Devil May Come


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For a minute, nothing, but then there was movement and a slight sound in the darkness. A low, hunched over form ran into the street on all fours. Jess relaxed when she saw the fat raccoon and watched it cross the street and squeeze through a storm drain grate. As Jess stood up, she froze when a chilling sound reached her ears: from nearby came the distinct sound of someone chuckling softly.

Her heart pounding, she wheeled and ran the remaining three blocks home, cutting through the small church cemetery behind the house. Normally, she skirted it out of respect for the dead but on this night such manners fled her. Like a champion hurdler, she vaulted over low fence, sprinted past the garage and up the back steps of the house, her keys in hands. She quickly unlocked the door and opened it slightly, but then stopped to look back. She waited several minutes, but all she saw was an empty cemetery and a deserted street beyond. Her heart rate returning to normal, Jess went inside and locked the door.

Upstairs, she got ready for bed and on the trip back from the bathroom she paused in front of Karen's open door. Karen sat cross-legged on the bed, wearing a t-shirt that barely covered her upper thighs and showed a flash of panties underneath. Next to her George lay on his back and Karen absently rubbed his stomach as she read from a textbook. Jess watched her for a minute admiring the view. Karen looked up and saw the odd look on Jess's face.

"Hey, Jess, something wrong?"

Embarrassed at being caught looking, Jess covered up by saying, "I'm just a little spooked. I thought someone was following me home."

Karen's eyes widened in surprise and invited her in. Jess sat on the bed with George between them, purring away, and told Karen what happened, except she omitted the part about hearing the soft chuckle, rationalizing it as her mind playing tricks. Karen listened attentively, her eyes wide.

"I know what you mean," she said, looking carefully at the walls and ceiling before going on in hushed tones. "Sometimes I'm a little creeped out in this house, as if someone's there or more like..."

"The house is watching and listening?" Jess finished for her.

"Exactly! But, not all the time, just sometimes. I feel better when I'm in the living room or dining room, or if George is hanging around."

Jess agreed, giving George a rough, playful scratch behind his ears. George stood up, stretched all four legs, jumped down and sauntered out of the room. Karen and Jess talked for a few minutes more until Aunt Cecie's voice interrupted them.

"Jess! Did you clean out George's litter box this evening?"

"Shit! I forgot," Jess said under her breath.

Karen stifled a giggle with her hand. "I think George ratted you out."

"What's she still doing up?" Jess hissed.

Shaking her head, Karen said, "I forgot to tell you. She's all in a tizzy tonight, has to go to Grand Rapids tomorrow and take care of her sister who's having hip surgery. I think she's afraid we'll let the place get dusty while she's gone, or worse, have boys over." She giggled into her hand again.

Jess went downstairs and apologized about the litter box, but Aunt Cecie wasn't satisfied with her 'studying late' excuse. Jess listened attentively as Aunt Cecie told her about her sister's unfortunate circumstances and how she would be gone the next two weeks, lecturing Jess on the importance of keeping up with the daily chores and strict adherence to the house rules during her absence. Once Aunt Cecie was satisfied Jess was fully briefed, she retired for the night.

Jess proceeded to the basement where George sat next to the litter box expectantly, watching her scoop the waste into a plastic bag. The moment she finished, he walked stately into the box and did his business in front of her. Jess waited patiently for him to finish and scooped that out, too. On her way to the steps she spotted an old wooden baseball bat on a high shelf. Deciding she'd be safer with the bat, she took it with her as she walked out the back door to the garbage cans neatly lined up against the garage. She listened and watched carefully but there was no sign of anyone lurking about. Inside, she washed her hands and checked all the deadbolts before going up to her room.

The bat she stowed under her bed within easy reach.


Two nights later, on Wednesday, Karen and Lin cleaned up after dinner while Jess went to her room to study for the next day's mid-terms. By eleven she felt burned out and went downstairs to join the other girls. She found them with an open bottle of wine and sitting on the floor around the coffee table, talking and listening to music. George was curled up on the hearth rug, napping contentedly. Jess sat down next to Karen.

“All done, Jess?” asked Karen. “Want some wine?”

“I don't think there's any more to learn, so yes to the wine,” said Jess, taking the glass offered her. "My term paper isn't due until Monday so I can write it this weekend." She took a sip and made a face. "Wine is okay but what I really want is a Cosmopolitan!"

"For shame!" Karen mockingly scolded, "Liquor is the devil's tool! What would Aunt Cecie think? Besides, it's the only alcohol in the place."

"Well, tomorrow night I'm going in search of the devil's tool. Want to go clubbing?"

The other two enthusiastically agreed. They talked about their classes and the Halloween party coming up that weekend, comparing costumes. Inevitably, the conversation turned to boys and they compared war stories with Jess contributing little.

"Just out of curiosity, how many guys have you been with, if you don't mind my asking?" Jess asked.

Lin blushed as she counted in her head. "Nine. You?"

"Four," Jess said.

"Oh my God! I'm a slut compared to you!" Lin exclaimed. She turned to Karen. "Your turn. Fess up."

Karen grinned. "I know this is going to sound horrible but I want you to know they were all special to me in some way." She paused before going on. "Seventeen. No, eighteen."

Shock laughter filled the room.

"If I'm a slut than you're a whore!" Lin choked out between laughs.

"I am not a whore!" Karen shot back defensively. "I never charged for it!" Her tone softened. "I'm more of a nympho, I like sex - a lot. There's nothing wrong with that."

Jess and Lin agreed, settling down. There was a lull in the conversation.

“What do you think of oral sex? I mean, do you like doing it and do you like it when a guy comes in your mouth, and, if so, do you swallow?”

Jess and Lin looked at Karen, stunned momentarily by the frankness of her question, before bursting out in laughter. Karen joined in.

“Well,” said Jess, “personally, I not a big fan of a guy coming in my mouth, especially if he doesn’t warn me, or worse, if he grabs the back of my head and forces it down just as he comes.”

Karen nodded. “Yeah, I know what you mean. A guy did that to me once and his cum shot out my nose! Why do they do that? Do they think we’re going to run away? How about you, Lin?”

“I love it,” she said simply. “I like everything about it, as long as the guy has good hygiene, that is. I love the smell, the taste, and I love the feeling of power I have over a guy when I’m giving head. Men worship me because of my technique.”

Jess and Karen looked at each other, eyebrows raised. “Technique?” Jess asked.

Lin opened in her mouth in a big ‘O’, her tongue undulating front to back. The other two shrieked in amazement and fell into each other laughing. Karen asked to see it again and fresh laughter filled the room. They asked Lin how she did that and Lin explained as best she could. Karen and Jess faced each other, their mouths open, their tongues trying to mimic Lin’s.

“I give up,” moaned Jess. “Karen, you’re pretty close. I just can’t figure out how to make my tongue do that.”

"How many blowjobs have you given?" Karen asked Lin.

Lin shook her head, giggling. "A lot, more than I can remember I suppose."

It was Jess and Karen's turn to laugh.

“Okay, Karen,” Lin said seriously. “Do you have any hidden talents of a sexual nature?”

“Actually, yes,” she said standing up.

Karen lifted her shirt, exposing her mid-drift. From her vantage point, Jess could see up her shirt to the undersides of her breasts as she wasn’t wearing a bra, and her heart skipped a beat.

Karen concentrated and asked them to place their hands on her stomach, just below the waist of her low riding jeans. They complied and Karen concentrated harder.

“Do you feel anything?” Jess asked Lin, who shook her head.

“Ok then,” said Karen, unzipping her jeans and pushing them down to her knees.

Jess admired her white, French-cut bikini panties and wondered how they would feel. Karen had them feel lower, just above her panties, but again, they couldn’t feel anything. Karen grabbed Jess’s hand and moved it lower so that Jess could feel the down of Karen’s pubic hair through her panties. Her heart thudded in her chest as she touched the upper part of Karen’s pussy. Lin moved her hand down also, and now they felt muscles moving deep inside Karen.

“Oh, my God! How did you learn that?” gasped Lin.

“I’m not sure, maybe it’s from twelve years of gymnastics,” she said. “I love to have a guy lay on his back and I’ll straddle him, telling him not to move. Then I milk his cock with my pussy – most guys come in only a few minutes.”

“That’s incredible,” said Jess, awed. “Did you learn anything else from gymnastics?”

Karen grinned at them and stepped out of her jeans. She lay on the rug and pulled first one, then the other leg up, until both feet were behind her head. Lin burst out in a shriek of laughter while Jess stared open mouthed at the beautiful sight before her.

“Can you contract your pussy in that position?” she asked hoarsely.

“I don’t know,” was the answer, and Karen’s face screwed up in concentration. “Feel it now,” she said at last.

Jess’s hand trembled slightly as she reached out; the contours of Karen’s pussy lips were clearly visible through the stretched white fabric. She placed her hand on Karen's mound and felt for movement. She didn’t feel anything except hot wetness spreading through her own crotch. Karen sat back up, shrugging.

“I didn’t think I could, I’m too stretched out in that position. Ok, Jess, your turn: what sexual talent do you have?”

Jess’s face turned slightly pale. "It's not a talent, it's a secret, something I've been wanting to tell you for some time." She looked at Karen and Lin's faces, her own expression serious.

Lin leaned forward. "Go on, you can tell us," she prodded in a gentle voice.

Jess swallowed, cleared her throat, and took a deep breath. " I'm bisexual." She closely watched the other girls' reactions.

Karen looked from Jess to Lin and back to Jess. "And?"

"And, nothing. That's it."

Karen shrugged. "Okay, that's cool with me."

Lin looked concerned. "Are we the first you've come out to?" Jess nodded and Lin went on. "When did you know?"

"I don't know, thirteen or fourteen, I guess. By the time I started high school I knew for sure."

"That must have been so hard for you," Linn said, taking Jess's hand in hers.

Karen looked confused. "Wait, I don't get it. What's the big deal?"

Lin answered for Jess. "She grew up in Fennville, a small town in western Michigan." Karen still didn't understand. "Western Michigan is highly conservative, very religious, and very intolerant of 'alternative lifestyles', especially in small towns. Well, except for Saugatuck." This made Jess smile. "And her high school was extremely small, with, what, 60 or so students per class?"

Jess nodded again and turned to Karen. "Growing up, everyone in town went to church where it was regularly preached that homosexuality is an abomination, a sin against nature. I mean, I started hearing that at age 7 in Sunday School, so when I hit puberty and my desires started to include girls, I felt like a freak, that there was something terribly wrong with me. I hated myself and kept it secret all those years. Fortunately, I'm into guys, too, so it was easy to keep it hidden. I don't know how I would have coped if I was a lesbian."

"Wow, that must have been rough," Karen said seriously, but then she brightened a little. "You must have had some sexual awakening when you started college."

Jess gave a sly smile and her cheeks reddened.

"You did?" cried Lin. "Who with? No, wait- let me guess!" She thought for a moment and the answer came to her. "Oh, my God! It was Erika, wasn't it?" Jess's smile grew and Lin laughed.

Karen was in the dark. "Who's Erika?"

Lin turned to her. "Erika was Jess's roommate our first year. I believe she was a year ahead of us, right Jess?" Jess nodded. "God, she was tall, blond, a perfect ass and large breasts, absolutely gorgeous. I hated her," she joked. Lin turned back to Jess. "So, tell us, how did you two hook up?"

Jess felt her ears burning and said, “Well, we got to be close, I mean, you know, good friends and all, and one night she tells me she’s bisexual. Then she asked if I was bisexual, and since I was still in my self-denial phase I told her I didn’t think so and she leaned in and kissed me. It caught me off guard and I pulled back involuntarily. But when it sunk in what had just happened, I pulled her face to mine and kissed her back. We started off tender at first, but soon it was a full out, tongues plunging, hands groping, make-out session.”

“Wow,” said Karen. “Did she go down on you?”

Jess blushed even more, and the other girls squealed with laughter.

“How was it?” Karen pressed, her face eager.

“Best oral I ever had,” sighed Jess.

“Did you go down on her?” Lin pried.

Jess smiled and looked down at her wine glass, sending the other two into fits of laughter. They begged for details, but Jess remained silent, having never told another person about her first year.

“I had no idea you were bisexual, I’ve only seen you with guys. Tell me: what do you like about girls?” asked Karen.

“I love the way they smell, the way they taste, the way they sound when they’re aroused, and I love the soft contours of the female form.”

“You know, freshman year a few girls on our hall whispered you two were queer for each other,” Lin admitted, "but I thought it was just girls being catty. I had no idea."

"Yeah, we kept it confined to our room. I mean, we never went out on a date or anything."

"So, where's Erika now?" asked Karen.

“After my first year, she went abroad to study in Germany,” said Jess sadly “and she decided to stay and eventually met someone. Since she left I went back to guys - I don't know, I thought it would help me get over her."

Karen studied her for a moment. “So you haven’t been attracted to any girl since?”

Jess laughed. “Oh, no! There are plenty of girls who turn me on, I’m just a little gun shy." She quickly changed the subject. "My turn for a question: who’s given you the best oral? And if you don’t have a clear cut winner, who was your best fuck?”

“Ok, ok, that's easy,” volunteered Karen. “I hooked up with this guy last spring, Tim, who has an average-sized penis, but it has this upward curve to it. And let me tell you, he could hit my g-spot every time. He’s the only one who has ever given me a vaginal orgasm. As for oral sex, no one really stands out. What about you, Lin.”

“Johnny,” Lin sighed. “His tongue was pure magic, which is a good thing, because he couldn't last very long when he was screwing me. Jess?”

“The best oral I’ve ever had was Erika, but if I had to choose a guy it would have to be Brent, a guy who lived above me last year. He was pretty decent." She looked at Lin. "You and Johnny went out for a while.”

“Yeah, I remember you telling me you two had something special,” said Karen. “Why did you break up?”

“Because our whole sex life was pretty much oral sex - I'm a growing girl; I need variety.”

Lin’s remark sent all three of them into gales of laughter, waking George. He sat up and stretched, annoyed his nap was disturbed and strolled out of the living room. At the bottom of the front stairs, he stopped, looking up at the darkened landing above. He laid his ears back and gave a low growl, and turned toward the kitchen to use the back stairs. The girls were too engrossed in their giggling to notice his odd behavior.


Jess skimmed her notes while lying in bed, but couldn’t maintain her concentration. Every time she started a sentence, she kept thinking of Karen lying on her back with her feet behind her head. Giving up, she tossed her notes on the nightstand and turned out the light. She’d been attracted to Karen from the first day they met in Lit class last year. Karen was short, about 5’2”, 105 lbs., with short blond hair and pale blue eyes, a nice firm ass (thank you, gymnastics) and although her breasts were small, they were very perky, and Jess kept a running tally in her mind of the number of times Karen didn’t wear a bra.

Closing her eyes, she could still see Karen laying there, her lithe body contorted, her pussy straining against the cottony fabric. God, how she wanted to stroke her, probe her wet sex and finger her clit. She imagined Karen in that position without her panties, her pussy lips spread wide, inviting. Jess would tease her outer folds with a light touch, coaxing her open, slowly working her way into her folds until her finger was buried deep inside, her thumb circling her clit. She could practically hear Karen’s moans of pleasure as her fingers brought on the first orgasm. Jess would then lean in and taste her sweet juices, running her tongue the entire length of her slit, exploring every inch. And when she had Karen all worked up, she’d flick her tongue rapidly across clit and make her scream with release.

But another fantasy intruded on the first: a man, a stranger, cupping Jess's face to his, her hands on his strong arms, his tongue seeking and finding hers, laying her down as they kissed. Jess longed to see his hard cock, to take it in her hands and, yes, even her mouth.

I blame Karen, she thought, her hand rubbing her pussy through her panties, with all of her sex talk. Jesus! I need to get laid! Male or female, it doesn't matter!

Jess slid her hand inside her panties, wetting her fingers with her own juices and rubbing them furiously across her clit, her left hand pinching her nipples until she came, her entire body clenching before slowly relaxing. She licked her fingers clean, savoring the musky scent, dreaming of how Karen would taste.

Next door, Karen crawled into bed. She thought a lot of what Jess had said about why she likes women, and found herself in agreement. She'd always been a little bi-curious but even more so lately, since she'd been hanging out with Jess. There was something about Jess that made Karen want to grab her and kiss her and see her naked. She wondered what Jess would be like, with her 34C breasts, her long legs and her trim figure. She loved Jess's brilliant green eyes and wondered if her pubic hair was as black as her shoulder length hair. How would Jess's full lips feel on her own lips? On her breasts? On her pussy? Would Jess like her nipples teased with her teeth? Would she like her clit rubbed hard or soft? Would Jess’s pussy taste like hers? She crawled into bed, naked and horny, scheming as she fell asleep.

Two doors down from Karen, Lin settled into bed with George lying near her feet. She slept soundly that night, only stirring slightly when George bolted upright in the middle of the night, his fur standing up, hissing and growling at a dark corner, until satisfied the threat had passed.


Jess walked up the street in an upbeat mood as she had aced her two exams, feeling the autumn sunshine on her face. The weather was warm and the wind breezy, a nice change from all the rain that had fallen the past two days. She turned up the driveway, looking at the house. It is amazing, she thought, admiring how it stood majestically on the small lot. Movement in a third floor window caught her eye and she just caught a glimpse of something moving away from the window. Not thinking much of it, she walked up the steps and inside. Karen and Lin were in the living room, watching TV. Jess stood rooted in one spot, looking from them to the stairs.