An Incest Birthday Ch. 27


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"That's exactly how I feel Mrs. S," Chris said.

"Correction, first you slap her around a few times, then you leave," Aunt Lisa said.

"And that exactly how I feel Aunt Lisa," Rita followed.

"Alright we won't keep you, just remember what we said. Be on your guard."

"Thanks mom, we will," I said as we headed out the front door.

"Ok whose car should we take, ours or yours?" Stephanie asked.

"We'll take both of ours," Rita said.

"Why? We're going to the same place, and gas still isn't cheap!"

"We might be staying later than you. I have some private words for Ashley."

"Shouldn't we be there for that?" Chris asked.

"No, especially not you, I don't want her giving any excuses for distractions."

"Ehh, well I know you'll tell us about it afterwards so ok, we'll meet you there," Stephanie said.

We got in our cars, Stephanie and Rita driving respectively, and we were off to Ashley's. I had a feeling in my stomach, that and Rita's non-stop smiling since we got in the car that she had something tricky, no wrong word, more like sneaky up her sleeve.

"So you gonna tell me what's rattling around in your head?" I asked.

"Nope. All I'm gonna say is that we're getting even today."

"That could be a number of things, you gotta get more specific than that."

"If I get any more specific It'd be the same as telling you."

"Then just tell me. You gonna record her doing something aren't you?"

"I'm not telling, you'll just have to wait and see. It'll be worth it I promise."

"I don't have a good feeling about this."

"You should, I have a GREAT feeling about this," she said as she emphasized the word great.

"This is one of the only times where I can't tell what you're thinking."

"Yeah I know. It doesn't hurt to have at least one boundary between us, a little small one."

"Yeah yeah, I just hope your "boundary" doesn't get us into trouble tonight."

She didn't say anything, she just kept smiling and kept driving. I stopped trying to figure out what she was planning and decided to wait and let it play out however it was gonna happen, I was at least glad she was gonna wait until Stephanie and Chris weren't there, but what about Becky, Carina, and Dana, were they part of her little ploy too? It probably has something to do with Ashley saying something about secrets or something like that...nope, not trying to figure it out, I'm gonna do what I said and let it play out as it happens.

We pulled up to Ashley's a little before three and saw three other cars in her driveway, either the other girls were there or she was having another parry we didn't know about, if it was the latter we weren't even gonna set foot in the house. We walked up and rang the doorbell and Ashley answered the door wearing a white belly shirt and pink boy shorts and had her red hair done up in pigtails, I had to admit she did look pretty good, I mean for being Ashley and all.

"Hey everybody, glad you made it," Ashley said as she opened the door and let us in. "I got everything set up in the living room since that's where we'll be most of the day."

Becky, Carina, and Dana met us after we came in and said hi, all pretty much dressed the same way as Ashley but they didn't have the pigtails.

"Hey Randy. Look, we heard what happened, and we wanna apologize," Dana said.

"For what?" I responded.

"For helping Ashley set you up. She told us what you did at the ice cream place, and now we feel like shit. We're all sorry," she said as she held out her arms for a hug, which a accepted.

"I'm sorry and, and you guys too," Carina said as she followed suit with a hug.

"I'm sorry too. It was mostly them, not me though," Becky whispered in my ear.

It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot to see them put the effort in and actually apologize, even Chris with all his skepticism seemed impressed. We walked through to the living room where just like last time, she had a fat ass spread of food laid out on two tables. Everything from candy, cupcakes, chocolate, all kinds of chips, ice cream, donuts, and she finished it off with some healthy finger-sized deli sandwiches. On the other table she had a bunch of pop, all kinds of different flavor drinks, beer, and liquor. I told myself I'd steer clear of the liquor, if anything I'd drink a few sips of beer and that's it. We were so caught up in the food we almost missed the two TV's she had next to each other.

"Why do we need two TV's?" I asked before my eyes shot to probably the greatest video game system ever created. "Is that a Nintendo 64 you got hooked up to both TV's?"

"Yep, and I got all the best games on it too," Ashley replied.

"Different people have their versions on what the best games are," Chris said.

"Well I actually do have all the best games. Super Smash Brothers, Mario Party 2, Mario Kart, Mortal Kombat 4, Perfect Dark, Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Snap, Goldeneye..."

"Stop, you have Goldeneye, the best shooter on N64, and you know how to play it?" I asked.

"If you don't believe me we can play that first. It's on both TV's so everybody can play."

"Why do we always have to play that? You know we suck at that," Becky complained.

"How do you suck? You just run around and shoot, but with precision," Chris said.

"We should mix it up, Randy, me, Stephanie, and Dana on this TV, and Chris, Rita Becky and Carina on that TV, each team had a girl, a boy, and a girl that sucks."

"She's talking about the game Becky don't get too excited," Dana laughed.

"Ha-ha, you double d dummy, I'm killing you every time."

"We're on different TV's dummy, and you wish you had these tits," Dana gloated.

"First one to twenty-five kills wins, and if you I GOT ODDJOB!" Rita snuck in.

"What does the winner get?" Stephanie asked.

"A get out of jail free card for later. You're gonna want as many as possible."

"You might as well give that to me now, I can't be beat at this," Chris said.

"That remains to be seen, I play video games too, just not like I used to," Ashley said.

"Yeah well when you lose I don't wanna hear I haven't played in a long time."

"I actually haven't played in a long time so I have a legit excuse," Carina said.

"That just makes you the first loser. I know who I'm going after."

"If I get even one kill on you I'm not gonna let you live it down."

"Yeah good luck with that Carina, Becky probably has a better chance of getting a kill.

After fighting over characters we finally got set up and started the games at the same time. In the first three minutes I killed Dana four times, but Ashley caught me twice. She actually did know what she was doing, she was flying through the map like it was easy for her. We picked the stage with the hole in the floor and she fell through and headshot me, and that started a personal war between us. Stephanie was doing ok, but she was a few kills behind us, and Dana wasn't even close. By the yelling at the other TV I could tell Chris was winning, but I knew Rita was right behind him, she was just as good at video games as I was, if not better.

"Boom! Headshot! Where's all that talking at now Chris!" Rita yelled.

"Don't worry I got twelve kills, we still got a lot of game left to play."

"Well you better hurry up, I'm already on fifteen kills," Ashley said.

"Yeah and I'm on sixteen, looks like you're third best buddy," I said.

"Fourth best, I got fourteen, and about to get number! Headshot!" Rita yelled.

"Stop shooting me in the head!" Becky whined.

"Then stop running to the same area every time you respawn!"

"I don't know how to play this! Put in Super Smash Brothers!"

When we're done with this we can play that, but I gotta win first."

I came down to the wire. Everyone good had twenty three or twenty four kills, me with the latter. I was trying for an easy win by looking for Dana, but I couldn't find her to save my life. I jumped in the hole and saw her turn the corner, and I took off after her. I finally caught up to her, but to my complete and utter shock, she was waiting for me with an automatic. Before I could do anything blood was trickling down my screen as my win was taken away, by Dana.

"What! Nooooo! When does that ever happen!" I complained.

"Haha headshot! Damn Randy you got killed by a rookie," Dana gloated.

"That wasn't even a headshot, I got shot everywhere but in the head!"

"A kill is a kill. Now I know why you say that it's..." Dana said before she was interrupted by blood trickling down her screen, signaling she'd been killed right after me.

"And that's number twenty-five, and with a headshot! That's how it's done," Ashley said.

"Fuck I just got kill twenty-five! That's some bullshit!" Chris whined.

"Not fast enough! You all just lost to a girl in Goldeneye on N64, how does that make you feel?"

"You know how to legitimately play so not bad at all," I said.

"There, somebody won, can we play Super Smash Brothers now?" Becky Asked.

"Boom! Killed you Chris! now I'm never gonna leave you alone!" Carina yelled.

"We stopped playing! That doesn't count!"

"No you were still running around and shooting. I killed you, blood trickled, you die, I win."

"Let's play something else before chairs start getting thrown," I said.

We put in Super Smash like Becky wanted and did a free for all for five minutes. To everyone's surprise she was actually good. She picked Kirby and kept stealing everyone's powers from what I saw. On my screen I had Mario and just kept using the hammer and the insta kill home run bat on everyone. At the end of the first game I won easily and Rita and Becky tied on the other screen, Chris came in last and they wouldn't let him forget it. We played two more times on five minutes, grabbing food off the table in between matches, on my screen I won the second and Dana and Ashley tied on the last, and on the other TV Stephanie won the second and Becky won the third, Chris didn't win any.

"Wow Chris you really suck at Super Smash," Carina gloated.

"They kept getting all the good items, I got a fan and a damn bob-omb!"

"You always suck at it, you never could beat me at home," Stephanie said.

"Ha! Trying to cover up for your short comings, not gonna fly here," Ashley said.

"Put one of the other games in, we'll see who comes up short!"

"You know they're only messing with you because you're getting so serious," I said to Chris.

"I know, but now they started something, I can't punk out now."

We played all of the games she had out, well all the multiplayer ones at least. Chris whooped everyone's ass in Mario Kart, Rita and Carina were the best at Diddy Kong Racing, I won the most matches in Mortal Kombat 4, Dana had the best score in Pokemon Snap, Ashley was the best in Pokemon Stadium, beating Rita at the end, but Chris won the mini games challenge, and Stephanie beat everybody on her TV in Mario Party, and I edged out Ashley on my TV. In the end, everybody won at something, and I could honestly say we were having a lot of fun.

"Ok that's enough games for now, I need some actual food, I'm starving!" Dana said.

"Everybody cool with Mikey's Pizza? Supreme? Meat Lovers?" Ashley asked.

"MEAT LOVERS!" Rita, Stephanie, Chris and I all said in unison.

"Ok, meat lovers, don't take my head off! I'm assuming we all want supreme," Dana said looking at the other three girls and they all nodded in agreement. "While she's ordering the pizza can you and Chris do me a huge favor and please please please take the other TV back down to the basement, Pretty please?" Ashley asked me.

"I guess, but if we break it we're not liable," I said and Chris agreed.

"Thanks, you'll be able to see where it goes when you get downstairs."

We took everything off the stand and unplugged the TV, it looked to be about a 70", but since it was a flat screen it was basically not heavy at all, the stand either.

"So do you normally have an extra TV lying around for when you have company?" Rita asked.

"We brought it up from the lounge area in the basement, we almost dropped it three times just bringing it up the stairs, I won't say any names...Carina."

"Ok well next time you can hold all the weight on your end, heavy ass TV..."

We laughed as Ashley pointed us to the basement and took the stand down. If she was talking about the big empty space with all the speakers surrounding it then we found the spot. We went back up to get the TV and they were still having a mini argument, and Rita and Stephanie just sat back and ate while they enjoyed the show. We got back to the basement and sat the TV on the stand, still just barely able to heat them still going at it.

"So how do you think it's going so far?" I asked.

"I'll admit, it's fun, but I won't be completely sold until she answers my questions."

"What do you have, some kind of built in lie detector or something?"

"I guess you can say that, I'm almost never wrong."

"Then how come you didn't pick up on her before?"

"She didn't lie before, she just tricked us, there's a slight difference."

"Yeah, well I do think this time is different, so don't hold back on any questions, no matter how much like crap it makes her feel, she needs to be reminded one more time what she was like."

"Oh don't worry about that, I'm not sugarcoating anything. Feelings are getting hurt today!"

We went back upstairs and they were STILL arguing about the stand. I mean really, who cares at this point. Rita and Stephanie were still sitting there laughing at them swinging their arms and getting all in each other's faces and whatnot, not even bothering to stop it.

"HEY! It's a stand! It didn't get dropped so there's nothing to argue about!" I said.

"They're trying to put it all on me like I..." Carina started.

"Stop! You know what, it's everybody's fault! It you knew it was heavy you should've waited until Chris and I got here and Carina shouldn't have been at the bottom by herself."

"But she..."

"A-aaa-aaa-pffffffft," I screamed blowing a raspberry. "It's didn't get broken, it's over with."

"Look at you, you get shot now you're telling everybody what to do," Becky laughed.

"Damn right. So what are we doing now, watching a movie?"

"We could yeah, I have a ton but you guys probably won't wanna watch half the ones I have, so we can pick between Terminator 2, Spiderman, Sin City, That movie with Cher in it, Swordfish, Crash, and a bunch of other movies I don't feel like naming," Ashley said.

"I like Sin City, that one lady gets naked in it," Chris said.

"Perv, and she doesn't get all the way naked, just topless. What about Swordfish, Halle Berry shows her tits in that movie," Stephanie said.

"Yeah but they're not as big as the other lady, plus there's multiple tit shots, and Jessica Alba."

"Who else wants to perv out with Chris and watch Sin City?" Ashley asked.

"I like it, plus like he said Jessica Alba's in it," Rita said.

"I'll go with the majority, which is looking like Sin City," I said.

"Well I guess we'll be watching titties while we eat pizza, speaking of, where is the pizza? How long ago did you order it Dana?" Ashley asked.

"About a half an hour ago, it should be here any second."

They went to the other side of the room and grabbed four big blankets and pushed the two couches together. Each couch could fit four people on it easily, and it was only natural that the four of us shared a couch for obvious reasons, and we were sharing the same pizza. We'd finished setting up the now movie area and the doorbell rang.

"That's the pizza guy, give me the money," Dana said as Ashley gave her almost exactly enough for how much the pizza cost. "What about the tip?"

"Why don't you pay the tip, or you can improvise," Ashley smiled.

"I already know what you're thinking, I'm not flashing the delivery guy!"

"Why not, scared? I bet Becky would do it."

"He's not gonna care about her tits once he saw mine!"

"Oh so you do wanna do it? Just go ahead! It'll be fun seeing his face light up."

She thought for a second, then looked as if she had an idea. "Ok, if I do it, you owe me a favor, and I get one of your get out of jail free cards, either that, or I don't do it."

"Mmmm ok, but nothing too crazy, and you gotta show all tits, none of that half shit either."

Dana grinned back and went to the door to get the pizza, and we were all right behind her leaning up against the wall peeking around the corner, waiting to see what she did.

"Ok two large meat lovers, two large supreme, that'll be $37.50 please," the delivery guy said.

She took the pizza and set it down on the table by the door. "Here's $38.00, what do you think would be a decent tip?"

"Ummm, cash is always nice, I guess 10% would be pretty decent."

"Nothing else? You sure you'd rather have the cash?" she said as she pushed her tits together.

He couldn't help but stare at her tits, they were practically looking back at them. "I mean, if you had another way to, uh, tip, then I guess I could go with that, uh, tip."

"Umm I don't know what you just said, but I'll take that as a yes."

"She's not gonna do it," Ashley whispered.

Poor kid, he looked so nervous, like this was his first time talking to a girl. I can relate to how he felt. In one quick motion Dana grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up, letting her tits fall out from underneath.

"Ok, she did it! Wow, I didn't think she'd actually go through with it!"

We could only see side boob from where we were at, but the guy was directly in front her her, and he had a full on view. His eyes opened wide and his mouth dropped as he took in the sight of her tits looking back at them; all he could do was stand there and look at them, mesmerized by the sight before him. We were all giggling around the corner but Dana ignored us, now having fun with the guy.

"They're pretty nice huh? You wanna touch em?"

He struggled to get out anything decent, so she took that as a yes and grabbed his hand and put it on her tit for him. He just about had a heart attack.

"Mmmmm that feels nice," Dana moaned. "You can touch the other one too."

He panicked. "Ummm thank you have a nice day," he said as he took off towards his car.

She closed the door and pulled her shirt down as we all fell out from around the corner laughing. She picked up the pizza and skipped over to us.

"You little slut, we didn't say anything about letting him touch you," Ashley said.

"I know, I improvised that part. He looked like he never even seen a woman before."

"You just made his month, he's probably putting that on Facebook as we speak," Chris said.

"He probably is, now every time this house calls for a delivery he's gonna make sure he's the one that comes out, I bet you," Ashley said.

"I should've did that before I paid him, probably could've gotten the pizza free."

"Spoken like a true slut, anything for free food," Becky laughed.

"Don't worry Becky he can see your little baby tits next time."

"You guys take more shots at each other than Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey!" Chris said.

"Yeah it's kinda our thing, it wouldn't feel right if we didn't," Dana said.

"Well you never have to feel that way with us, we like compliments," Stephanie said.

"Yeah like nice hair, I like that top, your ass looks real good in those jeans..." Rita followed.

"I tell you what, we'll baby step it, talking about horseface over there won't go away overnight. It's gonna take a lot of willpower," Becky laughed as Dana threw a throwpillow at her.

"Well at least they're trying. Turn the movie on, I'm starving," I said.

Ashley hit play on the movie and did like a big sleepover thing with all the pizza laid out in front as we all took a spot on the couches. We weren't fifteen minutes into the movie before the four of us had already eaten two slices of pizza each going for the third while they were still working on their first, particularly Becky who was eating her pizza with a fork.
