From Rags To Bitches


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Tamer said, "It's Ok. You get your cases stowed; I'll help the little lady."

"Ok, where shall I put them?"

"Just follow Mahadra, he'll show you."

With that, Lewis carried the cases, and disappeared into the cabin.

I was dressed in a thin summer skirt, and a loose blouse, worn over the top of my skirt (Not tucked into my waist band). I, of course, had a pair of knickers and bra on underneath. My shoes were as the fashion of the day, high heals with pointed toes, and not suitable for this kind of descent.

So, my first reaction was to slip my shoes off, as I would when walking on the beach, or negotiating any difficult surface. But, this ladder must get submerged every time the tide comes in, and hence it is covered in a slimy sea-weed. And the thought of that slimy stuff oozing through my toes, or what ever might be living in it, made my skin creep. So, I decided to keep my shoes in place.

I had to turn around, and climb backwards onto the iron ladder, which was attached to the harbour wall. I slowly made my way down, clinging onto the side rails for dear life with my hands.

At first the rungs didn't appear to be too bad, the sea-weed was dry and didn't appear to be over slippery. But by the time I'd descended half a dozen rungs, I could tell by the soft squishy feeling, the sea-weed was wet and that would mean slippery.

From now on my descent became very slow and cautious, but I'd only gone a rung or so more before I felt Tamer's hand on my ankle.

"That's it little lady, I'll make sure you don't slip. Now the next one."

I couldn't look down, but I instinctively knew Tamer would be looking up, with a clear unrestricted view of my panties. But it was pointless starting back up, so I lowered myself towards the next rung. Then my left ankle felt his hand, as he helped my foot to find the rung. Once my foot was firmly in contact, I once again lowered myself, this time dropping the right foot, which was also helped to safety.

Bearing in mind, these rungs weren't spaced nice and close, as if they were designed for demure ladies. They dropped you down over a foot each time. So whereas the first time his hand had only just managed to reach my ankle, now, once he'd positioned my foot on the next slimy rung, his open hand slipped up the back of my leg, and took hold of the back of my knee. And as I descended one more step, as soon as he'd secured my foot on the next rung, his hand slid up under the back of my skirt, now able to reach up my leg to about stocking-top height.

Being a hot summer's day, I of course, wasn't wearing any.

A feeling of panic hit me. I turned my head, and as I tried to look down; I begged, "Please don't."

"Don't what?"

"Your hand! Please take it off my leg."

"Don't you worry about my hand; you just take care on those steps. I won't hurt you; but if you slip from that height, you could do yourself a lot of harm."

I pleaded again. "Please don't put your hand any higher, it's not nice."

"You English girls! You were happy enough yesterday rolling around almost naked on your back with your legs in the air, showing off everything you've got. And now you'd rather risk your neck, than let me make sure you get safely down, just because my hand might touch your ass. Well I'm sorry little miss English girl, but I'd rather risk getting told off for touching you, than let you fall and hurt yourself."

It was useless trying to argue, and as I lowered myself down for the next rung, I expected his other hand to slide up the other leg, but this time reaching even higher.

At this point I must have been concentrating more on what he was doing, rather than my own actions. Because even though I'd lowered myself towards the next step, I couldn't reach it. I'd been in such a fluster; I'd forgotten to re-position my hand before moving my foot; therefore leaving myself suspended by this hand. Which I daren't let go of, until my dangling foot was securely returned to a rung.

So now my only option was to push myself back up; get my balance; and then, re-position my hands on the side rail in a lower position. But without warning, as I pushed down on the foot that had been taking my weight, it slipped off the rung.

The unexpected sudden extra load ripped my hands from the side rail and I dropped like a stone.

Now came the irony, it was lucky for me that his hand was wrapped around my upper leg, as this meant I literally dropped into the palm of his hand!

Meaning he was able to take the weight of my falling body by my crotch. And with the help of his other arm which shot around the front of my tummy, he arrested my fall.

If he had not been there to catch me, the alternatives could have been landing on the boats iron safety rails, or even worse, falling down into the water in the narrow gap between the boat and the harbour wall.

The latter being the fate that one of my shoes suffered.

He shouted, "Good god girl!"

I was momentarily shaken, and I froze, knowing just how near I'd been to getting seriously hurt. Then as I regained my wits, I became aware of the positioning of Tamer's hands.

The arm that had been reaching up with his hand holding my leg, was now reaching down, taking my weight as his hand cupped under my crotch. The other arm, which had dashed around to the front of my body to prevent me falling forwards, had slipped up over my tummy, and was now across my chest, with this hand cupping one of my breasts.

Even though these hands were now both making contact in places I would normally have not allowed anyone but Lewis to touch, I was so thankful for my narrow escape; I just hung there motionless in a stunned trance.

Then as I began to come to my senses, I said, "Oh Tamer, thank you. I I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't caught me."

"I'll sit you up here, and we can make sure you're ok."

With that he turned sideways, and lifted me back onto the roof of the cabin that was behind him. It was just above waist height on him, and as he placed me down, I felt his fingers being pushed into my pussy lips, albeit with my panties in between, preventing flesh to flesh contact.

"I think you'll have to lift that pretty little ass a little, otherwise I won't get my hand back."

As he said this he gave me a sly grin.

I blushed as I lent myself across onto one cheek of my bottom, lifting my crotch free of the deck. "Sorry."

"No problem my little one, I was quite enjoying it."

This whole event only took seconds, but as I lifted my weight, and he was making his dirty remarks, his fingers stroked my gusset and even managed to poke a little of my panties into my pussy before the hand was withdrawn.

It all happened so quickly, I didn't get chance to protest, but I'm sure the reaction was shown on my face.

But regardless of my reaction, he just stood there directly in front of me as he sniffed his fingers. "Sweet. I bet that sure tastes good."

I just blushed even redder but said nothing.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, I don't think so."

"So its only one shoe lost?"

"I think so."

"Well I think you can say you were lucky, if you'd fallen down there, you'd have been crushed for sure."

At that moment a speedboat had just passed close-by, causing a large wave. We both looked down at the opening and closing gap, as the boat was alternately pulling away from the harbour wall a couple of feet, and then as the mooring ropes restrained it, it would lurch back, the big rope-buoys hanging over the boats side getting crushed flat each time.

A shiver ran up my spine as I realised I could have been crushed to my death, if I'd have slipped down there.

I suddenly began to look on this man in a new light, maybe my initial reticence was just prejudice. I had no reason to think his intentions weren't honourable. Maybe it is just my narrow minded English upbringing that has given me a mistrust of foreigners.

So with my new change of heart, I said, "Yes you were right all along, I'm sorry I behaved so silly. I can see now just how dangerous it was, I guess I owe you my life."

"Well, so long as you are alright, I don't think I'd tell Lewis, it would only worry him."

I hadn't thought that far ahead, but I couldn't see why I shouldn't tell Lewis. But being so grateful, I just agreed. "No, I won't."

"Are you feeling well enough to go inside now?"


And with that I began to shuffle myself to the edge of the cabin roof so I could drop onto my feet on the narrow walkway around the boat.

"Hang on there, the wood on this deck is as rough as a bears bum, without shoes, you'll get your feet covered in splinters."

But I continued and dropped the six inches or so to the deck. But instead of just landing on my feet and standing upright, my legs buckled and I just sank towards the deck.

I'm not sure if it was the shock of the near disaster, or just not being used to the boat rolling on the waves. Or even a combination of the two, but if Tamer hadn't caught me, and lifted me back up onto the cabin roof, I'd have ended in a heap on the deck.

"You silly girl, here let me carry you."

He reached behind me, and I felt his hands cupping the cheeks of my bottom. "You put your arms around my neck."

This time I did as he'd said without question, now quite confident that this was just an innocent helping hand.

So with his hands now cupping my bottom (on the outside of my skirt of course), and my arms around his neck, I was carried along the side of the boat until we reached the door to the wheelhouse, where he stopped.

"Hang on tight, while I get a better grip, so I can free-up one of my hands."

I clung onto his neck, and he shuffled me around to one side, and I ended-up with my crotch once again cupped by his hand.

But this time he'd managed to juggle me into a position where he'd slipped his hand up my skirt, and under my crotch from the front (not the back as last time).

I was still in a dazed state and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Reasoning; he has to take all my weight with one hand, so he needs to make sure he has a secure hold. I therefore made no protest or comment, and with his free hand, he opened the door and carried me inside.

In front of the big wheel that they steer the boat with was a tall stool on a single pole protruding from the floor.

He plonked me down on it, and said, "Ok little missy, you're safe now, you can let the blood flow back to my neck."

I hadn't realised just how tight I was holding him, and I instantly released my hands, and sat back, saying, "Sorry."

But like before, I was again sitting on his hand.

So, before he made a comment, I eased myself across onto one cheek, to allow him to retrieve it.

But as he answered, "No need to say sorry, I'm sure a little touch of this velvet pussy will take my mind off the crushed neck muscles." And instead of his hand just pulling away, he began to gently stroke his index finger back and forth along my slit.

My hands immediately dropped to grip his wrist, but even with my two hands gripping his wrist, I didn't impede his rhythmic motion one iota. His eyes glared into mine, and I began to beg. "Please stop."

"Well your gratitude was short lived. One minute you owe me your life, next, you're complaining when I just have a little feel. It isn't even as though I was inside your knickers."

"But Lewis might come out at any moment."

He pulled his hand out, and snapped. "I can see you're the kind that just takes; with never a sign of repaying your debts."

"Please don't say that, I really am grateful for what you did. It's just..."

He stopped me mid sentence. "Forget it. You English have always looked on us as shit!"

Then as he moved away and looked down the doorway that led to the front cabin where Lewis and Mahadra were; he shouted, "How are you pair getting on?"

From the front cabin below could be heard. "We'll be with you in a sec."

As he looked back my way I said apologetically, "Please don't think like that about me, I'm sure you can see it's impossible for me to re-pay you that way."


"I belong to Lewis."

"So? Would he rather you'd been crushed?"

"No, don't be silly."

"Well if you let me have a quick feel, and he doesn't know, then how does that hurt him?"

"I daren't, he'll be here any second."

And then as if responding to my queue, Mahadra began to climb back up into the wheelhouse, followed by Lewis.

"Its ok Lew, you carry on stowing your gear away, and get yourself changed into some shorts or something, whilst we get your little lady settled into one of the cabins down the back. Once were ready, you can then come up top and try your hand at steering the boat, and maybe Jenny here will rustle up some food."

"Ok, I'll meet you on deck once I've got changed." Then he looked across to me. "Are you ok with your case?"

"Don't worry about that, we'll sort that for her. She'll be in safe hands with us. Won't you Jenny?" And with that he gave me a sly wink.

I didn't really want to make a fuss, and anyway, there wasn't really anything to make a fuss about. Even though, I got the feeling that once Lewis was out of sight, Tamer would try to get the feel I'd refused a moment ago.

So as Lewis disappeared, Tamer looked across to the doorway to the back cabins, and said to Mahadra. "You get her case and get it down to the cabin, I'll bring her."

He did as he was bid, and disappeared down into the cabin with my case. Going towards the opposite end of the boat to where Lewis was busy getting ready.

Then Tamer gave me a knowing look as he said. "Come on then my little missy; arms around my neck."

"It's ok, I can walk now."

"Don't be silly, you know what happened last time. And anyway, I like carrying you. You don't mind do you?"

"I guess not, but please be careful where you put your hands."

"Oh don't worry, the only place my hands are going is exactly where I intend them to go. Now arms around my neck."

I obeyed his instructions, even though I knew I was about to be lifted with his hand under my crotch.

"Now lift up that little ass."

So I lent over onto one cheek as I'd done to allow him to get his hand out, knowing this time it was for him to put it back.

He slid his hand under me slowly, his eyes staring intently into mine. It was then I felt his finger push up into my slot and slowly begin to stroke back and forth. As it first made contact, I took in a sharp intake of breath, and then held it, stifling all protest I might otherwise have made. He'd stroked maybe half-a-dozen times, watching intently for my reaction.

And then his fingers spread, and they took my weight, lifting me from the stool, as he whispered. "Good girl."

He then walked across to the doorway, and descended into the cabin, carrying me as if I were no weight at all.

As he started to make his way through the cabin towards the gangway that led out of the other end of the boats main cabin, Mahadra looked back, and I guess at this point noticed where Tamer was holding me.

He turned and came back to get a closer look. "Hey man, is the little English girl gonna fuck?"

"Don't be silly. But if we talk nicely to her, she might just let us have a quick feel. What do you say little girl?"

"I....I.... I'm not sure." I stammered, shocked that they would be so bold.

"But you told me you're not just a taker, you wanted to reward me but you daren't in case Lewis caught you. He's at the other end of the boat, and all I want is just a quick feel."

I could see he wouldn't be satisfied until he had got his feel, and I guess I did feel I owed him some kind of gratitude for saving my life. So reluctantly I capitulated, "Well maybe, but that's all." It was not all gratitude, I also felt some fear, Lewis may trust these guys, but every instinct in me screamed that crossing them would not be a good idea.

"Come-on Mahadra, get a move on, lets get her back to the cabin before her boyfriend comes looking for her."

Mahadra turned and once again made his way down the boat, this time with more urgency, and within a few seconds he had opened a door to a side cabin and gone inside. Tamer followed, carrying me, hand still cupped under my pussy.

I had resigned myself to letting him feel me through my panties, and I have to admit that despite my fear, the thought of even this minor sexual act had begun to excite me. It was like it was inevitable, and my body had decided it might just as well make the best of it. So much so, I could feel my pussy beginning to throb with anticipation.

Tamer sat me on the bed, and as he took hold of one of my legs, pulling it wide and high, he said to Mahadra. "Grab that one. Let's get her opened up."

Mahadra didn't need telling twice, and I was soon spread wide, and as they pulled my legs high, I was tipped onto my back.

As my pussy was now lifted off the bed, it freed his fingers to allow him to begin his stroking. In this position I couldn't see what he was doing, but I could feel what I assumed was a single finger stroking up and down my slit, pushing the material of my knickers into my lips as it slipped on the juices that had soaked through.

"See little girl, that wasn't difficult was it?"

My pussy was by now throbbing so hard it was difficult to keep my hips from humping up and down, but I attempted to answer him. "I guess not. Are you finished now?" I said softly, hoping he would stop, but not really wanting him to. I had to admit, his touch felt good.

"That's up to you my little one. Do you think my reward could stretch to a kiss as well?"

Stupidly, I thought, how touching. He is just a nice boy at heart, and now he's had a feel, he wants to kiss me. "Of course you can." Ah how innocent I used to be! And how stupid too.

And with that I began to try to sit up, thinking they'd release my legs.

But Tamer looked at Mahadra. "Get up there, and hold these ankles. And if she starts to make a noise, sit on her face."

Before I'd deciphered the meaning of his instructions; Mahadra had climbed up onto the bed, and was kneeling with his legs either side of my head. He'd taken hold of both ankles, and pulled them down to the bed, into a position on the outside of his own knees. Then I felt my gusset being pulled to one side.

"He..." I didn't get the word Help! From my lips before Mahadra's crotch descended across my face, preventing me from uttering a word.

Then I felt Tamer's tongue, although I couldn't see him, and I'd never been licked before, it was so obvious this was a tongue and not a rough finger or even a stiff dick. He began slowly, lapping up my lips, and then he began to chew lightly at my little bush of wispy hair. Then as he lowered his mouth, he sucked on what I now know is my clit. At the time he did this to me, I had no idea what he'd found, all I knew was I could no longer prevent my hips from thrusting upwards.

And as much as I wanted to fight him off, this sucking just melted any form of resistance.

"Tamer. Mahadra. Are you down there?" I heard Lewis's voice somewhere off in the distance, but I was too far gone to react in any way.

But Tamer wasn't, and he snapped to Mahadra. "Quick, you go and divert his attention. Get him up on top, and show him something to keep him occupied."

So as Mahadra jumped down to the floor and ran off out of the cabin, there was no longer anyone holding my legs or preventing me from screaming for help. But although I realised he'd gone, screaming for help was the last thing on my mind. I'm sure I was making some kind of noises, but they were moans and gasps of pleasure.

Tamer had now progressed from just sucking on my clit, and he was now finger fucking my pussy at the same time.

As I've said, Lewis and I have had sex many times, but this was to be my first orgasm, and he didn't even fuck me to achieve it. I felt my tummy tightening, my pussy throbbing and my hips were lifting to ram myself onto each of his finger thrusts. This in itself was giving me more pleasure than any sex I'd experienced with Lewis, but when my pussy began to spasm, and I lost total control, it was like nothing I'd ever known or dreamt about. I moaned, I writhed around, and I excreted a pool of sticky juice all over the bed.