Extenuating Circumstances Ch. 01A


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But Suzanne was familiar with this game, her and David having won this exact event several years ago. Recalling David's strategy, she glanced over to him and saw him smile, realizing he too remembered the game.

Looking at Henry, David told him, "This is a sure win for you two, isn't it Honey?" he said.

The trick to the game was getting the balloon trapped against each other's pelvis. Most people attempted to sit on the balloon, trapping it in the man's lap, but since the women's butts and legs were fleshier, the balloons merely spread out. What was needed was a hardened surface to completely entrap the balloon, thereby forcing them to pop.

As Henry looked perplexed and asked David what he meant, Suzanne saw her husband smile and wink at her, telling the older neighbor, "Don't worry. Suzanne has this one. Don't you honey?" with said once more with a big grin.

Suzanne knew the trick was getting the balloon worked up the man's lap to his pelvis where the woman could grind her crotch—a bonier part of the body compared to her ass—and crush the balloon properly.

But then Suzanne turned red, blushing as she realized she would be in Henry's lap, not her husband's.

Looking over at David, she saw him suddenly laugh as he observed her sudden comprehension, and before she could talk to him or explain the tactic to Henry, the whistle was blown for them to get into their positions and get ready.

Henry sat down on a bale of hay and placed the balloon in his lap, holding it there with his hands so it would not blow away before the Suzanne sat down, everybody waiting for the whistle to blow and start the game.

And then it was on.

Suzan saw all the women rush forward with her, watching as they turned away from their partners and sat down. Knowing what was needed, Suzanne instead straddled Henry's lap while facing him, seeing his eyes opened in surprise.

Smiling at his shocked face, his surprise overshadowing her own embarrassment at what she was about to do, Suzanne explained the strategy.

"Just hold my hips and sit still. I need to get the balloon up to your crotch and then we can apply more pressure to it," she told him. "This works easier if we're both not squirming around, so let me do all the work," she said.

Glancing around, Suzanne saw all the couples making the same mistake, the women sitting and trying to pop the balloons by sheer weight with their asses, the crowd cheering as the women wiggled and shimmied on the men's lap.

Several people—including David—were watching her and Henry, a few even making suggestive comments about her straddling the elderly man different from the others.

But Suzanne was focused upon her partner, and seeing the understanding in Henry's eyes, he merely held her hips as instructed, but then his eyes once more widened as Suzanne began undulating her hips in his lap, slowly squeezing and pushing the balloon upwards between their bodies.

The goal was getting the balloon trapped against both of their crotches, where it could be wedged between them against their pelvic bones. After that it was a simple matter of pressure, pressing their bodies against each other tight enough to eventually pop the balloon.

Unfortunately, to Suzanne's embarrassment, the act of moving the balloon into position and then attempting to pop it looked like she was dry humping her partner.

Suzanne then recalled the party her and David had won the game at, remembering her embarrassment as the crowd cheered them on. Back then it h ad been with her own husband, but now she was playing the game with Henry. She suddenly became all too aware of the suggestive comments being made around them as her hips undulated, her body straddling the elderly man.

"Hey David, you better watch out, looks like Suzanne found somebody else to scratch that itch you can't get to because of your cast," she heard somebody shout, feeling her entire body redden in humiliation.

The shout drew other people's attention to them, and before long a most of the crowd was cheering her on, many making similarly crude comments as Suzanne went through the motions of humping Henry's lap, slowly working the balloon higher up his body.

The motions of her undulating on David's, and now Henry's, laps had been embarrassing enough, but Suzanne suddenly realized another problem. When she and David had played this game, she had been in her antiquated blue one-piece suit, which covered her body, keeping both her ass and cleavage hidden from sight.

This year she was wearing nothing more than a few pieces of triangular cloth, which as the previous game had shown, could easily be shifted around with every movement she made.

Although her movements on Henry's lap were provocative enough, to her shame and embarrassment she realized the crowd's attention was more focused more upon suit—or what was happening to her suit.

Each time she undulated her hips and slid the balloon a few inches higher, the bottoms of her suit also slid up, the material slowly working into the crack of her ass. But she could not adjust her suit as her hands were around Henry's neck in order to maintain pressure on the balloon.

In addition, straddled and facing Henry and undulating her hips, pressing her body against him to avoid the balloon from slipping free caused her breasts to be mere inches from her partner's face. And due to the lack of support the small pieces of material provided, her tits were jiggling and bouncing right in front of him.

The only thing she could do to resolve the embarrassing situation was to get the balloon popped as quickly as possible as she redoubled her efforts.

"Christ David, you never told us Suzie was so limber," she heard somebody shout out behind them.

Suzanne was shocked to hear her husband answer back, "You're just jealous she's not wiggling like that on you each night!"

Instead of defending her honor, he was goading her on!

To give him credit, Henry had followed her orders, the elderly man's hands merely holding her bare hips as she gyrated upon his lap. He was remaining the perfect gentleman, even though she was making every motion appear like she was fucking him.

Turning her gaze to her partner instead of the balloon, Suzanne was shocked to notice even though he had listened to her and remained still, letting her do the work getting the balloon up his lap, his eyes were definitely not still, nor upon her face—should felt her body flush in embarrassment once again as she saw the man's gaze staring straight ahead, mesmerized by her bouncing and quivering mammary glands less than a few inches from his face.

Meanwhile the crowd continued with its comments, some getting vulgar, Suzanne hearing comments like, "That's it Suzanne, ride that old man!" and "If Henry's heart doesn't explode, another part of him is about to!"

And then Suzanne's shame hit rock-bottom as she realized the combination of her undulating sensually upon her neighbor's lap, combined with the knowledge her entire ass was once again on display before the crowd, added with the crowds vulgar comments and Henry's eyes blatantly transfixed at her bouncing boobs had a completely adverse effect on her than she expected.

To her complete and utter shame, she felt herself getting aroused!

Although rubbing her crotch continuously on the balloon and Henry's lap was likely a physiological response, Suzanne was suddenly cognizant of a darker, deep-seeded part of her psyche coming to surface, a part up until now she had never known existed. To her concern she discovered she was ENJOYING the vulgar comments of the people around her, getting turned on at the prospect of her movements being so realistic she might as well have been fucking Henry before a crowd.

No longer did she feel her mind recoil in horror as she felt her arousal once again come to the forefront, feeling herself getting wet, her nipples hardening—all due to the dark and depraved part of her relishing the attention the crowd, as well as Henry, was giving her.

Her sister had once confided her feelings of exhibitionism when Suzanne had asked her why she enjoyed stripping. At the time, Suzanne had never understood Jen's feeling of power doing something so degrading. But now the veil seemed to have been lifted as she understood.

If this was the feeling her sister got each time she danced, no wonder she did it for a living. Debasing herself in such a manner in front of people was actually exciting!

Looking down to check on the balloon's placement, Suzanne's eyes suddenly widened.

The balloon was exactly where she wanted it to be situated; however, the inflated latex was not all she saw in Henry's lap. Immediately a wave of intense heat flooded throughout Suzanne's body at the sight of Henry's swim trunks sticking straight prominently above the balloon, Henry's obvious erection straining against the material of his suit.

Suzanne could barely comprehend the tenting of Henry's shorts. She had felt his erection earlier when he had held her against him, but she had been too preoccupied with her own embarrassment to notice some details—such as Henry apparently kept a small bat in his shorts!

Still looking down in his lap, Suzanne realized she had never felt David dig into her body as prominently as Henry had when erect. Although she had never complained about her husband's size, Henry definitely had nothing to be ashamed about, as Suzanne's mind became filled with sudden erotic images.

Suzanne had never thought of another man since first starting to date David, let alone having sex with them, but unwanted came the fantasy of her and Henry's swimsuits removed, her lifting herself up and impaling herself upon her neighbor's well-endowed manhood.

She could not believe her thoughts as she once again felt tingling deep within her loins, disbelief coming to her face as she recognized her core's arousal.

And even more embarrassing, her nipples were rock hard, Henry probably becoming increasingly aware of her body's lust.

Suzanne whimpered as another flush of heat flashed between her legs.

Jesus Christ, she was becoming wet, she realized in sudden horror!

The crowd's yelling and urging once again brought her attention back to the game. Henry had not moved nor uttered a single word, following her direction to the letter even as it was readily apparent at least biologically there was an inherent coveting between them.

Focusing back on the game in an attempt to curb her body's growing response, she Henry to pull her even tighter against him to trap the balloon between them.

Understanding and following her direction, she felt Henry's hands tighten upon her hips, pulling her body closer into him.

But it was not enough to put pressure balloon.

Looking over Henry's shoulder, she saw several people had now mimicked her position, understanding the method of breaking the balloons, but so far everybody was still in the game, no balloons having been broken, but it was only a matter of time.

Throwing caution to the wind, knowing other couples were getting close to popping their own balloons, Suzanne told the older man, "Henry, grab my ass and pull me as tight as you can into you"

Suzanne wrapped her arms around Henry's shoulders, pulling her body tightly against his as she hooked her felt around the back of Henry to provide more leverage between them—even as the crowd went wild at their new, obscene position.

To give the man credit, he followed her direction to the letter as Suzanne felt the elderly man's hands grasp her bare ass firmly, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her ass cheeks. Suddenly she felt her small frame lifted as Henry slammed her into his lap, jerking her forward and pressing her pelvis abruptly his own.

Suddenly Suzanne and Henry locked gazes, the cheers of the crowd completely forgotten as they looked at each other, equally shocked.

Suzanne could feel the balloon squeezing between them tightly, but that was not the only thing she felt.

Her and Henry looked at each other in shared understanding, mixtures of shock, astonishment, fear, and to Suzanne's shame, arousal. For not only had Henry trapped the balloon between them like she had asked, but in lifting her up and slamming her against his pelvis, he had also done something neither of them expected—slamming Suzanne down directly upon his erection!

The two could only stare, frozen in place as Suzanne felt Henry's cock, separated only by the material of their swimsuits, press directly against her crotch, the head of his cock sinking almost a quarter of an inch into her pussy, along with her swimsuit and the balloon!

Suzanne was mortified that she was suddenly so intimate with another man—in front of a crowd of people no less. Thankfully the rest of the crowd was unaware of what happened as she sat upon the older man's erection.

To her astonishment Henry then smiled at her, driving his hips up and pushing his swimsuit covered erection even further into her!

Suzanne was suddenly filled with lust as Henry's erection pressed against her clit, and without even realizing her actions, she squired until his erection was directly upon her clit.

She had not realized how long it had been since her and David had been intimate, and months of abstinence suddenly overwhelmed her.

Then Henry looked at her, snapping her out of her clouded confusion as he said, "C'mon Suzanne, we can win this!"

It took her a moment to understand what he was saying, and as she looked down, saw the balloon was stretched taunt between them, almost looking clear.

She was confused. Did not the man feel his cock pressing directly against his crotch? And yet, from his comment, he seemed to be more interested in the game than what was happening intimately between them.

But Suzanne knew they were close to popping the balloon, so throwing caution to the wind, she began gyrating her hips vigorously in an attempt to trap the balloon tightly enough between them to cause it to rupture.

Suzanne heard more shouts around her about their actions: "Damn Henry, you two need to get a room!" some man shouted, as well as another one chiming in by saying, "David, you're wife always this aggressive?". Suzanne felt her body blush as several more comments were overheard, one man asking how much she charged for her personal version of neighborly love.

Suzanne was filled with a variety of emotions—embarrassment at how her straddling Henry's lap looked to everybody around them, arousal as the man's erection now rubbed directly against her crotch. The mixture of feelings only fueled her arousal more as shame and humiliation of her predicament sank into her awareness---everybody's attention upon her, the skimpy bathing suit now lodged completely in her ass, and Henry's erection pressing directly upon her wet crotch. In addition, her frustration at the game overwhelmed her, their inability to pop the balloon and her own sexual frustration merging into one.

She was definitely not in the right frame of mind as she heard her own voice gasped, "C'mon Henry. Try to drive that hard cock through our suits and into me. Let's break that fucking balloon!" she grunted to him, slamming herself down upon the balloon and Henry's rigid cock, feeling the material of her suit work even further into her slit.

The words were out of her mouth before she was even aware of saying them, her face blushing in embarrassment at her vulgar speech, but Henry did not seem to mind as he suddenly pulled her forward, his face lodging between Suzanne's breasts even as his fingers clenched tightly into her ass. At the same time his pelvis thrusted upwards, as if truly attempting to slam his cock through their suits and into her.

In the back of her mind Suzanne rationalized her chest was the only place Henry could put his head and pull her tight enough against him to smash the balloon, so it was not that act which caused her to suddenly gasp, her mind going completely blank.

No, what caused her mind to go into shock was the unmistakable feeling of Henry's teeth clamping down upon her left nipple, his face ground into her chest!

Before she could say or do anything there was a sudden muffled 'pop' and Suzanne felt her hips jerk closer to Henry, both of them comprehending the balloon had finally popped between them.

The crowd cheered, but Suzanne's mind was on other things, it taking only a split second for her to understand her and Henry's bodies were no longer held apart by the unyielding balloon. As soon as the inflated barrier disappeared, Suzanne's body jerked forward, Henry's erection slamming directly against her crotch.

Suzanne grunted as her neighbor's erection pressed even tighter against the cloth of their suits, a sudden wave of pure unadulterated lust coursing through her at the knowledge of less than a millimeter of clothing preventing this man from entering her married pussy. And she would have welcomed it!

Ashamed of her feelings, even as the crowd turned its attention to the other people playing, Suzanne leaned forward. Although to the crowd it looked she was merely resting against Henry and resting from their combined exertions, Suzanne let out a gasp as her hips jerked involuntarily against Henry's erection, sending waves of desire through her. But her gasp was not due to what was going down below where nobody could see. No, what had her suddenly on fire was the sudden sensation of the elderly man's tongue upon her bare breast.

And then it happened. To her consternation, the combination of Henry's grip upon her ass, his erection digging into her crotch, and his tongue upon her breast threw her over the edge, as Suzanne felt a small, yet powerful, orgasm course through her.

Feeling Henry finally lean back and look up at her, she could only smile weakly as he said, "Looks like we won."

Suzanne's throat gulped as she tried to regain her composure, embarrassed at the sudden intimate moment between them. But she hoped they could get over it. What had happened had been a biological reaction, and she knew Henry understood that, with her rubbing against him like that in an effort to pop the balloon, he would understand.

She was a married woman after all, and although she was wearing a skimpy bikini and sitting on his lap, there was no way the sixty-something-year-old man would think there was anything else going on.

Suddenly the old man smiled sheepishly, telling her, "My God Suzanne. I am so sorry for my body's reaction," he said plaintively.

In sudden clarity she realized his smile was actually a grimace of embarrassment as he continued.

"It's been so long since Brenda passed, and having such a beautiful woman this close to me...well, I am sorry," he said.

Even though the tip of a strange man's cock was practically inside her, Suzanne felt sorry for the man. It had been so long since he had been intimate with a woman there was no wonder he could not control himself. His actions had not been voluntary, and her own embarrassment at having another man's cock so close to entering her vanished as she tried to console him.

Forcing a smile, she told him, "Don't be embarrassed, I am actually flattered," she said with a smile.

To prove she was not upset, she hitched her hips forward, pressing the head of the old man's erection even more into the cleft between her legs, seeing Henry's eyes grow wider.

Abruptly another balloon popped near them, breaking the moment and drawing their attention back to the game.

Once again aware of their surroundings, Henry relaxed his death grip upon Suzanne's ass as she—somewhat reluctantly—stood up and moved away from the man.

Like him, her body had unconsciously reacted to the proximity of a virile man, and compounded by the dry spell of sex from David's injury and drinks earlier, she had become aroused to the point where the slightest stimulation had sent her over the edge.
