Breaking Taylor


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"Please." I gasped. "Please let me go." Another orgasm stopped my plea as I screamed and fought it.

"Turn her loose." I heard David say again.

"No. She will remain like that until I decide to turn her loose." I heard the door slam and cried out.

"Please let me go. I can't take this anymore. Chris please." I begged but he didn't answer. I struggled against the pleasure of the vibrator and cried as I felt someone on the edge of the bed. "Please untie me."

"He won't. Now until you tell him what he wants to hear." David said as I felt his hand on my shoulder. I sobbed. I couldn't stop the orgasms from coming and I hated it. As wave after wave washed over me I finally submitted.

"I'll say it." I sobbed and I heard him go to the intercom. I fought uselessly against my bonds, every movement causing a wave of pleasure to send me into another orgasm. Tears soaked the blindfold. I think I would have done anything just to be free from this torture.

"He won't come down." David explained as he sat back next to me. The vibrator had not slowed a bit. If he made me stay like this until the batteries died I could be like this a week. The thought terrified me and I fought again.

"Please, please turn me loose. I'll do whatever you want just please turn me loose." I bargained but it didn't help. David didn't have the keys and couldn't turn me loose. I screamed as another orgasm took me over. David got off the bed again. I wished he would take off the blindfold, but he didn't. I heard him at the intercom again. I hoped Chris could hear me begging. I fought the vibrator as it brought me up over and over. I was breathless, gasping and could not stop the waves.

"David tells me you have something to say." I heard Chris near the bed. I struggled and gasped, trying to speak but couldn't. "Well, what is it I don't have all day."

"Please Chris." Came out in a whisper. "Let me loose. Do what you want." I was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Is that all?" He said as he sat on the edge of the bed. I could hear the keys jangling in his hands. I struggled hard and fought another wave of orgasm as he jangled the keys.

"Please Chris I can't take this anymore." I begged. It seemed to have no effect on him as I fought my bonds and the orgasms that wracked my body. "I'll do what you want just please turn me loose."

"I still haven't heard it." He said impatiently as the keys jangled. I wished David would just take the damn keys and turn me loose. I gasped again as the vibrator sent me into a violent orgasm. "How much longer will you suffer Taylor?"

"Please Chris take me." I spat in between breaths as the orgasm ripped through me. I sobbed hoping it was what he wanted because I didn't think I could say another word. The keys rattled again, this time near my feet. He was releasing the chain. He unlocked my ankles but not my hands. I waited for him to remove the belt but instead he stood me up and took the blindfold off. The sudden light hurt my eyes and I squinted until they adjusted.

"Is that the best you can do?" He looked angry. My God what did I have to do to make him let me go? The vibrator drilled away and I fought the sensation uselessly. The orgasm took me and I almost fell to my knees.

"Chris, please. I can't." I panted as the orgasm caused my whole body to spasm.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked with his hands on my arms. I moaned and almost fell but he held me up. "She's not going to say it." I heard him say as he let my arms go. He walked back to the door. In horror I watched as he opened it.

"Wait." I cried. "Please don't leave me like this."

"What do you want me to do?" He asked again. I fell to my knees as another orgasm tore through me.

"Take me." I said sobbing. I could say nothing else the orgasm took my breath. I heard the door close and thought he had left me again. Hands took my arms and lifted me to my feet. It was Chris. I watched as he unlocked the belt and removed it. Crying I sighed with relief. He removed the vibrator then turned me around and removed the plug. I was so relieved that I didn't fight when he pushed me onto the bed with my hands behind me. He took me and all I could do was cry. I could barely feel it and I was thankful for that. When he was finished he rolled me over and unlocked my wrists.

"Get cleaned up. Your day is just beginning." He said as he left the room. David had gone too. I just lay there crying, relieved. Finally I got up and took a shower. I hated the feel of the leather when it got wet. I knew it would get tighter when it dried. Every little movement pulled at my rings. Chris had left me nothing to wear so I wrapped a large towel around me toga fashion. I threw myself on the bed and cried. I chastised myself for not just listening to David. I buried my face in my arms weeping, feeling sorry for myself. The door opened and I didn't even look up to see who it was.

"You hungry?" David asked as I heard the door close behind him. I remained where I was not answering his question. I heard the dishes being set on the table then he came over and sat beside me. I felt his hand on my back and I tried to shrug it off.

"Leave me alone." I said petulantly as I sobbed.

"Look, you need to eat. It's going to be a long day." He said as he left the bed.

"I won't." I screamed as I pulled myself into a ball.

"I'm going to leave the food here. You better eat. If you don't eat before Chris comes down you won't get a chance to later." He said as he went to the door. He almost looked concerned but he was enjoying this as much as Chris was, at least that's what I believed.

"Leave me alone." I spat as he went out the door. I lay there for a long time before I went to see what he brought to eat. I sat down, made a plate and picked at the food. My stomach was so upset I didn't think I would be able to keep it down but I tried anyway. I was still picking at the food when Chris came in.

"David said you were in a bad mood." He said as he sat across from me. I didn't respond. I stared at my plate and pushed some scrambled eggs around it. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?" He prodded.

"I hate you." I hissed as I left the table and went to the couch. I flopped down hoping he would just leave. He came over and stood in front of me. I refused to look at him instead I stared at his feet.

"You can pout all you want to but we should get started." He said as he stood over me.

"No." I spat and pulled my legs up to my chin.

"What did you say?" He acted like he didn't hear me.

"I said no." I repeated. His response was to snatch my hair, jerk me to my feet and twist my neck so that I was forced to look him in the face.

"What did you say?" He was getting angry. I didn't care. I was not about to cooperate and allow him to abuse me the way he just had. If he was going to by God he was going to fight me to do it.

"I said NO." I shouted as I tried to pry his fingers loose. "Let go of me." I demanded as he pulled me toward the door.

"We'll just see about that." He seethed as he jerked me through the door.

"Stop it." I protested and continued fumbling with his fingers. He drug me to the table and picked up a very large knife. I was still fighting against him and he pulled me close, bringing the knife to my throat. He pressed it against my skin hard; it felt like it cut me a little.

"Still telling me no?" He asked as he pressed the knife harder. I kicked at him. I was sure he wouldn't kill me and I used it against him.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed and struggled with him. "You're a gutless pig." I added. I continued to kick at him; every now and then I would make contact with his shin.

"Really?" He spat as he drew the knife across my neck. I knew it was cutting me I could feel blood running down my throat but I didn't care.

"Kill me you chicken shit." I screamed. "It would be better than enduring your torment a moment longer."

"Be careful what you wish for Taylor." He stopped the knife as blood slowly dripped from my neck. He leaned down and licked the blood. I wanted to be sick.

"Kill me. I'd rather be dead than spend another second with you! I hate you!" I pulled and twisted trying to free myself from him but nothing worked. His grasp in my hair was solid. "Let go of me." I demanded as I pulled against him. The knife fell to the floor as he shoved me around the room to a cushioned mat on the floor. He threw me down and I scurried away. I ran for the knife but he caught me by the ankle and jerked me back. I kicked and screamed as he pulled me back on the mat.

"You'd rather be dead huh?" He said as he forced me onto my stomach. I clawed at the mat trying to pull myself away from him.

"Anything would be better than being here with you." I spat as he grabbed my arms and forced them behind me. He secured them together then turned on me so he was facing my feet. His weight held me down effectively. "What are you doing? Get off of me." I struggled against him as I felt him tie my feet together and raise them up to my hips as he moved off of me.

"Giving you what you asked for." He said as a rope looped around my neck then down to my ankles. He tied it off and left me there. I froze. If I fought the rope would tighten and strangle me.

"What have you done?" I asked in terror as I tried to keep the rope slack. I could feel it digging into my neck and knew if I flinched it would pull tighter.

"I've given you what you wanted." He explained as I watched him move away and sit down at the card table. I realized he would let this happen, he would let me lay here until I strangled myself and he wouldn't stop it.

"You're sick!" I screamed. "David help me." I cried trying not to move. The rope was snug on my throat almost in the spot where Chris had cut me.

"I thought you said you'd rather be dead." Chris said as David walked in.

"David, David, cut me loose. He's crazy!" I shouted as David just stood appraising the situation. Each time I turned my head to the door the rope got a little tighter. How far would they let this go? I didn't want to die, not like this.

"Take one step closer to her and I will blow her head off." Chris said with words so cold it sent ice through me. Slowly I looked at him and he leveled a revolver right at my head. "This is what she wants so this is what she's going to get." He pulled the hammer back and tears coursed down my face.

"Chris, why are you doing this to me?" I asked as I felt the rope pull a little tighter. He stood and walked over to me, kneeling and shoving the gun against my temple.

"You wanted to die. Pull the rope or get shot, either one is effective." He said as he stared at me. I was trembling.

"Chris please don't do this. Untie me." I begged quietly. He pushed the gun harder against my temple and I cried out.

"I'm sick of your constant refusal to cooperate. How hard would it be for you to just once do as you're told?" His entire face was red with rage. "At times I wish David had never brought you here." The gun left my temple and I sighed a bit. I was terrified it would go off accidentally or in a fit of his rage. I couldn't answer his questions so I waited for him to speak again. I closed my eyes as I concentrated on not pulling the rope.

"Leave her alone Chris." I heard David say. The gun went off and I screamed. I jumped a little and when I did the rope tightened up. I had to gasp for air. I looked around as much as I could without moving. Chris had missed, they were facing each other and Chris had the gun pointed at David.

"Why should I? You didn't know shit about her until you met me. I told you to let her be but you wouldn't listen. Now she's here and she wants to die. I'm giving her what she wants." He said without moving.

"Because you don't want her dead. You want her to suffer. Cut her loose." David demanded as he inched closer to Chris. Was he crazy? Chris could shoot him. Chris didn't move he just kept the gun pointed at David, who was slowly inching his way closer to me.

"Chris please let me go. I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." I tried to distract him. I wasn't sure if it would help but I just couldn't lay here and do nothing. "Chris, please untie me." I asked again as David was getting closer. Chris glanced at me and when he did David tackled him. The gun flew across the room and the two were in an all out fist fight. They rolled around like two school boys in the dirt. After a few minutes David stood up and came over to me. Chris was lying on the floor cussing at David. Suddenly they both fell on top of me. It caused the rope to pull tight and I gagged and couldn't breathe. They didn't notice as I fought for the tiny bit of air I could get.

"Enough." Chris said as he stood with the gun in hand. I was mortified, he was going to let me strangle to death and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. I tried to make a noise, anything to get their attention. They were at a stalemate.

"All you have to do is cut her loose." David said as he lifted his hands a bit. His back was to me. Chris wiped his lip with the back of his hand smearing blood on his arm. I tried to scream then all of my air was gone. The rope pulled tight and I knew it would be a matter of seconds before I passed out. David heard me and was suddenly next to me. Chris fired the gun near us. David pulled at the rope.

"Get away from her." Chris said as he knocked David away. The rope loosened long enough for me to get a few breaths then tightened again, but not so tight it strangled me. Tears coursed down my face. I thought I was going to die or watch David die.

"Will you two stop acting like children and untie me before this rope strangles me to death." I shouted as loud as I could. It worked; they stopped fighting and stared at me. "Please untie me before this gets out of hand." David got off Chris and took a step towards me.

"Let the bitch die. She isn't worth the trouble." Chris shouted at David.

"You need to go upstairs and cool off. Let me deal with this." David said without looking at Chris. His eyes were focused on me. They way Chris had pulled my legs up was causing them to tire. I shifted and the rope tightened.

"Please untie me." I begged as the rope went tight again. David didn't wait he launched himself to me and went to work untying the rope. I tried not to move but as it cut off my air my instinct was to struggle. Finally he got it off and I gasped, crying. He cut the zip ties holding my wrists and ankles. I was relieved and just lay there crying. David left me to confront Chris. As they argued they paid no attention to me. I looked around the room and saw the stairs. Slowly I made my way to them. I ascended the stairs quietly and fastened the door at the top behind me. It wouldn't stop them but hopefully it would slow them down.

A door to my left led to a formal dining area, the one to my right went into the kitchen. In the kitchen I found the back door and ran to it. I reached for the doorknob but found nothing. I stepped back and saw there was no knob, only a deadbolt that required a key. I listened to see if they had followed me yet and heard nothing. I began looking for the front door.

The house was quite possibly the largest I'd ever been in. Each room could easily accommodate a small house. The furnishing was exquisite, expensive. I came to an open entryway. The door was intricately carved wood and facing it was an elaborate staircase leading to the second floor. The front door was like the back, no doorknob. It too required a key. Tears ran down my face, would I never find a way out of this house? I ran into another room. It was a sitting room. There in front of me promised freedom. A large picture window looking over a country setting stood right in front of me. I looked around for something to break the window with; I chose a sturdy chair by the telephone. I picked it up and slung it at the window. In horror I watched as the chair fell to the floor never so much as scratching the glass.

"What kind of house is this?" I asked myself as I stood in horror looking at the window. I remembered the telephone and rushed to it. Picking up the receiver I silently prayed as I put it to my ear. Nothing. It dropped to the floor as I backed away. I could hear them. They had not made it through the door yet, but they would soon. I darted up the stairs and into the first room I came to. I would go out a window and jump. I couldn't lock the door behind me for it too required a key.

The room before me was a suite. A four poster bed sat on the right between two doors. One I assumed went to a bathroom the other was probably the closet. There was a dresser and artful prints on the wall. I ran to the window and threw open the drapes only to feel my heart drop to the floor. Bars covered the windows. I fell to my knees in defeat, crying. This wasn't a house it was a fortress, secure and inescapable. I couldn't move. I heard them in the hall outside of the door. I prayed they would go on by. Moments later the door opened and they rushed in. I turned and backed up until I was against the window. They did not move towards me, they just stood blocking my path to the door. I was trapped, again.

"There you are." David said as he came into the room. He looked a little out of breath as if he had been running.

"You're getting to be a pain in the ass Taylor." Chris spat still carrying the gun. He put it behind his back, probably tucked into his pants as he stood in the doorway daring me with his eyes. I said nothing as I stared at them. This house is more secure than a prison and they have kept me locked up in that hellhole. I glanced out the window hoping someone would be in the yard. No one was there.

"The excitement's over. Let's get you back downstairs." Chris said as David began crossing the room.

"Stay away from me!" I shouted and David stopped for a moment. "I won't go back down there."

"You don't have a choice." David said as he resumed his approach. I didn't move. I didn't know what to do. I had no where to run. I looked at Chris who stood like a statue in the doorway. He was angrier than I had ever seen him.

"Get away from me." I shouted as David stopped directly in front of me. Tears flowed freely as I realized I couldn't stop them from taking me back down to that room. "Why?" I asked choking back sobs.

"Why what?" David looked a bit confused, but he stopped and made no move to touch me.

"Why have you kept me down there when this house is, is." I couldn't continue the sobs were causing me to couch. Chris laughed.

"Because being up here is a privilege you haven't earned yet." Chris said matter of factly as he began approaching me.

"What more do I have to do?" I whispered as Chris came next to David and stopped. I stalled, hoping that something would change their minds and they wouldn't force me back into that room.

"You have to complete the training." David explained as he reached out for me and I shrank back avoiding him. I was almost on the window seat now with no where else to go.

"Don't touch me." I cried as I pressed myself against the window. Chris had lost patience. I saw the gun come up and point away from us. It went off and I screamed. David grabbed me. I struggled against him.

"Enough." Chris yelled as he fired the gun again. "Get her back downstairs." He directed as David bent down and picked me up, cradling me like a baby.

"Put me down!" I screamed and fought with him. It threw him off balance and we almost fell. It was all I needed, he dropped me and I ran for the door.

"Damn it get her." I heard Chris yell as I ran out the door and back down the stairs. I darted into a hallway and tried every door I came to. They were locked. The house was like a maze of hallways and doors. I ran hoping they would take a different turn and give me some time to find someplace to hide. I thought if I could hide maybe I could find my way out of this house. The hallway opened to an in ground Olympic sized pool surrounded by a glass room. I almost fell in before I was able to stop on the edge of the pool. I looked around in awe and horror. I knew this glass would be like the window, unbreakable. How big was this house? I looked around and saw a door to what I hoped was the shower area. I ducked in and hid behind the door. As I listened I could hear the water lapping in the pool and I longed to jump in and just swim until all of the stress fell away. Footsteps approaching. They were near the pool and arguing.
