Avery and Jenna Pt. 10: Licentious


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"I didn't go anywhere, all right? I left the hotel. I walked to my car. I stopped at the café up the street for some breakfast, and then I came home."

"Rule number one, Avery. We're supposed to be honest with one another," she said, leaning against the wall for leverage, as she was so tired, she could barely stand. Her makeup was removed and her eyes looked glossy and exhausted.

"That is the truth. I swear," he said, kicking off his shoes.

"You walked all the way from the hotel to your car?" She spoke in complete disbelief.

"I needed some air. I was really drunk, and I didn't know what I was doing. Suddenly, I was across the bridge and back in the city. Before I knew it, I was standing next to my car."

"I've been going grey, worrying about you. Did you get any of my calls or texts last night?"

"My phone died."

"I half expected to get a call from the police, saying they had picked you up on the side of the road. Hell, I almost called them myself after what you did."

"I'm sorry."

"Do you even remember what happened?"

"Not really."

"You tried to fuck me in my ass. I kicked you away. You broke a wine glass, and then you just stormed out of the room."

"I honestly don't remember any of it."

"I have never, in my life, felt the way I did last night. It took a full hour before I was finally able to get off that bed. The desk clerk kept asking me if I was all right, because I was crying and limping. I had to sit on my jacket in the car. It's a miracle I wasn't bleeding."

"I'm sorry. Like I said, I was drunk. I got out of control."

"Being drunk doesn't excuse what you did. You didn't even check on me. Why did you just leave me like that last night?"

"I don't know. I don't know what I was thinking last night." Jenna stood quietly, a handful of tears dripping from her sleepy, green eyes.

"Promise me that all you did was walk last night," she said, staring back at Avery with a fierce determination.

"I promise. All I did was walk."

"Apology accepted. And Avery, if you ever pull any of the shit you did last night with me again, not only will you and I be through, I swear I'll make sure you can't do it to another woman, as well. Do you understand me?"

"Yeah, I understand."

"Good. I'm going to sleep." Jenna turned around and walked into their bedroom. She did not slam the door, an indication to Avery that she was more tired than she was furious. Nevertheless, the only thing about which Avery could think is how furious she would be if he had told her the truth.


Avery gave Jenna a wide berth the entire weekend. Saturday was mired in activities out of the ordinary. When she finally woke up, it was six o'clock in the evening. All she did after waking was read news articles on her tablet, consumed a small salad, and took a long, hot bath with Epsom salts. By the time her fair skin contacted the steamy water late in the night, she could sit in the tub with little discomposure. She did not wash or scrub, but merely sat there, dwelling on the previous night's incident. Unlike most Saturday mornings, she did not exercise, nor did she insist on Avery taking her dancing, as she routinely did on Saturday nights. Instead, she did everything possible to refrain from prolonging her pain or remembering the reason for feeling it. The incident Friday night instilled a fear in Jenna she found trying to shake.

Sunday was lonelier for her. Jenna and Avery received the weekend editions of the Washington Post at their apartment, so when she awoke in the morning, she collected the paper, sat at the dining room table and clipped coupons. On occasion, she looked at their jackets which still lied on the couch. Jenna did not truly believe that Avery had walked from the Blake Hotel to the bar where his car was. From their apartment to the hotel was a forty-five-minute drive, when traffic was agreeable; a walk could be no shorter than ten hours. If Avery were as drunk as he claimed, she doubted strongly that he actually managed to make it back home. Were they still back in University Park, in a town of temptations, she would have fought for more information, but Jenna knew all his friends in their new city. She knew he was not particularly close with any women. It was possible he stayed the night with Alicia. If so, why the lie to conceal it? Regardless, she was confident, moderately so, that he had not cheated. Despite Avery's sexual transgression and sudden abandonment, the evening was not a complete disaster. She was in love with her new necklace. It was a reminder of Avery's love, from a place where that love was pure. By the end of the weekend, Jenna's ire had somewhat dissipated as she noticed how cold the bedroom was without him.

Erin spent Saturday doing what she original intended. She exercised, reliving the two intimate experiences she shared with Avery. Unbeknownst to Avery, Erin had some very powerful sentiments about Jenna, and not many of them were positive. She felt so derisory compared to Jenna. Knowing that Avery enjoyed red hair or that Jenna had larger breasts or was her intellectual superior caused Erin to radiate a green hue as she stomped away on the treadmill. After working up a good sweat and venting some of the maleficently-cultivated thoughts, she showered and vacated the gym. She dedicated the remainder of the day searching for new furniture, scouring a few stores but finding nothing of interest to her. She was too distracted; her mind simply could not stop swelling with ideas of Avery, and the reemergent desire within her to have him all to herself. Returning home empty-handed and alone, she ate a small take-out dinner of shrimp fried rice and a Michelob Ultra, and then slept, clutching tightly the pillow Avery used the night before, since the smell of his cologne lingered upon it.

Her Sunday was livelier and informative. In the morning, she probed a local store that specialized in various finery. The owner, a young woman herself, taught her about how to wear corsets and what designs would fit well on her frame. After initially choosing six pieces of differing styles and colors, the saleswoman helped to further narrow her choices to two options. The first selection was a simple, graceful, black and gold garment with nude accents. Accompanying the corset was a gold g-string and black stockings to form a complete outfit. Wearing it made her slim figure appear smaller, and she felt incredibly seductive in it. The second selection was an intricately-designed red and yellow corset. The blend of the colors made the vestment very attractive. Although, it was the kind that she had to secure from the back. She counted twelve hooks. The supplementary g-string, red and yellow like the corset, was not as nurturing to her figure. Thus, Erin chose the former garment.

After purchasing her ensemble, which was reasonably priced, she quietly snuck into a local adult toy store to search for a few items. Having conducted heavy research online regarding the subject of anal sex, she found that the most suggested way to begin having it involved trying things on her own to get acclimated. The site she discovered recommended trying a small, glass butt plug and a specific brand of lubricant, both of which were available at the shop she found. She procured a set of three butt plugs: a small size she believed could fit without distress, a medium size to challenge herself once she was familiarized with the sensation of hosting one, and a large size to simulate what feeling Avery's cock may feel like in her ass. The large butt plug was, unsurprisingly, wider than Avery; she reasoned that if she could somehow learn to tolerate, possibly even enjoy, having something that large in her ass, she could tolerate his cock there as well. She bought with the toys, two large bottles of the lubricant prescribed on the site. The lubricant was silicone-based, rather than the usual water-based lubricants that dry out over time. Oddly, it possessed a mixed berry flavor, though it expectedly, felt very slick.

Like Jenna, Avery passed Saturday by sleeping, albeit on the couch. When he finally woke up, he filled a clear plastic pitcher of ice and water and sat on the balcony outside of the apartment alone with his computer while Jenna ate her salad and watched television. That night, he watched Netflix on his computer and rehydrated. The day was peculiar; most Saturday nights, Jenna would remind him of rule four, what they jokingly referred to as the "dancing rule." Avery would stop whatever he was doing, get dressed, and take Jenna to the Curtain Call to dance. They made sure to go out and dance with each other, at least, four times in a month. Jenna usually insisted on Saturday nights to dance, since they had no work-related obligations. The evening was enjoyed with sweating and frigid, strong, stiff drinks. They would normally return home by foot, since the Curtain Call was not far from their apartment. This weekend, however, was different.

Sunday was a more active day for him. He woke up, having gotten a full night's sleep on the couch, feeling refreshed, energized, and separated from all the events of Friday. He clocked a nine-mile run; his record was eleven, so he was impressed by his latest attempt. After his run, he joined Carter for a late lunch at Panera, where Carter revealed to Avery that he had been sleeping with Alexandria, a young woman from the payroll department of their bank. Avery was neither surprised nor impressed. Alex was not especially attractive to Avery, but Carter was all for dating her. Avery passed no judgment on Carter, as he had slept with several women in his short twenty-four years, enjoyed every single sexual encounter, and housed no regret for any of them.

He spent the finishing hours of Sunday preparing paperwork for the workweek. Overall, he liked his job. He liked interacting with so many smart people. What he disliked was the actual work itself. All the numbers, figures, and client preferences, were a considerable drain. Fortunately, when the bank recently acquired the Blake Hotel account, he and a few others were assigned to work exclusively with that account. Their other projects and clients were delegated to other bankers. When Jenna finished with cutting out coupons from the newspaper, she changed clothes and snuck in a quick run before the daylight faded. Avery used that time to lie in bed, masturbating to the thought of Erin's mouth on him. It did not take long for him to finish. The memories were quite fresh.


Avery abhorred Monday afternoons. Monday mornings were not so bad. No one seemed to bother anyone else in the building. There was a collective sense of malaise and despair that kept everyone apart. Monday afternoons were bad because the prevailing miasma of gloom had, more or less, lifted. Everyone had, once again, accepted the fact that life was going to suck for the next four days, and suddenly Avery would start to receive phone calls, emails, and visitors to his office. Today, as he prepared himself for said annoyances, none came. Not a single phone call. Not a single email, outside of the normal deadline reminders and the building newsletter. Not a single visitor. What had he done to get so lucky? Barring any of the common turbulences, he would be able to finish his work and leave early for the day. The prospect was exciting. That was, until a series of hard knocks assaulted his office door at a quarter of two.

"Come in," Avery said, punishing his keyboard to fill in numbers on a spreadsheet. Carter walked into the office and sat down in one of the chairs in front of Avery's desk. He emitted anger.

"You finally got in trouble for showing up late, didn't you?" Avery asked, saving his work and closing the program on his computer.

"Mr. Hines put me on a disciplinary action plan. It's not my fault. There's no direct way to get to our building from my side of town. Downtown is loaded with cars and construction. That fucking water main that burst in my neighborhood? It's blocking off the quickest route to the building," Carter complained. Avery closed his laptop and looked at Carter. "It's fucking unfair, dude."

"Why don't you just try leaving home earlier?"

"I can't do that, man. Between Alex and the Blake account, I'm struggling to get enough sleep as it is! I barely have enough time to shower and get dressed. I eat breakfast burritos, fucking disgusting breakfast burritos, in my car, just so I can save time! If I could use Arrowhead Drive, I wouldn't be late. Hines doesn't understand that."

"You could try staying at Alex's place," Avery suggested.

"But then not only would I be late, I'd be dehydrated as well," Carter sneered, standing quickly.

"You'll figure something out."

"Dude, have you taken your lunch break yet?"

"Not yet. I was actually hoping to skip out of work early today."

"Come with me to Curtain Call. We'll have some cheese fries and cocktails. I'll pay." Avery sighed noticeably. Taking a lunch break would put him behind by an hour, but he had already made great strides towards completion of his duties without all of the disturbances Mondays usually bring. Avery shook his head and looked back at his friend.

"All right. Yeah. I'll go."

When Carter said, "some cocktails", Avery assumed he would have one or two. He stumbled back into his office an hour and fifteen minutes later, buzzed out of his mind. He opened his email account to see if anyone had attempted to bother him. To his surprise, his inbox was empty. He had no missed calls or messages. Today was the epitome of a successful day. He opened the spreadsheet on the Blake Hotel expense accounts to complete it. He had only a few more lines of data to input before freedom would be his. He searched amongst the endless sea of manila folders and unfiled papers on his desk for the information he needed but could not find it. Avery felt warm in the small room and adjusted his plain red tie. Underneath the red tie was a white dress shirt. Atop the shirt was a charcoal suit and black dress shoes, similar to the ones he wore for Jenna's birthday. His jacket was removed and hanging on a coat rack near his office door. Frustrated by a nuisance of his own design, he saved his work and closed the application. He then closed his laptop and celebrated his first victory over Monday afternoons, in spite of not completing the spreadsheet.


Avery was so close. He was certain it was a client, someone showing up to fill the remainder of Avery's office hours.

"Come in," he shouted, straightening his tie. He blinked quickly a few times to try to fight off the alcohol's affects. Hopefully, whoever was on the other side of the door could not ascertain his compromised state. Unpredictably, Erin walked into the office and closed the door behind her. Her hair was let down. She wore a grey pantsuit, like his, but it was lighter in shade; underneath was a peach blouse. The clothes were paired with brown shoes. Very professional looking.

"What may I do for you, Miss Cahill?" He asked, holding his hands together.

"Two things. First, I was wondering if you were able to pay me back for the cab ride from a week ago," she said, resting a hand on her waist. In her other hand was a thick blue folder.

"Oh yeah! That's right," Avery exclaimed. He stood up and walked to his jacket. His wallet rested in his right breast pocket.

"Also, I was instructed to bring this to you. It's a hard copy of the Blake Hotel's first month's operating costs and receipts. For a building that large, it's blessedly light on complication," she said, laying down the folder onto his desk. Avery knew today was too good to be true. Here he was, on the verge of leaving the office, and someone was bringing him work.

"Thanks. I was actually looking for that just now," he said, removing five twenty-dollar bills from his wallet. He approached and handed her the money. Erin accepted them in her small hand. Her nail polish was removed, presumably because it was too badly chipped for the professional setting.

"You gave me too much," she said, counting what he had given to her.

"Keep it. Consider the extra as a tip. I'm really thankful for everything you did for me," he responded to her.

"Well, a lot of it was my pleasure, but thank you very much," she said, folding the bills and stuffing them into her back pocket. Avery snickered at her comment.

"No, thank you. Again, you didn't have to do any of it, but I'm grateful that you did," he said, smiling at her.

"Really, it was no inconvenience," she said slyly, tilting her head to the side slightly. "Maybe we could, you know, do it again sometime."

"I'd like that," Avery said, hanging his jacket back on the coat rank. As Erin walked towards the door, something clicked within Avery. He felt himself step out of his body. Perhaps it was the alcohol egging him on, but whatever the reason, he suddenly did not want Erin to leave the office. As she turned the knob to open the door, Avery quickly stepped behind her and closed it. Erin retracted her hand, still facing the outside of the office. Avery locked the knob.

"What are you doing?" Erin asked sexily. Avery began to glide his hand down Erin's back, starting from the center of her neck. When he reached the small of her back, he leaned forward and breathed in the scent of her hair. Washed and fresh, he noticed. His hand ventured farther downward to her waist, then down the side of her thigh.

"We're doing it again," he finally responded. He moved his hand to the back of Erin's leg and slid it upward. Slowly, his fingers traced the curvature of her ass. Her pants fit tightly, straining to keep all the flesh within the seam. Avery reached around Erin's waist with his other hand to unhook the top clasp of her pants. Once that was done, he grabbed her zipper and edged it down, giving him just enough room to put his large hand into her panties. He soon found her clit and started rubbing it up and down. Erin moaned softly, placing her hand on the back of Avery's hand. Her pussy lips drooled all over his fingers. He was surprised by how much Erin could lubricate. His hand drifted from her pants to his mouth, licking his fingers to taste her. It had a hint of spice to it. It was a unique flavor, different than any other girl he had tasted. Erin turned around and watched as he licked her from his fingers. She eased down her pants and peach thong and stepped out of them. Afterward, their lips met. Erin wasted no time inserting her tongue into Avery's mouth. She pushed him backward as they kissed. When Avery's butt hit his desk, Erin reached with her hand and rubbed up and down his length. Avery broke the kiss.

"You want it?" He asked, watching her undo his belt. She pulled it from his waist and tossed it to the carpeted floor.

"Yes, please," she whispered, unbuttoning his pants. She pulled down his zipper, firmly held both his pants and boxers, and yanked them downward. Avery removed his shoes and hoisted Erin. She wrapped her legs around Avery as they kissed again. Avery turned around and carried her to his desk, where he laid her down gently. Erin placed a hand on the desk to brace herself, but eventually she was situated atop it comfortably. The height of the desk was perfect for what they were about to do. Erin shoved the folder she placed atop it minutes earlier away from her back. Avery pushed the head of his cock inside of her. As she felt herself being opened, she grasped Avery and pulled him down onto her. She kissed him with greater passion as he delved deeper. Once Avery was entombed within of her, he rose and began fucking Erin atop the desk. She placed her hands onto Avery's arms as he seized her waist to move her back and forth against himself. Erin closed her eyes, concentrating on the strong cock pleasuring her. Avery wasted no time with trying to make it a romantic affair. He had enough sense to realize they were fucking in their workplace. They had to get off and be quick about it.