Flapper Dick Ch. 04


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"I knew flappers wanted a lot of nookie but gracious, how does anybody keep up?" Roll my eyes and poke him.

"Fred is enough, but I can't be going goofy, not sure he can either, so I hand it out some still. In fact I had my first virgin last night." Both are staring at me now, and the bull has sat next to me again.

"Do please not stop there." Look at the bull then around and all are nodding.

"We got a new bimbo in last night, tall fella I call Hayseed on account of he was dressed like one. His first act as bimbo was to get me into the office so I would get in the scandalous rags."

"Scandalous rags?" Bull asks so I guess he hasn't been there.

"The waitress rags are quite spare, barely legal according to bulls so we all change in the office. So in the office I get out of my suit and Hayseed just watched, so I talked to him, he hasn't had nookie yet since it is proper to wait for marriage and only then."

"I was unaware any fellas went with that stance." I am nodding.

"I hadn't known any did either, skirts do but fellas always seem after nookie as soon as they sit at attention." All three fellas snorts but don't say anything so I guess keep going. "So we talked a little tiny bit more then I am rubbing on him in his pants. Get him out in short order and wanting to find out what it is like, bend over and suck on him. That is better than I figured so perched on the desk and brought him to me. Had to teach him on how to do it but once he got the idea it was bee's knees, asides a little faster than I'd like."

"I've never had a skirt suck on me." Detective says with the other two nodding.

"Try going to the bordello across the alley. They will, and honestly working in one is much better than I assumed. Also likely to get moved though I don't think there is a reason to unless someone complains."

"So they did talk to you?"

"Yeah, did anybody actually go into the building and talk to anyone?" Detective frowns for a moment then shrugs.

"I wasn't out here for that so I can't say. Do know the detective simply said they didn't tell him anything."

"Odd, since the skirts all said the bulls never came to ask. Course they also heard the bulls looking in the alley and figuring on made man offed the fella."

"Not precisely a wrong assumption due to a bordello here." Bull says so we are all looking at him.

"Was, he was offed with a revolver so the weapon is probably over there. Near as I can tell most of what the mob goes after is those north side fellas." Detective snorts and shakes his head.

"It's a gang going against and there have been other things, explosives and such on places in Capone's territory not buying booze from him." Frown since that is horrible, and then perhaps not from him.

"Perhaps he didn't order that, he seems like a rather decent sort. Bordello workers have a good turn, they get days off and access to the chemicals one uses with that diaphragm thing."

"He is the leader though so the one that gets on the hot seat every time it happens."

"Can get you three breakfast if you want, we are all bored over here." I think we all look at the tanker for a moment.

"I think hand over the menu. Don't normally eat now, we are asleep or soon to be usually."

Get the menu and we are all looking over it. I find a good one, French toast, which isn't something I have had before. Do ask after it and it sounds good, get it with scrambled eggs and then it is either powdered sugar or syrup. Detective orders it with powdered sugar so I get it with syrup after asking if I can try one of his.

Bull takes a little while until finally he gets scrambled eggs with bacon and sausage. Course his sausage is a good one, he doesn't get links he gets the little patties. Sort of a toss up on which the diner has for sausage. So after not that long we are getting our breakfast, and eating them up when the coroner finally arrives.

Detective handles that so I just keep eating, and this French toast is rather good. Prefer it with syrup though that is mostly since the sugar tends to go up your nose. Not precisely pleasant, and then not annoying either, just sort of something you notice for a little while or you snort. Do find out one thing, we sort of shot out the window since it falls down while they are getting the bodies out.

Tanker is chuckling about it while I am apologizing. I mean if we had not come in today there would not have been a shoot out. Tanker just laughs on that, he is rather happy with it happening. Would be packed with folk asking for details if the sign wasn't set to closed. Bull jalopy out front everyone knows something happened.

I mean there are people across the street standing there watching. I do help Tanker get a big sheet hung in the window, to keep the birds out. Coroner leaves first, so we check the jalopies sitting here to find nothing, then we are leaving to applause. I am looking around rather lost, Detective simply gets me into his jalopy.

We are going to the station where I am told to stay here while he goes inside to get John. After less time than you would think both have come back out and are getting in the jalopy. John is grinning when he gets in so I guess he knows on the shoot out. Course there is one thing I better do so pull out my pistol and pop the magazine.

"What are you doing?" Look back at John and wink.

"I used this magazine for a shoot out so I was unsure on how many bullets left, I think two so changing magazines."

"Do you have a third magazine?" Shake my head.

"I don't have any more bullets on me either. Means you two don't find a shoot out or shoot good cause I'm not sure I can get all that many."

"Your pistol holds seven, and then since you fired there is one in the chamber."

"I'd ask why you don't have more bullets in the trunk if we were in your jalopy." Sigh since we don't do that either, then groan since I realized one thing.

"Speaking of our jalopy, Fred has the keys and the jalopy is in front of the diner."

"Sort of not good, but if the hospital will give the keys over we can move the jalopy to the hospital. So when he does get out he has one." Nod since that is a good notion, though there is one thing.

"Today is Friday and we are supposed to work." Two frowns to go along with mine for a moment.

"If Fred knows the number of someone else working there and he is awake early enough he can place a call. Otherwise I will go over and share the tale. I mean you got a second bimbo."

"Yeah, Hayseed is there so we have two and Fred can have nights off in case we get a case that goes into the night."

"Hayseed?" John asks getting me to giggle.

"He was working in a warehouse and got tossed due to them taking the warehouse down to build new same spot. So it is a few months of no pay or find something else so he came to us. He came dressed like the colored fellas do when they are not a porter, or a farmer."

"So Hayseed, makes sense."

"She gave him a turn and was his first." John snorts then is looking at me so nod.

"I did, it was sort of sad and then sweet all in one. He took me into the office since I was wearing my suit still. Also stayed there and watched me get out of the suit so I am looking at him. He talked after not that long about not getting to look at a skirt in naught before. I talked back to find he is fully in the teachings, as in no nookie before marriage. So I rubbed, then sucked since the bordello skirts mentioned it's nice. After that I perched on the desk and I am his first."

"Definitely a hayseed then, is he not from around here?"

"I'm pretty sure he is, he doesn't have a jalopy either so took the train. No idea on to where but I would believe he is from west side, they are poorer than we are." Both fellas are chuckling.

"Sort of a good notion, seems that the poorer the folk are the more into religion they are, and then the more they are worth the weirder they are."

"Oh now don't stop there, tell the story." John is chuckling so I think he has heard it before.

"Last year, no year before, we had a complaint filed on the police in west side. I mean the noise went up far enough someone listened so I got picked to go over there and figure it out. What I went to figure out was where the candles were going. The lady was going gray so definitely a daft bird, but she was losing candles on the regular, blamed her staff some and then it was someone was sneaking in and stealing. The whole thing wasn't anything except the candles going away because she demands to have fresh candles for dinner, so the staff uses the candles used from the night before." I would giggle but sometimes folk get set in a thought and there's no setting them straight.

"How did you fix it?"

"I sat there as she described the candles for an hour I think, then talked to the staff and we all had a good laugh. I mean definitely daft but also a sweet bird. Set up a new plan, originally the staff would just take the candle stands into the kitchen after dinner. Instead the candle stands are set in the china cabinet and then the candles are replaced as they do that. She has her candles still and the staff isn't being yelled at."

"Little curious on why they didn't just do that anyway." Detective shakes his head.

"To her the candles go into the kitchen until the next night. The whole thing started because they ran out of the white candles so in a pinch used a red candle. I mean it wasn't not going to the store for new candles, one candle was dropped and broke, can't use that and it was dinner time almost so red candle. Bird decided someone is stealing the candles, but then also decided there is supposed to be a red candle. Had to have it suggested by me because she is sure someone is breaking in, and then how long before they do more than take candles."

"So put candles in the locked china cabinet and she is happy." Both fellas are nodding and I am grinning since that is rather odd, and sweet. "There is one thing, how did she have a staff in west side, and then why did someone high up listen?"

"Wife of a previous mayor. I mean she has sort of lost her grip on reality, but really nice so it's easier and fun to just go along with what she says."

"She doesn't do anything bad to anyone, just has odd thoughts on things some. There was one day she decided she was supposed to be at the mayor's house, last year, or perhaps early this. She went to the mayor's house in the middle of the night. Her staff was mad with worry since she just wasn't there. Mayor almost lost it since she went to his house and let herself in, then wandered around before sleeping in his office."

"Missing her husband probably." Both fellas are nodding and then we are among the big buildings.

I am looking around since I don't get in these much, they are offices and then one is Penney. Penney isn't so good on the glad rags so I simply went to the smaller stores for them. John is pointing out buildings so I spot one of the two big hotels, this one is quite grand on the outside. More driving along and we have our second of the big hotels. This one isn't as tall in the building, but nicer building.

"Which one of these two is more expensive?" I ask as we go inside and find a bellboy right off.

"Miss this hotel is the grandest of them all." John snorts and shakes his head.

"Two detectives and a dick, stop shining one." Bellboy snorts and shakes his head.

"The other tall hotel charges more for the room but we have more in amenities. Cost evens out though we have the better amenities and kitchen."

"Will come here if we ever lose our faculties and want to waste dough."

"Not a waste of dough, we are popular for wedding night when can afford. Two night stays are three aces plus the cost of the amenities and kitchen." John guides me over to the front desk where we are flashing badges, license and the keys.

"Just needed one badge, though quite impressed on this assortment." I am giggling now and the clerk grins.

"Where are the rooms for these keys, and then is there anyone in those?" Keys are looked over and the clerk is nodding, then writing down on a piece of paper.

"These are all in a row, two of these are listed as two occupants and one is a single. I've seen notes, the single occupant thinks the maids are there for his enjoyment if you follow."

"Don't think they are coming back, either went to morgue or hospital and pinched." Clerk looks at me and smiles, then frowns.

"I do hope you were not forced into such an action." I am nodding since I was.

"They shot first, we only wanted one of them since he offed another." Clerk is frowning then shakes his head.

"If I could get away with it I'd give you a night for free."

"Sort of tempting, but got a house and a fella to get under, or above so no need."

Clerk is grinning then I am getting pulled along to the elevators. We got the location of the rooms. I am looking at the elevator, that is quite amazing, can see yourself in the walls and there is a fella in here doing the elevator. Mostly because it is buttons and a lever, the fella touches the buttons and turns the lever.

Rather confusing so best if they have a fella trained on it in here. Also has a stool so that is handy for him, otherwise he is standing all day.

"There will be one person in those rooms, Paul was shot over a necklace for Kelly, no skirts at the diner."

"Besides you." Toss my hands and poke at John.

"Yes besides me, and honest it's hard to get less lady than me. I am a flapper."

"Not to mention a dick." Elevator man is chuckling into his hand so poke him.

"I am a licensed dick, and then the court appointed dick, one of them."

"Where is the other one?"

"He got shot, shootout in a diner and he didn't clear the counter fast enough. In the shoulder at least so I am not looking for a new daddy or anything."

"Do need a driver while he is in the hospital."

"You said day or two and he is out."

"Maybe, depends on what the doctors decide."

Elevator stops finally so we get off and the elevator man continues on after bidding us luck. We go along to the right doors and then stop here. Also back away two doors so we can have a discussion on this.

"We have four hotel keys right?" John asks getting the other fella to nod.

"Means out of our two occupant rooms one has a skirt in most likely." Both of the fellas are looking at me now so shake my head.

"Not splitting up. I think we go to the first door and open that up. No shooting one of us goes to look over it." Both are nodding then John frowns.

"Why one?"

"One because there are two detectives and a dick. I have a pistol so can hold off a few if there is not a fast charge. Just a detective will have fellas stop and think of how many other bulls there are. I mean tales of what happens to a fella who offed a bull are sort of legendary." Both fellas snort.

"I think we make the skirt search. There is one thing, all fellas at the diner, and then two fellas share a hotel room. These are not known for multiple beds." Takes me a moment to follow the thought.

"As in two are three letter men?" Both fellas are nodding, I have to nod since possible.

"Possible, but then perhaps they are related and don't mind sharing a room so they have more dough to spend. I mean it is three aces for two days, you are going over what I make as a waitress in a month, less even."

"I'm a little stuck on the jalopies, they have two and no jewelry in those, or their pockets." We are all nodding and something comes to me.

"I'm fairly sure we had two houses. There was two sets of keys and then the hotel keys."

"No, one was the jalopy keys, there is a key for the door locks and then one for the trunk. So we have one house..." Detective trails off and grins. "Need to figure out where the house is, most likely the house is where they stash so we can collect the latest set of jewelry."

"Do we have to go in these?" Both fellas nod.

"We do need to clear these, the house would have the latest stash. Anything left over and then the dough will be in these hotel rooms."

"Also possible we find a wallet for Paul, nothing else to go on for his name."

"I would say it may just sound like Paul except the diner fella knew him by Paul. Our witness only heard an argument with a guy called Paul, and then heard a comment about handing a necklace to Simon to fence."

"Possible it sounds like Paul. Many of the immigrants have odd names that sounds close to a regular old name when they are saying it so go by that."

"I'd like to mention that it is odd that I am standing here with two detectives and neither is a mick." Both poke me so I am giggling and they are grinning.

Also head for the first door and it is opened by John with the key. I and the other detective are standing besides the door. I had asked on that to be told in case they shoot at the door. I guess I had a curious look since I am told it has happened then the door is opening. No shooting so we all look inside and I am pushed on so go on inside.

Look around to find there is a large bed, that is made so the maid service got to it before they left last night. Suppose also possible the maids are on this floor early in the day. Not that it is all that late in the day either, got another two and a half hours before lunch time. Besides the bed I find there is a cabinet filled with suits, four of them in total and all four are gray.

Sort of odd really, since out of the fellas we shot all were wearing black suits. Then it comes to me, they have a black suit for capers and then other colors for everything else. Go through everything also, get told to from the door. Don't find any jewelry but do find a box, packed with dough. So over to the fellas with that opened.

"Impressive stack of dough, no idea why they were sharing the room and bed?" Shake my head.

"Everyone was in a black suit at diner. There are four gray suits in the cabinet and this box. No jewelry either so they sell it off besides what they give to Kelly."

"Did you spot an oil, or there is that petroleum stuff." I think we are all looking at John.

"Do you go for fellas?" John rolls his eyes and pokes me.

"I do not, it was something I learned in patrol. I mean I ended up going inside a house due to a fight and kicked a jar of it. One of the fellas tossed a fit for kicking his fluid so I asked. I mean kicking a jar of something and one fella calling it his fluids is confusing. So they explained and while it's not proper, it's not really something I can arrest over. Yes there is a law, but then the law is if they are doing it. Also was told best to ignore anything there isn't a good reason to pinch on."

"So they use that stuff to go in his backside?" John is nodding.

"The fella that is the skirt got all dreamy eyed on it. So I am revolted but also can spot it, they are in love. So I gave them a talk down on the fighting and left, so they could get over it the good way." I am giggling now since I know the good way.

"Interesting and good to know in an if I run across it later way. Not spotted that so unless it is under the bed they simply share the room and the bed. Easier to find skirts in a speakeasy or simply go to a bordello."

Both fellas are nodding, and we close this door to go to the next. This one opens and we have the bed in use. For sleeping at least so I am sent in, and instead of disturbing her I simply go looking around. Find a small number of glad rags in the cabinet and one suit, this is also black. Suppose the fella only wears black suits, and not many of those.

Another box and then there is a jewelry bowl so collect both and over to the fellas. John is nodding as he looks in the bowl. There is a necklace and two bracelets in there so odd on no rings. Perhaps she sleeps with the rings on so we all turn to look at her, and she is disturbed by us looking, or the cleared throat.
