A White Tiger and The Wolf Ch. 10


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Bradley nodded, "Yes they should have all arrived by now."

"Well we better get outside as Connie and Kay are really worked up about this. Somewhere amongst them there is a traitor."

Everyone got up and was heading for the door.

Then Jason spoke up. "Bradley, how about we get them to come to the hall to be allocated patrols, and we can do it pack by pack."

MMMMMMMMM , he thought for a while, that's a good idea and we can get Connie and Kay in there to check through them.

Bradley went out into the compound and spoke to the warriors and guards standing out there.

"If you would all like to come to the hall one group at a time and we will allocate your patrolling areas and where you will be staying for the next few weeks."

He then went over to his mate and her mom and took them back in the mansion to the hall.


Inside the Hall:

The council were already there and waiting for the process of elimination to start. They wanted to know who it was that had the nerve to come here and try to take information or whatever out. The packs started to come in one by one and Travis and Sarah were assigning them their duties and accommodation.

There were only a few groups left to come in and then Kay got this cold feeling

He is somewhere in this group, Kay thought to Bradley.

There was about 25 people in the hall from a pack near London. They were Browning's Pack, run by Alpha Frederick Browning. Bradley was gob smacked; he had been friends with Fred for years.

He came over to Kay, grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the table which was in the middle of the hall.

Kay's skin was crawling and a chill was running up and down her spine; the hairs on the back of her neck were standing on end. She knew the traitor was near by and she turned round looking at everyone in the hall one at a time.

Bradley was walking amongst the wolves standing by the table.

He thought to Travis and Sarah. Don't act differently but one of these wolves is a traitor Kay can sense it.

My alpha, which one?, answered Travis.

I'm just waiting for Kay to point him out to me.

When she does we will grab him, his loyal Betas responded.

Travis just carried on with what he was doing so none of the men before him got suspicious.

Kay walked up to a large man standing slightly to the side of the group.

He was acting nervous and if she wasn't mistaken he was sweating very much.

Bradley, that's him there. He's acting way too strange.

The strange man had just reached the table when all hell broke loose.

Bradley thought to his Beta's who were outside in the hall to come and contain the man now standing at the table.

They charged in and knocked him to the floor. The others thought they were getting attacked and started to fight back.

Kay watched as everything went to pieces around her, her heart fluttering. She saw all her friends begin to enter what was starting to look like a battle, so serious was the fighting.

Kay snapped. Freeze, she thought frantically.

Next thing everyone just stopped in what they were doing almost as if they were frozen. Kay was speechless as she realised she had just done it.

Oh God, what have I done now. She thought. I can move but everyone else seems to be frozen in place. How am I going to reverse this?

Kay was starting to panic, her mom, dad, Bradley, Travis, Sarah, the Beta's and the warriors and the magical council & Browning's Pack were all frozen like they were statues. It looked really weird.

Then Kay had an idea; Henry isn't here. Maybe he could help me. Just then Henry walked into the room and stood still, gaping.

"Uncle Henry! I don't know what I did but as you can see everyone is frozen! how can I change them back to normal?"

"Oh no, explain to me what was happening at the time."

"Well, I had just spotted the traitor, and I told Bradley. He got the Beta's to come and grab him and then everyone started fighting together at the same time. And then I moved my hand towards him as someone was going to attack me and thought freeze, but instead of stopping just him, I seemed to have frozen everyone."

Travis and Eric had the large man- the traitor- on the floor and were in the process of tying his wrists while Bradley was tying a cable clip around his ankles.

But they were all frozen mid motion.

And the rest of the Beta's were frozen in process of fighting the warriors of Browning's pack, as they thought we had attacked them.

Poor Sarah was suspended in mid air, in the process of leaping on someone.

The council were suspended, leaning against the wall and some were in the middle of talking by the looks of it as their mouths were hanging open. It did look a funny scene, but it was serious as Kay had no idea how it happened, nor of how to fix it.

"Ok," said Henry, "Were you scared before you thought the word freeze?"

"Yes, very," replied Kay, shuddering.

"Well it looks like you thought the word to the whole room, instead of to a single person. Kay, what you have to remember is you are very powerful and when exercising your powers you have to think exactly what you want done. If you don't, then this is going to happen more often."

"How do we unfreeze them, though?" asked Kay, panicking a bit.

"Well it's simple: you just hold your hand down and think go, and they should all start moving again. But before you do lets get some help in here and get this guy tied up properly, so then you can explain to everyone what happened. I'm assuming they are still awake, not put to sleep."

Kay went to her mom as she was the closest and looked at her. Connie's eyes were moving but she was otherwise a statue. It looked weird, but she looked awake.

Henry went out the room and got the Royal Guards who came in and separated the men from the large man on the floor. They managed to drag him away from everyone to the back of the room.

"Right," said Henry, "remember what I said and try reversing the spell. If you are worried, reverse the magical council first to see whether it works."

Kay went over to the magical council and put her hand facing down in front of them and thought the word go move now and waited. Everyone started talking at once.

"Wow," said Max, "you did that and you haven't even been trained yet? Oh my god, you are going to be one very exceptional person when you know what you are doing! Not many will stand a chance with you around."

All the magical council seemed to be OK so Kay turned around and did the same thing to everyone else. Matthew had got himself under Sarah to catch her so she wouldn't hit the floor when she was unfrozen. She was a bit shocked, but thanked him for catching her.

Kay walked over to Bradley and everyone and explained what had happened and apologised for freezing them.

Bradley faced the room and started talking. "Right; everyone, let me explain what occurred here before we all started fighting again. Kay and her mom Connie felt a strange presence come into the compound when they were outside. Both Kay and her mom have the ability to spot traitors and liars amongst people and Kay picked out that man there as being a traitor."

"Who is he anyway?" he asked the Browning pack.

"That is Zack Parsons, and he has been acting strange for weeks now," replied the man who was nearest Bradley.

"I'm Ian Browning, Fred is my father and he is going to be fuming when we tell him what has happened."

"You better phone him and get him here soon. I am sure he would want to be here to see what he," he gestured to the prisoner, "has to say. Take the prisoner to the holding cells downstairs, Travis."

Travis and Eric frogged marched Parsons downstairs and shackled him in the holding cell in the basement.

Sarah assigned the rest of the men to security duties and allocated everyone else rooms.


Bradley went to Kay and wrapped his arms around her. She was still shaking a bit and Bradley knew she needed him right now.

I feel terrible Bradley, I have this power and cannot seem to control it. I'm doing everything wrong and I'm so frustrated, she thought to him.

I know honey but, it is only your first day and you have not done too badly by all accounts.

I just feel so stupid at the moment, Brad.

Oh honey you're not stupid, stop being silly.

Kay must have had a sad expression on her face, because just then her mom come over and also wrapped her arms around Kay.

"Honey what has you so sad?" she asked.

"Oh mom, nothing is going right. I have all this power and I can't seem to control it at all."

"Kay, I know how you feel it was just the same for me when I first started using mine. I remember flooding my mom's bathroom once because I was trying to fill the bath with hot water, instead of just turning on the tap. My power got away from me and my father then said to me it takes a while to learn how to use your powers."

"How long will it take until I know what I'm doing?"

"We'll give it two more days and you should feel a lot easier with it. The more you use them the better it will be."

"Let's go and have some lunch," suggested Bradley, "and we can have a chat afterwards."

"Bradley, can I have a word with you," asked Connie.

Bradley stopped and Kay continued on to the dining room with her dad.

"I think it is the right time now to give Kay that package I left in your safe.

She needs to know exactly who she is; that way we can protect her more."

"Paul told me she is a Princess, and I know you are concerned about her, but do you think now is the right time to spring this on her?"

"Bradley she has to know before her first shift. The magical council have to do a ritual on that evening of her first shift and must use her title in the fullest for the protection to take effect and you being her mate will be included in that ritual."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well the ritual is similar to your mating ceremony in a way, but without the sex. You will be recognised as her mate. You will receive your title as well that night."

"Ti-...Hang on, what title?" Bradley replied, surprised at the thought.

"Well you are mated to a Princess who one day will take over my title as Queen. You will be her Prince. It comes with a magical protection spell as well."

Bradley was feeling a bit overwhelmed; he had no idea what this ritual entailed. He just knew that he would go with the flow because there was no way he wasn't having Kay as his mate. She was his other half he had been searching for her for a very long time.

"Alright I will except what ever you do at your ritual as I know Kay is the one for me."


Meanwhile in Lazlo's office:

"Did you manage to get in touch with Ryan Crow yet?"

"Yes Sir, he is waiting in the outer office."

"Then what are you waiting for, show him in," he shouted.

"Yes sir." Brownlow got up and went to fetch Ryan Crow.

"Ah, Ryan good of you to come at such short notice," Lazlo smiled, a touch of his charm entering his voice. That not faded when he regarded Brownlow again. "Brownlow, fetch us two whiskeys. Hold my calls."

Brownlow went out and fetched the whisky, closing the door behind him.

"Well Lazlo, what has you so fired up that I had to cut my vacation short?" asked Ryan, drawling slightly.

"You remember the fire tiger pack we tried to get hold of some years ago?"

"Yes, didn't you have an... altercation with the queen, resulting in her unfortunate demise?"

"It seems she wasn't killed- or at least, not immediately- and now her daughter has grown up and come into some very interesting powers."

Lazlo's eyes began to glint, the light from the fire causing them to glow, as he whispered, "I want to use her, and her powers, for my own ends."

He stared straight at Ryan before straightening and continuing.

"It seems she is now involved in a Wolf pack in Surrey and they have some magical wards in place so I cannot penetrate them."

"I want you to go down to Surrey, break through their wards and capture Kay the fire tiger and her brother Paul."

"What makes you believe that my people and I can succeed where you have failed."

"I cant fly. You can all fly and can breech the wards from the air; with any luck, they would have been too stupid to protect the sky, and there wont be wards at all. We have an insider who can help you get in if the wards should prove to stern for you. Maybe he can even secure Kay for you, hmmm?"

"Hang on you want us to take on one of the largest packs in England?"

"Not only do I want you to attack one of the biggest packs in England, but I need you to do it soon; before she mates with Bradley Black."

Ryan was silent for a while. "What is in it for me."

"I will give you One Million Pounds. Half now and the rest when the job is done."

"OK you have a deal, Lazlo- but heaven help you if I fail."

"Good. And no, Ryan," Lazlo's voice sunk lower, "Heaven help you, if you fail me."

There was silence in the room as the two men shared a stare. Ryan looked away first.

"When?" Lazlo abruptly asked.

"A day, possibly two," Ryan drained his glass and left.

Lazlo sat in his chair chuckling to himself, Very soon, my fire tiger. Soon!


Back at The Black Wolf Pack.

Kay had finished her lunch and was chatting with her dad and Jason when Connie and Bradley showed up.

"Where have you two been," asked Kay.

"I had to get this package from Bradley's safe," replied Connie. Bradley sat next to Kay and gave her a kiss.

George came over bringing food for Bradley and Connie and then disappeared again.

Kay was curious about the large envelope her mom had just put on the table while she was eating her lunch. "Mom, what's in the package?"

"It is a surprise and when I've eaten my lunch, we'll go to Bradley's office and open it."

Kay was very curious about the package, and couldn't wait until her mom had finished and tried to snatch the envelope away from her.

John caught on to what was happening and rescued the envelope before Kay got to it. "Kay, will you wait a bit; it won't go away."

"Oh dad, I just want to know what's in it."

"All in good time, my dear," he replied.

Kay sat there pouting and Bradley drew her onto his lap, kissing her to distract her for a bit.

Kay was feeling horny, sitting on Bradley's lap and was starting to get wet again. She didn't seem to be able to be near him lately without getting really horny and wet and boy did he smell good to her. The smell reminded her of old spice and fresh air. It was lovely.

Bradley could smell Kay's arousal. Oh boy, this is not good; we cannot make love now. Or at least, not here, he thought. He thought to Kay, When we have been to the office, we can go back to our room and make love. Do you think you can hold out till then, my darling?

Yes I think so but, I love you very much and want you right now.

Bradley looked at Connie; she was half way through her lunch and was chatting to her husband and Maximilian.

"We are going to wait in my office as I have a phone call to make he told them when you have finished come and join us." He got up and put Kay on her feet and led her to his office. No one was in there. When he closed the door, he locked it to keep from being interrupted.

He took Kay in his arms and starting kissing her slowly at first and gradually building it up till they were devouring each other. Kay was running her fingers through Bradley's hair and Bradley was squeezing Kay's arse and running his hands all over her back and top of her legs.

Kay lifted up Bradley's shirt and ran her hands over his chest, pinching his nipples. She got his shirt off over his head and bit his nipples, sucking on them. Bradley moaned and took Kay's top off and pulled up her bra and played with her tits biting and pulling and pinching them hard.

Kay slid her hand into Bradley's trousers and squeezed his very hard cock, making Bradley moan. Bradley couldn't take anymore; he grabbed Kay and pulled her jeans and underwear down before pushing his down as well. He bent Kay over his desk and entered her in one deep thrust from behind.

He started fucking her hard and fast, thrusting deeper and harder into her sopping wet pussy, Kay moaning and gripping the desk underneath her. She could feel herself getting ready to cum and she thought to Bradley, I'm going to come honey.

Bradley knew Kay was close and he also knew they didn't have a lot of time. He took his cock slowly out and then thrust back in hard and deep. He did this three times more and Kay exploded all over his cock, squeezing him with her pussy muscles, sending him over the top and spilling his seed deep into Kay's pussy.

He rested there, on Kay's back, for a moment and then got off her, handing her some tissues to clean herself up. He wiped his cock and then got dressed, Kay putting her clothes back on and they hugged and kissed again.

"That will have to hold us till later," said Bradley, chuckling.

Bradley opened the window to let some air in as the office smelt like sex. He unlocked the door and then sat down. A few minutes later John and Connie knocked on the door.

"Enter," said Bradley.

Connie smiled she knew what they had been doing just by looking at Kay's eyes as they were still hazy. She said nothing as she didn't want to embarrass her daughter. They came in and sat down.

Connie put the large envelope on the table in front of Kay. "This is your inheritance from my father, your grandfather. He wanted me to give it to you on your 21st birthday. Also in this envelope is proof that John and I are your parents and that we are King and Queen of the last remaining Fire Tiger Pride which makes you a Princess."

Kay was gob smacked; it had never occurred to her that she was a Princess, even though she had been told her mom was a Queen and had her Royal guards with her.

She picked up the envelope and using Bradley's letter opener, which had a carved wolf head on the handle, she opened it and withdrew the contents.

There were 3 separate envelopes in there, all addressed to Princess Kay. The biggest contained a lot of documents about her birth right and where her mom's Pride originated from, alongside other legal documents about the Fire Tiger Pride.

In the second one was her original birth certificate and details of a trust fund which she could now claim and other things that were secure in the families bank vault, in HSBC bank in central London.

In the third one was the last will and testament of King Albert Potter of the Fire Tiger Pride. She read it to herself, gasping for breath more than once until she got to the bottom of the will. There is no way this is right she thought how can I have inherited this much money off my grandfather, she thought wildly. The figure was astonishing; her grandfather had left her two million pounds and because he had died over 50yrs ago the figure had grown. There was another slip of paper telling her the true value of her inheritance was close to Sixteen Million Pounds.

Kay started feeling really hot and weird; she collapsed, clutching the will to her chest.

Bradley immediately jumped up and picked up Kay, carrying her to the couch in the anti-room next to the office. He thought to Nathan, Nathan, come to my office immediately please. Kay has collapsed.

Yes, my Alpha. I'm on my way, see you in a bit.

Bradley carefully removed the will from Kay's hand and put it on the table. He held her hand, patting it to try to wake her up. All of a sudden Kay started to shake rather badly. Her skin started to glow red and she was getting hotter.

"Oh my god," exclaimed Connie. "She hasn't fainted, she is having her first vision and by the look of it, it's is a bad one."