Animalkind: Cobra


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"Wow! Do you want two more cars?" Carlos was flabbergasted.

"It seems that they don't like red." Marcus said.

"We will provide them to you. Unfortunately, we don't have those colors on stock, but we can get it quickly. Do you want the cars as complete as Claire's does?"

"Of course!" Sandra said. "Nobody is going to have a better car than the other does."

"I will check the stock and the time when we can deliver them."

Carlos went to the computer to verify and left them talking. Marcus's face was as red as his scales.

"Claire? Are your name Claire now?" Sandra asked.

"I told him to call me Claire when I arrived here yesterday. After I told him that my name was Marcus, he told me that I don't resemble a Marcus and that he would continue to call me Claire."

"I think the name is cool!" Mandy said. "I like it. Do you want to change it officially?"

"No, I don't. I can use it as a nickname. It would be a pain to change my records."

"Ok then." Sandra said. "We will call you Claire when we are in the outside, but I will use your real name in our home."

"Why is that?" Marcus asked. "If you don't like it, you know you can call me Marcus all the time."

"It's not that." Sandra said. "I fear this virus is changing you too much! Even I feel like I am different now. I never liked to use makeup and to pamper myself, but now I can't avoid it. I love my new body and yours and I have no problem to share you two. I think this virus is making us comfortable as we are now."

"I hope so." Marcus said. "I am feeling good with my changes."

Carlos returned and told them that it would take four days to get their new cars and scheduled the delivery to next Monday. They paid for the cars and went back home. Sandra drove the motor home, with Mandy as passenger while Marcus drove his new car. When they arrived home, they drained their fangs on the machine and watched some TV together.

"Can we have some alcohol?" Sandra asked.

"I have no idea!" Marcus answered. "I don't know if snakes tolerate alcohol! I do know that some changed women do not tolerate human food, but we can eat it normally."

"I don't know either!" Mandy said. "But we can do some tests. How about we buy some wines and try them this night? I would be good to celebrate our new house."

"Why not?" Marcus and Sandra answered together.

They dressed themselves again and left slithering in the street. A store nearby had wines and cheeses. They bought some fine wine bottles and cheese. They quickly returned home, undressed again and started to celebrate.

"To our new home!" Marcus saluted.

"It will be a good and big home!" Sandra said.

"And will have a lot of space to us." Mandy said.

They drank the wine, feeling a lot more flavor than ever. Their enhanced smell sense gave them a new taste on wines. They loved the flavor but after some bottles, they started to feel the effects.

"I think I am drunk!" Sandra said.

"Me too!" Marcus said. "But it is good drunk. I am not going to be sick because of this."

"Yes, I can feel that too." Mandy said. "I want someone sucking me now."

Marcus started to caress his own body sensually, swaying his hips and looking at them with lust in his eyes. Sandra and Mandy got aroused quickly and their cocks started to grow and harden. They responded by caressing his body. Marcus started to play with Mandy's breasts and gave her a passionate kiss on her lips. Sandra joined them and gave Mandy a kiss too. Marcus started to play with Sandra's breasts. They were in a good mood and were smiling and laughing.

They went to bedroom and were lost in lust. Mandy was licking Marcus dick while entering Sandra's vagina at the same time. Sandra and Marcus were playing with each other breasts. Some minutes later they came together and then changed positions. They were having a highly passionate sex, slower than ever, and were enjoying each minute a lot. That night they came together several times until they were spent. They slept still entangled and covered in cum.

Friday, 09h

As always, Marcus woke up before Sandra and Mandy. He woke up slowly and was feeling good that morning. He felt the smell from their night of sex and started to get aroused. Slowly he moved the tip of his tail and snaked it up his body until it was in front of his pussy. His cock was already hardening and he was hornier by the second. He put the tip of his tail inside his pussy and started caressing his own breasts. Then he turned slightly to the side, sucked, and licked Sandra's nipples. His cock was already fully erect and his pussy was sending smells that started to arouse the others.

Sandra was waking up already aroused. Her dick was growing and she started to moan slightly. At the same time, Mandy moved and Sandra attacked her pussy. She started to suck her pussy while her cock was growing inside her mouth. A few seconds later, Marcus was still using his tail inside himself when he came. He needed to have a cock inside his pussy. Then he positioned his body so he could enter Sandra and Sandra could enter him at the same time. They impaled each other and their eyes went wide with the sensations. They were massaging each other's cock with their pussies and that felt marvelous. Marcus and Sandra were moaning loudly and had a huge orgasm a little later.

Marcus turned and kissed Mandy, who was now wide-awake, and Sandra was licking her pussy. As soon as she came, Sandra turned around and did the same penetrate/be penetrated thing to her. They quickly had another orgasm while hissing and moaning. After that, Marcus and Mandy did the same and was breathless when both came again. They remained laid down to recover their strength.

"Marcusssss! What a wonderful thing to do! Hssss!" Sandra said. "I thought I wasss going to passss out when I came!"

"I thought that too! Hsss!" Marcus said. "The feelingsss were ssso intenssse that I couldn't believe I wasss feeling that! Hsss!"

"I thought you two were going to kill me! Hsss!" Mandy said. "I woke up feeling a good sssmell and the next thing I remember I wasss feeling ssso much pleasssure that I almossst passsssed out too."

"We need to do that more often! Hsss!" Marcus said. "I loved it! Hsss!"

They rose from their nest still hissing and happy. One by one, they showered and drained their venoms in the machine. Mandy took care of the sheets while Marcus prepared their eggs. He heard something in the bedroom. When he arrived there, he found Sandra writhing in pleasure as she was laying her second egg.

"Wow! Did you already have eggs?"

"What do you think? Hssss! Sssso much pleassssure!"

When Mandy arrived at the bedroom, Sandra had laid five eggs and soon she laid the rest. She had laid twenty-two eggs on that batch.

"I hope I lay some eggs soon!" Mandy said. "I want to feel this kind of pleasure again."

"Me too!" Marcus said. "Now, we have enough eggs to several breakfasts."

Marcus and Mandy put Sandra's eggs on the fridge while she recovered some. Then the three of them ate their breakfasts and talked about what to do that day.

"I think we need to talk about our new house." Sandra said.

"We can call an architect to plan our house." Mandy said. "I know one we can call. She is pretty good at designing and I think she will do a great job."

Mandy called the architect, Elisabeth, and scheduled a meet at their house after lunch. She told Elisabeth to bring her husband too, who was an engineer, as they would need to build their house from scratch.

It was already late morning and they prepared together their lunch. Marcus seasoned the meet for all of them and Mandy and Sandra prepared some salad and put the dishes on the table. They quickly ate the meets and salads and waited for Elizabeth. She arrived on time and Mandy introduced them. She was a brunette horse hybrid and was clearly on second phase of the changes. Her abdomen was longer than normal and had two bumps emerging from it. That seemed that she would become some kind of centaur. Her legs were changing into a horse's hind legs and she was walking with some difficulty.

"I am impressed with you, Elisabeth!" Mandy said. "Are you changing into a centaur?"

"It seems so, Mandy. I have these bumps that I think are changing into my new horse legs and my horse half is bigger. It has been difficult to balance myself since my knees bent to the wrong side, but I can't afford stop working right now to wait for my changes."

"Where is your husband? I thought he was coming too."

"He is coming later. He is a little self-conscious lately since he started to change."

"I think he would like to come. We have an expert on second phase changes here. But first, let me introduce your other clients. This is Sandra, my new wife."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Elisabeth." Sandra said. "Mandy talked a lot about your talents."

"I hope I can do a good job to you. Mandy, you said she is you wife?"

"Yes, and this is my husband and our expert on second phase changes, Marcus."

Elisabeth looked at him in disbelief.

"Nice to meet you, Elisabeth." Marcus said. "But Mandy should have introduced us as her wives."

"Are you a man?"

"Well, I was. I am one of the first men to finish the changes." Marcus said.

"Unbelievable! Are the three of you living together?" Elisabeth was curious.

"Yes, we are." Mandy said. "As Marcus said, we are each other's wives now."

"Incredible! I am in the middle of my changes and you three had already finished it!"

"We changed fast because we wanted to." Sandra said. "Even Marcus accelerated his changes by drinking a lot of energy drinks."

"Haven't you lost track of the changes? How did you get used with your new bodies?"

"It was easier than we thought." Sandra said. "My changes were the longest. Mandy and Marcus changes took about two to four days."

"That's awesome. I was trying to slow down my changes, but if you got used so fast, I think I can speed up them now. I need to talk to my husband!"

"Call him to come here. Let Marcus talk to him while we discuss what we need for our house."

Elisabeth called her husband and told him what she had just learned. After a quick conversation, she hung up.

"He is coming. He is curious too. But tell me, Marcus, are you accepting all these changes?"

"Well, I have no choice. Now I am far more comfortable than when I started changing. I was afraid at the beginning, but now I am used to being treated as a woman and don't care anymore. You can call me Claire, if you want. I am using this nickname now when I am in public."

"Wow! My husband won't believe it. However, I came here to talk about a new house for you. So, what are we talking about? Do you have the lot were we will build the house?"

"Yes, we have. We can take you there when your husband arrives. We bought four houses yesterday and we want to build our house over them."

"Wow. That's a big project. What do you want in your home?"

"For start, we need wide and open spaces." Sandra said. "We have forty feet bodies and we don't want a house where we can't move freely."

"We need a nest, where we can sleep together." Mandy said.

"We also need a huge bathroom, one where the three of us can use at the same time and that has a huge bathtub to us all with several showers looking like a waterfall." Marcus said.

"And our house must be heated! We need a heated floor and interior." Mandy said.

"And a place to our hobbies." Sandra said. "I need a library and a photo studio. I want to be an amateur photograph and independent moviemaker."

"We haven't talked about it." Marcus said. "But I want a car restoration workshop, a complete one with all tools imaginable."

"I won't be behind you two." Mandy said. "I want a craft workshop. I want to create pottery and paint some pictures too."

They continued to list their wishes and Elisabeth was noting them all. They asked for a warmed pool in the outside, a small covered area where they could make some barbecue, a lot of grass and some trees and a huge rock where they could sunbath every day.

"Wow! That's many wishes! However, I have some ideas that I think would fit perfectly! Now I need to see the place where you will build your house."

"Ok. Let's go there." Marcus said.

Elisabeth called her husband, which was almost there, and told him to meet them at their new address. Mandy called the realtor and asked for the keys. They arrived at the houses a few minutes later and met Robert, Elisabeth husband. They were all introduced and Robert went wide-eyed when Elisabeth told him that Marcus was a man before his changes.

Robert's changes were obvious by now. He already had a longer hair, his small breasts were already showing through his shirt and he walked slowly. His hips were big and his waist was thinner, giving him a woman silhouette. Marcus and Robert separated from the others to have a conversation about the changes.

"Marcus, it is hard to believe that you were a man." Robert said. "Even your mannerisms are womanly now."

"I know. My changes were too fast. However, if you feel uncomfortable calling me Marcus, you can call me Claire too. I am going by these two names now."

"You got used very fast. I don't know if that will happen to me too."

"I think it will. I was very self-conscious at the beginning. When I finished my changes, everything changed too. I thought that if I had to be in a female body, why not be a pretty one?"

"How were your changes? Can you describe them to me?"

"Of course! I was fat before the changes, which gave enough raw materials to the virus to speed up my changes. Add that to the amount of food I can swallow now plus the energy drinks we took to accelerate even more my changes. I was in my new body in just two days."

"Wow! I am doing the opposite of that. I was trying to slow down the process, so I am eating just for my survival. I am afraid that Elisabeth is doing the same because of me too."


"She fears that I would give up on her if she develops her dick. She already started to develop it anyway. Last morning I saw she had a small hard on. I can't believe my wife is going to be male!"

"No, she isn't going to be male neither you are going to be female. You both are going to be hermaphrodites. I was terrified when I saw Sandra's cock for the first time, but she exhales a strong aphrodisiac from her pussy and I couldn't control myself. Does Elisabeth exhale that too?"

"Not that way. I never had problems to get hard since I met her, two years ago. She already had changed at that time. I love her horsetail. Now I am getting one too."

"I know how hard this can be. However, you have to see the bright side of this."

"Is there one?"

"Oh, yes, there is a lot. In my case, I got in shape, can lift much more weight than before and raise my body several feet high with no effort."

"But you also don't have legs anymore and it seems that I am turning into a quadruped. This can't be considered a good thing."

"I don't know about you, but I like the way I am more flexible now. I can wrap my wives and we sleep entangled every night."

"It seems good, but I fear what I will become."

"Don't be afraid. As I said, I was a little afraid when I got these." Marcus lifted his breasts. "But there is another plus in all of this."

"What it would be?"

"Multiple orgasms."

"Does it exist?"

"If it exists? My wives and I have three or four of the big ones and several smaller when we have sex."

"Wow! Why do you have two wives?"

"Well, I was married to Sandra and she changed a few days ago, just before they arrested that scientist. When she finished, she registered on Mandy's company to sell her venom."

"Is she poisonous? Now I know why you bought four houses at once."

"Yes, we are all poisonous." Marcus opened his mouth and showed Robert his fangs. "Some time after she started selling her venom, Mandy wanted to meet us. She loved reptiles and wanted to be a snake too. We tried to force her changes and we got it, along with a new wife. When Mandy was changing, I also started to change."

"And you kept Mandy around?"

"Oh, yes! We found out snakes are not monogamous and that they build nests of several snakes. If there were a way, we would live with a bigger group. However, I don't think there are any more unchanged women in the world."

"That's good to you. In addition, you told me that I could call you Marcus or Claire. Why is that?"

"That's right. I am at peace with my body. I use makeup and like to wear nice clothes. Sandra does not like that much to call me Claire, but she isn't against it too. After they took me to a beauty parlor, I liked it so much that I stop caring about it."

They continued to talk while visiting all houses they bought. Marcus explained how they wanted their house and all the rooms they wanted. After some time they met again with Sandra, Mandy and Elisabeth. They saw that Robert was calmer and almost eager to change faster.

"I thought about a crazy idea to our nest." Mandy said.

"What was that?" Marcus asked.

"I think we can build it on the second floor, but with no stairs to reach it." Mandy explained.

"And it can have three doors to the living room, kitchen and bathroom." Sandra added.

"Good idea!" Marcus said. "The doors can be hidden from the view to keep it discreet."

"And the interior would be nice, with a big bird nest type of bed to the three of us." Mandy said.

"Does Elisabeth agree with this?" Marcus asked.

"It was her idea to do something like that." Sandra said.

"Ok. I agree then. I liked the idea. However, make the nest big enough to all of us to fit inside it." Marcus said.

They planned to build their house on top of the hill. Their nest would have windows that showed all the beautiful view they had there. It would be possible to see almost the entire the neighborhood. Down the hill, inside their lot, there will be a large backyard divided on three parts. Near the house would be a pool with a barbecue grill and a place with a large table and a small hoof. In the next session of their backyard would be a grassed field with a big rock where they could lay under the sun. Marcus's car workshop place would be on the lower part of their lot. It would be far from the house because of all the noise he would do while restoring his cars.

Inside their house, the entrance would lead the visitors into their living room. It would be huge and have two big doors, one of them leading to the kitchen and other to the bathroom. The kitchen would be ample and have a door at the back leading to a porch. This porch would have access to Mandy's crafting workshop, to Sandra's studio and to the backyard.

Back into the house, in the middle of the living room would be a door to their nest. Its place would be twelve feet high and would have no stairs to climb there. Inside this nest there would be a circular bed built on the floor with fifteen feet of diameter and three feet deep in the lowest part. Two other doors at the nest would lead to the bathroom and kitchen.

After that, they said their goodbyes, Elisabeth and Robert left promising to have the project in a week. Mandy, Sandra and Marcus went home. As soon as they arrived home, the three of them removed their clothes and started to prepare some dinner. They were all so excited. They were planning what to do when at their new home.

While they were eating, they heard in the news about a mysterious slaughter of the entire cattle from a farm. The farm was far from where they lived and they soon were talking about something else. They finished eating, drained their fangs at the machine and then finished the night with a highly passionate sex session where each one of them came four times.

On the following days, they established a daily routine. At mornings and late afternoons, they would drain their fangs. The market for their venom was still strong and allowed them to gather a great amount of money. They were now partners at Mandy's company. A week after their meeting with Elisabeth and Robert they received the designs for the house. They noticed that Robert had developed quickly since their visit and Elisabeth was walking on her four legs. The building of the house was quick and started as soon as the paperwork was ready.
