Wild Flower Ch. 08


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Everything was going perfectly for Gabriel at that party. It was starting to get a little dark but who could have noticed when the whole place was well lit by the brightest lights ever. One could see everything clearly as if it was just day. It was really amazing.

Two hours passed and it was already 6.pm. Gabriel was still having the most wonderful time of his life. In those two hours, he had talked with Mr. Rosenberg's friend and he was actually thinking he may have found some new clients and investors, he hoped.

He came back to his husband and was talking with some of the businessmen when...

"Well, well, well... look who we have here." A voice was heard behind them, a really familiar voice.

Gabriel tried to remember that voice but he couldn't remember the face. Moving his arm from Jack's waist, Gabriel made a quick turn only to get the surprise of his life. The man behind him was none other than Lambert, the great politician and his ally.

"Mr. Lambert?" Gabriel gasped as a grin appeared on his face. "What are you doing here?"

"Hmm," Lambert raised his eyebrow. "Did you expect me not to attend such a wonderful party?" He laughed happily. "After all, am I not a businessman and if I remember correctly..." He folded his arms on his chest. "I am actually one of the investors in your company."

"Yeah!" Gabriel chuckled nervously. "I just didn't expect to see you here."

"Yeah! But we are still here anyway." He laughed. "By the way, how does it feel to be the newest businessman at this party?"

"Hmm, I actually feel really happy." Gabriel said earnestly, holding Jack's waist tighter. His husband was just smiling without saying anything. "I never thought I would ever be here but I am here. I really love mingling with all these businessmen."

"That's really good and I am glad you are here instead of..." He trailed off and just remained silent. What had he just been about to say, he thought as he shook his head?

"Yeah!" Gabriel got what Lambert had been about to say. "I really understand your point, Mr. Lambert. It is an honor being here. I really love it."

Lambert laughed, moving his eyes towards the smiling Jack. "And how about your husband? Is he having fun just like you?"

"I am having fun." Jack smiled brightly. "This is a great party and we are more than happy to be a part of it."

"Good! This is where business opportunities are got from." Lambert said, looking all around himself. "Now if you are not too busy then I would love to introduce you to some of my friends and the most powerful men in the world of business. I am pretty sure it will be beneficial to you."

Gabriel looked at Jack and they both grinned. How could they deny something like that? An opportunity had just presented itself and they weren't gonna throw it away.

"That would be really nice." Gabriel chuckled happily.

"Wise young man." Lambert said, nodding his head. "This is the reason why I like you. Men like you are the reason why the business world is growing today unlike some whore I knew years ago." He gave a sigh of relief. "But I am glad that whore isn't here today?" He patted on Gabriel's shoulder. "Now why don't you come with me?"

Gabriel and Jack nodded and then followed Lambert to be introduced to some of his businessmen friends and politicians. Their evening had just begun. By the time they were gonna be done, they were pretty sure that they were gonna have many clients and partners.


People were still talking and enjoying the evening. There was slow music playing and it seemed like all the businessmen had arrived because no car had arrived for the last three hours. It was almost 8.pm and everything was going wonderfully. Everywhere was brightly lit. The waiters and waitresses were moving from place to place, serving the great businessmen. It was really wonderful.

Suddenly, there was a bright light which shone where the party was. It got the attention of everyone at the party. They were now wondering what was going on and where that bright light was coming from. They all moved their eyes towards the light.

That was when they realized that a car was coming towards them. It made them wonder who could have come that late to the party because only two or three hours remained for it to end.

The car came closer and it actually wasn't one. There were two cars in total. The cars were really beautiful and magnificent. They were elegant, classy and seemed really expensive. It wasn't long before the cars came and parked right near the party area. Everyone had their eyes towards the cars. They were all dying to see who had come.

The beautiful car in front opened and then two guards left that car. They were all dressed wonderfully and elegantly. It was as if they were businessmen themselves but they were just guards. They quickly rushed towards the car behind and one of the guards opened the door. They both bowed their heads.

What happened next left everyone at the party speechless and staring without blinking for once. When the guard opened the door, a handsome young man got out of that car. He was looking really beautiful and gorgeous.

The handsome young man was putting on the most beautiful, sparkly red designer's suit anyone at that party had ever seen. It was fitted tightly on his body, making him look really sexy and classy. He had a beautiful bright pink shirt inside and he had blood red shoes on his feet.

The man looked really young, maybe in his early 20s. He had really long dark hair which was tied in a wonderful ponytail. His face was gorgeous and it got the hearts of many fluttering. He was really beautiful, in fact lovely. The businessmen at that party had never seen such a beautiful man in their entire lives.

His face was curved perfectly with those wonderful blue eyes fitted on that gorgeous face. He had no beards but that was what made him really sexy. His hairless face was just too gorgeous. Everyone, both men and women couldn't keep their eyes off him. He was like a god of beauty but it was more than that.

He had a wonderful body. It was almost too good to be true. Even through his suit, that wonderful curve couldn't be hidden at all. Even straight men couldn't help but drool over that young man because he was just too gorgeous.

The young man started walking towards the party with a really serious face. The two guards were with him, following his footsteps. As he got nearer, the people smelt his cologne and it just drove them insane. Even his cologne was to die for. It was magnificent.

As he got nearer and nearer towards them, their hearts began racing and they couldn't just tear their eyes away from him. Other people thought an angel had just come to them while others thought he was a god. He was really beautiful.

The man finally reached the party area and people moved out of his way to allow him pass. But before he even walked a few meters, a man who was known as a really powerful businessman came forward and stood right in front of the young man, blocking him from entering further. He stood still without saying anything.

The two men were now staring at each other, making the other people wonder what was going on. Then suddenly, the other man, Mr. Lewis a 56 year old businessman laughed and then took the young man's hand and planted a soft kiss on it.

"Como son Que." The older man said. It was 'How are you?" in Spanish.

"Muy bien, Gracias Que." The young man said with a wonderful smile on his gorgeous. That smile stole the hearts of many.

"Hmm, your Spanish is great." Mr. Lewis said happily, now shaking the young man's hand. "I am really impressed. For a moment I thought you weren't gonna answer me."

"Ha ha..." The young man laughed softly, grinning at the older man. "No! Actually, Spanish is my second language. My mother was Spanish while my father was English so I had no choice but to be fair to both my parents."

"That's great." Mr. Lewis laughed. "I think all children should just be like you."

"Hmm, I don't know about that, Mr. Lewis." He grinned. His smile was killing many people. "But I really appreciate your words a lot. Thank you."

"Okay." Mr. Lewis finally let go of the young man's hand. "Why don't we enjoy the party for a while before..."

"I am really sorry, Mr. Lewis." The young man apologized in his sweet voice. "I don't think I can do that. I actually came here because of business and you know that. I don't think I will have any time to party and enjoy with you. Remember that I told you that I am really busy man right."

"Yeah!" Mr. Lewis patted on the young man's shoulder. "I do remember that very well."

"I am sorry." The young man apologized. "Can we just talk about it right now? I really have to hurry out of here. I still have some things that I need to do."

"Hmm, you are a hard working young man."

"That's what the world is about today, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Mr. Lewis breathed. "Shall we?"


Mr. Lewis and the sexy young man went to a table at the far end and sat there. Then they began talking what the others couldn't hear. The young man's bodyguards were with him the entire time. They stood guard, making sure that he was safe. The party continued but most of the people had already lost concentration. They were rather staring at the young man from time to time.

"Fuck!" Lambert breathed. He couldn't tear his eyes from that sexy young man who filled him with nothing but pure lust.

"He's so fucking sexy." He thought, biting his lips to suppress a moan.

Meanwhile, Gabriel who had been speechless this entire time slowly moved towards Lambert. He was just as confused as anyone else. They had never seen the young man before yet he was talking to one of the biggest businessmen at that party. It was really confusing. He was really handsome and Gabriel couldn't deny that. He was just glad he hadn't been with Jack because he had also been staring at the handsome young man. He just couldn't explain what he had felt at that particular time. The man was really, really beautiful just like.... Angelo.

"Lambert!" Gabriel called softly, not tearing his eyes away from the handsome young man.

"Yes!" Lambert's voice was really different. It was as if he was not the one speaking.

"Do you know who that young man is?" Gabriel asked with a curious voice. "Have you ever seen him before?"

With a sigh, Lambert tore his eyes away from the handsome young man and then faced Gabriel. Gabriel looked in Lambert's eyes and could already see the lust in them.

"No!" He shook his head. "I have never set my eyes on him. This is the first time I am actually seeing him but... he is really beautiful. It is not every day that you see such beauty. I mean... I can't even take my eyes off of him."

"I understand." Gabriel moved his eyes around. "It seems like you are not the only who thinks so. Just look at him. He is really beautiful and almost everyone has their eyes on him."

Lambert moved his eyes to Gabriel, chuckling softly. "Are you also..."

"No!" Gabriel chuckled nervously, rubbing on his hands. "Why would I do that? Sure! He is really beautiful but I am a married man and I love my husband a lot. He might be handsome but he is not as handsome as my Jack?"

Lambert laughed softly, giving Gabriel suspicious eyes. "Are you sure about that? Hmm, I don't mean to be rude but Jack doesn't get the attention everyone is giving that boy. Just look at him."

Gabriel took a glance at the beautiful young man and gasped, quickly tearing his eyes away. The man was really, really handsome and he had no idea why he saw the image of Angelo in his mind. That wasn't gonna happen again. He was now married to Jack and he loved him so much. He hated Angelo and that was the way it was gonna be.

"I still stand on my ground." Gabriel said confidently. "By the way, I think I should go and look for him now."

"Okay." Lambert gave a teasing chuckle. "I will be here if you need me."

Gabriel went to look for Jack and found him talking with some men who were equally looking at the beautiful young man. He rushed to him and then excused himself and took his husband. They both went and sat on a table just enjoying their evening. Gabriel just wanted it to be special and really wonderful to Jack. After all, they had been looking forward to that evening.

After almost an hour, Mr. Lewis and the young man finally got up and they were laughing softly. They again got the attention of everyone. They were now looking at the beautiful young man once again. It was really eye-catching.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Lewis." The young man shook Mr. Lewis' hand.

"No!" Mr. Lewis said happily. "Thank you. I really had a great time with a young man like you. I know that you are a great businessman and you will manage your empire really well, Mr. Powers."

"Those are wonderful words coming from a great man like you." He laughed softly. "I know I am gonna have a great time with a businessman like you. Thank you so much once again."

"It's fine. Now why don't you come with me so that I can introduce you to some of my friends and other business men?"

"No!" He grinned. "That's not necessary, Mr. Lewis. I don't really need that. Besides, I really have to go right now."

"Okay." Mr. Lewis shook his hands one more time. "I will see you soon."

The young man smiled back and then made a quick turn. He walked elegantly to his car and left the same way he came, leaving the people wondering who the young man actually was. It was a question mark to them and they really wanted to find out. But how were they gonna do that? It was almost impossible because they couldn't just go to him and ask for his name.

After the young man left, the party continued the same way it had been before the young man had come. But what they all couldn't deny was that they were still thinking about him and still wondering who the hell he was.


"Oh my God, I am so tired." Gabriel threw his tired body on the couch.

They had just arrived home and they were really tired, especially after the great party they had just come from. But what they couldn't deny was that they were really happy. It had been such a beneficial party to them and they had been able to meet some of the great businessmen who were really interested in their business. It was gonna go to another level.

"Yeah! I know you are tired, my love." Jack sat beside him, moving closer to him. "But it was worth it, wasn't it?"

Gabriel slightly raised his face, moving closer to Angelo's. "Every second of it." He said softly. "This tiredness is worth it because I was able to meet the businessmen. Now I know that our businesses will expand."


With a single laugh, Jack grasped the back of Gabriel's head and brought him closer. Then he took his lips and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Does that make it feel any better?" He groaned, looking deep in his husband's eyes.

"Yes!" Gabriel moaned, looking deep in his eyes. "Your warm kisses always have a way with me. I will never get tired of them."

"That's good." Jack said with a smile. "I love your kisses too. But I know you are really tired and..."

"I am sleepy too." Gabriel yawned softly.

"Okay. Why don't you go upstairs and then I will come there in just a minute. I just need a glass of water."

"Okay." Gabriel smiled, kissing Jack softly on the lips.

Jack rubbed on Gabriel's lips. "Just don't go to bed without me."

"You know I can't do that." Gabriel said softly. "I always go to bed with you. I will wait for you, my love. You just have to hurry it up."


Gabriel kissed Jack on the lips and then went upstairs. Jack on the other hand smiled brightly as he looked at the sweet guy going up the stairs. He was just too happy with the way his life had suddenly turned out to be.

"Uh..." He sighed, getting up from the couch.

Still smiling, Jack started heading towards the kitchen to get a glass of cold water so that he could go to his husband. He was feeling really excited... his heart was racing... his breaths were a little harsh... he had a wonderful grin on his face. Everything was just going like he wanted it to. So now... nothing was gonna stand in his way. He had arrived where he was meant to be and nothing was gonna change that for him, ever.

Jack was about to reach the door of the kitchen when suddenly, someone bumped into him really hard, getting him out of his thoughts. He furiously took a few steps behind and almost fell to the floor. But thanks to the wall, he was able to get stable.

With a groan, Jack furiously moved his eyes in front to find the person that made him super mad, Alicia. She was just standing still, looking right at him. Seeing her, Jack got mad and his resentment towards her increased. He hated her so much that he didn't even want to see her. His heart had already started pounding and his breaths were violent. He lost the smile on his face. His body trembled in anger.

"I am so sorry." Alicia apologized. She somehow got really scared because she knew Jack was gonna snap. "I didn't see you and..."

"Bitch!" Jack yelled, moving furiously towards her. "You stupid old bitch."

To say Alicia was surprised would definitely be an understatement. She was really hurt and she felt really mad. But she couldn't do anything. No one had ever called her that before. Not even Angelo when he had been angry. She was really hurt.

"Jack!" She didn't even care what she called him anymore. "Why would you call me a bitch, huh? Do you realize that I am just..."

"Oh, please shut the fuck up." He snapped, pointing angrily at her. "How dare you bump your stupid stinking body into mine? Do you realize who I am to you? And how dare you call me by my name, you old hag."

"I thought I told you that it was just an accident." She said softly. "I wasn't looking where I was going and..."

"Of course," He laughed bitterly. "Why would you look where you are going when you actually think this house belongs to you, stupid bitch?" Alicia slightly closed her eyes, trying to breathe properly. "But always remember that you are a maid in this house so walk like one." He warned. "I actually think you need to get fired from here because you are growing wings. I have said this and I will say it again. Never try to fuck with me because you will regret it."

"I am sorry." She said softly, dropping her eyes to the floor. "It will never happen again." She was hurt. "I will look where I am going next time. Don't be angry with me, please."

Hearing her words, Jack gave a sinister chuckle, folding his arms on his chest. He liked feeling in command. He was the boss of the house and all of them were just a bunch of stupid workers. They need to obey him or things were gonna go wrong.

"Good!" He laughed in mock. "I don't have to teach you your place in this house. Find that place and I may just keep you longer. Otherwise, you will be out of here before I even snap my fingers."

Jack laughed mockingly and started walking away but something stopped him. He looked at Alicia hands and saw that she was holding something. It was a framed picture and though he couldn't see it, something deep inside of him became really curious.

"What's that?" He pointed to Alicia's hands.

"What's what?" Alicia acted as if she didn't know.

"Are you dumb?" Jack yelled right in her face. "I am talking about that fucking frame in your hands?"

"It's a frame." Alicia said simply. "It has a picture in it and..."

"Fuck! I know what it has in it." He glowered. "What picture is in that frame?"

"It's... It's..."

"Fuck you."

Stamping his feet furiously on the floor, Jack grabbed the frame from Alicia's hands. He moved his eyes to it and got the surprise of his life. His heart began pounding deep inside his chest, threatening to rip out. His breaths became really violent. His entire body trembled in rage and hatred. His face glowered and his hands trembled.
