Breaking Taylor


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David could be so gentle. I thought about times he had raped me, violently. How could two such contrasting dispositions be within one person? Why did he have this effect one me? His breath was hot on the part of my neck that was exposed. His free arm went around me, pulling me tight to him as he kissed my neck. I felt my body tense when he did.

"No, Taylor. Not yet." He said as his lips brushed my neck again. I thought I would explode. I couldn't fight it much longer. His fingers pressed and probed giving me intense pleasure. I wanted to scream. I wanted to beg for release but I couldn't. Every time I tried it only enhanced the moment. I was gasping against the gag. Tears had formed in my eyes from the sensation. Every prickle on the vibrator was defining itself. Every time it pressed on my g spot I tried to scream. I couldn't sit still even though he held me tight to him. My body fought the bonds, fought the vibrator. The more I tried to push it out the greater the sensations became. No matter how I tried to stop fighting I couldn't. All of a sudden his fingers squeezed my clit hard. As I arched my back and neck his mouth sank into my neck, biting me. I released violently. I groaned and struggled but his grip only tightened. Each time my vagina throbbed the vibrator sent shocks through me. I couldn't stop. David just squeezed my clit until I wanted to beg him to let go. His fingertips pinched my nipples sending another round of spasms through my body. I tried to scream and couldn't. I was sobbing and nearly exhausted but the sensations had no mercy, they continued.

"You did it again." He whispered into my ear. "You released before I told you to." His hands suddenly left me. He shoved me down on the bed on my belly. I struggled and moaned because I was still having the orgasm. I wanted to tell him what he did to me. All I could do was fight my bonds and moan. "Maybe after you've thought about it tonight, in the morning you'll be more obedient." I heard the door lock. Panic went through me. He was going to leave me like this all night. I couldn't handle this that long. I didn't think I could handle it now. I fought my bonds and tried to scream but no one came. The vibrator was bringing me up again, even though my vagina was still spasming from the last orgasm. The drug made this tolerable, a little enjoyable but this was torture. I couldn't breathe very well. I couldn't roll over and being on my belly made every vibration more intense. Maybe David knew that when he forced me down like this.

Submission was not something I wanted to do but I had no choice. My body took over as it moved with the pleasure. No matter how much I didn't want it my body forced me to experience it. Each little movement causing the vibrator to press into my g spot. I struggled and it drove me insane. I could feel my wetness and was ashamed. I tried to hold still, to find some way to lay here and get a little relief but it was impossible. The plug made the vibrator fill me up, causing me to feel every millimeter of each of them. Until this happened I had never experienced anal before, never thought I would find pleasure in it. As much as I hated it I loved it. I wanted loose and fought my bonds. I wished someone would come in because being bound alone was excruciating. I hated Chris for this. How could he do this to me? I wished I could go back to David's methods. As I broke down and cried I released again. The orgasm causing me to go tight against my bonds, taking my breath.

"Are you ready to say it?" I heard in horror as the orgasm ripped through me. I shook my head violently. I would never say it. I felt the bed shift as he sat down next to me. My body tense, my vagina throbbing and my breath coming in gasps. All I wanted from him was for him to turn me loose. I fought the orgasm. I didn't want him getting any satisfaction from what he had done to me but the more I fought it the more intense it became.

"Say it and I'll release you." He said next to my ear. Again I shook my head. I cried against the gag hoping he would understand and let me go. If nothing else just take the gag off. I was not to be so lucky. "How long do you think you can endure this?" He asked as he touched the back of my head. "I used ultimate lithium batteries. Will you call for me or will the batteries die? Which will happen first?"

Terror filled me as I realized he meant to keep me like this until either I broke down and said it or the batteries died. Ultimate lithium batteries could last for a week in the vibrator. I began thrashing against my bonds, trying to scream. The pleasure ripped through me as I did. His hand never moved.

"How long will you suffer Taylor?" Chris asked as he stroked my head. I shook it trying to make him leave me alone. If he wasn't going to turn me loose I didn't want him near me. I was suffering, the pleasure was extreme. I felt his hand between my legs as he touched my clit. I struggled against him. I hated that every movement to avoid him caused me so much pleasure I wanted to scream. I didn't want to please him but I had no choice in the matter this time. I couldn't move away from him, couldn't roll over couldn't find any relief as my body tensed with another round of orgasms. I fought it as it tore through me.

"Finally giving yourself to me the way to do to him?" He said as his hand pinched my clit so hard I thought he would rip it off. "A little pain helps." I cried against the gag as my body deceived me. It racked with pleasure as the orgasm wound down. I was sobbing as he let my clit go. "Will you say it?" He asked as he stood up. I shook my head. I didn't want him and he knew that. His touch generally made me sick.

"Suffer then. You will suffer until morning and David will not be back down." He spat as I heard the door lock. I fought my bonds but doing so caused me to build up again. I tried to scream and only moaned. I wanted to reach around and jerk the vibrator out of me but I couldn't. I realized that even if I could have reached it I couldn't have removed it because of the chastity belt. I fought against the wave building in me. The vibrator going strong and I prayed the thing would malfunction. My breath was coming in gasps and I couldn't catch it. I thought I was going to smother and struggled hard. The more I struggled the worse it became. I felt like I was going to swallow and choke on the ball. No matter how I tried to get their attention no one came. I tried to concentrate on breathing. The vibrator made it very difficult. I finally calmed down enough to get my breathing under control. I wondered if Chris was watching and enjoying himself. My body began submitting to the pleasure again. The drug had begun to wear off and I was grateful. I didn't know how many more orgasms I could bear. I wondered how long I had been like this and how much longer he would leave me. My body rocked and vagina pulsed as the orgasm took me. I wanted to cry out. I wanted loose. I cried and once again my breathing was labored. I felt the collar of the mask digging into my neck. This time I went into a full fledged panic.

"Having trouble?" I heard Chris say next to me. I thrashed trying to make him understand that I couldn't breathe. "Tough. I told you that you will either say it or suffer. Now which are you going to do?" He said as I tried to figure out how I could say what he wanted when I was so effectively gagged. I struggled and cried. At this point I may have said it just so he would have turned me loose. I was lightheaded and dizzy. I thought I would pass out. The harder I tried to breathe the harder it became.

"Not going to say it huh?" He concluded as I heard the door lock behind him. I collapsed crying. My body wracked with sobs. Each movement drove me into insanity as the vibrator drilled away in my vagina. I fought it and it would not stop. I still had trouble breathing and all of my energy was spent trying to catch my breath. As the next wave of orgasm moved over me, thankfully I passed out. My mind strayed to the day Chris had given me the implants.



Pain. That was the only thought in my head as I came to, severe pain. I blinked my eyes open and saw Chris standing over me. I was not restrained. I tried to sit up but the pain was intense and I groaned as I rolled onto my side. My nipples felt as if they had been ripped open. I looked at them. I saw gold rings through my nipples and small stitches behind the rings. My vagina burned like it had a branding iron in it. I feared what Chris had done to me as I cried.

"Here. Take this." Chris said as his hand opened in front of my face to reveal a small white pill. His other hand held out a bottle of water. The pain was so intense I took it without objection.

"What have you done to me?" I cried as I sat up. Why does it hurt so much?

"Just a little something to make sure you behave yourself." He said as he turned toward the counter. The room looked like a doctor's office. The table I was sitting on was an exam table, complete with stirrups. The door had no handle, just a deadbolt that required a key to open it.

"Why does it hurt so much?" I asked as he turned around with a small black box in his hand. My hands were gripping the edge of the table so tightly that my knuckles were white.

"I made a small incision to place the implants." He said as a red light lit up on the box.

"Implants? What have you done?" I asked as I suddenly understood. Pain sliced through my nipples and vagina so violently that I fell off the table to the floor. I screamed but the pain did not stop. "Chris please."

"Now you know what will happen if you don't obey." He said as he increased the intensity. I was on my knees doubled over.

"Chris, please stop." I couldn't talk the pain was too strong. When I thought I would scream again it stopped. I gasped with relief. His hand grabbed my hair and jerked me to my feet, forcing me to look at him. My hands went automatically to his trying to pry his fingers loose. He said nothing as his other hand unlocked the door and pulled me down the hall. At the end of the hall was a large empty room. He opened a door and shoved me inside. I nearly fell as I tried to catch myself.

"Now we will have a real demonstration." He spat as he locked the door behind him. I was back in my room, my prison.

"Chris please don't hurt me." I begged as I backed away from him. He didn't follow me. He had the black box in his hand and turned a dial on it. The pain sent me to my knees. "Chris please stop." I cried.

"Come here." He demanded as the pain stopped. I didn't move. He turned it on again, stronger. I screamed. "I said come here."

"NO." I screamed at him. I couldn't move the pain was so bad. He turned it up again. It felt like my nipples and vagina were on fire. He came to me, pulled me up, never turning the device off. I fought him and he spun me around. I suddenly realized the significance of the jewelry David had put on me and I screamed. Chris took my arms, forced them behind me and secured them together with a zip tie. I struggled against it. The pain still throbbing in my nipples as he let me go. I fell again to my knees, sobbing.

"When I tell you to do something I expect you to obey." He informed me as the pain stopped.

"Please Chris. Why are you doing this?" I asked breathlessly.

"Would you rather David be doing it?" He responded as he sent the pain through me again. I screamed as it ripped through me.

"Chris please stop. I'll do whatever you want just please stop." I begged as the pain tore through me. I was crying, sobbing as the pain stopped. He knelt in front of me and forced me to look at him.

"Remember this when you want to disobey." He stated as he turned it on stronger this time. Tears coursed down my face as the pain struck. I wanted to claw his eyes out but I couldn't because he had tied my hands behind my back.

"What more do you want from me?" I sobbed as the pain stopped.

"You'll see." He left me there as I watched the door close. I sat bolt upright with the pain. How could he do that from the other room? It stopped. I looked the rings he had put in my nipples. They appeared to be gold and were pretty. I wondered why he had done that. I looked at the stitches. It looked like there were maybe three. I stood and walked to the couch and sat down carefully. I was very tender down there. I hoped they would let me heal before they did anything else. I tried to get comfortable as the medicine he gave me took effect. I closed my eyes and wished I was far away from here, away from them. The door opened. I glanced over to see who it was. I sat up in terror. It was David and he approached me.

"How do you like the implants?" He said as he stopped right in front of me. I stared at him with hatred in my eyes.

"I hate you." I hissed as I tried to back away deeper into the couch. I wanted to cover myself, hide my nudity so he couldn't see me.

"So you say now." He said as he pulled me to my feet. I struggled against him.

"Let me go." I screamed as he held me by my forearms so tight I thought they would bruise. I kicked at him and missed.

"Feisty aren't you?" He said as he flung me onto the bed. I tried to crawl away but not having my hands made that impossible. I was on my stomach and he climbed over me. I fought against him as I watched him remove his pants.

"David, no, please no." I begged as he entered me. It was painful and I screamed. I struggled as he forced me down. He lay on top of me as he raped me. It felt like he was ripping me open.

"Haven't you learned by now?" He whispered into my ear as he pumped harder, faster. "I will have you."

"David please stop." I cried as his thrusts became more urgent and he came hard inside of me. He covered me as he came, his weight pressing me into the mattress. We lay like that for several minutes before he stood up and dressed.

"Lucas will be down with breakfast. Clean up." He said as he cut my wrists loose. He took a handful of my hair and pulled my head back until I was looking at him. Tears flowed down my cheeks. "You will submit Taylor, one way or another." He shoved my head down and left me there. I cried for a long time before I got up and went into the bathroom and showered. By the time I had finished Lucas had left breakfast on the table and left. I took my time eating. Thoughts clouded my mind. Why were they doing this to me? Would I ever get out of here?

"Good morning Miss Taylor." Lucas said as he came to take the breakfast dishes away.

"Morning Lucas." I replied as I watched him take up the dishes. He was a simple man, not bad looking but not much to look at either. He was kind to me. I had on a light summer dress that at least covered me.

"Are you ok this morning?" He asked with his arms full of the dishes.

"Not really Lucas. I wish I could leave this place." I commented as he went out the door. I saw David smile as he closed the door behind Lucas. I went to the door and examined it. There was no handle or deadbolt but I knew it locked I could hear it every time they opened and closed it. I began crying. I pounded my fists against the door and screamed.

"Let me out." I cried as I fell to the floor against the door. I hit the door over and over but no one came. Finally I went to the couch and tried to engross myself in a book. I fell asleep there on the couch.



Moving was impossible as I realized I was still bound hand and foot. I opened my eyes but darkness was all I saw as I discovered the blindfold and hood were still in place. I could feel the vibrator drumming in my vagina and I struggled. The gag was still firmly closing my mouth and I couldn't make more than a moan. How long had I been like this? Where were they? The vibrator wasted no time going to work on me again. I fought against it and felt how wet I was. Had I urinated? I wondered as the wetness caused the vibrator to slide around inside of me. The bed wasn't wet under me so I knew I had not urinated. I was a bit relieved. My mouth was dry. I needed water and I was hungry. I struggled some more and tried to scream as the vibrator tormented me with each movement.

"Good morning." Chris said as he sat on the edge of the bed. I wriggled trying to move away from him to no avail. "Ready to say it?" I wanted to scream. I hated him. I nodded but he did nothing. I fought against my bonds and the sensations of the vibrator. The helplessness of being hogtied was overwhelming. He had pulled my legs up so they pulled on my wrists and movement was almost impossible. All I could really do was wiggle a little.

"Really? I don't think you've enjoyed yourself enough yet." He said as he moved off of the bed. I panicked. Was he going to leave me again? I struggled hard and tried to cry out. The vibrator worked away and I wanted it out. I could hear him laughing. "No you only want me to turn you loose. I'll be back later. Maybe then you'll really mean it." I heard the door close and went wild. The more I fought the greater the pleasure and soon I was moaning and fighting an oncoming orgasm. I couldn't lie still. I tried but the vibrator made it impossible. I hated moving because each movement made the pleasure mount. The gag made me gag against it. Breathing became difficult again and I knew I would get no help. I tried to slow my breathing down. My vagina throbbed as the heat built inside of me. I wanted to fight it but knew it was useless. I couldn't stop what was naturally happening inside of me. I felt the rings pull and tug. The plug was burning in my rectum and it hurt. My body tried to push it out but nothing happened. I was totally helpless to do anything to better this situation. I was forced to endure this torture and orgasm against my will. As my body stiffened with the pleasure I felt warm hands on my shoulders and jumped.

"Let go Taylor. Stop fighting it." David coaxed as the pleasure ripped me into another orgasm. This one would not stop. The constant drone of the vibrator caused it to wave over me again and again until I was crying. "Experience this for what it is." He whispered as another wave took me. What was this? It was nothing more than mechanical rape, forcing me against my will. No matter how I tried to fight it another wave swept me into oblivion and I stiffened against my bonds. Being hogtied is a sensation unlike anything else. The position itself rendered me completely helpless. The way my legs were pulled up put pressure on my wrists and ankles to the point of being almost painful. Any movement simply reminded me just how helpless I was. David's hand found my clit and tormented me further. I struggled against him. I didn't want any more stimulation. I couldn't handle it. He did not stop. His fingers probed my clit and I tried to scream as my back arched. I was sweating and exhausted. I was gasping against the gag. David moved away and I could hear him on the intercom. Moments later Chris was there.

"Cut her loose." David said.

"Why? I'm enjoying watching her suffer." Chris replied. I fought my bonds and tried to scream. I desperately wanted loose.

"She's had enough." David explained.

"No. She could stay like that for days. Look at her. She likes it." Chris said as I fought the bonds and cried. The vibrator causing me to orgasm again right in front of them.

"Turn her loose." David said more firmly.

"No." Chris replied as I began bucking wildly. I lost my breath and thrashed around. One of them held me down. I no longer heard them. All that existed for me was that damn vibrator and the need to be free. I came over and over as Chris took the mask off and removed the tape. I struggled against the chastity belt as he took of the gag. I screamed and took a deep breath. The air felt good, but he did nothing else. I felt the bed shift as he got off the bed.
