Castaway Ch. 03


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We made it to port without incident, and everyone split up to get prepared for the main event. I ran back to my boat to gather up supplies that I would need, and took them all to the plane. After stashing my own gear, I started my pre-flight inspection. By this time, Shawn was feeling better, and helped with the pre-flight. He wasn't going to go with us, but still wanted to help out.

Ten minutes before my hour deadline was up, Tanya and her group came walking down the dock, carrying several bags. I told them we should be able to fit most of it, but might have to squeeze in. That earned me a grunt and frown from both of the ladies. The guys both couldn't care less, and said so.

"If we have to lose a bag or two, no sweat," said Marcus.

"Yeah, I didn't pack much for me, so..." agreed Michael.

Tyrone came to the girls rescue though, "Uh uh, we are NOT tossing any of that stuff out. We will just have to make it FIT!"

Tanya stayed silent through most of the dialog, only nodding her head with that last statement, before busting up laughing. Everyone joined in, and soon there were tears from a few who were laughing so hard. The laughter calmed down, and everyone boarded the plane. The luggage all fit, with room to spare.

We took off without incident, and made our way to the island that had been chosen. Landing was a bit rough, but only because the surf around this particular island was rougher than I had expected. We still made it down just fine, and got the plane safely up onto the shoreline. I ran the rope up to tie it down to the thickest tree I could find.

We setup camp on the beach, just as was planned. We made a fire ring from some stones, and setup all of our small tents. In total, there were eight of us and four tents. We also had a canopy setup for a meal area, complete with a pop-up stove and some dishware in a Tupperware bin. Once everything was setup, we all congregated in the meal area.

I spoke up, as the pseudo tour guide. "OK, listen up. You are all adults here, but I would strongly recommend that NO ONE go off anywhere alone. Also, see these wooded sections behind us? You can go in there but don't wander off too far. It will be very difficult to find anyone in there, especially after dark."

With that informal safety briefing, we all spread out to do our own thing. Me, I setup my folding chair on the beach, and sat back to relax. All I needed now was a Beach Pineapple, and I was set. My paradise was interrupted, by a shadow that walked between me and the Sun.

"Do you always just sit around, or do you ever actually walk around these beautiful islands?"

I looked up, and there was Tanya, with her hands on her hips. "Sometimes, depends on the company I guess. Why? Would you like to go for a walk?"

She was biting her bottom lip again, so endearing. "Yeah, that would be really nice."

So, I got up, and escorted her down the beach. Any idiot would have said yes, but I truly did enjoy being around her. I really didn't even think about the fact that she was probably about ten years younger than I was.

We walked barefoot, without much concern for the time. Tide started making its way in again, and soon our feet were getting damp. We turned back for the campsite when we got legitimately wet with each wave. As we head back, she snuck her hand into mine, and we intertwined fingers. I gave her a look, questioning what was happening. Her return smile would have lit up the beach, but spoke volumes about how she felt just then.

Honestly, I was floating back to camp. I vaguely even remember getting there, to find that Marcus and Tyrone had already been preparing the group's dinner. Diane and Michael were walking back to the site carrying a bunch of wood in their arms. They set the load on top of a neat pile already there, and both moved to sit down.

We all ate, and joked about the days' events. I worked some pieces of wood into the makeshift fire pit, and got a nice blaze going. As the dusk progressed into night, we all circled around the fire, and told stories. It was like I had always been a part of this group of friends, and it felt wonderful. All too soon, it was time to pack it in for the night. I let the coals burn down, and made my way towards one of the tents.

Diane and her husband had already zipped up their tent door flap. Tyrone and his husband had just opened the door to theirs, and were sliding into it. Madison and Sarah had disappeared into their tent while I was still thinking about saying 'goodnight' to them. That just left Tanya and me to share the fourth tent. I hadn't given it much thought earlier, but now that we were standing at the flap, I got a bit nervous. Here I am, a grown man, nervous like it was my first time on Prom night. That was even assuming that anything was going to happen between us, and I really did hope that something did.

I opened the zipper, pulled the flap open for her to get in, and then I got in behind her. I zipped up the flap, and yelled out to the rest of the group, "Good night everyone!" A chorus of voices returned the word, "Goodnight!"

As there were some muted talking and noises coming from the other tents, it wasn't very pronounced. The noise of the waves coming and going also provided a lot of cover for those that were already getting frisky. I slid down on top of my sleeping bag, and lay on my side, supporting my upper body on one elbow. I looked deep into those emerald eyes, and saw passion. She was boring a hole into me with her stare, so I did the only thing I could do. I leaned forward and kissed her. It started as a tender caress of our lips on each other, but quickly progressed into a fiery passion that had a life of its own.

She pushed forward, effectively knocking me onto my back, when she moved to straddle me. Her legs on either side of my torso, her hands working under my shirt, sensually rubbing up my sides. It was pure animal lust, and it felt incredible. She was pushing my shirt up, and lowered her mouth to one of my nipples. She lightly sucked and licked it, before biting down hard on it. I had never felt such pain and pleasure at the same time, as this woman was doing to me. She let go of my now very red nipple, and moved her hands lower down my lean waist, to begin working my shorts off me. I lifted myself up to assist with her efforts, and was well rewarded.

She sat back upright, and slid her panty covered mound across my now naked and rock-hard member. The sensation of her movements was incredible, and if the pace continued, this might end before it ever began. As if she could read my thoughts, she moved up about an inch, reached down between her legs, and moved her panties to the side. She slid down quickly, and engulfed my raging erection into her hot depths, in one swift motion. It was pure heaven, slick and soft, and OH so hot.

As soon as she was fully impaled, she immediately rocked herself up and down on me, and leaned forward to put her hands on my chest. She grabbed a hold of my sparse chest hair, and rocked on top of me. I reached for the bottom hem of her shirt, and pulled it up and over her arms as she lifted up to allow it. She came back down on top of me, rubbing her hard nipples across my chest, pushing her perky breasts against me. She continued the rocking motion, and kept me buried as she moved up and down just a few inches at a time, maintaining maximum contact on her love button.

She moved faster, and faster, until she slammed herself down on my groin, moaning out very loudly, "JAMES!!! UHhggggg."

She buried her face into my neck at this point, and just lay on top of me panting. I wrapped my arms around her, putting her pliable cheeks in my hands, and started to thrust upwards into her. I pounded her from beneath, and this set off another wave of euphoria for her, moaning continually. Her wetness was all over my groin at this point, but I didn't care. I was harder than I had been in a long time, and was giving this hot redhead everything I had in me. She loved the attention, moaning my name over and over again. Her voice was a music to my soul, and I would do anything to keep it playing.

"Ohhh... Ohhh God James... James... JAMES!!" She went into the stratosphere again, shaking and pulsing as the waves washed over her. My own tidal wave was approaching, quickly, and I pumped faster and harder. Her velvety walls were still pulsing, and the sensations were just what I needed. I felt that familiar wonderful tingle, starting at the tip of my hard dick, and running from head to toes. I grabbed her rear end and pulled her down onto me, pumping my cum up into this beauty, rope after pulsing rope.

We both finally collapsed down, her still on top, me still buried in her. She lightly kissed my neck, and I gently rubbed her ass and lower back in small circles. Eventually, I softened and slipped out, and she slid off to lay on my side, her leg still draped over mine. She fell asleep with her head on my chest, and I with my arm around this goddess. I remember falling asleep thinking how lucky I was, to have this beauty sleeping with me, in a tent, on a beach here in paradise.

The next few days were much the same, with Tanya and me sneaking into the tent as many times as we could. Her friends were all giving us shit about it the whole time, but we didn't care. We enjoyed every moment we could get alone. When it was time to pack up and head back, neither one of us wanted it to be over. If not love, I was at least definitely falling in lust with this woman. She made me feel so alive again, that I didn't want it to end. Sadly, it had to though. She had to return to L.A. for some new picture she was about to start shooting, and I had more tours to give. When it came time to take them to the airport, we were both a little emotional.

"James, I don't know what happened this week, but I felt something with you. I really wish you could come with me."

"I know, I felt it too, whatever it is. Tanya, I can't leave just yet, but I WILL come visit you in L.A. soon. How about I come up in two weeks, and spend a week with you? You can show me your place, and we can hit the town..."

"That sounds nice, aside from the waiting part." She smiled at this, and went on. "Promise me you'll come."

"I promise, I will come visit you in California, and we will continue to melt the sheets." I winked, giving her the OK to start laughing, which she did.

"Here is my home number, and my Cell number. The printed number on the front is my agent Tyrone's number. You can call him if you can't get a hold of me, ok?"

I nodded, not trusting my voice. I gave her my card, so she would have my numbers as well. We hugged tenderly, with a goodbye kiss, and a wave as they went through security and onto the gangway into their plane. I stood and watched as the plane pushed back from the gate, before turning around and heading back out to my daughter. When her plane took off, I seriously wondered if I was ever going to see her again. Upon reflection, I had made her a promise, and I had every intention of keeping it.

Maddy was standing with Sarah, whispering to each other conspiratorially, and quickly hushed up as I got near. I had enjoyed the time out there with my daughter, seeing her happy again. I knew that the problems between Caitlin and I had to have bothered her a lot, so I was glad that she wasn't going into a deep depression, or anything like that. She deserved to be happy, and I would do whatever I could to encourage that.

"OK, Maddy baby, are you ready to head back to school? Gosh, I sure did love having you visit, honey!" I was getting choked up and could say no more. She understood.

"Daddy, I love you, too!"

She moved into my arms and we hugged tightly. I waved Sarah over to join the group hug, and we just hugged it out. After we released each other, the girls both looked at each other, and just giggled. "Dad, you have a major crush on Tanya, don't you?" asked Sarah.

"Yes, I think I do," I replied simply.

"You should call her tomorrow, to let her know you're thinking about her. Us girls like that kind of thing," Sarah added.

"Point taken, and thank you. BOTH of you. Thank you for coming to visit me, and I love the both of you. You guys planning on making it official? Will Sarah officially be my daughter-in-law sometime soon?"

Sarah just grinned, and Maddy was blushing. With that, we hugged one last time, and I made Maddy promise me that she was going to call as soon as they landed. I waited for them to get on their plane as well, and was equally heartbroken when I watched theirs pull away from the building, and taxi out to the runway. All my girls were gone again.

Once she was airborne, I went back to my plane, and got it ready to fly back to the marina. Everything was in order, and the fuel gauge still read ¾ full, which was more than enough to make it back to my dock. I got it fired up, and moved out towards the runway. I got clearance from the tower to take off, so I pushed the throttle all the way forward, and the old bird picked up speed and lifted off the ground. I would never get tired of doing that.

The flight back was going fine, not a cloud in the sky, when I heard a loud pop from the nose of the plane. After a minute, and nothing happened, I loosened up again. About another ten minutes later, I heard another loud pop noise, and immediately ran through my mental checklist for what to do. I checked my gauges, and all seemed to be in order. The next pop caught me completely off-guard, but it did scare me enough that my fist hit the dashboard.

When I hit the dash, one of my gauges changed to report that I had very low engine oil pressure. This was bad news. How the heck did my oil pressure drop like it had? I radioed in my coordinates, and asked for help. I knew I might not make it to an airport, but I had to try before crashing. The traffic controller advised that I was about ten minutes from a dirt strip on an island nearby, so I started looking for it. The engine started to sputter, and I was starting to panic. I had a lot of flight experience, but never any crash experience. I had hoped to keep it that way, but it was starting to look like that wasn't going to last.

Smoke billowed out the right side of my engine, and I felt the power leaving my bird. As it slowed, I gently allowed the nose to lower just a fraction, and bleed off altitude to maintain lift. As I continued my descent, I saw a small island straight ahead of me. I radioed in my last known coordinates, and began my preparation for a crash landing.

As I got closer to the island, I could tell it was uninhabited, and had no dirt strip on it. The bird lurched, and the dive became steeper. I pulled on the yoke as much as was possible, and tried to aim for the inlet on one side of the island. If I could just land the plane, regardless of the condition of the engine, it would be easier to see than some drawing in the sand.

The altimeter was my enemy now. It read three hundred feet, and was going down faster now. Two hundred... One fifty... One hundred...

I lined it up as best I could with the rocks and waves around, and felt it hit the water, harder than I had ever done before. I felt the plane bounce off the water, and slam back down on it again, my head smashing into the instrument panel. That was the last thing I remember, before blackness descended on me.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and will vote and comment as you want to. I will be back with Chapter 4 soon.


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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

All credit to the author for his ability to hold the readers in suspense not knowing what will happen next.

Umm. I actually enjoyed the mystery and intrigue of not knowing whether or not Caitlin had had an affair.

It was never stated clearly either way, the only person who denied it was Caitlin. Not the author, just one of the characters who we already knew was dishonest. And even after Cyrus spent the night at her place she still didn't admit it. So that was still not confirmation she was having an affair.

rnebularrnebular7 months agoAuthor

I wanted to answer AngelRider but was unable to send a direct comment. I'm not perfect, and never claim to be. I appreciate your criticism and don't take offense, although some other readers might. This stiry was an evolution and I never meant for it to be anything more than the fantasy that it is. I appreciate your review and hope youveenjoyed any of the other stories I've posted. If not, well I thank you for taking the time to comment on this tale.

AngelRiderAngelRider7 months ago

I love the commenter after me who completely ignored the points I made and either focused on completely irrelevant shit to the points I made or were mad because I stated this chapter was inconsistent with the development thus far.

It doesn't matter whether a human being or criminal would do something irrational. That's not the point. We were led to believe Caitlin didn't have an affair, that she truly loved her husband and was totally ashamed of her behavior. James believed her but now all of a sudden it's an affair and she is fucking Cyrus. Its sloppy and lazy writing plain and simple.

texstertexster10 months ago
Human beings aren’t always rational

I do think that this story has some holes, there are some things that don’t exactly track (I.e. the business partnership dissolution…it doesn’t work like that), and James sure leads a charmed life…all of those are valid criticisms, and I think the author is taking that feedback…but when you start talking about how “Caitlin wouldn’t do something…” or “no way Cyrus would go back to spend another night with Caitlyn” I have to take issue…criminals do dumb stuff all the time…even really smart ones…and people in stressful situations make poor decisions all the time. Just because you picture a character one way, or think there’s no way they would do something, you’re not the author. So maybe take a note from our protagonist and embrace your inner Hakuna Matata…you have already read 3 full chapters, so clearly you’re enjoying it enough to continue reading…just my 2 cents.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Cyrus shot him then dropped the gun on the floor. The cheating whore cleaned up the attempted murder scene. And why wasn't that attempted murder not enough to deny bail to Cyrus? There's quite a few weak plot line points that are just weak. The assertion by the whore that she was just getting even then spending the night with Cyrus while he was on the lamb. I truly hope the author isn't trying to set up a completely improbable raac.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Amazing, just totally amazing. The number of self-absorbed clowns who are so weak-minded approach to critiquing a story a story to ridicule another in most likely failed attempt to elevate their opinion of themselves.

Not everyone agrees with your warped opinions .

It's a simple matter, one that escapes those of a weak mind, if you do not like a story, in any way, as no one is forcing you to continue reading, STOP reading and find another story, I can promise you, no one will be upset that you departed. In fact, they may stage a celebration.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 year ago

This chapter is extremely overrated. I swear, too many people here vote 5s when a husband divorces a wife. The quality of writing, consistency of plot and character development and realism is entirely irrelevant to these people.

The main plot of this story thus far was the MCs marital problems. Caitlin was developed as loving but completely stricken with grief over what she believed was cheating by her husband. She conspires to get even and have him catch her but in the process her fuck body tries to murder the husband. Come to find out the FB was the husband's business partner and wanted to get hubby out of the way and fuck Cait. Now it's an affair???? Sorry, that's bullshit and stinks of "organic" writing which nearly ALWAYS amounts to laziness and shitty plots.

If the wife was in an affair then why did Cyrus state he did this to break the perfect couple because they made him sick? That line doesn't gel with everything after. If he was going to murder his partner then why only use a 22? If he was in an affair with the wife and hated his partner (as is suggested later), why the FUCK didn't he gloat and then finish the job?

It doesn't make sense which is why this chapter sucks. It has NOTHING to do with the story and is nothing but a bunch of new people that are irrelevant. Where is the plot arc now? Where is the rising tension. What the hell are you moving towards?

Christ, some of you are satisfied by such mundane nonsense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"Dad, are you divorcing mom? Oh my god, you ARE!"

Of course I am, darling. Your mother didn’t trust me, and gave herself to another man. When that man shot me, she didn’t call for the police or an ambulance. It’s literally a miracle that I’m still alive. Not only am I divorcing her, I’m trying to get her prosecuted as as an accomplice to attempted murder!


miket0422miket0422about 1 year ago

Still enjoying the story as a whole but, the author continues using cheap and easy plot points to move the story between James & Caitlin along.

Cyrus is on the run from the feds and decides to stop by James' house and spend the night fucking Caitlin. Don't you think the FBI would have had his business partner's house staked out as a potential place he might go?

Even if there had been something going on previously between Caitlin and Cyrus it was pretty obvious she was shocked that Cyrus tried to kill James. She also seems to be really upset at the idea of getting divorced so, why would she allow a felon who's on the run from the feds to stop by and fuck her again?

It just feels like an easy way to allow James to make the decision to divorce and move to Hawaii.

This story is in the LW category but, the author avoids really dealing with the conflict between James and Caitlin in favor of spending a lot of time on the rest of James' life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hot damn! Let the Neanderthals rant about the reality of life and loving relationships today all they want--this is one GREAT story!

Can't wait to read the next chapter...and the next after that, and the next...!

Keep writing. Please.


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