Cassie Ch. 02


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Logan went next. "Tim, how do you like the nudity?"

"I'm warming up to it. I was really hesitant at first, but I like it. Shit, who wouldn't like sitting around this room naked?" They all laughed at that one.

"Ok, Nicole. I'll follow up on Cassie's question," I said. "The four of you don't routinely have intercourse with each other except for you partner. What have the four of you done together, sexually, I mean."

"Just about everything BUT intercourse," she replied. "I mean, we had to set some ground rules, especially when we are drinking and all get nude. We have an agreement that anything but intercourse is fine," Nicole replied, "and we're all comfortable with that."

I found that quite revealing. Apparently they're not holding back on anything.

Logan got up and refilled everyone's glass but Cassie's, who said that she'd had enough. When he returned, I noticed him looking at Cassie and stroking his cock gain.

Nicole continued. "Cassie, are you and Tim open to some fun, like I described. No intercourse, but some fun?"

"We haven't talked about it, but I am if he is."

Cassie took her turn and said to me, "Tim, are you open to some fun tonight, especially when we get to the dares?"

"Sure, if everyone else is."

"Jordan. If you were dared to fondle someones, breasts, who would you choose?" I asked.

"Cassie. I've already fondled Nicole, of course, and Courtney a few times. So it would be Cassie," he replied.

It was Jordan's turn, and he asked me, "Tim, how would you feel with one of us fondling Cassie's breasts?"

"Well, that's part of the game. If Cassie's all right with it, so am I, and I have every reason to believe she'd be all right with it," I replied laughing. We all looked at Cassie, who was getting a bit turned on by the discussion and was slowly rubbing her pussy.

It was my turn to ask the next question. "Nicole, where else do you guys go and get naked? Do you do this anywhere else, her than here?"

Nicole, who was fairly inebriated at this point, replied, "Well our . . . I mean my dad has a cabin in the mountains, and quite often the four of us go there to get away, and we usually shed our clothes when we arrive and don't see them until we leave." I noticed her slip-up, and wanted to immediately ask another question, but that would have to wait for later.

We continued with the game for a few more minutes, and then it was my turn again.

"Nicole, tell us something about you and Jordan that everyone knows but me and Cassie."

"I was afraid you picked up on my stumble," she replied. "I guess there's no reason not to tell you and Cassie," she said as the room got very quiet and she looked over at the other three, with Jordan nodding his consent. "We don't share this with anyone, but, you see, Jordan and I are half brother and sister. We have the same father. His father and my mother had an affair resulting in me. Our parents got divorced and my mother married our father. Jordan and I were raised together by our father and my mother. We realized that we were in love with each other two years ago, and have been a couple ever since."

The room remained silent for a few seconds, as everyone was waiting for our reaction, which wouldn't be what they expected.

"Should I?" Cassie asked me.

"Yeah, go ahead," I replied.

Everyone looked at us, wondering what we were talking about.

"Tim and I are brother and sister, too," she said, with everyone staring at her in disbelief.

"Really, no kidding?" Jordan and Nicole both asked, together.

"Yeah, no kidding. We've always been close, but just recently started, you know, having sex and all, and now, I'm pregnant."

"Oh my God," the four of them exclaimed almost in unison.

"Do your parents know?"

"No, our mother died years ago, but our father doesn't know about our relationship. Soon, though, we'll have to tell him at least about the baby," Cassie said.

"We, we can all support you. I know how much it meant to me and Jordan to have Logan and Courtney's support," Nicole said, continuing, "they weren't aware that Jordan and I were brother and sister until about our third date, and then one of us slipped up and said something like I did a while ago. They've been supportive of our relationship, though."

"Yeah," Logan chimed in, "it didn't really bother me and Courtney. She was Nicole's room mate, and they were also best friends at college, and when she found out, well, she told me, and like I said, it really didn't make any difference to us. That's when Jordan moved in with me, so he and Nicole could come over to our place and hang out too. I don't really think of them as brother and sister, and I certainly didn't think of you two that way, and it doesn't make any difference to us, obviously."

"It's been great, having Logan and Courtney as friends," Jordan said, "because it gives us a couple we like that we can be ourselves around. Not everyone's as accepting of our relationship; few even know about it."

"Well, now you have another couple. I hope we can remain friends," Cassie said.

"Yeah, your secret is safe with us!" I said, laughing at the irony of my statement, along with everyone else.

"Well, I think that's about enough with the truth part; I think I'll refill some glasses and we can move on to the dares, if everyone's willing," Logan said, looking at Cassie as she was rubbing herself again. He stroked his cock before he got up to get some refills. We all go up and gathered some more food for our next round, which wouldn't be a long one, as Cassie was starting to get tired, she said.

Cassie pulled me over to the side and asked, "Do you think we should, you know, stay for the dares? I'd kinda like to if you would, I mean. Like they said, there wont be any intercourse. I'm sure there'll be a lot of touching and all, but no intercourse. What do you think? It might be kinda fun."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

So she’s trying to get pregnant, but willing to abort if he doesn’t want it? Absolutely irresponsible & heinous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Author you don't fool around when you want to kill a love story! A solid 5 stars story became a 1 just to don't deserve even a 1...

CapewideCapewidealmost 6 years ago
too much sex

Constructive criticism, too much sex, not enough story. You write good but you need a better story. Concentrate more on the things going on around and in their lives. Just let the sex and the pregnancy happen as it will naturally. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. The best writers have a good and detailed story with some torrid and incestuous sex and babies.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Cant go on getting others invovlved in stupid games what and idiot

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Didn't like other people.getting involved. A step to far.for me.

OlebillOlebillover 7 years ago

Getting to many people involved. Please no more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Please don't make it communal.

SampkyangSampkyangover 7 years ago

What a good story turning into a complete turn OFF! if you share nudity it shows a TOTAL lack of love. There is ZERO true love here, this is just simply lust of a couple of dogs...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Again no sequel?

Tom, what gives? Another cliff hanger? Come on.......

It's been, what, two years since last chapter. Have you quit, gotten to ill to write, maybe crippled?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Ugh. I knew there was going to be some bullshit with other people as soon as they started the nude at the lake thing. Sigh. All in all the story has been pretty fun! Ive certainly been having fun picking and poking at it with a running commentary in a text file as Ive been reading the chapter, lol. ...which Ill share in a sec. ....not sure if I want to read the next chapter or not, I skimmed a lot of the last bit of this ch. with the couples, trying to avoid the pain thats coming:/

....well here we go, from the top! ;

"" I was shocked, but for some inexplicable reason found this whole episode to be a turn on, and immediately came down from my anger.

@@ uh, I highly doubt anyone would find it aturnon, much less calm down! I cry bullshit to fit the storyline lol @@

"We need to talk about this, Cassie."

"Tell me that you don't love me, Tim. Just tell me that you don't love me, and we'll end it. I'll take a pill or something and end it, but I thought you'd want this as much as I do. Don't you want to have a baby with me?" ""

@@ That was quick! Playing the 'but dont you love me!' Card! As if that has jack shit to do with her sneaking around to get knocked up, lol. She thought he'd want it as much as her? NO, she didn't, she knew he wouldnt, hence her not asking him and being a sneaky bitch about it! Want to have q baby with you? We go from hanging out together to fucking in one afternoon and suddenly Im supposed to want a baby with you?! NOT! @@

"" Cassie led me to the bedroom and dropped back on the bed, spreading her legs for me. I knelt down between them and started kissing her pussy and rubbing her breasts. The thought of making a baby with my sister was now a turn on for me, and I wanted her more than ever. ""

@@ Fuuuuuuuck. It would be a turn on pretending I was knocking her up. No way I would want sex right now after her sneaky shit, and certainly not since I dont know if shes pregnant, and not knowing if I even want that, why would I keep dumping cum in her?! I doubt I could get excited enough to get it up after that stunt. I'd probably just go home. @@

"" Cassie finally stopped sucking me and said, "I can't get pregnant if you cum in my mouth. If you want this baby as much as I do, brother, fuck me. Oh god, please fuck me." ""

@@ Oh, I just realized the Star Trek movie marathon is starting in fifteen minutes. Lemme take a raincheck on that. @@

"" "Do you want to make a baby?" She asked.

"Oh fuck yes I want to make a baby," I said as I slid into her all the way.

"Then fuck me, Tim, fuck your sister and make a baby inside of her," she shouted. ""

@@ I think Meatloaf 'Paradise by the Dashboard Lights' just started playing in the background, lol. @@

"" I didn't last as long the second round, and soon was emptying a second load of sperm inside of my sister. ""

@@ Isnt that backwards, dont you usually last longer the second round? Heh. @@

@@ ...and while Im thinking about it... Her roommate... Do you honestly think shes going to stay away all weekend? The chick is prolly dying of curiosity as to who this mystery lover is that Magically showed up out of nowhere! @@

"" "I want to get you off and taste your cum, Tim," She said as she increased the intensity while making love to my cock.

God, I could get used to this, I thought as she continued sucking me. ""

@@ enjoy it now sucker, when she hatches out that baby (or your luck, triplets) you can kiss the constant sex goodbye and probably forget about blowjobs unless she's dodging off on sex, lol. It'll be all stinky diapers, screaming and crying, waking up five times a night for feedings and changes. All your going out to dinner and a movie cash (not that broke kids have much of that) will be spent on baby stuff. Diapers. Formula. Clothes. ....and while were on *that*, how does she figure the two of you can afford a kid? Lol. @@

"" "I want to please you, Tim. God, I love you." ""

@@ Ya know, I'd prolly fucking cry if my wife ever said something like that to me, in or out of context, lol. @@

"" Finally, after about twenty minutes of her riding my cock, I told her that I was about to cum. Just as I got the words out, I released several shots into her dripping pussy, filling her completely. ""

@@ I cry bullshit!! The dude would be dry and shooting fucking blanks by now! @@

"" "Yeah, me too. Does that mean that, you know, were a couple and all? I'd really like that, Tim." ""

@@ No, I just thought I'd fuck you for the rest of the weekend and get as much as I could before I told you I dont want a kid and that you're a psycho nutter and run like hell. @@


I wanted her to be sure, and we agreed that, if the opportunity came up, she could have sex with someone else, if she wanted to, just to make sure she wanted to be with me. I didn't want her to have any doubts or regrets later on about her decision. ""

@@ hell no. This is one naive, retarded fucking moron!! 'Wanting to be with you' in and of itself because she's in love with you has nothing to do with sex, dumbass! The girl has never fucked anyone but you AND she is ecstatic with the sex you two have, so the LAST thing you want, if you want to keep her, is to have her fucking other guys, only to find some guy that fucks her so good she feels like shes gonna die. From then on out, even if she stays with you, she will wonder if it would be better with him, or him, or him. Hell, the conversation on issues that having slept with multiple people causes or can cause could take pages, lol! @@

"" Cassie threw her arms around me and kissed me, thanking me for not leaving her or anything once I discovered what she was doing. I have to admit that I was really upset at first, but now that I've thought about it, I'm really glad to know how much she loves me. I know its strange, but I'm really looking forward to this, except for the part about telling our dad. ""

@@ Didn't love you enough to tell you up front and trust you to make your own decision! @@

"" "It's about me, you know, being with other guys and all. I mean, I can't really do that now, you know, while I'm fertile and all. I don't know, Tim, what I should do." ""

@@. What? You were going to go running around fucking a bunch of guys bareback? Hey, lets see how many diseases I can catch while I'm hunting for orgasms! ....and her brothers whole deal with her being sure she wants to be with him, how does he figure just pushing her off to fuck a bunch of guys instead of getting to know them and forming relationships is going to help her decide she really just wants to be with him?! Retarded, yeesh!

Hey, you love me and want to have my baby and live together forever, Ive got this great idea, since you're probably pregnant with our future daughter, why dont you go out and fuck a bunch of guys! Doh! @@

"" I pressed my tongue against her tight ass hole and started licking it while fingering her pussy. I pressed my tongue as deep inside of her as I could, but she was still very tight, so it didn't go far. ""

@@ wtf? Does he have a Gene Simmons tongue or something? Of course its not going to go in far, lol. @@

"" I continued licking her pussy for several more minutes, while fucking her ass with two, then three fingers. I wanted my sister more then ever. ""

@@ two or three fingers fucking her as without using real lube? That isn't going to end well, hell it prolly isnt beginning well. :/ @@

"" "God, I never thought you'd be doing this to me in a theater, Tim. We should have been doing this all along!"

"Yeah, I know what you mean," I said as I continued rubbing her. ""

@@...cause theres nothing like getting caught by the cops while committing incest with your sister to start and end your relationship as the judge throws your asses in jail. Ouch! @@

"" Cassie moved forward on the seat with her ass hanging over the edge a little, allowing me access to her anus, which I started to rim. Cassie started fingering herself, and then I noticed that she had a hand up under her shirt and was rubbing her breasts as well as her pussy. ""

@@what movie theatre are they at that has enough room for him to sit his ass on the floor in front of her? Lol. Not sure Id want any part of me besides my shoes on that floor anyway! Lol. @@

"" I'm getting out anyway," she said as she continued walking toward the shore, to the delight of the three guys who were walking along the edge of the water in their swimsuits. ""

@@ umm... No, don't think I want my girl showing her naked body off to anyone besides me. I would have definitely not been ok with that. @@

"" "Oh shit, that's all I needed to know. I might run into someone I know. Just how do I explain that I'm at a nude beach with my sister?"

"You worry too much. People don't really care what you do or who you do it with. You're much too conservative. Now, get your suit on and we're heading to the beach," she said as she started taking off her clothes to put her suit on. ""

@@ yeah... I don't want most of the people I know to see me naked (and I have nothing to be ashamed of) and I certainly don't want to see most of them naked. Eww. And I Really don't want a bunch of nude scabbers trying to worm their way into my girls pussy. @@

"" I never got a hard on. I got a semi a couple of times, but never got entirely hard, which was a good thing, because I think she was serious when she said that there'd be hell pay if I got hard. ""

@@ she better get used to it! Guys look, young guys get hard at the drop of a hat! Lol. My girl knows I look and I don't try and hide it. Im not overly letcherous, but I enjoy looking. Hell, sometimes my wife will point out a hottie if I miss something awesome ;) @@

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Only a 1, got too much at the end with the two others.

rightbankrightbankover 10 years ago
I see there is a ch 03

with the way you have destroyed them as a couple already I have no interest in going further. Sorry I spent time getting this far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Argh; I'm afraid of where it's headed

Showing Skin at a nudist beach is entirely different than in a hotel room. The other four have already admitted to slipping up a few times. Plus; both guys are drooling all over sis, let alone the one who's perving on her and fondling himself all of the timer, bs,bs,bs. They're idiots not to see the warning signs.

Sharing your GF is not he same as sharing your Wife / Lifetime Partner; I don't think that Tim has pulled his head out of his ass yet!! This is also his sister who he's protected all of her life and she's also carrying they're baby, dumb , dumb, dumb

Also Tim's instructions for sis to have sex with another man are BS; he again doesn't appear to really care about her!

Not so happy;


Hell; for all I know you're going to kill sis off as I've heard have happened in your other stories & if that's the case "why should any of us give a flying rats ass fuck about these characters!" Grrrrrrrrrrrr

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
The story continues...

If Jordan has a dusting of brown chest hair, give some to Tim too.

kaidmankaidmanabout 11 years ago

I like this one so far its nice I'm also looking forward to any continuations of the Tami story as well

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