I loved so dearly. How could she think I would ever leave again.

"Arly, you're everything to me... I know it may sound trite but I can't live without you. God knows, I've tried."

Tears came to her eyes, "Darling, every morning I woke up without you by my side, I died a little... But we haven't erased the slate yet. There's one other thing I must tell you...

"Do you remember the look of lust on my face in those pictures?"

"Please, Arly, we promised to bury the past..."

"No, let me get this out... When I was under the influence of those drugs, I was in a kind of a dream state. It was so strange, all of those men had your face, your body, your cock... I was on fire, wanting to consume you, wanting to give you everything I had. I fucked as hard as I could... It was so euphoric... and... and then it wasn't..."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" I stared at her, open mouthed.

"I couldn't... It sounds so preposterous, even to me. To you it would have sounded like some lame excuse. But I swear, I WAS insane, totally disconnected from reality... and you must have noticed. When we are out, I only drink my own bottled water, not even coffee or tea or wine unless it's only the two of us alone together. I'm so terrified something like that might happen again. I wouldn't be able to survive it, Rob, I'd kill myself."

"Good God, Arly, you've suffered so much."

"No more than you," she sniffled. "Every day I've thought of how much pain you must have felt..."

I laid there on my back, staring at the ceiling, feeling lower than a dung beetle. I'd run, I'd hid. I'd abandoned her when she desperately needed my support. I'd only thought of myself, wallowing in my own self pity... How stupid... All that time wasted...

"Finished?" I asked, pulling her gently into my arms.

"Yes, I've totally unburdened myself. Maybe we can put it all behind us now."

"We will, I promise... I love you, Arly."

"Rob, you have no idea what those words mean to me. It's as if my last three years have been telescoped into a single instant, this moment laying here beside you."

I pulled one of her softening nipples into my mouth, tasting her delicious body. She hooked one arm over my shoulder, trying to push more of her breast into me. I pulled away.

"Arly, do you think it's time we made Robbie a little playmate?"

"You're a little late, darling, there's been one in the oven for two weeks now. I haven't been on the pill... well, since... before that horrible time..."

She looked lovingly into my eyes. "I wasn't trying to trap you, darling. Regardless of your decision, I wanted you to give me another child... Even had you decided to leave, I could easily manage by myself, I'm financially secure."

"God, Arly, I love you so very much. How could you think I would abandon you again?"

She held onto me very tightly. "I hope that's a proposal, because we do have another small problem... we're going to have another baby and we aren't married."

"What kind of wedding would you like?"

"A quick one," she chuckled, "Mary and Frank can stand up for us."

"OK, we can fix that next weekend."

"Not soon enough... How about tomorrow?"

"Well, I don't know, I may need more time to think it over," I teased.

She playfully punched me in the ribs.

"Are you going to take me on a real honeymoon this time?" she pouted.

"Sure, maybe an island, Aruba, Barbados?"

"No," she giggled, "I was thinking of a remote cabin in the mountains, someplace we can go swimming nude and lay around and fuck all day long. We have three years of catching up to do, you know."

"I can do that. How long?"

"About this long," she laughed, grabbing my hard cock. She parted her beautiful legs and my missile again found its target.

Arlene was right. Those images of her rape were expunged from my brain. I couldn't remember much about them. If I did get a flash, I followed her advice and looked through the binder. With her pregnancy, Arlene's hormones kicked in and she was only too happy to jump in the sack and fuck like a minx.

When our baby girl was born, Arlene insisted we name her Martha, after my mother.


"ACHOOO! Damn, I wonder who I've kissed lately that gave me this cold?"

"Probably young Angela's ass from next door, I think she's got a thing for you."

"ACHOO! ... I'd like to, she's got a great bum. Besides, I noticed her husband's hands were sneaking down your butt when you two were dancing at the party."

"Rest assured, this ass belongs only to you, and don't you forget it," she stood naked, smiling into her vanity mirror.

I walked up behind her, surrounding her body with my arms, squeezing those lovely orbs, rolling her nipples in my fingers, my mouth pressing into her neck.

"These things are even bigger and firmer than before you had the kids."

She leaned her head back into my shoulder and whimpered. "We're supposed to be out shopping for new shoes for the children."

"ACHOOO! They can go barefoot for a few days," my cock was hardening in the crack of her ass. "Right now, I have my own bare foot that needs to be shod."

I carried her to the bed and buried my face in her steamy wet mound.

"AAAHHH...CHOOOPPP! ... Jeez, I sure hope I don't give you a cold in your pussy."

"I think you're pretty safe. I've never heard a pussy sneeze," she moaned.

"Might be kinda erotic," I mused, "having you sit in the shoe store sneezing from down there. The spray would certainly make those shoe salesmen sit up and take notice."

"Spray?" she panted.

"Well, of course... you'd have to go without panties. It's not good to stifle a sneeze, you know."

She laughed and held out her arms. "Get up here, you horn dog and fuck mama hard and fast, before our children come in and catch us."


As the years passed, our life together was idyllic. I doubt if anyone could ever find a more happy, loving family.

Robbie was very proud of his heritage and by the time he was near the end of high school, he was very fluent in Spanish. We even took a family holiday to Spain one summer. The girls were dissed since we men could speak in a foreign language they couldn't understand.

I've often remembered my confession to Arlene that day. I'd told her the exact truth about everything; my grandmother's heritage, the night I made love to her before she left to go on that seminar. Everything was true except for one small detail... You see, I had to fake that DNA test result...

...Robbie wasn't mine...


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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Good until the "brain fart" end?!?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I can't believe hubbies lawyer never got him the information about the rape , trials etc. that's simply not plausible.

Other than that I loved the ending, especially the last note!

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayover 1 year ago

Bizarre story. And what's up with that ending?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So he lost, gets to walk around with a son that obviously isn't his. She cares only for herself BTB

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a mess! First Arlene is a crude, potty mouthed, over ambitious shrew who is convinced that her husband is having it off with his boss, then after being drugged, gang raped and impregnated by a man unknown, she magically transforms into a loving, caring, sensitive but strong woman, who, after a horrific ordeal successfully puts her life back together. Meanwhile, the MC runs for the hills with fingers in his ears singing " la, la, la, not listening" at the top of his voice, cuts off contact with his mother and sister and hides in a foreign country thousands of miles away rather than find out the truth and deal with it. Then when does return and he and Arly try to rebuild what they once had, Arly finds intimacy too difficult to handle, how do they solve their issues? An intense course of psychotherapy for her, perhaps? Nope, she strips down to high heels and a butt plug, offers him that cure for all ills that is anal sex and they both live happily ever after. And don't even get me started on that iniquitous last line. If it ever comes to light that the DNA test has been faked the consequences are potentially catastrophic. This author needs to go back to the drawing board.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why would this asshat come to her rescue now? She has been transparent with her disdain for him, and her arguments about his work and her party were crude, flimsy and clearly spoiling for a fight. He went so-far as to offer her an “out” for the party, but she had little compunction for that, just continued insults.

By the way, this was NOT EVER about husband wanting to control her life, occupation, or considering her a chattel. YOU IDIOTIC FEMINISTS ARE SO FULL OF SHIT, YOU ALL SHARE BROWN EYES, THE MAJORITY OF THEM DISTENDED FROM OVERUSE OF PLASTIC. No wonder her strongest relationship was with a menopausal old woman.

The woman here gives nothing and returns nothing; she is an absorbent slut for self-promotion.

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 2 years ago

In second thought, ridiculous.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What ? A wife should be a man’s chattel? He says don’t go to a conference..she shouldn’t go? Is this some sort of ownership isse? Should she not ahve career ambitions also? Does that justify drugging and raping? Sorry …don’t agree to comments about throwing her away! Infact I feel Rob was a piss ass wimp and gutless too! Ran away like a rat rather then facing her! If he had done that he would have been there to help her through her trauma!

pummel187pummel187about 2 years ago

WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK.. So no one is going to mention the real reason why a man in his right mind would have never gotten back together with her, and that reason is when he cried and begged his wife not to go, he asked her to go away with him and she said NO!

so she chose her work and those animals that abuse women over her loving husband!

ah.... yeah... no I don't think so.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Commenters love to brag that they saw the twist coming from a mile away, The people, who are upset about the last line, are upset that they didn’t see it coming. 5 stars!

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

1 star.

I totally agree with several other commenters - this story was a 5 right up to the last line.

I guess it is up to the author to decide if he/she wants a 5 or a 1 - just remove the last line.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Lying about the child's paternity was an act of manipulation, not of love. That lie has great potential to cause pain and harm. Exposing others to those dangers is selfish and egocentric. Arly and Robbie deserve a far better husband and father.

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