Darla's Games Day 16


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I was rubbing my cheek. It stung. "Yes Mistress." I answered, apparently falling short of restraining the venom in my voice, knowing full well from prior experience what the result would be and sure enough, faster than I could reflexively defend my face, I received a lovely, loud SMACK to the other cheek.

"Yes Mistress." I said again, with more reverence. And she slapped me again and my hand went up to block hers too late.

"Oh. You ready Carrie?" Jill asked me. And I saw a smile on her face and it was not a nice one.

"You will never look me in the eyes while I am your Mistress." I glared at her right in her eyes and she went to slap me and I got my arm up in time this time and she kicked me in the back of my knee somehow and I fell down to my knees on the mat and just as quickly she was back where she stood before.

"Any questions so far?" Jill asked.

"Why can't I date Farin?" I asked, fighting the urge to stare her in the eyes when I asked.

SMACK! Right cheek again. Damn that hurt.

"WHAT did I do?!!!" I screamed.

SMACK! Left cheek again. My cheeks were so hot and I was reaching my boiling point.

"Damnit Ji... Mistress, that hurts."

SMACK! "Just shut up Carrie, you don't know how to talk to me yet." Jill recommended.

"You can't date Farin because she is bad for you. You will not talk to her outside of school at all. You will not phone her, text her, slip her notes, you will not contact her in any way, shape or form. You will barely talk to her in school, only when necessity for being a polite human being dictates that you must. I will choose who you can and cannot date from now on. You only get to ask for permission and I will grant it or not grant it. For the next ... oh, let's forget those silly days. I'm not playing games with you Carrie. I don't do games. Until I am finished with you or you go away to college next Fall, you will need my permission more than Daddy's. "But, since Farin is deprived of a tongue lapping from her little slut toy, I'm going to let Sue eat her cute little teenage snatch every day. So, there you are, problem solved, you don't have to eat the outed lesbian anymore."

And I looked up and saw them. Sue was kissing Farin and rubbing her pussy. Farin was trying to fight her off, but Sue was winning. Well, to be fair, Farin had her hands cuffed behind her back so she couldn't fight too hard.

"I am no..." SMACK! She hit me again and I lost it. I launched myself up off the floor and shouldered her in the stomach as hard as I could and she kneed me in my stomach for my effort and I landed on my hands and knees heaving for air when the wind was knocked out of me. In case you forgot, as I often do, I'm only five foot one and look up at most people.

"Oh yes, there is that fiery spirit I love." Jill smiled at me.

"Carrie STOP IT!" Farin screamed and Sue went back to kissing her.

"I'll tell you what Carrie." Jill said as she circled me. "You get over there and touch her... just reach out and touch Farin... and I will let you go and the two of you can be the happy little outed lesbo couple that you truly want to be."

I looked up at her and she slapped me again.

I looked down, tears of anger in my eyes. "You'll let me go?"... "Mistress?" I added.

"Oh, learning are you?" Jill answered. "Too slow though" And she went to slap me again.

I saw her arm coming in from the right. It was almost like it was slow motion to me. One of those ridiculous movie moments where the bad guy is moving so slow that the good guy can do like 20 different things in the split second of that ... well, in this case, slap. And I got a foot planted and propelled up and punched Jill right in the face and it knocked her back before she could slap me.

And I ran for Farin as hard as I could. It wasn't really far. Like forty feet maybe? Less?

I made it about five feet and my knee was kicked out and I was on the ground again. And Jill punched me so hard in the side that I lost my wind again. But, I got my foot up, knee bent and I pushed myself another three feet with a might lunge, but she was there ahead of me again and grabbed my hair.

She yanked my head up and stared at me and I stared back and lunged again, but she knew my trick and easily yanked my neck one way and kicked my legs the other and was straddling me, holding my hands to the ground. And I tried to bump her off with my feet down in a bridge. And she hooked her feet into my knees and spread my legs to kill my leverage.

"You done?" Jill looked at me. Her eye was definitely bruised. It would be swollen in a bit. I was so out of breath. I looked up into those beautiful eyes. And she slapped me.

The next ... well, it seemed like a half hour or more. But I had no watch and I was just trying to get my breath back and maybe some pride after having just gotten my ass handed to me. Sue took Farin out. Farin was looking at me crying and refused to turn away even as the door was shut behind her.

Rachel and Jacki were busy following some pre-given instructions and moving things out of the double doors behind me. I kept noticing them looking at me with pity, or like they were sorry for doing whatever it was they were doing. But they never once hesitated to do it.

And Jill sat on my stomach and held me down and every time I dared to look at her, she would let one hand go and slap my face again. By the end of that half hour that seemed to pass, I had been struck at least a dozen times. But I refused to let that bitch see me cry. And I defied every lesson...

Then some guy came in and I was a little embarrassed to be seen naked, but he didn't really ogle me at all, just started a conversation with Jill. "Hey Jill, so this is the one huh?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Has she had anything before?" He followed up, the first question being entirely rhetorical in nature.

"Some paddling, but not done properly." Jill answered. "We'll start her on the cross beams with the cats and see how that goes. No impact, just a nice all over glow."

I had no fucking clue what she was talking about, but my eyes did not search hers out again during that entire time she held me down. When Jill finally got off of me, I pretended to be too weak to get up, thinking maybe I could make the door and get the hell out of here. If I could just get to my car....

"Knock off the bullshit Carrie." Jill kicked me not too hard in the side. "I know how tough you are. Unless you want me to show you a very painful way to make you stand up."

I mumbled incoherently under my breath and stood up. The guy laughed. "At least she learns"

"Yeah, not fast enough unfortunately." Jill answered with a hint of disappointment.

They refastened my ankles and wrists with the cuffs before I really understood what was going on and walked me to this giant wooden X. It was at an angle leaning back. I didn't understand it until they started pulling my wrists up to some clips on the top side of the X and then they spread my legs and attached my ankles to the bottom. Gee, wasn't I just like this a little while ago? Fucking perverts.

My ribs hurt. I was looking around then to see what else was going on when it caught me. "OWWWWWWW!" I screamed. "That ..."

What that was, was an introduction to a cat of nine tails to my left tit. 'Hello cat of nine tails' I know what it is now, because over the coming weeks I would learn the name of all the wonderful little friends that Jill and her ... well, I got to admit, the guy was built like a fucking God. I mean, those abs were mouth watering. And he did not skip leg day. And his face was rugged, a little older ... certainly not in high school... sorry... vagina talking again... I thought you were gay vagina...

So, a cat of nine tails, for those of you not 'in the know', is a handle with, in theory, nine straps of leather ... or suede... this one was leather. I don't mean to get too detailed because to you that is probably very boring, but I had to learn to be quite precise with descriptions of her toys or tools or whatever she felt like calling them that day.

So THIS cat of nine tails was a nice wooden handle which had been handcarved for Jill. (Yeah fuck her, I'm not calling her Mistress in my unspoken monologues, score one for Carrie, Yeah Me) It had precisely nine strands of leather coming from it and each strand ends in an oh so mother fucking delightful knot. (Now, that word delightful was sarcastic as hell, in case you weren't sure)

So, perhaps you can imagine, hitting yourself with your cell phone charger cord, but with nine of them bunched together, and it isn't you with a limited range of motion, it's someone else with a full range of motion and those nine charger tips are swinging against your bare chest? Trying to think of a good comparison for those who have no clue what I'm talking about. I guess google it.

Anyway, Jill had a very, very practiced swing. Those nine knots felt like nine wasps stinking my boobie. But, I really never did finish the sentence that started with 'That... which, for you, my friends, was going to be 'That fucking hurts', oh no, the next thing out of my mouth was a scream. Because big old muscle hunk? Remember him? He did the same thing on my right tit.

"oh GOD! I'm sorry!" I screamed.

"I'm not God are you?" Jill said to her friend. And she swung again and I'm telling your right now... this is not even possible, it would be like a one in a billion chance, but I swear on my left tit that she hit me in exactly the same nine places with those damned knots. And I screamed again.

"Nope. Gods are overrated." He laughed and sure enough, my right tit had me screaming again too.

Now, it comes to this point of how much detail is too much detail. I mean, I could describe, because it is such a quite vivid memory, every lash and slash and smack and slap and scream and cry and jeer and eventually the other things, but SMACK! CRACK! THWACK! Translates better in cybersex than a story. Not that I have ever done anything so ... distasteful, wink wink nudge nudge. So, just remember, not real time as you read it, this took place over hours... and hours... agonizing hours.

By the time they had apparently pelted every bit of my tits to a painful red mark, I couldn't scream anymore. My throat burned so much all I could do was sob and make near soundless attempts at a scream. They paused a few times to check my boobs, touch them and at one point, the hunk lifted them by the nipple so Jill could get the undersides easier. That found my last scream that was probably audible to the neighbors a mile away.

The other thing is the involuntary reflexes of the body. Every time they hit my tit, my body tried to leap away from the pain. My arms, legs, hips, shoulders, all tried to move away from the hits. But there was not much movement available. So, I was slowly wearing my strength down to nothing.

Then it was just... well, I guess it's like your voice after your favorite sports team wins a tight game right at the very end and you are yelling and screaming the whole game, but you go all out there at the end and then your voice is totally gone. Or maybe it was nothing like that. I have never actually duplicated the sound I don't believe. Like a scream being whispered if that makes sense.

They switched their tools then to a flogger. The flogger was about twenty or thirty straps of suede with no knots in the tips. So, the sting was more evenly placed. They went down my sides now, striping my belly, and my hips. Then they figured they should make my legs and arms pink too. And I started crying when I couldn't scream anymore and they hit my fucking arm pits and damn that hurt so bad.

She only hit me once on the pussy. And I might have passed out. I'm pretty sure I pissed all over her precious mat. So I got some satisfaction out of that.

When they unhooked the cuffs and tried to get me to walk, I really couldn't. I was so sore I just wanted to collapse. "so sorry so sorry so sorry" I kept whispering through my burned out vocal chords. But I did manage at length to get my foot under me once as they drug me over to a horse.

Nope, not that kind of horse. This was like a pommel horse. And I got to lean over it with my ass in the air. Yeah Me! (not so much)

I cried because I knew she was going to beat my ass now. "no more no more no more" I whispered.

But there was more. Oh so much more. They went back to their cat of nine tails on my ass. Every swing of their arms bringing nine little welts on my ass. When they had finished my ass, they switched back to floggers and started on the back of my legs and my back, bringing me to an all over state of pain. But, I had to admit, I liked the flogger better than the cat of nine tails. Well, I hated it less.

And I guess somewhere during my ass being beaten, I kind of left. My mind I guess couldn't handle it anymore so I started to block out the pain. I thought my mind had just snapped. But, I didn't really think it through. It wasn't a conscious effort. It just sort of happened.

When they were done with that special treat, Jill decided to teach me the names of all her fucking toys.

First came paddle. Like a ping pong paddle, but with real leather on it and a bit bigger for a larger target like my ass.

Next was holey paddle, which was a paddle with holes in it. (she didn't like call her toys George and Harriet or anything like that) this paddle had big holes in it so there would be less wind resistance when she swung it at my ass.

So, you get the picture without going into a google this and that of the BDSM world she lived in. She probably had a few dozen things that all had their little specialized, signature use for inflicting pain. And I was just collapsed. I couldn't move. My body had rebelled and thrust this way and that trying to escape for the first hour, less so the second hour and by the end of the third hour, I was barely making a sob anymore. And then they were done, I guess, at least for the moment.

Sue came in a short time later. Like almost immediately after the last swat on my ass, so Jill must have signaled her somehow. "Oh my God!" She squealed and I swear I could hear her jumping up and down.

"Sue!" Jill said in an admonishing voice for probably the first time all that day. "Just take some pictures and keep your mouth shut for now pet."

With Jill's permission, or was it suggestion, big hunk guy lubed up my ass and fucked it. He was actually very gentle about it and under different circumstances, I might have gotten off on it. I was just too damned exhausted for an orgasm. I couldn't moan anyway, so he was probably bored with it before he shoved that thick meat in to the hilt for the last time and emptied his huge, cum-filled balls into my bowels.

Okay, honestly, it felt really fucking good. But I wasn't going to let them know it. The assholes.

And then he left and I was alone with JILL... that's right bitch, I said it .... JILL JILL JILL...

But I didn't say that. I honestly didn't even think it. With my last ounce of voice, I said "sorry mistress" and I meant it.

I was broken. I didn't have an ounce of fight left in me right then. Sue's prophecy came true. Maybe she was psychic.

Jill grabbed my hair and pulled my head up. I refused to look her in the eyes. I looked down at the floor. I wanted to cry but there wasn't much left. I was dehydrated. I was sore on pretty much every inch of my body.

"Okay Carrie, I have guests coming today. Many guests. You will recognize all of them and you will not say a single word to any of them. Not a word." She unhooked my wrists and ankles from the horse and helped me to the ground. I cringed when my ass hit the mat. "You are to cook a very nice dinner for eight, set the table properly and have everything ready by 1:00. It is now 10:00, that gives you three hours to amaze me. And I expect to be amazed every single time you do a task I set for you."

"I will send Sue over shortly and she will clean you up. You know full well what my relationship is with her and you know that everything she did, she did because I told her to. So do not take out any remaining hostility out on my Sue or this will seem like a tickle. Do I make myself quite clear?"

"yes Mistress." I managed to whisper. It sounded as pathetic as I looked.

"Good. I'm rather cross with you for putting me in this position. I did not want this. But, if I left you to go now, you'd never ... " she trailed off, then shook her head as if shaking off an undesired thought. "Handle this pet." She said to Sue and then she left the room.

"Can you move your arms and legs Carrie?" Sue asked, looking at me with pity.

I tried, but just collapsed.

"Okay baby, I'm going to massage you a little, it's going to hurt because of the beating. I'm sorry, but your muscles are too constricted and I have to sweetie. You know you have a task, you have to do it." And I groaned with as much noise as I could muster while she massaged my muscles from foot to hand. We didn't have long, so she didn't take long. It was deep and fast and painful.

"Okay kitten, let's get you up now." She said and first lifting me to a sitting position and then getting my arm over her shoulder, she helped me to my wobbly feet. I could barely see with the hair matted in my face.

But, after a few very feeble steps, we got going a little. The stairs were a nightmare, but by the time we got to the top, I could stand again without leaning on her. I still needed the wall, just not her.

She led me into the kitchen and gave me a thirty second tour of where everything was, or that was how rushed it seemed.

"What should I make?" I asked her.

She smiled at me. "It's up to you Carrie. Choose wisely. Do a great job for her, she will reward it, I swear."

I fell into a chair and Sue just shook her head. "Seriously baby, I know you are sore and tired and feel like you can't do it... you can do this. Please." And she left me.

I did stand up, because sitting seemed to hurt a lot more. And then, I figured as long as I was up, I could check the refrigerator. And the refrigerator felt nice and cool on my overheated body anyway.

There were plenty of leftovers from last night... I cringed and clinched my eyes tightly closed to make that thought go away. Anyway, heating leftovers would not 'amaze' her. So, I took a quick inventory of the fridge, freezer and pantry and decided to whip together a lasagna. I figured, what the fuck if it saved me a beating later. I was naked and didn't have my car keys so I was probably stuck here for a bit.

I was pulling the boiled noodles into the pan when the door opened. I could see through the service window in the kitchen if I put myself in the right place, so I did. It was Rebecca, Brad and fucking Charles. Of all the fucking people to bring into this! Oh sure take Farin out but bring these three in? The worst fucking assholes... well not Brad, but Charles and Rebecca!?! I slammed a can on the counter to resonate my disapproval.

Sue looked up and saw me and just offered a smile and ushered the three of them down the hall. She was dressed now.

I kept at it, though I was totally tantruming now. Throwing things around, clashing and crashing intentionally and then Sue came out and looked at me and giggled. "She hears you kitten, stop it."

And then she walked away before I could say I wanted her to hear me, but I did ease up anyway.

I was just putting the lovely concoction of sauces and cheese into the oven about a half hour later, when the doorbell rang and Sue brought Courtney in. She saw me and smiled and waved at me. "Hey Carrie, where's your clothes?"

I looked down, having kind of forgotten how naked I was. I tried to answer, but had no voice. So I waved and gave her a smile. You will undoubtedly think this is the weirdest, most self-damning statement of my life, but I liked Courtney for some reason. Maybe because she wasn't malicious. And she would rather have me alone than share me with the world. And sure she was hot and rich, LOL!