A Special Connexion


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"Oh, okay."

I finished my shower and went to my room to grab some clothes. Mom's door was slightly ajar, and I nervously cast a glance but couldn't see her. I didn't know what to expect, but all the anticipation of the previous days had me nearly shaking. I eventually decided to dress as I would usually do on Saturdays: something casual and relaxed, a far throw from what I might have considered for one of our cam sessions. I heard her go downstairs, and a few minutes later I followed her. She was in the kitchen, wearing a (very reasonable) tanktop and sweatpants. I sure wasn't the most objective person at that moment, but she looked just gorgeous.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hey, sleepyhead. What happened this morning, you're usually up much earlier?"

"Yeah, well, I must have been tired or something."

"Are you feeling well?"

"Ah ah. No, I'm okay, no need to worry. What about you? I thought that road trip had left you exhausted and all..."

"I don't know. When I woke up, I was positively brimming with energy, and... I suppose I'm just glad I back home, at last."

"When's your next trip then?"

"Nothing's decided yet, but I don't think it's going to be soon. The idea was to cover as much ground as possible in these few days, and that's what we did. So hopefully, it will be some time before I have to go on the road again."

"Oh, that's good."

"Yes, it is."

An awkward silence.

"And what about you, baby, how are things at the U?"

"Oh good, good. I've got one big report to turn in in two weeks, and I'm about two-thirds in, and otherwise things are fine."

"When are midterms again?"

"Much later. The exact dates will be announced next month, so there's still plenty of time to worry about that."

I smiled, and she smiled back, and we shared another longer, awkward silence. I didn't know what to say - it was as if all my small talk and mundane conversations were suddenly crushed by the anticipation of sex. To be honest, I'm not sure we had talked about anything else at length during the past week or so, and Mom must have come to the same conclusion, because I saw her chuckle.

"What is it, Mom?"

"Seems there's an elephant in the room."

I smiled. "Yeah, probably."

"Probably?" She raised an inquisitive eyebrow. I waved vaguely.

"You know what I mean. But I guess the online aspect makes it easier, in a way."

"Even when we're talking on cam?"

"Something like that. And there's the distance too. I suppose that talking about it face to face, like that, makes it... more real, if you see what I mean?"

"Hm, maybe. Then how would you explain Tuesday?"


"You know, when my computer battery died."

"Oh. Well, I suppose it was more or less the extension of something that we had initiated online. Something like that."

She smiled. "Sounds like something my therapist would say, if I had one. Don't you think you're trying to overrationalize all this? "

"Do you think I am?"

"Touché. I honestly don't know. This is all new to me too, after all. But it seems you've put a lot of thought into it."

"It has kind of... caught my attention over those past few days."

"So I see. And maybe there's some truth in your hypothesis, doctor Freud. I'm going upstairs. Gotta catch up on my email and stuff."

"Oh, okay."

She flashed me a dazzling smile, and headed for the stairs. I sat there, puzzled, before (eventually) figuring out what she had just said. I know, I know - but to my defense, Mom hadn't exactly been subtle around that kind of thing recently, and I must have lost my edge (if I had had any to begin with). I followed suit and went up to my room, turning on my computer.

Of course, she was online. And probably waiting for me, considering how quickly she greeted me.

"hey baby"

"hey Mom"

"you took your time..."

"well, seems I'm not that much of a morning person after all"

I was a little surprised as to why she hadn't sent a video invite. It usually didn't take us that long to turn on our cams, and I was about to go ahead and take the lead, when I heard a noise behind me. I turned around, and nearly fell off my chair when I saw Mom standing next to my now open door, holding her laptop in front of her.

"Mom, what-?" I stammered.

"Don't mind me, baby, I'll just sit there." And she made the gesture of shooing me away, indicating I should turn back to my computer and ignore her. I swallowed and turned to the screen, without really knowing what to think of all this. And now, there was a video invite. I accepted, still very much puzzled by the situation. And here she was, sitting on my bed, with my bedroom wall as a background - in fact, I could also see her in the background of my own video window. She was wearing a large, white top, with a wide collar that left her shoulders uncovered and showed quite a hint of cleavage (of which she had plenty). I tried to gather my thoughts.

"Hey Mom."

"Hey baby."

I turned my head to face her, but she tsk-tsk-tsk-ed and intimated me to turn back to the screen, which I did.

"Mom, this is ridiculous..."

"Why do you say that? I'm only respecting your request for some distance. Wouldn't want to upset you with a face-to-face confrontation..."

"Mom, you know that I didn't mean that..."

"Oh yes you did."

"But this is..."

"... this is just ensuring there's enough distance for you to be comfortable."

I shook my head.

"What do you expect me to do, now?"

"Come on baby, don't make yourself more stupid than you are. You know exactly what I expect you to do, baby."

She let her top slide down her shoulders, unveiling her gorgeous tits. "Cum for Mommy, baby."

I looked over my shoulder, and she looked straight at me, smiling, nodding, and then very deliberately licking her lips. Then, she made a gesture towards my screen. I let out an exaggerated sigh, and turning towards my computer, started to strip down, until I was only wearing my boxer shorts. I took a deep breath, and off they went too. I saw her smile in approval on the screen, and she sat back so that I had a great view of her tits, as well as her thighs. I stood up, and my cock appeared within the camera frame. Mom let out a little sigh of pleasure, and it was my turn to smile. Emboldened, I picked up my own laptop, and walked to the bed - putting the laptop on the cover, and kneeling next to it. We were now facing each other, the two laptops between us, and only barely keeping up the pretense we were actually looking at the screens. I was stroking my hard cock, knowing I wouldn't last for long - my mind already burning with the anticipation for what was to come (so to say). She must have felt the same, because she was obviously very mcuh turned on too, her nipples hard, her breath short, moaning and purring in rhythm with me.

I moved closer to her, all pretense forgotten. She pushed the laptops to the side with her foot, and moved closer too. I was now half-standing before her, my cock level with her face - she was moaning more loudly now, licking her lips, her mouth so close I could feel her breath on my cockhead. I swallowed again, and suddenly apprehensive of the impending moment, I muttered: "Mom, are you still sure...?"

She looked at me straight in the eye, and repeated, pleading: "Cum for Mommy, baby. Cum for Mommy. Feed Mommy, please."

I nodded, I think, and the wave I had been trying to keep at bay overwhelmed me, rising like a spear through the length of my cock, until the first spurt exploded all over her waiting tongue. I kept milking my cock as subsequent spurts landed on her tongue, her lips, splashed against her chin, with the last, weakening ones splattering her generous tits. I was trying to catch my breath, when my mother, who had been moaning in near extasy during my whole climax, suddenly moved forward and with a flick of her tongue (as well as a quick, full mouth kiss) licked clean my cock head, making me shiver.

Startled, I blurted out: "Mom!"

She replied with an impish grin: "There was a drop left... I couldn't resist, baby."

I was feeling weak in the knees, and I sat down on the bed. Mom was looking at me, with a satisfied look on her face, gathering my cum from her breasts with her fingers and licking them clean. My head was spinning with the sheer *sexiness* of that scene - it was so wrong, and yet so very hot. I had to tell her.

"Damn mom, this... this is so hot..."

"What is, baby?"

"You, there, just..."

"Just what, baby?" (her smile turned wicked)

"Just... (I blushed, but courageously carried on)... just licking off my cum."

"Hm-hm", she nodded. "And see: we didn't make a mess this time."

"Erm, I beg to differ..."

Her smile widdened. "On the bed cover, I mean. This (pointing at her tits) is a *good* mess." She winked at me, and licking the last drop off her finger, stood up. She then strechted like a contented cat, showing off her beautiful tits which were still hanging out of her top. "Okay, baby, I'm going to take a quick shower now. Later, baby."

She blew me a kiss, and taking her laptop, she exited the room. I looked around, wondering if all that had just happened was but a dream, but my computer was still on the bed, and there was a damp spot on the cover where she had been sitting. I shook my head, and picked up my discarded clothes.

I also took a shower - moreso to clear up my head than to clean myself. After all, the way this session had turned out, there wasn't any real need. But I wanted to think things over, and I eventually came to a resolution. When I got downstairs, Mom was in the living room, reading a magazine with the TV turned on in the background. She was wearing her red tanktop, but contrary to what had happened the week before, I didn't see anything wrong in her wearing it around the house. She was sexy and hot, and I felt my cock stir in my trunks, and that was somehow now nothing but a normal Saturday afternoon at home. I sat on the sofa next to her, and she flashed me a warm smile.

"Hey there."

"Hey Mom."

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good, and you?"

"Never better. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know, I feel that... that I may have been forcing your hand a little, and... well, you said you needed the distance, and..."

"I'm okay, really, Mom."

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty much, yeah. Though it's true that you surprised me..."

"By barging in your room?"

"That, too. But (I blushed) I was more thinking about what you did... at the end."

"What do you mean?" (her face was looking far too innocent for it to be genuine)

"You know exactly what I mean. When you... licked it."

"Oh, that." (a wide, naughty smile)

"Yes, that."

"I apologize, baby. I won't do it again, I promise."

"Oh no."


"You will do it again. I promise."

"Oh, look who's bossy now. What about the need for a certain distance, the fact that face-to-face was somewhat too 'real', as you said?"

"Maybe I got over it."

"Hm-hm. Please elaborate."

I took a deep breath. And dived in.

"Well, we're both adults, and we're not hurting anybody, and we both seem to be enjoying it (she nodded). And as far as I know, I haven't been traumatized in any way, and you seem fine too (she nodded again), so... so I guess there's no harm done, I suppose."

"My conclusion exactly."

"But it's true that I did mention the distance thing, and..."


"... and I guess it's an issue I'll have to address. Because it doesn't make any real sense, since... since we've agreed on the rest, you know?"


"You did make a point earlier, you know? When you came into my room... It was ridiculous to kinda need the computer as a... as an excuse, I guess. (I shrugged) I don't know why. Maybe I still feel guilty about it all."

"Do you, really, baby?"

"Not really. It's not guilt, it's... maybe it's insecurity, you know? You're my mother, after all, and... and I don't want things to be like they were just after... just after we discovered who we were, you remember? I'd hate that to happen again, so..."

"My poor baby..."

"Especially since I... as I say, since I really enjoy what we have now. It's so... incredible, seeing you like you were this morning..."

"Almost naked on your bed, you mean?"

"That, too. (I blushed again) You know what I mean..."

She smiled. "Yes. And I agree, it was incredible."

I nodded. There was a long pause, and then I took a deep breath and stoop up. Mom looked at me, a flash of concern in her eyes. I turned to face her.

"I don't want to lose you. I don't want us to be unhappy as we were right after that... incident. I know I've felt so much better over those past two weeks, and maybe you have too. (she nodded) And I want that to continue."

"And so do I, baby. So do I."

"But... but I can't stand it anymore. The excuses... the pretenses... the teasing... Mom, I want to feel your mouth around me. I want to kiss your pussy, I want to fuck it hard, I want to slide between your tits. I want to cum all over you again, and watch you happily lick it clean. And when you're done, I want to do it all over again." I caught my breath, having said all this in one long, uninterrupted sentence. And then, I took off my trunks and my t-shirt, and stood naked (and hard) in front of my awestruck mother. There was a pause - and suddenly, all the elation I had felt came crashing down, and a cold sweat trickled down my spine.

The enormity of the situation hit me - how vulnerable I was, how foolish I was, maybe, considering how enormously wrong all I had just said was, how everything could suddenly fade into nothing if my mother, my dear, sexy mother, was to reject my offer and turn me down. But she smiled. A small, warm, loving smile. She put down her magazine, she came to sit on the edge of the sofa, a strap of her tanktop sliding down one of her arms and revealing a heavy, naked breast. And, looking at me in the eyes, she took my cock in her hand, softly, and she brought her lips to my cockhead, for a loving kiss that quickly turned into a passionate embrace.

And the rest, as they say, is history...

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AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

6 pages and all that happened was a little masturbation and a facial. What a waste. Could have at least squeezed in a little fucking at the end there after all that. Lame. The son was incredibly annoying. So repressed. No wonder this dragged on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Six pages of build up, over and over again to the point I was temped to jump to the last page by the begging of the third page. All of that build up for so little pay off. Thought at the least there could have been a part two. Definitely could have cut it off ate the fourth page if not the third. Same counter points over and over again with little progress.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I think that you did a good job with this story. Could it be better? Sure. It was a long buildup which some find needless. I read the entire thing and while the son was a bit unbelievable that he couldn't figure out what to do with his mother, it is entirely possible that he struggled and struggled and struggled with the shame until he overcame it all. Good job overall. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I liked the story and the slow build up to the inevitable conclusion but the mom used the word "baby" way too many times. No one uses the word "baby" in practically every sentence. Nor do they start a sentence with "baby" and end that same sentence with "baby". People simply do not talk that way. Just as when a son is talking to their mom they do not use the word "mom" in every other sentence. Between that and your over abundant use of commas in all the wrong places along with the spelling errors (this website actually underlines misspelled words in RED) and your occasional switching between past tense and present tense, I gave your story three stars because, overall, the concept and the slow build up was very good.

Tanks4theMammariesTanks4theMammariesalmost 3 years ago

on occasion, i prefer a slow build. Not usually, but sometimes. in this case, the story was pretty well written and descriptions just vague enough to lend to imagination playing a big part. I trust there will be (or is) a followup coming. Apparently, there are those who feel their frustration at getting to the good stuff is not worth their time, and that venting that frustration at a writer is their responsibility. I'll never understand why someone would order fish, then complain they didn't get steak.

HealingArtistHealingArtistover 3 years ago
What a major waste of 6 pages and potential decent story content.

I stopped reading 3/4 of the way down the fifth page. I came to the comments section to see if there were other readers who felt the same way as I did reading this. This was so unrealistic and almost insulting to the reader's intelligence because the character of the son while although otherwise intelligent, acted like a complete imbecile and dumber than a box of rocks in front of his mother. This seemed to be an exercise in venting for the author rather than trying to entertain a reader with some actual substance. There's no rhyme or reason for the behavior of the son under the circumstances that you were drawing the reader into, along with him. I could tell there was something wrong right from the get-go when the revelation of who the identities were to the mother and the son with the video cam and then shutting it off. What ensued after that between the mother and the son was completely out of character with any other story like this that I've ever read on this site. Teasing is one thing, but this was an exercise in the morbidity of nonsensical behavior patterns that didn't have any credible purpose within the context of the story itself. As I stated earlier this is more about the writer and his own issues about thinking things through in this context. Ending the story abruptly with just a blow job, was most disappointing from what I read through other readers' comments. You have a lot of typos that pull the reader out of the story. And just because you can sort of spin a yarn that has something to do with two characters in a very peculiar world they live in, doesn't mean you know anything about human relations and intimacy consistent with stories that appear frequently on this website. Grow up or go to writing school and learn how to do what you're pretending to be and to pose as here on this site. I want to call you dickhead but you probably wouldn't understand what I mean.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

After all that you dont see how it ends?!?! That was frustrating and disappointing. I enjoyed the story otherwise, build up was great but really needed a finish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I don't need history. I would rather you finish the story. This was like those weekly shows that they used to have on tv, so you would come back the next week. Than carry it on, and on.

bwmombwmomabout 6 years ago
Very special

Contrary to those who seem to prefer straight up prom all the time, I found this story highly erotic and very satisfying. I loved mom’s growing confidence, and Chris’s confusion and hesitancy seemed very genuine. All that made the building tension so delicious!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Bullshti story!!!

Such a sheer waste of time. Fucking idiot writer. Even after 6 pages of sorry male character is acting like moral cocksucker... Fuck u man....

Never gonna read ur shitty story again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Perfectly scorching...

Ignore the haters and those wanting more. It would have been OK, but your. Ending went perfectly with the overall story. All in all, magnificent.


uavgasuavgasabout 7 years ago
This was HOT!!

Despite what others may say, I think this was flaming hot. The seduction and easing of worries. The mutual masturbation and gradual acceptance. Even with no sex, this has alot going for it in the emotion department.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

What the hell was that 6 pages of build up could have been forgiven but there is no end get the fuck outta here

mcbtwsmcbtwsalmost 8 years ago
One more thing.

Just who in the fuck put the red (H) beside the title? H in this case means Horrific not Hot.

mcbtwsmcbtwsalmost 8 years ago
I quit reading on page 4

It was getting fucking tedious. Not good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

It seems like there should be more to come with this story, hope so.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
to randydick69

You recommend this person stop writing......

Where's your submissions ... Oh that's right you have none

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