Club Delirium


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We got quiet for a few minutes. He drew invisible patterns with his fingertip on my stomach. I felt the air change. The lighthearted aura of sex and fun and satisfaction was morphing into something much more serious. Real life was about to crowd in.

"You know I have to go soon," he said.

I looked over at him. "I know."

He shot me a half smile. "I'd stay longer if I could," he said.

'Kiki, he's a manwhore!' Flooded my brain.

I nodded, but then shook my head. "You would?"

"Yeah," He said with a grin.

'Kiki, he's way too young!' Was what I heard.

"Do you have time for breakfast?"

He shook his head. "No."

'Kiki, you're a good girl, grounded.' Was what I was.

"Well, that's too bad," I said.

He nodded. He stood up, and stretched that tall, glorious body. He was a giant piece of man candy, his body all taut and lean, with muscles that bunched and flexed as he stretched.

We didn't shower together. In fact, I had decided just to wait to shower until I got home. I waited on the bed as Six got cleaned up, dressed, and packed. He looked glorious and well put together in a pair of teal skinny jeans and a bright yellow striped shirt, and I was about to do the walk of shame in a white, cum stained top.

Right at the doorway, he caged me in and he kissed me. What started out as sweet and gentle turned into romance book cover, bodice-ripping, hair grasping passion.

When we broke away we were both panting. "Jesus," Six murmured.

"Yeah," I chuckled. "We still got it."

"Fuck yeah, we do," he agreed.

The only thing left for us to do now was to head downstairs to street level where the cabs would be waiting.

We did just that, standing side by side in the crowded elevator. Our hands accidentally touched and he grabbed mine. I squeezed his back.

Then we were on the street outside. "So, look -" he started, while at the same time I said, "it was nice -"

We both chuckled. "You first, he said.

"I was just going to say it was nice to meet you, but is that what you say after...after all we just did?" I chuckled.

He laughed too. "Say whatever you want," He said. "I was going to say that I'll call you..." he said, scratching the back of his curly head, "but that sounds kind of empty."

"No," I said. "Call me. I'd like that."

He nodded with a smile. "Okay then, I will."

I moved closer to him.

"I'll see you later, Kiki," he said softly, kissing me again.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Hope so." And he leaned in for another kiss.

Six pulled away, both our foggy breaths hanging in the winter air between us. He opened the backseat door of the cab and tossed his bag in. Just when I thought he might get in, he ran back over to me and kissed me again. I grinned up at him like some kind of fool, but he just made me happy.

"Later," He said.

I nodded. "Yeah. Later."

And he got in the cab, and then he was gone.


I sat at my computer trying to get a co-worker from Chicago to Phoenix without a layover in Atlanta. "Why does every flight have to go through Atlanta?" I mumbled. "It's so out of the way it's crazy..."

The phone rang and I answered it, figuring it would be another complaint call, but it wasn't.

"Kiki, how are you doing, chickadee?"

It was Carmen. "I'd be doing better if I could book a flight for Pam from ORD to PHX without having to go through ATL. Is that too much to ask?"

"Evidently, though you're not making any sense," She said. "Try Southwest. Pam's the bitch, right?"

"Yeah. She sure is," I agreed. "And she won't fly Southwest."

Carmen chuckled. "So? How are things?"

"My brain sometimes isn't firing on all cylinders. Otherwise, things are status quo. Still freezing cold here, I still have a job...I dunno, what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean," Carmen said. "Has he called?"

I sighed. Carmen had the most bizarre love/hate relationship with Six - but it was a relationship that was all in her head. Six could care less what she thought of him. She swung widely from some days singing his praises to other days describing him as an evil villain trying to corrupt me.

Add to that the annoying habit that she now kept badgering me for information about him, and It was all starting to get really old.

"No, he hasn't called," I sighed. I'd taken the week Carmen was here off of work so we could both hang out together. Six hadn't called while she was here, and now it was a week and a half since he'd left and still - nothing.

"You need to call him. Be an independent woman. Feminism and all of that shit."

"No, I said. "He said he'd call me. I'm not calling him. He knows how to reach me, and if he doesn't want to call he won't call."

Carmen sighed. "I think that's the lazy way out," she said.

"Or the smart way. Remember I told you my life would go back to what it had always been like after Six?"

"Yeah. So?"

"Well, it has," I said.

Except...except that wasn't the truth. That wasn't the truth at all, but hell if I was going to admit it out loud. I'd be crazy to give Carmen that kind of ammunition.

The fact was...I missed him. He was fun, sexy, easy to talk to, good in bed, and...and he always smelled so good. And he was a great dancer on top of all of that. We had clicked. We'd clicked, damnit, hadn't we?

I felt like an idiot now, taking him at his word. "I'll call you." Those three words said so flippantly now hurt when I thought about them. We'd made no real promises, sure. But I had at least been hoping for a call. Or maybe a simple text.

Hope now seemed to be running out.

It had almost been two weeks. I could understand a day or two. But two weeks suggested that he'd gotten back to LA and to his friends there, and had decided I didn't fit with his lifestyle. Maybe I was too "mature" for him after all.

Thinking that hurt. But the other option was even worse - that he hadn't called because he'd forgotten about me altogether.

"Kiki? Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, what?"

"Head in the clouds, girl. Where's the Kiki I used to know?"

"She's right here still trying to book direct flights between two cities that don't enjoy nonstop flight paths on the right airlines," I said.

"Well, good luck with that," she said, "and try Southwest! Tell Pam to get off her bitchy high horse. They still serve peanuts. If not, there's always her broom."

I chuckled.

"Anyway, I've gotta go. I've got a Dad bod coming in in about ten minutes. Today's his first day, and I'm going to take the before pictures. You know, the humiliating ones..." she laughed evilly.

"Good luck with him. Don't break him. He sounds like he's really out of shape."

"Not for long, dearie. Not for long."


Blog Entry

Sorry I haven't written an entry for almost two weeks. I told you guys I had the company of my best friend Carmen to look forward to, and she did come and stay an entire week with me, though it did mean that she got the couch.

We did all the sightsee-ey things there are to do in the city. Here's a picture where we're trying not to fall hundreds of floors off the side of Willis Tower.

She was mad at me the day we saw the stars, but here we are, frowns and all, in front of the Adler Planetarium.

I took her to the Shedd Aquarium too. She's here holding up a picture on her phone that she took of a guy we met the first full day she was here. His name is Billy <<>>. I was prohibited from putting his last name on record, but they really hit it off. He was gone by then so that's our last known photo of him.

Which leads me to explain why I haven't written for several days. Usually my blog entries are full of the mundane-made-funny moments of my life, but...I actually managed to meet a guy, as well.

We had a great time. We met at a club and we danced several dances together. The next day we hooked up again, but then the day after that he had to go back home. Home for him is a lot of hours and nearly two thousand miles away as the airplane travels.

But, he told me he would call me.

So, that's what this blog entry is about.

Before you guys get excited, there is no relationship. Because I need to know, how long is too long to wait for a guy to call you? One day? Two? Is it too much to expect a call once he lands in California?

I'm looking forward to your advice because you always seem to have a lot of it!

Bloggingly yours,



The rest of the week went by in a blur. Another Friday night, now exactly two weeks from the night Six and I met, and still no phone call.

My blog friends had a lot to say to me:


Kiki, dump him! He's a piece of crap if he doesn't call you!

Kiki, please. He obviously doesn't like fat chicks.

Kiki, maybe his phone broke? Maybe he can't get your number out of the cloud? Call him instead.

Kiki, toss him, girl. He's not worth it.


Kiki, I waited a couple months for my now-husband to call me. I mean, I'd already started dating another guy, but when that didn't work out, I started dating my now-husband. I could have told him to f**c off but I gave him a chance. It was the best thing I ever did.

Kiki, it depends. Is he rich?!?!

Kiki, call him. You'd be perfect for any guy - you're so funny!


And me? Well, I was torn as to what to do. Had there been photographic evidence on my person I'd have probably torn it up. If there had been letters I might have burned them. Instead all I had were memories and hopes that seemed ridiculously silly now.

I mean, he didn't know I was waiting for the call, but I did. And I didn't want to be that girl, the one waiting on the guy. So I tried to just put him out of my mind.

Like that was possible.


I woke up to my phone ringing just after 3AM on Friday night/Saturday morning. I'd fallen asleep on the couch again because I still couldn't make myself change the sheets he'd laid in. And lying in the sheets alone seemed kind of desperate and painful. So my bed remained made and unslept in, unusable. So the couch was my only other sleep option.

"Hello?" I said groggily. Normally I'd send such a late call directly to voicemail. I don't know why I even answered it.

I couldn't hear anything except a low level pulsating roar that sounded like - was it music?

"Kiki?" Said a slightly slurred voice.

I paused, checking the caller ID. The number "6" was calling me.

I blinked hard in the dark and I wiped a hand down my face.

"Six?" I said incredulously.

"Yeah, it's me. Six."

"O...kay," I said, then out of curiosity because his words were coming out rather delayed, I asked him, "are you alright?"

"What? Alright?! Hells yes, I'm alright! I'm having a...a great time...probably better than you," he spat.

I blinked at that. The hell?

Then after a pause, he asked, much more gently, "what are you doing?"

"Sleeping," I said.

"Sleeping?!" He sounded scandalized. "It's early!"

"Not in Chicago," I mumbled.

"Well, I just wanted you to know I'm here. At a club. A big one. With a huge cover charge. And I'm dancing. And drinking. Drinking and dancing. What do you think about that?" He challenged.

" sound like you're a little drunk."

"No, I'm not," he scoffed. "I'm a lot drunk."

This time I laughed.

He sounded irritated. "Are you laughing at me?"

"No, no...more like I'm laughing with you... "

"Well stop laughing. Because I'm dancing. With girls. Lots and lots of 'em."

I heard what he was saying, and though I thought hearing something like that from him might have hurt, his delivery was all wrong. And it made it kind of sort of funny.

"Are they nice girls? Good girls?" I asked.

"Hell to the fuck no," he said. "Whores. Oh, oops, that's not PC. Maybe bitches is a better...word to use. And they were all, all, all over me."

"They were?" I asked.

"Yup. I mean touch...touching me everywhere. One girl even felt my dick. Over my pants. She wanted me to go bang her, her girlfriend, and her girlfriend's boyfriend...or something."

"Wow. Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, really."

" did that go?" I wasn't laughing so much right now at this.

"But, know what?"

"What, Six?"

"I couldn't do it. I fucking said no."

I paused, surprised. "You did?"

"Yes. I mean no. I mean I said no. Can you believe it?"

I chuckled. "Okay."

"Shaddup!" He yelled, muffled, evidently to somebody else. "I'm on the ph-phone!"

"Six?" I asked. "Six?"

He sighed loudly, with a grand pause. "Kiki? What's...what's wrong with me?" He asked on a long, plaintive whine.

He sounded so lost just then it kind of made me smile. "Six, Is anybody there with you?"

"I'm Six. The sixth one."

"Yes, okay. I know. Is anybody else there with you at the club?"

"I have a name", he huffed.


"My name is Matthew. Matthew Carmichael."

Now it was my turn to pause. "Matthew. I...kind of like that name."

"Well, you can't have it." He groused.

"No, you keep it." I chuckled.

"Marsha. I mean Misha. Misha the Russian is here. With me. At the club."

"Is he drinking?"

"Oh...he had one about an hour ago, but he said if I was going to get shitfaced, he'd better not. Drink anymore, I mean."

"Okay, that's good."

He was silent for several seconds, then, softly, "Kiki...are you glad I called?"

"Yes, Six - Matthew - I, I am," I said.




"What, Six?"

"I...I really miss you."

I grinned, but I also felt my eyes fill with unexplainable, and probably stupid, tears.

"I miss you too," I said.

There was silence on the line, then the connection suddenly dropped.

A part laugh/part sob left my mouth as I placed my phone on the sofa table.

That was definitely not the call of a guy who had his shit together. Maybe - just maybe - he had missed me a little bit too.

I got up and went into the bedroom. Suddenly I felt lighter, like I'd been carrying a weight I didn't even know I had and it had just been removed.

I pulled back the covers and settled into my double bed, lying on the side where Six had slept. The pillow still smelled like him, and it lulled me into a deep, dreamless, most satisfying sleep.


The End


Songs in Kiki and Six's Playlist:

Starships by Nicki Minaj

Work B**ch by Britney Spears

Lonely Together by Avicii

This is What You Came For by Calvin Harris

Crash this Party by Yellow Claw

I Can't Feel My Face by The Weekend

Kaleidoscope by A Great Big World

Gold by Kiira


Six's appearance is based on photos of the model Clement Becq

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centralsquareguycentralsquareguy6 months ago
I loved it...

I've just discovered your writing here (The Exchange Student) and now I want to read it all. I'm kinda compulsive, so alphabetical order for me...

This was terrific. I loved the characters. Just a wonderful story. I guess I'm a fanboy now. Kisses.

love, central

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

How about a "Sanity" chapter to this tale? These characters could create a life together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I know that this might be a stretch, but can you update 'Payback in the Bedroom'? Yes, it was posted 10 years ago and the chances of you updating it is 1 in a billion but a girl can hope right? Please, it's one of the best stories I've read here and I really want to know what happens.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Best love story I’ve read in a long time!

So so good, the only thing it’s missing is a happy ending! C’mon, you can’t leave it like this!

IsabellaRoggiIsabellaRoggialmost 6 years ago

You cannot end it like this - definitely need a second chapter or more! Please! Amazing story and I really like how they start off not liking each other instead of the usual "hot look, panties drop" kind of scene! Favorited immediately!

pentopaperpentopaperalmost 6 years agoAuthor

Yeah I write long. Ha. But I’m one of those “but the characters talk to me!” Kind of writers and they tell me stuff that they did in treehouses when they were ten and whenever I try to toss in some sex they say, “but listen to what happened in high school! That’s why I’m afraid of frogs! You gotta tell that first!” Or whatever. Ha. I actually type almost exclusively on my iPhone. I can flip from Facebook to my writing app whenever I get an idea. Then, of course I like to add in humor. I’d love to be really published someday. We will see. If you think this is long you should see what’s consuming me now. :) Honestly this story started out with me liking a model’s face on the internet and then a wondering what if. Then 7 pages later...ha...

JugheadJaneJugheadJanealmost 6 years ago

Really enjoyed this! 7 Pages is basically a novel on Lit but it didn’t feel like a chore to read it. The story flowed well and I felt connected to the characters. You’ve left it fairly open at the end there - perhaps a sequel is in your sights? I’d love to read more about Kiki and Six.

LT_BookwormLT_Bookwormalmost 6 years ago
I need more!

I need more Kiki. More Six. More of them dancing. Just... MORE! Please?

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