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The clerk put the keys to the first room on the counter next to Franks briefcase and then a minute later the keys to the second room. Ginny picked them up and held them as Frank talked to the clerk, and then she handed one of the key envelopes to Loren. They had their bags taken up to their rooms, and Frank and Loren raced to the conference room to sign in and join the crowd for the afternoon cocktails and hours d'oeuvres. After about an hour of that, Frank found Loren and told him, "Would you mind having dinner with Ginny? I ran into Bailey Stang and his group and it's looking good for a contract with them."

"I'll take care of it Frank and good luck."

"Thanks. This is going to be a record year for us if it keeps going the way it is now."

"I don't see how you can miss." Frank went back to the group of men and Loren continued his mingling for another hour or so before slipping out. He'd had enough to drink and he'd mingled all that he cared to. Remembering that his room was on the fourth floor, he punched the elevator button and checked his room number on the room card envelope. He got on the elevator and stood with his back to the wall just as brown pant suit jumped in just ahead of the closing door. They smiled at each other, but were silent until the elevator stopped on three. Loren smiled and told her, "I like your suit. It flatters you."

She gave him what he took to be a knowing smile and said, "Thank you very much," and he watched her swaying hips go down the hall as he blessed the inventors of high heeled shoes. His thought was, damn so near and yet so far away.

The elevator stopped on four and he got out, checked his room number again and headed to his left, watching the room numbers as he went. He found four twenty nine, slid his card in and out of the slot and went in still thinking about brown suit and her very alluring cleavage.

Ginny was lying on her back on the bed totally naked with knees spread wide. Her eyes were closed and her hands were between her legs and totally unaware that Loren had invaded her little world, and was watching her use her little vibrator on herself. He didn't even breathe as he watched her and just managed to swallow as her eyes popped open and she froze. "Oh my God," she said in a near whisper.

Her hushed voice jarred him and he said, "I'm so sorry, Ginny. I...oh shit. This is the room card that you gave me."

Her vibrator was still obediently humming against her as she stared at him unblinking. He took a tentative step backward as his eyes stayed on her exposed breasts and her hands, and then another step backwards hoping to escape and pretend that what he was seeing had never really happened. "Loren, wait please...please Loren, we better talk about this." His eyes were beyond his control, but his feet stopped moving. She pulled the sheet up far enough to cover her breasts before fumbling with her little purse sized vibrator to shut it off. The vibrating sound had become very loud and had also become an auditory focal point for both of them. Loren didn't move, and his usual glib and confident banter had abandoned him completely. "Please, Loren. Pull that chair over by me so we can talk."

He was her puppet on a string for the moment, so he did as he was told, but he was slowly recovering from the very personal and intimate shock of seeing her like that. "Ginny, I'm so sorry. I must have picked up the wrong card or something."

"Loren as long as this is our secret, no real damage has been done. I think it must have happened when I handed you a room card while Frank was talking to the clerk and you were staring at that woman. That's the only possible explanation now that I think about it."

Both of them were recovering slowly Loren said, "Wouldn't it be better if I were to just leave and pretend this didn't happen?"

"I think we better talk about it and get used to the idea, or when we see each other at dinner with Frank tonight one of us is going to blush and set the other one off."

"Maybe so...but I keep seeing you naked and that's not good."

She tried to lighten the moment by saying "Well, thanks a lot."

For an instant he was embarrassed, but then he smiled and said, "No, I mean I was so impressed and entranced that I couldn't stop staring at you."

Her free hand touched his arm and she said, "Thank you. Loren, I wasn't...I mean, it was just the shock and surprise of you popping into my room, but having you see me naked wasn't so bad. I mean so what? We now share a secret, a very sexy and unexpected secret."

Loren's confidence was returning and he smiled and said, "Sexy is putting it mildly. I might as well add to the problem. You really were...are so sexy lying there...um, naked. But on top of that you had your buzzing lover and..."

Ginny laughed softly and said, "Now, that's the embarrassing part."

"I'm sure it is, but so many women use vibrators now, that you shouldn't worry about that. Like you said, it's our secret."

Her right hand was still under the sheet holding her thumb sized friend and she was carefully moving it around in her hand as she said, "I keep it in my purse when I travel." She boldly pulled it out from under the sheet exposing her right breast in the process and added, "For something so small it packs just the right amount of...well, you know."

He worked valiantly to keep his eyes on hers, but they defied him and went to her now very visible breast before jumping back to her face and eyes again. He looked down at her breast, and then just smiled and made no effort to pull the sheet up again.

"Loren, we both love to tease each other and have for some time. I look forward to seeing you so we can play our little games."

"I do too, Virginia."

She smiled and hesitated for only a moment, before putting her arm around his neck and pulled him to her waiting lips. They kissed as they had so many times before, but this time their tongues touched and then tasted and caressed each other as their soft kiss continued. He had a growing problem, and he knew if he had any brains at all he would run away. Not walk and not look back, just run until he was far away from where his mind was trying to go. While his mind was trying to talk to him, his hand went to her sheet clad waist and she turned toward him slightly letting the sheet drop until she was exposed to the waist. "Ginny, I thought we were going to talk."

"There are other ways to communicate you know."

"But if we keep communicating like this, Frank could end up with my balls in his hand or even worse." Then he remembered Franks message to her. Now he really was in deep trouble. He had to give her the message and that was just going to throw fuel onto their fires of desire. He took his hand from her waist and said, "Ginny, I just remembered Frank said I was to take you to dinner this evening because he's tied up with a group of men talking about contracts."

She couldn't hide her smile. Her knee came up under the sheet, and then using her foot, she coaxed the sheet down farther exposing more of her. Then the other knee came up, and again, she moved the sheet down all while never taking her eyes from his. He knew what she was doing and his hand went back to her warm inviting and uncovered waist. She rolled toward him again and his hand moved down to her naked hip. They shared another kiss before she moved over and he joined her on the bed letting his hand wander between her legs. "That feels so much better than my little toy."

Chapter Six

Their lovemaking, talking and more lovemaking carried them almost to dinner time. Both of them were drained, sexually and physically drained, but both of them still had the desire. "Ginny, honey I have to go take a shower and dress for dinner."

"Shower here."

He smiled and said, "Then I'd have to go to my room in the nude where my clean clothes are."

She smiled and said, "I'd give a lot to see that."

"Under better circumstances I'd do that too."

"Okay, I'll get my things and follow you to your room and we can shower there."

"That works." They got up and as he dressed she gathered clean clothes and her makeup. He looked at her and asked, "Aren't you getting dressed?"

She smiled and simply said no. "What if somebody sees you?"

"Won't they be surprised though? Can't you just see it? Some woman complains that she saw a naked woman go into room four twenty seven. They come up to investigate and you tell them that's impossible, because you're alone and have been in the conference room."

"You are just about too much love."

"And I'm just getting warmed up."

"Remember, Frank has my balls in his hands."

"Oh no, he doesn't because I checked several times remember. Now I had your balls in my hands earlier."

"Yes you did and I thank you."

"You're welcome, now let's go get ready for dinner." Loren opened the door and looked up and down the hall. He pronounced it clear so with the proper key card in hand he led the way down about thirty feet to his room and keyed them in. Unfortunately, some guy came out of his room just in time to see Ginny's naked ass try to get into their room unseen. She leaned against the wall and quickly closed door and smiled. "Damn, I almost made it."

"Were you seen?"

"Yep, some guy down about room four twenty three."

"Well, you've made his day."

"I hope so."

He put his arms around her right there in the entryway and said, "I have to ask, is this normal for you?"

She smiled and said, "No, but I couldn't resist."

"I feel like a chicken about to be sacrificed to Colonel Sanders." She laughed and led the way to the bathroom where he stripped and they showered together. "What happens if Frank comes back and wants to fool around? Will you be able to look eager and satisfy him?"

"Frank takes being past sixty very seriously, so the chances of that happening are somewhere beyond unlikely."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

She laughed and said, "We've just spent a couple of hours of quality time together in bed, so I think we can share a few secrets without worrying." They got out and got ready for dinner and Loren thought about what she had just said. No wonder she was using the vibrator and was so passionate and nearly insatiable in bed. She must have been love starved. Hell, she wasn't far from his age and she must have been doing without loving most of the time not counting her small buzzing friend. Of course, she could have lovers too because he had no way to know.

They enjoyed dinner and made few references to their lovemaking except for when Ginny said, "You're still worried aren't you."

"Yes I'm worried. I could have just screwed myself out of my job and my career. Ginny honey, you are a fantastic woman and amazing in bed, but damn what was I thinking?"

She put her hand on his arm and said, "I promise you. I'll say that again, I promise you, nobody will ever know about what we did. Not ever. I'm smart enough to know that we can't continue when we get home because we could get caught and we both have a lot to lose. I'm not at all sure that Frank would tolerate my indiscretions."

"Are you sorry it happened?"

She looked at him and said, "Not for an instant. Loren, I'm going to confess something. I switched the room cards on purpose, but things didn't work out as I had planned."

"You...at the desk?"

She smiled and said, "Yes, while you were gawking at the sexy honey in the brown suit. I just switched my key for yours, and then went back down and asked for another room key. I expected you and Frank to stay at the reception a lot longer. I've been on these jaunts with him before and he never comes back with the person he went with. He doesn't care about the seminars or whatever, he uses the time to network and transact business. I had about a seventy percent chance that you would come back without him so I took it. The worst thing that could happen would be you'd come to our room and maybe catch us changing for dinner or whatever. All I'd have to do is apologize and give you the correct key. No harm, no foul."

He smiled at her and said, "I never thought of you as being this devious."

"I'll bet I could surprise you in several ways."

"I'm almost inclined to say I wouldn't be surprised if that were true."

"Oh it is true, love. There are things about me that haven't seen the light of day in a long time. I'm not the stuffy tea drinking social honey that I pretend to be. Well, except for when I'm around you. You really do bring out the best and the worst in me."

"Then Frank knows about those parts of you, because he's never surprised when you and I flirt and tease each other."

"He knows all about me. I didn't hide the real me until he started moving up in business. Loren, what I see happening when we get home and what I would like to have happen when we get home are two different things."

"I understand."

"Now what's this about your housekeeper?"

"What do you mean?"

"I talked to Raquel a few days after our get together and she told me what you said about your housekeeper. Was any of that true?"

"I don't remember just what I told her. If you're talking about having to pass my Dixie test, that was true."

"She didn't call it that I don't think but it was close to that."

"It's the same thing. Where I go Dixie my housekeeper goes."

"But she said your housekeeper is your age, isn't that unusual?"

"Just a coincidence, I've had them older and I've had them younger. She just happens to be my age."

"Now be honest, are you two enjoying more than a clean house together?"

He smiled and admitted, "Ginny honey, I could very easily at least on my part. She's attractive, very good at her job including cooking; she's smart and quick of mind and doesn't bow to me. We're very good and devoted friends. Have you ever had help that you could say that about?"

"No, we never have. So you're saying no to the horizontal dance."

He smiled again and said, "I've never heard a woman use that phrase before, but no we have not. I've even considered inviting her to go with me sometime when I go east to visit my friends on their cabin cruiser. She'd love it there."

"So, why haven't you?"

"Well, my friend has a sister that frequently joins us."

"And you two hook up."


"What does that have to do with your housekeeper?"

"Well...we sometimes don't bother to put clothes on for example."

"Sounds like a wonderful way to pass the time to me. So you don't want your hired help to see your cute ass."

"Well, something like that."

"So you go bare butt, drink the afternoon away and...find ways to entertain yourselves...wait does your friend and his sister see each other bare assed?"

"Every so often."

"Ooh, kinky, I like that."

"Well, I've never seen them do anything of course."

"I assume your friend has his wife there."

"Oh yes, and quite a wife she is too."

"You have such a sad life. You are forced to stare at her for days on end I assume."

"I'm afraid that's true."

"I know somebody...fairly far up in our social circle in fact that has had a few flings with her brother and his best friend."

"That's pretty far out."

"Yes it is. I wonder how your invaluable maid would act in that situation."

"I have no idea because we've never talked about anything that personal."

"She might surprise you."

"And she might quit after calling me a whole stream of names."

"Well, I wish I could go with you that's for sure."

"I wish you could too."

Frank found them and heard the last comment and asked, "You wish what?"

Ginny smiled and said, "He was just telling me about his friend and his cabin cruiser. I said I wish I could do something like that and he said he wished I could too. Unfortunately, we don't know anybody with a cabin cruiser."

"Loren, I think I ended up with two new contracts. I won't know for a couple of weeks, but it's looking very good."

"Congratulations, that makes this trip very profitable for you."

"It should."

"Ginny was telling me you do some of your best work on these trips."

"I really do, how was your day?"

"Much less productive than yours, but I met a lot of people so maybe that will come in handy one of these days."

"That's right, you just never know."

Chapter Six

Thursday was uneventful and Loren even stayed for the whole presentation. Friday started out okay, but after lunch they changed the material and the presenter and he almost fell asleep, so he headed to the restroom and then made a turn and headed up to his room. He washed up to see if the cool water would wake him up and it helped. The idea of a drink appealed to him so he headed for the door and then stopped and called Ginny. It was on the fourth ring and he was putting the phone down when he heard her pick up. "Sorry if I woke you."

"No, I was in the bathroom. Where are you?"

"About fifty feet from you in my room. Want to go down for a drink?"

"I'd love to, give me a minute."

"My door will be open." He went to the bathroom and checked himself in the mirror and peed and was putting it back where it belonged when Ginny suddenly appeared. "Darn, I'm too late."

"And just what would you have done had you been on time?"

"Probably sucked on it."

"While I was peeing?"

"Well no. I could have held it tough."

"I might have peed on your fingers."

"That wouldn't have bothered me."

He smiled and said, "One more thing I know about you."

"Honey, at this pace you'll never fully understand me."

"You're probably changing faster than I'm learning."

"Thanks to you I'm changing back to more like I used to be."

"I'll have to think about that one, but I suspect I'd see that as good news." She just smiled and they headed to the bar.

Once tucked into a small booth, Ginny looked at Loren with a smile and told the waiter, "I'll have a pink panty pull down."

Loren held her gaze and said, "I'll have a bosom caresser."

The waiter subtly shook his head, smiled and walked away.

"Okay mister, what's in your drink?"

"Let me think. There's brandy and triple sec and...Madeira I believe. What about yours?"

"Vodka and pink lemonade and something else non alcohol that I can't remember."

"Do you think that we'll ever be alone together and not think about sex now?"

She smiled and said, "We'll have to see, but right now every time I see you I think about us being in bed."

"Me too and that could be dangerous."

"Not necessarily. We'll just pretend we're teasing each other if one of us slips up."

"There you go again with your quick thinking."

"I've just been thinking about how to handle things if we were to screw up someday. I believe in being prepared."

"I believe I want you again."

"Damn it you just made my tummy do a flip. Maybe you better go to the boat and get laid by your friend's sister. You're just juiced up."

"Yes and that's your fault." She smiled and took a sip of her pink panty pull down.

Frank found them and asked, "What's this?"

Loren looked at his boss and said, "It was a great seminar until about one o'clock, but when my chin hit my chest I knew it was time for me to go."

He smiled and said, "About half of my group left early for the same reason. It was a good seminar but they need to work on the finish. So what are you two drinking?" Ginny smiled and told him so I confessed to what I was drinking. "So what brought this on?"

"I'm afraid I started it with my order and..."

Ginny finished it saying, "I felt I had to do better than he did so that's why I chose what I'm drinking."

"I don't know about you two. You seem to bring out the college mentality in each other."

Loren smiled and said, "That's a good way to put it."

"Well after dinner I'm crashing because I feel whipped. In fact I think I'll just go back up and crash now because I'm not hungry."