Chronicle - Mel and Chris Ch. 01


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But it had been his experiences with all three that had allowed him to read Mel's earnest if less polished signals in Guadalajara and even better respond in a way to draw them together. Without that he was pretty sure he wouldn't be in this lab with these two dark beauties.

"New set," Mel said and she took them in hand.

"These are pretty good," Maria said as Mel showed her each, "I can see that he really, really, likes you... But, I'm disappointed too."

Chris just stood there with his mouth slightly open, Mel chuckled softly.

"See, here," Maria pointed, "the framing is sloppy. Should have the subject, two incredibly attractive, naked, people, this way..."

She used a finger to show them, then she pulled another. A few more pointers and they were finished.

"Ok, I should have a copy of that one so I can use it as an 'almost example,'" she said as she closed toward him, pulled Mel into a close triangle, "it's obvious you need some close, personal attention. What's this about 'squishy stars'?"

"It's hard to describe," Mel said, "what happened. We went up to the stargazing party the last couple of weekends, the first one I saw nothing. I expected THAT, since that time slot would've been the one that crashed."

"I'm no rocket scientist," Maria mused, "but how could you know that?"

"We guessed."

"You guessed?" Maria's open mouth smile was accompanied by scrunched eyes.

"Made the assumption that the time it crashed was more or less the same time it would've been over us," Chris said, "so I used that as the baseline when this genius gave me the formulas."

"My drudge is correct," Mel picked up, "I used the time of the crash and backtracked the time to assume it more or less just fell out of orbit. I gave that to Chris and he set it up to try and fit various orbits. After that I guessed three instead of two, because that allowed them to be in line of sight and talk with lasers or something like that, so we couldn't catch radio signals."

"Lasers?" Maria's eyes scrunched again.

"Yup," Chris said, "back in seventh grade I built a science fair project. Used a flashlight bulb to transmit sounds. It works fine but you have to be in line with each other. And nothing in between."

"Like in space," Mel said, "at the second stargazing party I stared for twenty..."

"Twenty-five minutes," Chris interrupted, "but the guy who owned the telescope, Steve, didn't mind."

"Why not?" Maria asked.

"It had to do with Mel's shirt having, um," Chris said, "come unbuttoned. Somehow. He'd have stood there all night to let her use it."

Mel's broad grin and shoulder shrug confirmed it might not have been an accident.

"Anyway, finally, the stars didn't disappear, but something went past. For just an instant the stars went fuzzy, squishy, like a funhouse mirror reflection. I was pretty sure of the path and it fit, saw I think three stars."

"Ah," said Chris, "like a heat haze? Wavy, fuzzy."

"Yeah," Mel nodded, her hair bouncing, "that's a another good way to say it."

"Got it," said Maria, her eyes focused for a moment on empty space, "ok. Chris, give me a hand."

She led them to a locked storage cabinet, opened it, looked around then got on her knees and Chris noticed both he and Mel cast appreciative looks at her nicely round hips and an ass similar in shape to Mel's.

'No wonder you like her,' Mel mouthed to Chris, smiled at him, scrunched eyes back.

"Chris, move these," she pushed some boxes and crates out, Chris moved them out of the way, Maria crawled partly into the lowest shelf, "shit, mierde, ah, here it is."

They heard a rubbing sound as she backed out pulling a closed cardboard box.

"Put this up on the bench," she told Chris, he obeyed, found it heavier than he expected. Then he handed her the other items for her to stuff back into the cabinet. She stood up, rubbed her hands on her shorts.

"This," she said as she opened the box, "is a hypersensitization setup. If you expect to take sky pictures of squishy stars, this is step one."

Chris and Mel looked at a round, steel container and various hoses, gauges and pumps.

"Now, when do you plan to do this?"

"We're moving to a new house this weekend, getting off work at noon on a week from Friday, the 26th, that night we have two possible time slots, one the next night. Going up to the Uintas, we have a telescope from a friend. I've got two spots in mind, but the better spot need a 4x4."

"All weekend, camping?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, get gear from my parents' house, not a developed spot, so likely be clear of people, Forest Service land but going through my cousin's property saves a few hours getting there. My dad has keys to the gates. Been there deer hunting, a mountain top that's an easy hike is just above the treeline. Perfect spot and so far out no light pollution."

"I have a Blazer and my own camping gear," she said as a warm but shy smile formed, "and you definitely need more coaching on your photography for this job. I'll drive."

"Deal," said Mel, quicker on the uptake than Chris. Maria wrote some instructions on a sheet of paper and handed it to Chris.

"Get me this stuff, I'll need it for that Thursday morning, so you'll have to buy it before the 24th, before everything closes. Get it to me Tuesday night, okay? Then we can meet here Friday, leave your car. I'll write you a pass for your dashboard that you're on a school trip so they won't bother your car."

She pulled a placard off of a shelf and filled in the dates and handed it to Chris.

"This will be lots of fun," said Mel cheerfully. Maria looked at her watch and a grimmer expression formed.

"Gotta go, let's lock up," she said with a sigh.

With everything collected Maria locked up the lab. At the outer door she and Mel hugged then she grabbed Chris in a hug, he hesitated then returned it. She headed off to the staff parking lot with a wave.

"I thought you said she was married," Mel said as they walked in the opposite direction.

"She is," Chris said slightly puzzled.

"No ring," Mel said quietly, "her finger's got a slightly lighter bit where it would be... But she's really nice."

A Much Better House in All Ways

Chris and Mel's mouths were pressed hard together and their tongues pushed back and forth. The muscles inside of her pussy rippled to pull two more spasms from his spurting shaft to join the first shot he'd deposited with his deepest penetration. She wrapped her long legs around his hips, her arms around his shoulders and squeezed his cock tightly as she pulled his head beside hers, their sweaty bodies pressed together. She lightly nibbled where his neck met his shoulder.

"You mentioned the owner's secretary was talking to you about extending your job," she whispered into his ear, "I think she might be getting ideas. She'll know for sure to stay away she comes sniffing around today..."

"I can't even tell you what that hot blonde looks like," said Chris, "nor a word about her long, long legs, her triple D tits, her deep red lips that could suck chrome... Ow!"

The nibbling had been upgraded to a definite nip.

"Now get off of me," she said as she gave him one last full body squeeze, inside and out, then loosened her grip, "I need a shower or we're both going to be late!"

"I'll head straight from work and get my uncle's pickup," Chris said as he helped Mel out of bed, naked as usual save for her socks, "and maybe we can get a load across tonight."

"I'll try to sneak out a bit early," Mel said as she kissed him quickly, "if it's clear I'll put the car out front, save a spot for the truck. Honk when you get here!"

He nodded, a quick hug and she padded past the now-always-open curtains and out the open door to the bathroom.

Not quite nine PM that night they carried the second chest of drawers up the stairs and turned the corner into their new bedroom to place it. They hadn't figured out the optimal placement but they had enough room to fine tune.

"Let's get the drawers in here," Chris puffed, despite his regular workouts with Mel a full work week and his first two nights of hard soccer training had him dragging a bit, Mel putting on a good front but he saw an unusual sag in her eyes before she leaned into him and he no longer had the view.

"This place is so nice," she said, "I'm glad the twins like you."

He kissed her forehead then took her hand and led her out to the car at the curb, the truck was backed into the driveway to allow them to unload directly to the side door. They'd left their clothes in each chest drawer and put those in the car trunk and seats. They grabbed a couple each and headed in, as Chris led them up the stairs they heard a lilting, familiar voice behind them just as Chris hit the top landing.

"Now THAT is a sight for sore eyes," said Sam, Chris turned and could see her at the foot of the stairs, a huge smile as she looked up, her long red hair framed her face nicely. He was quite certain much of her joy was seeing Mel, who had decided that an extremely short pale red skirt with no underwear was the best choice for the first moving day along with a sleeveless red crop top and no bra. Indeed, Mel had the drawers resting on a leg bent and placed on a stair, her body weight on a straight leg one step lower, her torso leaned forward slightly.

"Hey, Sam," chirped Mel, "you're back."

"Yup, Teresa's just out here," she said, "is the car unlocked? We'll get some drawers."

"It is," Chris said, he noticed Sam had a tank top that Mel would consider excessive coverage but on Sam was quite daring, "we'll be up here."

Sam waved and stepped out the door, Chris and Mel finished their trek and slid the drawers into place. About then Sam then Teresa came in with two drawers each.

"Two left," said Teresa, "and I have something in Terry's car."

"I'll get the drawers," Chris stepped out and headed down the stairs and Teresa followed him once she'd passed her load to Mel. He balanced the last two drawers as he pushed the rear door closed with his hip, he saw Teresa heft a box out of the trunk, "Telescope" he could make out.

"Got it a couple days ago," she told him.

"Bring it up to the room," Chris advised as he led them into the house, "we have until next weekend to figure out how to use it and hook up my camera."

They entered the room and two sets of eyes turned toward them, Chris thought their expressions both had some tinge of guilty surprise to them but he had no idea why. Mel stepped over and took the top drawer and they slid them home. Then Sam wrapped him in a hug, her head hitting him to land where Mel had bitten him earlier.

"Hi, Sam," he grunted as she released him slowly, but his prick had already responded on its own accord and she'd nudged it just before she moved, the denim shorts provided minor resistance with the lack of underwear Mel had requested, "you're looking good."

"It was a nice trip," she said but without the full enthusiasm the words deserved, "happy to be back. She just got me from the airport."

"You guys eat yet, we haven't," said Mel, the two women shook their heads, "how about Bill 'n Ada's? It's a shithole but they like me there."

Both Teresa and Sam looked at Chris, their expressions agreed on 'my god, what have you done to this poor, innocent girl?!?' He shrugged.

"We'll leave the truck at our place," he suggested, "then meet you two there? We'll finish our place in the morning then get yours?"

Agreement was enthusiastic to the truck, somewhat more conditional regarding dining choice.

Chris was surprised that Saturday morning's breakfast spot in the basement of the Medical Towers Building was unknown to all of his dining companions. He'd given Teresa and Sam the address and they'd met him and Mel at its 7 am Saturday opening time. He'd simply told them that the 'Home Run' breakfast would see them through a day of heavy moving labor.

Mel and Sam had their perfectly matched busts in running bras with loose crop tops, nothing Chris hadn't seen Mel wear as often as she could, but something he'd rarely seen Sam wear outside of racquetball. His intuition was that the trip to her family that refused to accept her lover was Teresa and not Chris had triggered a change. Teresa was in her usual sleeveless t-shirt and her and Sam both had denim shorts that unlike what Mel usually wore had inseams that could be measured, Sam's wrapped her ass that was a mimic of Mel's rather nicely.

"I've never seen a mover," said Sam as they all sat at the counter with coffees, watched their breakfasts being prepared, "wear such a nice skirt as that, Mel."

"Being the brains of this operation," was Mel's explanation, three snorts in reply, "it's my job to keep my crew jumping."

Chris had been nudged to sit between Mel and Sam, with Teresa the other side of her girlfriend. Somewhere Mel had acquired an even shorter blue skirt than the one he'd always remember and he knew she'd again skipped underwear. He planned to follow her up every stairway although he'd need to fight Sam for that spot if last night was any indication.

"Hey Chris," asked Teresa, "is this place another computer science tradition? It's weird enough being in a medical center."

"Nope," he said, "soccer tradition. Big Saturday games, breakfast here."

The wide eyes on all three women as the home run breakfasts were placed in front of them gave them no doubt as to the why.

"Ham, sausage, bacon," laughed Chris, "hash browns, eggs, toast... Can't beat it."

"Good job, ladies," Chris said a few hours later as Mel and Sam finished wrestling Terry's queen size mattress into his room on the main floor of the new house, Teresa tapped his shoulder and pointed out the clear view of Mel's ass as she bent over, she noticed, stuck her tongue out and bent over ninety degrees at the waist and spread her legs. Once she'd released the mattress she reached her hand between her legs and flipped them off to get laughs in return. Each of the three had jostled the others for the best views up Mel's barely there skirt at every opportunity and he'd noticed not a few passers-by do double takes while they loaded and unloaded the truck and the cars.

"Terry going to be mad all his stuff's just piled in here," Mel asked Teresa as she stood straight, "not putting it together?"

"We moved it here," she said with a laugh, "while he's cruising Puget Sound. His problem."

Chris stepped forward and kneaded Mel's shoulders as she shook them then her head. Her 'aaahhh' was audible.

"Save enough for the two of us," said Sam as she put her hands on her waist and arched her back.

"Yeah, dude," said her taller sandy-haired girlfriend.

"He does his best massage work naked," Mel said as she closed her eyes and slowly rolled her shoulders into his hands, "so there will be screaming. Yours."

"All of that," he said as he finished the mini-massage with a flourish to both of Mel's ass cheeks, "will be later. Big stuff's done so need to get my uncle's truck back. My bike's out there so I'll ride that back."

Mel turned and wrapped her hands around his neck and gave him a quick kiss.

"We'll finish the stuff in the cars," she told him, "and order delivery from that Chinese place up on Foothill, work for you?"

"I'm not cooking, unless someone else volunteers," he said to various mouthed 'no fuckin ways,' "so fine by me. It'll take me about ninety minutes, traffic won't be bad this time of day but going to gas up the truck."

"Your family won't hold you up," asked Sam with a wink as they walked toward the side door, "we'll be fine here."

"Nah," was his answer, "Mel and I going out there to dinner tomorrow. You two are invited if you want to go."

"They're super nice people," said Mel, "no idea how they raised such a raging sexual pervert of a son!"

"Only reason you're with me," he said to that, kissed Mel quickly and hopped in the truck, "back in no time."

Body Heat

Good to his word ninety-two minutes later Chris squeezed his bike past his car parked in the driveway and parked it in front of the garage. He carried his helmet as he entered the side door and to his left saw Teresa at the worn table they'd moved in earlier from her and her brother's apartment, its age and condition would've been unremarked in his old house but here it was shown up.

"Go take a shower," she said to him as she put on some dishes and the like, "dinner will be here by the time you're done. Mel said she's put what she wants you to wear on the bed. She was rather specific about that."

"Oh kay," he said, "I live to obey."

He heard voices and something being moved around in the basement so assumed Sam and Mel were down there.

"We also decided we've done enough hard labor for today and to kick back rest of the evening," Teresa continued, "and use that awesome TV they left us upstairs. We have a VCR of 'Body Heat,' ever seen it?"

"No," he said as he hit the first couple of stairs, "but heard it's good."

On the bed he and Mel would be sharing, at least until she moved into the dorms when school started, he found an old pair of soccer shorts. Nothing else. She must've found them in a drawer during the move as he hadn't worn them in a long time, they were thin from washings and age and he wasn't even certain they'd fit. Even if they did, nothing would be left to anyone's imagination. He decided to clean up first and then worry about wearing them.

His hair combed but still wet he padded barefoot down the stairs wearing his snug shorts, tried to think anodyne thoughts that wouldn't make even the merest hint of excitement a public exposition. Walking barefoot was not something he was used to, the worn carpet and rough wood floors of the old place had made it unpleasant at best. He'd heard the doorbell and commotion so knew dinner had been delivered only a couple of minutes ago.

But even with smooth, polished floors and soft carpets he didn't expect that would change Mel's refusal to have her bare feet exposed. She'd arrived at his place with only three sets of regular undergarments, multiple pairs of running shorts, bras and shoes, and about a week's worth of other clothing but at least two dozen pairs of mostly ankle socks for what was originally a planned six day stay. Two large suitcases from her mother via bus and some shopping trips had expanded parts of her wardrobe but even with their active and varied sex life he'd barely seen her bare feet and had yet to touch them, when included in massages they were always covered. That she'd knowingly and happily exposed the entire rest of her body, as had he, to have sex on the old front porch and with the curtains wide and the lights on in his old bedroom made the foot obsession even stranger.

That he'd been in high school and barely a couple of years younger than she was now when he himself finally moved past his own refusal to bare his feet meant he'd noticed but did no more than shrug.

He turned the corner from the stairs to the kitchen to pass through to the dining room when he was grabbed and found his mouth clamped onto Mel's, her lips pushed his open and her tongue aggressively reached for his tonsils. Her arms were tight around his neck and he could feel her bare legs pressed tight against his, her left thigh forced itself between his to be pressed against his just-covered crotch. He felt some sort of thin, lacy cloth pressed between her breasts and his skin, her nipples firm but not fully erect.

After an instant he put his arms around her and felt the cloth, as he followed it down onto her ass cheeks he quickly noticed the bottom of it. Whatever it was he hadn't seen it but it was all she had on, save for the socks he felt as her foot brushed his calf. He heard some whoops and cheers. Then Mel quickly broke off and turned herself sideways to leave his now almost-painfully full erection not at all hidden by the shorts, his swollen and quivering glans exposed out the right side of the short inseam.
