Equalizer Pt. 02: Alpha Strike


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Once we were parked, I opened Tabby's door for her, and after she got out, I pushed the seat forward to get our bags. We were only planning to stay for two weeks, so we'd packed pretty light. I brought my old Army duffel bag with a couple pairs of jeans, my swim trunks, some t-shirts, shorts, socks, and my standard toiletries in a ditty bag. I also brought a suit bag along too, just in case we wanted to go out to someplace fancy.

Now, when I say "packed light" in Tabby's case, that's two suitcases full of clothes. One suitcase was in the trunk, while the other one took up half of the backseat. Yeah, I know. Camaros aren't very economical and suck for traveling with luggage. So fuckin' what? My Baby is a classic! Besides, I know how to economize space and make stuff fit where it normally wouldn't fit. Oh, and get your mind out of the gutter!

Mom opened the door just before we got to it, and Dad came out with a big grin on his face. He didn't look much different, except for a little more gray in his hair. Hell, I had more gray in my hair than he did! I thought about that again, for just a moment.

"Declan Liam Donal Shepard!" Mom said, using both of my middle names. She actually sounded happy to see me, though. So there was that. The grin that split her face, told me the same.

"Hi, Mom!" I said back with a matching grin, hugging her tight. Then I pulled back and made introductions. "Mom, Dad, this is Tabitha Williams, my girlfriend. Tabby, this is Naomi and John Shepard, my folks."

"It's so wonderful to meet you, Tabitha!" Mom enthused, giving my girlfriend a hug.

"Yes it is," Dad agreed, hugging her too.

"Thank you both, but please call me Tabby," she replied to my parents, smiling genuinely.

Then I looked towards the house. "Is Cara here?"

"She'll be here for dinner, Deck," Dad said. "She's with her boyfriend, over at Mac's and Kat's place right now."

"Wait-what?" I said in surprise. "Don't you mean Mac and Maggie?"

"There've been some changes around here, hon," Mom said with a smile. "Cara is helping out with some decorating at their new place."

"Umm, ok," I said. "So, what happened with Maggie?"

"You're going to have to talk to Mac about that, son," Dad said with a chuckle. "Did you see the news about a month ago, about the 'Brown Wedding' incident?"

"No, I didn't," I admitted as we took our bags into the house. "I've been kind of busy with work, lately."

"Well, then you need to see Mac ASAP, Deck," Dad smirked and chuckled again. "It's a hell of a story!"

"Your room is ready for you, sweetie," Mom told me. "I'm guessing you'll be sleeping together while you're here?"

"Yes, Mrs. Shepard," Tabby answered with a little trepidation. "If that's all right with you, that is?"

"We're all adults here, Cher, and call me Naomi," Mom replied, slipping back into her New Orleans accent. It doesn't happen very often, usually when she's just really happy about something. It made me feel better to hear it from her, right then. "Just keep it down if you two decide to have some fun, ok?"

"You got it, Mom," I agreed immediately.

"Of course, Mrs. Shepard... Naomi," Tabby said right after my reply, wincing as she remembered to call Mom by her first name.

"Honey!" Dad said to Mom, acting surprised. Then he grinned, and Mom laughed.

"Well, you know where to go," Mom said, smiling at me. "Just come back out when you're unpacked, so we can catch up!"

"Yes, ma'am," I replied respectfully. Then I turned to Tabby. "Come on, sweetheart. This way."

"Lead on, my darling," Tabby replied, smiling and immediately put at ease by Mom and Dad.

I lead the way to my old bedroom, and was surprised to find it almost exactly as I'd left it when I left for Ft. Benning, seventeen years ago. Mom, or maybe Cara, had kept it dusted and clean, in my absence. I felt myself choking up at that. Even when they were angry with me, they'd still kept my room as it had been, for all these years. Well, almost.

One big change I noticed, right off the bat, was that my old tube TV was gone, replaced by a flat screen TV with a new remote sitting right beside it.

The other big change I noticed, was that my old twin size bed was now a standard king. It took up way more space, but we still had more than enough room to maneuver around it. Mom and Dad live in a large four bedroom ranch style house, and each bedroom is pretty big.

Last I heard, Cara had a new boyfriend, and they lived together in their apartment. I wondered who it was, but figured I'd find out soon enough. She would be here for dinner, so until then we had time to unpack. We talked as we unpacked and put our stuff in the dresser and the closet.

"You talked about Mac before, sweetie, but who's Kat?" Tabby asked conversationally.

"She's an old friend from High School," I replied, smiling at all the memories. "We all used to hang out together. I actually asked her out once, but she told me that she had a crush on Mac. Then she swore me to secrecy about her crush on him. So, now I'm guessing that she finally told him. I'm just wondering what happened between him and Maggie. Shit, I was Best Man at their wedding!"

Then I looked at her. "Sweetheart, what is it with women, not telling a guy that they like him?"

She looked back at me with a bemused half smile on her face. I could tell she was thinking. We'd known each other for about eight months, and in that time, we'd become somewhat attuned to each other's idiosyncrasies.

Finally, she sighed and her smile disappeared as she turned serious. "Deck, I think it's that some of us expect a man to have kind of a sixth sense, when it comes to what we want," she explained. "It's complicated for some of us, when we're trying to sort out how we feel about a man. How do you tell a woman that you like her? Is it easy for you?"

"It depends, I guess," I said with a shrug. "I can honestly say that you're my first really serious relationship, Tabby. With you, I felt attracted to you immediately. After that first meeting when you fired Gordy Boy and I gave you a ride back to your office, well... you know what happened next." Damn it, I knew I was rambling.

Another memory flashed through my head, of the day that I'd stopped Gordon from hitting Tabby. How I sprinted from cover while he was pulling his hand back. He seemed to be moving in slow motion, and somehow I'd covered the twenty yard distance between us in time to clock him before he could hit her. I really hadn't thought much of it back then, but now it just seemed... odd, that I could move so fast.

"But weren't you married?" Tabby asked with a confused smirk, bringing me back into the present. "How am I your first serious relationship?"

"Because I'm actually in love with you," I replied steadily. "I wasn't in love with Cindy. That was basically lust masquerading as love, if that makes any sense. With Cindy, I just walked up to her in a bar and told her she was hot. She thought the same about me, and she became my ex-wife, sixteen months later."

"Ok, that makes sense," she replied, nodding in agreement. "I think that's kind of the same thing with my ex. He convinced me that he loved me, and the next thing I knew..." she clapped her hands together once. "Anyway, as far as telling someone how we feel, it's kind of like that for us too, only worse."

"What do you mean by worse?" I asked, perplexed.

"I'm taking one for the team here, hon," she smirked. "I can't speak for all women, but for myself and several others I know, we do not take rejection well. It makes us think that we aren't good enough. It's a matter of pride."

We'd finished unpacking, then sat on the new bed together, in my old room. I took her in my arms and kissed her beautifully full lips. "As beautiful as you are, it's a wonder that you were still single when we met."

"I wasn't really looking, you know. You just fell into my lap. Right place, right time. By the way, I'm in love with you too, Declan," she said softly after the kiss. Then she gave me an embarrassed grin. "I have to be honest here, honey. You know that I dated white guys, but I never thought I'd fall in love with one."

"Well, I've always been more attracted to ladies of color, so I wasn't so shocked when I realized that I love you," I replied truthfully. "Dad fell in love with Mom, before it was even legal." I hooked my thumb over my shoulder to indicate Aunt Naomi and Uncle John, out in the kitchen and living room.

"I'm glad you did, honey," she replied. "I'm also glad that those laws are gone now." Then she kissed me sweetly, and I returned her kiss with interest. I was seriously considering kicking my door closed and having some fun, but then we heard a laugh from just outside the door.

"Some things never change, Bro," I heard Cara say with a giggle. We broke the kiss and looked her way.

"Hey, Sis!" I grinned and stood up with Tabby beside me. "Cara, this is Tabitha Williams, my girlfriend. Tabby, this is my slightly annoying little Sis, Cara Shepard."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tabitha," Cara said with a genuine smile.

"You too, hon," Tabby replied, giving Cara a hug by way of greeting. "Call me Tabby, by the way. Deck has told me a lot about you."

"Well, hopefully, he'll tell me a lot about you too," Cara replied, giving me the infamous Shepard raised eyebrow. "And what do you mean by slightly annoying?"

"I will, Sis," I said with my most disarming grin. "I promise, ok? Besides, you've always annoyed me, but just slightly."

"Ok, I believe you," she replied, her smile back in place as she came into my arms and gave me a big hug. Then she stepped back and grinned even wider. "Oh, and my boyfriend is here too. I can introduce you to him!"

"Cool," I said, smiling. "Looking forward to meeting him."

"Just don't scare him like the others, Bro. I really like Falk, ok?" Cara replied meaningfully. That caused Tabby to giggle.

"Does he really do that?" my girlfriend asked my Sis.

"You have no idea, girl," Cara said, then smirked at me and rolled her eyes. "Between Deck and Dad, it's a wonder I managed to date any guy for longer than three weeks, back when we were in school."

"I promise, Cara," I replied sincerely. "As long as he isn't a douchebag, I won't put the fear of God into him."

"Seriously? Overprotective, much?" Tabby asked, smirking.

"In Deck's defense," Cara explained before I could reply, "he is the best brother in the world, as far as making sure I was safe. Dad is Dad, and he's the same way. I know they love me, and don't want anyone to hurt me."

"I understand, hon," Tabby said. "My father is that way, too."

They chatted some girl talk between themselves, and we all walked out to the living room together. When we got there, Dad was laughing at something that Cara's new guy said. I could only see the back of his head, but I thought I recognized his voice.

He heard us coming, and turned in the chair to look at us. As soon as our eyes met, I finally placed the voice to a name.

"Deck, this is my boyfriend, Falk O'Connor," Cara said, introducing us.

Falk stood immediately, and extended his hand. "Good to meet ya, Deck," he said with a smile. His accent was almost nonexistent, but it was still there.

"You too, Falk," I replied and smiled in spite of myself, as I shook his hand.

"Falk was in the Army too, Deck," Dad said from his chair.

"You were in Afghanistan, about ten years ago, right?" I asked, squinting as if just recognizing him.

"Yeah, Kandahar..." he said, and snapped his fingers as he made a face, as if trying to remember. "Sergeant Deck Shepard, of course! You were with Second Group!"

"That's right. You were there with Delta, if I'm not mistaken," I said, recognition "dawning" on me. "Small world. Now you're dating my Sis? How did that happen?"

Cara jumped in, telling the tale of how they'd met. Cara is an interior designer and the company Falk worked for, Seven Eyes Inc., hired her on as an independent contractor to decorate their offices. I almost laughed at the name of the company, but wisely held it back.

"When I saw Falk smiling at me, I just had to talk to him. We talked and laughed some, and he asked me out once I finished the job for the company. So, that's how we met," Cara finished, smiling adoringly at Falk. He smiled back and took her hand in his.

The blonde hair and light blue eyes on him, made me remember who he was. He had the good looks that could "turn a lesbian straight", as some might put it. I had to wonder, though. I made a mental note to interrogate the dude as soon as possible.

"How do you know Falk?" Tabby whispered to me.

"We served together in Afghanistan," I replied, also whispering. "We did a few joint missions together."

Tabby knew better than to ask specifics, since everything was still Classified TSCI: Red. I couldn't discuss it with anyone, not after basically telling my ex FWB Trina and her new boyfriend back in '08. At least what I told Tabby alleviated her curiosity, for the moment.

How the fuck was I going to explain this, once the truth came out? I knew it would, eventually. I knew who he was, and I'd keep his secret. If he really loved Cara, he'd let her know, though.

No, it isn't any kind of sexual deviancy. He isn't gay or bisexual, that I know of anyway. Falk is just... different, for lack of a better word. It had been a while since I'd heard from Ian, too. Maybe Falk could give me an update on the search for Sully.

Daniel "Sully" Sullivan was a good guy, our Team's demolitions expert. He had great taste in women, and was full-on South Boston Irish. In other words, he was a crazy motherfucker! Officially listed as MIA for the past ten years, I knew that Ian Dunbar and his Scouts still looked for him, whenever they could.

"Dinner's ready, kids!" Mom shouted from the dining room. "Come and get it!"

Dinner was great, and it felt like I'd never left. Tabby loved chatting with everyone, and I got caught up on almost everything. I laughed along and caught them all up on what I'd been doing down in Los Angeles.

The only subject that never came up, was Mac's apparent split with Maggie and getting together with Kat. I knew I'd have to talk with him about that ASAP, like Dad said. But first, I had more pressing business to attend to, right then.

After dinner and dishes, which I helped with, just like in the old days. Mom and I found Falk sitting with Dad, Tabby, and Cara in the living room. I took a deep breath and walked up to him.

"Hey, Falk. It's been a while. Mind if I talk to you privately for a moment?" I asked with a smile, as lightly as I could manage.

"I don't see why not," he replied, just as lightly. "Big brother wants to make sure I'm right for his little sister, I take it?"

"Pretty much, yeah," I shrugged. Then I looked at Cara. "You don't mind if I steal your boyfriend for a moment, do you?"

"Oh great. Just don't scare him off, ok?" Cara said, rolling her eyes.

"That depends," I said, giving her my best evil eye. That caused her to chuckle and roll her eyes some more.

"Ok, fine," she said and shook her head in resignation.

Falk and I walked out onto the back porch to give us some privacy.

"Are you serious about Cara?" I asked, without preamble.

"Yes, I am," he replied, without hesitation.

"So, the age difference doesn't bother you?" I asked pointedly. Before he could answer, I continued. "Seriously, Falk. Does she know who you are?"

"Not yet," he said slowly. "But I am going to tell her when the time is right."

"She deserves to know, man," I told him. "I know you're a good guy, but I don't want to see her get hurt."

"I understand, Deck," he replied with a nod. Then he looked at me and smiled broadly. "You're usually very laconic, but you have a strong protective side, too. You remind me a lot of your mother and grandmother."

That took me off-guard. "You knew my mother and grandmother?"

"You know how old I am, brother," he replied with a smile. "I'm actually a few weeks older than Ian, if you want specifics."

"So, how did you know my mother and grandmother?" I asked, shelving the rest for now.

"I might as well tell you," he said with an apologetic smile. "Your mother and grandmother were both half-bloods."

"Umm, what?" I asked, feeling my jaw drop open. "What do you mean by that?"

"You have Sidhe blood in your veins, Deck," he said as he looked at me.

The revelation suddenly made sense, as I thought back on what I'd been feeling lately. As I stood there, he explained.

"Why do you think your hair is turning white?" he said. "Your mother's hair turned even before the age of thirty. Your grandmother's hair turned white before she turned twenty-five. Did you have any idea until now?"

"Not like you'd think," I said with a sigh. "I noticed some things over the past several years, though. I didn't think anything of it at first, chalking it up to adrenaline whenever I was in a fight. But yeah, seeing a guy slow down while I fought at full speed, on a few occasions, kind of got me thinking."

"That's because your perception sped up along with your reflexes. Your great-grandmother is a Scout, Deck," Falk said quietly. "A half-blood inherits the caste traits of her... or in your case, his maternal Sidhe ancestor. I have to say, that of all the half-bloods born to Sidhe mothers, you are only the second male on record. It may be, because you are a third generation half-blood, more like an eighth-blood. But still, it's extremely rare."

"What else is going to happen to me?" I asked, accepting his explanation.

"I don't know, but I'll contact Ian as soon as I can. He might know more than I do, since he's the Commander," Falk said apologetically. "You're the first third-generation half-blood I've met. He might have met one before, though."

I thought back over what he'd just told me about my lineage. "Wait, so all half-bloods are born to Sidhe women?"

"That's how it works," he said resignedly. "We guys can't father children, unless we are given a charm that grants us fertility."

"Why?" I asked, perplexed by the reasoning behind that.

"It's complicated, Deck," Falk replied with a sigh. "Like I said, you're the first male half-blood I've ever met, and only the second one on record."

"Wait a sec. 'On record' how?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. That was the second time he'd used that term.

"Talk to Ian," he replied, shaking his head and holding up his hands. "I've already said too much about it. He's the Commander, so you need to talk to him about it."

"Ok," I replied with a shrug. A mystery for another time, but I guessed that I'd find out, eventually. I hoped so, anyway. I'd have to talk to Ian ASAP, though.

"So, what are the Seven Eyes doing in this neck of the world, anyway? Ian gave the impression that they were using your home turf as the staging area to search for Sully," I said, hoping they'd have made some headway by now.

"Santa Barbara sits on a Ley-line hub, Deck. It makes things easier for us to coordinate with home. As for Sully, we have his location narrowed down to one of three different... places, now," he nodded. "Are you still in, when we go to get him out of wherever he is?"

"Wherever, whenever, or whatever. I'm in, no matter what," I confirmed. I knew what Ley-lines and hubs were, from what Ian had told me. I still couldn't quite wrap my head around it all, though.

In a world where Magic "doesn't exist", it's kind of a shock to find out that it does. It's also a shock to discover that monsters exist, and not all of them are evil. If I was to tell my tale to some strangers on the street, they'd probably think I was just another California nut. But then again, this is California, so they might actually believe me.

"In that case, we'll definitely let you know when we find him. It's only a matter of time now, Deck," he grinned. "Don't worry, we know he's alive, or was when he disappeared, at least. I'm betting that he's still alive, though. We'll find out soon enough, either way."
