Armitage Family Loving Ch. 03


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"Who's Peter? When is Sue coming to see Daddy?"

"Peter is the boss's son at the jewellers. She's coming here tomorrow after work. Daddy is going to fuck her and photo her. Ooooo hello Frank darling, that's a nice big boner! Your sleep has done you good!"

Both women kissed Franks cock, they didn't touch it so they had difficulty in catching it as it bobbed about in front of them. He reached out and started playing with nipples.

"God, I just love you women," he said. "I'm hungry though. Let's go out and eat and then you can both come back here for a final fuck. What are Rob and Abby doing?"

"They were going to go out for lunch," said Mandy. Caroline was now sucking hard on Frank's shaft. "I'll call them."

"If they are staying in tell them that we'll call them when we get back so that they can come down here and join in the fun. I keep promising Rob that he can see your pictures. Tonight's as good a time as any!"

Mandy called upstairs. Abby answered and the arrangements were made. The three of them separated and went to their own apartments to find some clothes. Although naked they didn't meet anyone else.


Frank, Caroline and Mandy chose a pub where they were not likely to be recognised. A public appearance was one of the topics that Frank had on his mental agenda for next Saturday night.

Both Caroline and Mandy had dressed much more sedately tonight although neither of them was wearing panties. Mandy had driven to the pub and Frank had taken the opportunity to ride in the back for a change. On the way back he pulled Caroline into the back seat and soon discovered her knickerless state! Several of his fingers were wet when they arrived home; they both sucked them dry.

Mandy went off to park the car and Caroline and Frank entered his apartment, throwing off their clothes. Frank booted up the computer and Caroline called upstairs to Abby and Rob. She put the coffee machine on and got out the Remy Martin.

Soon the family were gathered and coffee and brandy were served. Rob was given a front seat at the computer. Abby sat beside him, her fingers gently playing with his long hard cock. Frank sat in the centre of the sofa, also having his cock played with by his elder daughter and his granddaughter on either side of him.

Rob didn't say anything at all as he gazed at his father's handiwork. His cock throbbed as he looked at sexy picture after sexy picture. Abby could gauge his excitement as she handled his cock. She frigged herself juicily as she watched with him. She hadn't seen most of the photos herself.

They were almost finished when Rob groaned again and spurted all over his belly and Abby's hand. She kissed him lovingly and then raised the hand to their lips. Then she offered him her sticky fingers and her sucked her dry.

Abby then turned to the others. Caroline had Frank's huge cock in her mouth and Mandy had knelt in front of her mother, sucking and licking at her very wet pussy.

"Where are the pictures of Helen pissing outside?" asked Abby. "We saw her doing it for you from Rob's bedroom window. Then there are the ones that she took of you pissing in her puddle!"

Frank eased Caroline off his cock and walked over to the computer, his gigantic tool swinging in a huge arc. The female members of his family watched avidly, their fingers itching to touch.

"I've just stored those anonymously at the moment," he grinned. "Helen's I shall add to her album when I've made it and those of me, in all probability, I shall delete."

"Oh no you won't," said Caroline, at last recapturing his cock. "I'm going to make an album of you and include those. Where are they? I haven't seen them myself yet!"

Frank pressed the appropriate keys and the pictures of Helen on the wall outside began. Soon her cunt lips fluttered and her hard morning stream began. They all watched spellbound. They had not seen anything so erotic before.

When the ones of Frank pissing started Caroline began to toss him firmly. Mandy moved closer and Abby and Rob watched, their arms around each other. Caroline wanked Frank faster and faster and he began to groan as his climax approached.

Suddenly another gusher shot out of his urethra, all over Caroline and Mandy. He fired several thick ropes of cum all over their bellies; the girls gasped with excitement as each spurt hit them.

Caroline released Frank's spent cock and Abby grabbed it, sucking it into her mouth. Caroline turned to Mandy and kissed her, spreading Frank's sticky gunge all over their bellies and pussies.

"Well," said Mandy, "I for one won't be showering until the morning! I want to smell Frank's cum all night."

"Off you go home to bed now you guys," said Frank, giving Caroline's bottom a friendly smack. "It's work in the morning and I've a busy week too!"

"A busy fucking week!" giggled Mandy as she headed for the door, receiving a firm smack on her buttocks for her trouble.

"Don't leave me out daddy," said Abby as she left, sticking her bottom out towards Frank. He obliged.

A few minutes later, just as he was getting into bed, Frank's phone buzzed. It was Caroline.

"Daddy darling, I love you," she said. "Can I come down tomorrow night after Sue has left? I want you to tell me all about it and I want to see her pictures."

"Of course you can darling," replied Frank. "I always want to see you. I might not be able to get it up again though!"

Caroline laughed, "I don't mind darling. I'll just stay over and get your early morning hard on! And Daddy?"

"Yes darling?"

"Don't shower before I get there! I want to smell her on you. Also I shall expect you to tan my bare arse hard for being such a dirty girl! All right?"

"Consider it done!"


Frank enjoyed his day at home. He did all his chores and went to the supermarket. He also visited a little shop in one of the narrow streets just off the High Street. By the time he was finished it was lunchtime. He made himself a sandwich and a coffee, finishing off with a small glass of brandy.

Then he turned to the computer and worked on his albums of the girls. He made new blank files for Sue, Janine and Helen. He called Helen at the office.

"Would you like to come around this week so that I can photograph you?" he asked. "I'm going to do Sue's this evening and hopefully Janine tomorrow some time. What do you think?"

"That's fine Frank; I'll come on Wednesday after work if I may? I'm having the end of the week off so that I can go and see my father. He and Mum are doing separate things these days so hopefully she won't find out that I've seen him."

"I'll see you on Wednesday then," said Frank. "Come straight from work; I'll feed you after our little session."

"Feed me your spunk, you mean," replied Helen, giggling as she hung up.

Looking at his pictures on the computer brought the forthcoming evening's events to Frank's mind. His cock rose as he remembered Sue's cracking tits, especially from his visit to the shop.

He remembered that he hadn't yet given Mandy her choker. He went to the safe and got it out to look at. It really was a beauty. He wondered how he could present it; he thought he might ask Caroline tonight.

Time soon passed and after he had a little nap he prepared some light refreshments for himself and Sue. He was as ready as he would ever be!


Sue could hardly contain herself all day at the jewellers. She tried to avoid Peter as much as possible today; she would hopefully deal with him tomorrow.

She knew that she was going around to Frank's straight after work. She hoped that she could get away on time. At three o'clock she had to take Mrs Mayfield into the private viewing room to see a diamond necklace. When she opened the door to let her out Peter pushed his way in before she could stop him.

"Sue, why are you avoiding me today? I can hardly get to speak to you at all. What have I done to offend you?"

"Nothing Peter, nothing," she said. "I'm just feeling a bit off colour today, that's all. Please let me go as soon as we shut the shop today; I'll be fine tomorrow, you'll see."

Peter took her by the shoulders and pulled her to him. She could feel his hot breath on her neck and his big bulge in his pants. She desperately wanted to grind her mound against him but managed to restrain herself. She gently pushed him away.

"I'm sorry Peter, I'm just not in the mood today. It's the end of my monthlies, my period, you see. I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow. You can kiss me then!"

"Ohhh I'm sorry Sue. Do you think that we could go out together tomorrow evening? I would really like that."

"That would be lovely Peter; I'd like that. Let's just see how I am in the morning, all right?"

Peter nodded and smiled at her. It had taken a lot of his courage for him to finally ask her out. He was so terrified of being rejected.

Sue let herself out of the viewing room, secretly elated. Peter had asked her out!

June Watson, the other assistant called out to Sue as she appeared on the shop floor.

"Mr Graham just called downstairs. He's says you're to go up and see him as soon as you're free."

"OK, I'll go up now. Cover for me please June."

Harry Graham was a big bluff man in his early fifties. He was in shirtsleeves as Sue entered the top floor flat that he kept for his own private use. The shirt was unbuttoned almost down to the waist, showing a very hairy chest.

"Sit down lass," he said in his bluff northern accent. "I want to show you something on that screen over there."

Sue sat down as directed, wondering if she had done something wrong. Next moment, she was terrified! The screen was showing Peter and her in the private viewing room!

"I don't like secrets," began Harry Graham, "so I had my own camera system installed in that room. It is private, except to me. If everything is in order I erase it but I do keep some tapes. What about this one then?"

Sue was silent, struck dumb with shock.

"Don't worry Sue, I'm not going to sack you. I've seen you mooning about, looking at Peter as if he's the next million-dollar man! I know he's a bit slow but he seems to be perking up a bit, doesn't he?"

Sue nodded, still silent.

"I hear from today's little episode that you're expecting to be on top form tomorrow, eh! Don't let him grope your tits down there, get him to bring you up here; it's much more private here, isn't it? What do you think about that?"

Sue found her voice. "Where will you be Mr Graham?"

"Oh don't worry, I'll tell him that I'll be out for the rest of the day but I'll go straight home to his mother. You'll have the place to yourselves. I think that Peter is still a virgin so go easy on him first time. I take it that you're more experienced?"

Sue nodded again, thinking that she would definitely be more experienced come the morning. She felt really ready for Frank Armitage now!

Harry came over to her and put his arm around her.

"Don't worry lass, Peter won't be anywhere near as big as this!"

Sue gasped. Harry had flipped open his unfastened flies and his cock jumped out. He had quite an impressive member, not as big as Franks but quite big nevertheless. Harry's cock stiffened.

"There you are girl, get an eyeful of that! You can have a cuntful any time you like. Your tits look fantastic to me! I've got the film of you and Frank Armitage to prove it!"

Sue fled in tears.


Sue was still a little red-eyed when she arrived at Frank's apartment. He noticed her discomfort immediately.

Frank put his arms around Sue and she melted into them. She felt comforted and warm.

"What's the matter Sue? What has upset you so? Please come and tell me all about it!"

Frank sat Sue down on his sofa and poured her a glass of the Champagne from the bottle he'd opened as soon as he had seen her on his outside screen. She smiled at him wanly and took a sip.

"Tell me about it Sue; I won't tell a soul, I promise."

So she told him, all of it. She told him about keeping Peter at arms length until tomorrow and then about the interview with his father. When she told him about the film of them both in the viewing room he exploded with anger.

"That bastard, spying on you like that! I'll make him pay for that! I thought that you covered up the CCTV camera when we went into that room!"

"I did but he's got another secret one of his own for his own viewing. It's obviously only hooked up to the TV upstairs in the flat."

"Don't you worry, I'll sort out Harry Graham. Come on, have some more Champagne and I'll show you what I've done to prepare for your photo session."

Sue was so reassured that she leaned across and kissed Frank. They exchanged saliva happily for several minutes before Frank took her to the spare room to show her the 'film set'.

"Frank darling, if you're going to photo me nude I'll have to take off my underwear now or all the elastic marks will still be showing on my skin when you shoot me."

Without any further comment Sue shed her clothes. Off came her work blouse and skirt, leaving her with just her bra and panties. Both of these were of the more practical working variety. She turned to Frank.

"Would like to do the honour?" she whispered coquettishly.

Frank quickly moved behind Sue and unhooked her bra, letting it fall. He kissed along her shoulder and ran his hands under her arms to capture her big warm breasts. Sue pushed her bum back to feel his bulge in his slacks.

"Ohhhh that's lovely Frank. Keep on playing with my titties, I love that. I'll do my panties."

Sue hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her pants and pushed them down, revealing the tremendous warm globes of her bottom. She pushed back again and rubbed her crack against Frank's growing erection. Her hands groped for his zipper.

Soon Frank was rubbing his naked shaft up and down Sue's warm cleft as he manhandled her breasts and kissed her neck. He spoke.

"God Sue your body is stupendous. I've got to stop and start taking pictures now or you will have red skin all over you from lovemaking. Let's go to the spare room for your full length pictures!"

As they exited from the room Frank clicked on the mouse by the computer. Mandy's full-length naked body appeared on the screen. Sue stopped dead.

"Oh my gosh, isn't she gorgeous? I feel totally inadequate after Mandy!"

Frank span Sue around to face him. His huge erection touched her belly button. She glanced down and watched as a drop of pre cum dripped on to her body.

"You are just as beautiful in your own way. Your hair is a different colour and your breasts are bigger. Your pussy lips are more pronounced and totally you are wonderful!"

"Really? Do you really think so?"

Frank placed one of Sue's delicate hands on his erection.

"I photographed all of the others while I was naked," he grinned. "Do you want me to do the same with you?"

She smiled happily now and pulled on his tool.

I've started," she giggled, "you can finish!"

By the time that they reached the spare room Frank was naked. The backdrop was pale green this time, with a dark brown pole in the middle.

"There you are," said Frank happily, his stiff cock pointing directly at Sue. "Make like you're a pole dancer. Get your pussy wet if you can!"

"It's already wet," laughed Sue. "Your cock is making my pussy leak. Look!"

She was indeed wet, her juice glistening under the lights.

"What are you going to Peter tomorrow?" said Frank.

"If I am all right in the morning I shall fuck him 'til he drops," giggled Sue. "This pole feels very phallic Frank. I might even come on it!"

"What do you mean, all right in the morning? Is there a problem about that; anything I can help you with?"

"That's one of the reasons I'm here," replied Sue quietly. "You see, although I knock around with Mandy and Helen, I'm not like them, yet."

"Tell me what you mean, lovely Sue. Tell me as I photograph you. Start posing for me now."

"Well," said Sue, wrapping one thigh around the warm smooth pole. She was going to come on it, she was sure about that! "I'm still a virgin, you see! Up here anyway, my pussy I mean. It's my other hole that has been fucked, or rather raped!"

Frank stopped filming and listened.

"My three brothers raped me Frank! They fucked my, er, arsehole one night when they came home from the pub drunk. I screamed at them to stop it but they just did it anyway. My mother only arrived as Tom was finishing with me."

"What did your mother do?" said a shocked Frank as his cock drooped.

"She put me to bed after she had bathed my bum and in the morning she said that she wasn't going to report my brothers so it would be better if she helped me financially to leave home. She said she couldn't bear the shame of reporting them; I didn't want to appear in court against them so I agreed."

"My God," said Frank quietly. "Why are you here today Sue?"

Sue looked at Frank, rubbing up and down the pole frantically now. His cock began to rise again.

"You are going to take my virginity Frank and then if I think I can stand it you are going to lay the ghost of my brothers fucking my arse. Would you like to do that for me?"

"We'll have a good try, shall we Sue?" answered Frank as he took his cock in his hand. "Let's go into my bedroom and take your close up pictures. That should get you excited enough to start phase one of your plan!"

Sue was now enthusiastic about the photo shoot. Laid on Frank's bed she did everything that he asked of her, including frigging his cock between her magnificent breasts. When he told her to open her pussy lips they were full of liquid. He put down the camera and spread her juice all over her naked snatch and belly. She began to hump her vagina at his hand. She was ready!

"Do you still have your hymen Sue?" asked Frank as he gently penetrated her with one finger.

"I don't know Frank. Please find out quickly now! I think I'm ready to come soon!"

"Come as many times as you like Sue. Breaking your hymen, if you still have one, will not change that. I'll feel for it and break it with my finger first, shall I?"

"Oh no," said Sue, "I want to lose it like other girls, with a cock thrust up my fanny. I know it might hurt at first, especially on your big prick but I'll take that chance. At least this is something I'm being positive about. I want you to stick this in me and fuck me, hard!"

As she had been talking Sue had taken hold of Frank's penis and had moved her pussy towards it. Frank thought he had found a hymen inside her tunnel but he said nothing. Sue's vagina and the knob end of Frank's long fat tool made contact. Sue breathed in deeply.

"That's it Frank; that's the spot. Stick it in me how you like! I'm ready for you!"

Sue was certainly wet enough. At the entrance to her cunt Frank's knob pulsed and he pushed carefully. Plop! His knob was inside her fiery hole!

"Ohhhh Frank, that's lovely! Hurry up now, finish me off!"

Frank pushed firmly until he definitely felt an obstruction. They looked at one another.

"Can you feel that?" asked Frank. "I think that's your hymen."

"At my age it shouldn't be there," smiled Sue as she took a firm grip on Frank's thick arms. "Get rid of it for me Frank; do it now!"

Frank pushed hard, feeling Sue's hymen part and allow him access. He carried on pushing until he was buried up to his balls. Sue was big in there, plenty of room for his cock.

"How's that Sue?" he grinned down at her. He could feel her hot passage making more juice.

"Ohhhh Frank, that's so lovely! In fact, it's fucking gorgeous. I felt my hymen go but it didn't hurt a bit! Wait a few seconds while I enjoy this feeling some more then I want you to fuck me hard. I'm going to come soon, I just know I am!"

Frank slowly withdrew and then re-inserted his rod. Sue released his arms and slid her hands around his buttocks. She squeezed him hard.