Animalkind: Cobra


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"And what do you feel now? You seem to be entirely woman now."

"Actually, I am a hermaphrodite. I have both sets of sexual organs. However, my male organs are hidden inside my body, so everyone think I am a woman. By the way, genetically speaking, I am a full woman now. As regards my life as a changed woman, I love it! I am fully satisfied now and I have two wives that love me too."

"My wife is a cow, literally, and has these horns on her head. Lately, she is changing some more, but it isn't something that is showing yet."

"Well, you seem to be going in the same path as your wife. You two will be the same when you finish your changes."

Carlos returned at that moment and they changed the subject. Marcus only asked to Olav not to reveal he had been a man to Carlos, so he wouldn't be self-conscious. Actually, Marcus wanted to keep the influence he had over Carlos. He handed the spreadsheets to Olav and he checked the numbers.

"Well, Miss Claire, we can reach a maximum discount of twenty percent, if you pay for the two cars today."

"Will both of them be adapted to be driven with the hands?"

"Yes, they will. I will ask my employees to install the kits as soon as we have a deal. You can go back to your house on one of them just after lunch."

"Will Carlos receive his commission on those sales?"

"Of course! Even with the discount, he will have his commission."

"Good. Then we have a deal! I will transfer the money as soon as we prepare the paperwork."

Quickly Olav provided the paperwork and used Marcus real name on them. While they were arranging everything, Marcus transferred the money to them and noticed that he still had a good amount on his account. The he went to Claudia, to dismiss her.

"Claudia, I already made a deal and will go back home driving. If you want to go, feel free to do it."

"And how was the negotiation?"

"I was a little scared at the end, when the manager tried to harass me!"

"I knew it! I knew he was a womanizer! I know his wife. She is adorable! Did he do something to you?"

"He just tried. I showed him my fangs and he almost pissed on his pants. Then he behaved better."

"That's good. What car did you bought? I saw you looking at two cars, a small one and that monstrosity of motor home."

"I bought both of them. I will go home in the motor home and tomorrow I will come back here with Sandra or Mandy to take the other. They gave me a good discount. The salesman was willing to do whatever I asked him."

"Doesn't he know that you were a man?"

"He has no idea. I told Olav that I was a man and put him on his place, but Carlos wasn't with us in this moment. I told Olav that I felt self-conscious about saying my real name and he understood. Actually, I like being well treated and Carlos was doing well."

"You really jumped heads first on the female role!"

"If I have a body like this, I have to enjoy while I can."

"Ok. I will go back to the company now. Mandy called me some time ago and I told her that I was watching your back while you were there."

"Did you tell her my plans?"

"Not the details. I only said that I knew the manager and that I would keep an eye on you."

"Thanks! I will tell them the entire story later."

They said goodbye to each other and Marcus returned to the dealer. After confirming through text messages that Mandy and Sandra wouldn't be at home at that hour, he decided to lunch near the car dealer.

"Carlos. Is there a good place to lunch around here?"

"There is a small restaurant in the next block. Its food is very good and it is my lunchtime too, so, do you want some company?"


They walked to the restaurant and went to a table where Marcus could coil.

"Claire, I want to thank you for intervening about my commission."

"You are welcome. I was searching for a good deal, but I would never take advantage on someone to get a higher discount."

"You had not answered my question. Do you have a boyfriend? Would you like to have a date with me?"

"I don't want to cut you short, but I can't."

At that moment, the waiter brought them the menu and the one Marcus received had no price on the food.

"Sir, we are not together, we are having separated tabs."

The waiter excused and changed the menu.

"At least you could let me pay the lunch for you!" Carlos said.

"I don't think so. Do you know how much a snake my size can eat?"

"I have no idea."

Marcus called the waiter and ordered eight full meals from the menu, where all of them were meat. Carlos was startled to see how much he was going to eat and ordered something simple to him.

"I thought a woman did not eat a lot!" Carlos said after the waiter was gone.

"Well, I am not eating a lot, not for my body size. I can eat two hundred pound of food now."

"Wow! How can you afford that amount of food?"

"I sell my poison."

Marcus opened his mouth and unfolded his fangs to show him.

"Are you poisonous? Wow! I never had seen one before!"

"Yes, I am a lot poisonous now! My venom is pure and just one drop can kill some horses."

"And how do you do to hurt no one?"

"I don't bite them. In addition, I use these protections. I am not wild and I have total control over what I do."

"That's good."

"And you? There aren't so many men around here who doesn't show any sign of changing these days."

"Well, I live alone and spend all my free time in my house. I think this virus is still deciding what to do to me."

"So, why don't you get closer to someone whose changes are attractive to you? This may give you a choice in this matter. You only have to choose wisely because there is no way back."

"I don't know how to decide. I have an aunt that is a spotted jaguar and I think her changes are beautiful. I think I have to talk to her, but I am not certain."

"All I have to tell you is that you have to choose quickly, or your virus will decide for you. You have to check if her body is attractive to you because it is highly probable that you end up a lot like her."

"I will think about it. Unfortunately, besides you being so beautiful, I would not like to lose my legs."

"I love the life I have now. However, I have to confess you a little lie I told you earlier today. I think it is time now to clarify everything."

At that moment, their food arrived and Marcus gave full attention into eating. He was hungry and quickly ate everything he had ordered. After eating all food, his belly was a little wider than normal, but it wasn't huge.

"Wow! You ate so fast! I barely had time to eat my food and you ate everything!"

"I can't chew my food anymore so I have to swallow everything whole. In addition, I can swallow much larger food than the ones I ate. At least now I am satisfied."

"What were you talking about lying to me?"

"Well, there is something I didn't tell you and that makes me so self-conscious. Actually, I don't correct anyone when called miss or madam anymore. I already passed the second phase change."

"Had you passed the second phase? How was that? How you were before?"

"I was like you, a man. My name is Marcus."

"What? You have to be kidding! You have nothing of a man on you."

"Yes, I have. It is hidden inside my body. However, I also have everything a woman has."

"Wow. Nevertheless, if that's the case, why are you wearing makeup and why were you so feminine while we talked?"

"If everyone expects me to be female, why not behave like one in public? Yesterday I went to a beauty parlor and loved the time I spent there. While I was being pampered, I felt light in my body. Therefore, when I left home today to buy a car, I decided to wear makeup and to behave like my body demands."

"I wouldn't have this courage!"

"I didn't have too. Now, after some firsthand experience, I don't care if someone treats me as a woman. The other snakes that live with me are actually my wives, which are as I see them now."

"That's cool! However, I think I am due to visit my aunt. I will talk to her and spend some days there."

"I hope you get the change you want."

They continued to talk some more and then Marcus paid for their lunch. Marcus explained Carlos that he had to apologize some because he had lied to him. When they returned to the dealer, both cars were ready. Marcus went straight to the motor home and made himself comfortable. Carlos explained how the controls worked and then Marcus drove back home. While driving, Marcus quickly got used to the manual controls and the size of the vehicle. He stopped at home and found out that nobody was there yet. Marcus texted they and they returned that they would return before nightfall.

Marcus thought that the house needed some cleaning and decided to do it. He spent two hours cleaning the house and was amazed that his new body was so flexible and strong. He wasn't tired after that and he wasn't used to do so much work without being tired to death.

After cleaning the house, Marcus went to the backyard and, while under the sun, decided to test his body. He coiled himself and started to raise his body from the ground up to fifteen feet. He was scared to try to go higher and stopped, seeing that he could climb in their house roof if he wanted. He coiled back down and prepared to hold his breath. After calming down a little, he held his breath and took note of the time. Half an hour later, he started to feel a little uncomfortable but still managed to get to the mark of forty-five minutes before breathing again. He thought that if his body was colder he could spend a lot more time holding his breath.

It was already late afternoon and then he went inside the house. He quickly drained his fangs and proceeded to start dinner. Just after he started, Sandra came back.

"Hello! I am back! Wow! What is that makeup? What is that monster car parked outside?"

"That's our new motor home! In addition, I put some makeup so I could have advantage at the negotiations. I got a good price on them."

"Them? Did you buy another car?"

"Yes, I did. I bought that one outside so we can get out together and I bought a smaller one, if we wanted to go somewhere alone. In addition, yes, I did all negotiations as a woman; I was trying to feel what a woman feels in these situations."

"That's many changes to a single day. Tell me first what happened."

Marcus told Sandra what happened, including the harassment.

"What a bastard!" Sandra was mad.

"He learned his place at the end. I only continued to buy the cars there because I liked how Carlos was treating me."

"Are you already throwing yourself on a man? Are you sure that it is all right to you?"

"Actually, I liked the attention he was giving me. This is so different!"

"That's true! I like to have this kind of attention too."

"I did some tests when I came back. Did you know that we could hold our breaths for forty-five minutes?"

"Wow! That's a lot of time!"

"And my body was warm when I tried. I think that if it was colder, I could hold my breath for a much longer time."

"That's cool. I noticed that the house is clean. Did you clean it?"

"Yes, I did. I thought it needed some cleaning when I arrived. I did it quickly."

"Is this some sign of further changes on your behavior? You went too fast in the feminine mode."

"If that's the case, I don't want to be normal again. I have so much more energy now that I have to use it to do something. I feel good when I can do that kind of thing."

"Aren't you going to feel attracted by men now, are you?"

Marcus went to her and gave her a passionate kiss while his hands hovered on her body.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"Nice! Now you ruined your makeup."

Marcus went to the bathroom and removed his makeup. After that, he applied a lipstick on his lips and returned to the kitchen.

"Sandra, how was your day? Did you found someplace where we could buy our new home?"

"I found a good place for us. However, we will have to buy four houses in a block to build ours."

"Four houses? What kind of house are you planning to build?"

"I saw an entire block for sale. I visited each house and none of them had what we wanted. However, if we buy the four houses, we can build ours and still have enough space left to a good backyard."

"And how much will those houses cost to us?"

"Around three times the value of our house."

"Three times? We will have to sell a lot of venom just to buy them!"

"Yes, we will, but I think you two will like it. In addition, we can press the realtor to lower the price. After all, we will buy four houses. We can go there tomorrow morning."

"Ok. We go there just after we pick up my other car at the dealer."

Mandy arrived some time later and they told her about their day.

"Wow, Marcus! I never thought you would pass as a woman so soon! However, I liked the car you bought, although I would buy a lighter color, like in yellow." Mandy said.

"And I would buy it on brown." Sandra said.

"Are we developing preferences over our colors? I love the red color now."

"And how about the pink color?" Mandy asked.

"It is a good color too. I like it but not as much as the red." Marcus answered.

"Great! We had some kind of brainwash. Our preferences are changing too!" Sandra said.

"Maybe they are changing so we can adapt quickly to our new situation." Marcus said. "Sandra, how many times did you thought about lesbian sex before changing?"

"I didn't. I was as straight as straight person could be. Now I want to have sex with both of you, and want to lick a pussy as much as I want a dick inside me."

"That's the point. That's the adaptation process." Marcus explained. "But I don't feel like I am another person. It's just that I am far more used to my body now than I should be. Let's hope that this is all."

"If we think we are changing more, we can call Alice and schedule a new appointment." Mandy said. "But let's talk about something good. It will be easy for you to buy a share of my company. Soon we will sign the documents and we will be tied together."

"At least on the company." Sandra said.

They all hugged and kissed each other. They started to rub their bodies and to caress their breast. In no time, they were all at the bedroom, naked and entangled onto each other. They took turns into penetrating their partners, into licking and sucking dicks and into kissing, moaning and hissing. They came several times for a few hours and then slept still entangled. Sandra and Mandy slept on Marcus chest.

Thursday, 08h

They woke up at the same time, still entangled and smelling their previous night smells. When they realized, they were all with their hard cocks and ready to have sex again. They resumed their last night session of sex and quickly they were hissing and moaning loudly again. After that, they stayed laid down feeling their bodies and shivering in pleasure from time to time. When they had the strength to get up, Marcus went to the kitchen while Sandra was at the shower and Mandy was cleaning their mess. Marcus took the opportunity to drain his fangs.

Just after he finished it, Mandy came into the kitchen with their bed sheets and slithered to the laundry, where she put everything into the washing machine. When she came back inside, she put her venom on the machine and then kissed Marcus.

"Tasting good!" Marcus said.

"I love to kiss you!"

"I love too, but we have to stop here or we would never get out and see the houses that Sandra visited last night."

"Ok, but later we will play sssome more! Hsss!"

"Don't do that! Do you learn how to excite me?"

"That's easy! I saw how you were when we hissed! I like to hiss to you! Hsss!"

"Go to the shower! Later we can play."

Mandy went to take her shower while Marcus prepared their breakfast. At that moment, Sandra came to the kitchen.

"Have you said to Mandy that I like your hissing?"

"Yesss!" She said putting her tongue out.

"I won't survive you two!"

Marcus kissed Sandra and went to take a shower. He quickly did it and returned to the kitchen, where Mandy was finishing putting the dishes on the table. They ate some eggs each and went to their room to get ready to go out.

Marcus quickly put on a bra and dress and went to the bathroom to put the makeup. Mandy and Sandra looked at each other and shrugged.

"Marcus, isn't your behavior too feminine?" Sandra asked, concerned. "You are making no effort to do feminine tasks, like putting a bra or applying makeup."

"Not at all. Actually, I have to think a lot on how to do everything I am doing. It is hard to me to put a bra and even harder to put on makeup, but I do feel good after all that sex and I want to be pretty."

"Then we are not staying behind you." Mandy said.

"Yes, we can't let a newbie into being a woman be prettier than me." Sandra said. "It would be a shame!"

They finished getting ready and went to their motor home. Marcus drove it while Sandra went on the passenger seat. Mandy seated just behind him. Then they spread their bodies throughout the vehicle and went to the houses Sandra had seen. Sandra had called the realtor and scheduled to meet there.

They quickly got to the houses and were amazed. The four houses were at a hill and all of them seemed to receive a lot of sunshine. The houses also occupied the entire block and had streets surrounding its four sides.

"I can imagine a house on the top of the hill." Marcus said.

"Exactly what I thought!" Sandra said.

"We can see the entire neighborhood from there!" Mandy said.

"After I saw these houses, I didn't even look at other options." Sandra continued. "I was entranced by the view."

"The only problem is how to pay for these houses. You said their value is three times our house." Marcus said.

"That's no problem at all." Mandy said. "I think I can arrange to buy the houses."

"Would you do that for us?" Marcus said.

"Of course! We are a family and I want to live in a good place, where I can feel free. This place is perfect."

"We will sell our house and our other cars to help too." Sandra said.

"Yes, I agree." Marcus said.

"Let's meet the realtor. She is here." Sandra said.

They met Louise, an ostrich hybrid. After two hours visiting the four houses, they loved the houses and were anxious to make a deal.

"Louise, how about we talk about some values." Mandy said.

"Of course! Which house are you buying?"

"All of them. We will demolish the four houses and build ours."

"All houses! Wow! Ok. Calm down, Louise!"

Louise was almost too happy. She said the price for the houses and Mandy asked for a discount because they were buying all the houses. Mandy was good at bargaining and soon they had a good price. Mandy then asked her to prepare the papers because they would demolish them as soon as possible. Louise promised them that they would have their houses in less than a week.

While driving back home, they stopped at the mall to lunch. When they were lunching, they were frequently interrupted to take pictures with children and their parents. After lunch, they went to the car dealer to get their second car. As soon as they parked outside, Carlos went to meet them.

"Hello! Wow! You said that you were three snakes, but I never thought that they were as beautiful as you were!"

"Thank you, Carlos. These are my wives, Sandra and Mandy."

"It is nice to meet you, Carlos!" Mandy said.

"It's nice to meet you too!" Sandra said.

They waited for Carlos to get the car. As soon as they saw it, they started complaining about the color.

"Well, I told you that I am fond of the red color now." Marcus said. "And you asked me to buy a car to us. Which color should I choose?"

"The car is nice." Mandy said. "But it doesn't match my scales. I want another car, but yellow!"

"If that's the case, I want a brown one!" Sandra said.
