Genesis: Sucker Punched


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Every agent charged at her with different weaponry and fighting styles and one by one V either beat, turn their weapons against them, or threw them around like rag dolls. It was like she was an insect, she saw all the agents charging at her with something in their hands from all different directions. And she was handling them like they were grown children.

Finally some of the agents who were not totally damaged from the fall, jumped back up weak and in agony but still charged at V as if they were going to take her down no matter what. But this time the fight changed. One agent bent over and tried to tackle V to the ground, only to make V crouch down and wrap her arms around the agents waist. At first Cassidy thought the agent was going to share the same fate like the rest of his fallen comrades. Instead, he just held V there until another agent charged at V and wrapped his arms around her waist trapping her arms in the process. Then another agent charged and another and another. The agents started wrapping their arms around V trying to force her down on the ground. No matter how hard V struggled to break the hold while more agents started piling up on her like football players.

This is where Cassidy started losing faith in her woman. There were so many agents over V that Cassidy couldn't see her anymore. This is where Cassidy began to be worried. How was V going to fight her way through this? Better question was how was Cassidy going to save her?

Reaching in her purse to find her mase, Cassidy watched as the hill of bodies was not moving. It didn't matter if there were a hundred agents. If taking out one would lessen the load than she was going to take that shot.

But as Cassidy watched something strange happened. The pile of agents started growing but not from more agents. It looked like the human hill was being lifted up from the bottom and fast. To Cassidy's shock she started seeing V's expensive, red sparkling, dress. Then Cassidy saw her waist, her voluptuous breasts, and then her head. The bodies of agents fell off her like falling off a cliff.

Stunned but not too injured, the agents tried to get back up. With athleticism Cassidy only saw on the Olympics. V jumped over the small piles of agents trying to help each other back up. She ran as if trying to escape. Shit if Cassidy wasn't still standing there watching the show, she would run with her. But V stopped and turned to the group of agents getting back up on their feet facing V. Cassidy didn't know if they were shocked, scared, or plain out frustrated with V's defiance.

"What the fuck is wrong with you people?!" Cassidy heard Agent K yell angrily. "I know she big and all but there is one of her and 23 of you. Go up there and beat the shit out of her so we can bring her back to The Coalition and go the fuck home. I'm missing the game!"

The agents heard the frustrated leader demand and took out every weapon they could. More switchblades, tofas, steel rods and charged at V raising them high in the air ready to come down on her.

Cassidy watched V knowing she was going to have some type of ace up her sleeve. She wasn't surrounded anymore. She could have continued running until she ran into an establishment where there were people around who didn't work for the agency. Whatever those people came from. But instead she stood there as if waiting for the right movement to strike.

Cassidy was not wrong when she saw V stand there breathing hard and flexing as if trying to get something out of her. She crouch over and yelled, but what came out of it was an invisible force so strong that it shot right through the center pushing the agents either left or right. The force was so strong that even the concrete crumbled and cars from behind the agents were pushed away. Even Agent K and G were out cold from getting hit by the blast.

V fell to her knees and placing her hand on her head and grinded her teeth like she was in soaring pain. Cassidy knew whatever she did took a lot of effort and a lot of strain.

As the pain subsided, V was able to see clearly. She looked up to see the force of destruction she shot out. Everyone was either knocked out or dead, hopefully dead, as she used what was left of her strength to stand up and stared at her handy work.

Assholes should have known better to step up to a woman with her size, strength, and power.

As V was about to turn around and walk away hoping to call Cassidy to let her know she was alright. She jumped back as she saw a man with a nine millimeter pointed right at her.

"You fucking dyke bitch!" He screamed as he was about to pull the trigger.

But something sprayed in his face covering his eyes and nose. V turned to the attacker and saw it was Cassidy! She could have sworn that she told her to get the hell out of her as fast as she could?

Blinded, suffocating, and pissed off, the one surviving agent turned the gun on Cassidy. With all the speed V could muster, she raced over between the agent and Cassidy, grabbed his shoulder and wrist pushing the gun away. Cassidy jumped and screamed as she heard the gun go off with a loud, "BANG".

V was not finished. Angry the agent would pull a gun on her as well as kill Cassidy in the process, V wrapped her lean, muscular, arm around the back of his head making him bend over. Then she wrapped her palm of her hand around his fist holding the gun and forced it in the middle of his stomach.

Cassidy jumped and screamed again as she heard several pops to the agent's stomach until she heard the click sound of the whole clip emptied into him. That's when V finally let him go and the agent fell on his knees looking down as if he couldn't believe this was happening to him and slumped over. Dead!

V turned to Cassidy who had her left hand covering her mouth in shock and horror. She has seen blood before but mostly from people beating the shit out of each other. Cassidy could see the bloody bullet holes in the dead agent, and then turned to V still showing her the horrorified look of confusion.

"Are you alright?" V asked sincerely concerned even though she just witnessed her secret.

Cassidy stared silent for a minute but as she lowered her left hand she finally spoke. "Okay, that's it," Cassidy said staring seriously hard at V sternly, "you really got to tell me who you are and what the fuck is going on?!"

Chapter 13:


"So are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?" Cassidy asked V though it did feel more like it was an order.

V looked down at the table. After that whole fiasco earlier that night she knew she had a lot of explaining to do. But before that happened they needed to get the hell away from those idiot men who call themselves, "The Agents", and find a place more public, more aware, and more safe. Unfortunately the only place in the city that was presumably safe was (Of all places) Halo Burger.

"Well, I'm waiting?" Cassidy pressured folding her arms together like a boss who wanted an explanation why things were not getting done.

V took a deep breath and faced her savior preparing to warp her mind with the truth. "Are you sure you want to get to know me? I promise you, you probably are not going to like what you hear."

Cassidy stared at V sternly with her arms still folded. "That's why there is a word called counseling. So spit it out."

"You could use that, but I don't think it's going to do you any good. Not after you hear what I have to say." Cassidy's eyebrows lowered in suspicion. What could be possibly worse than what she saw outside earlier? "As you can tell, I'm not your normal looking woman. And those people we just took out there, they are not people who work in law enforcement or lawmen from any other company. Matter of fact they are not even agents."

Now Cassidy gave V a look of confusion. "What the hell are you talking about?"

V inhaled her breath shortly and let it out knowing she had to explain a little more clearly. Either that or start at the beginning. "You know what, "The Rainbow Coalition", is?"

Cassidy thought about it and then remembered. "Yeah, I do. That's the company that supports the LGBT community right? They are always creating and doing outreach programs to help closeted gays and lesbians and whoever with accepting and bettering themselves so they could live a healthy lifestyle and stuff."

V looked down at the table again. She felt pretty bad that she had to tell Cassidy the truth but after beating up on those Agents earlier, one of them had to know she witnessed the whole thing. She was in deep now. Why didn't she listen to her when she told her to run for her life and never look back?

"It is not what you think it is," V said looking very sincere. She could see the look of confusion in Cassidy's eyes, "The Rainbow Coalition is a front."

"What do you mean, "A front"?" Cassidy asked her heart beating really fast from anticipation.

"I mean their attention is not helping the gay and lesbian community. Their main goal is to study us."

Now Cassidy was really confused. "What are you talking about studying us?"

V thought maybe she should give Cassidy a history lesson before getting to point. "Throughout history people who caught or witnessed homosexuality and other sexual changes in their lives thought what we were was some type of mental disease or defect. Of course it may have worked back then when someone committed crime for killing some ignorant bastard because they couldn't accept who they are. But when the 70s hit, we thought at least some people would accept us as people too. But that wasn't the case for everybody."

Cassidy listened. She knew a few things about the gay liberation of mental health during the 70s. But V seemed like there was more about the situation than she learned. Opening her ears instead of her mouth, she sat there and listened.

"Some still wondered if we still had mental health issues." V said.

"So there are people who accept you and there are people who don't. It's a matter of public opinion." Cassidy explained but knew there was more to the story.

"Maybe, but there were some people whose opinions really mattered. Mostly the rich, you know. Millionaires, billionaires, politicians, hell even the president himself wondered why we were born unnaturally. And because they were stigmatized so badly by upscale citizens that they too became ashamed."

Cassidy understood that logic. There were other people creating organizations where, "Normal", people would try to convert gays and lesbians into religious beliefs thinking with a little psychological training, they could, "Cure", the individual of his or her sexual deviancy. What a fucking joke.

"So the powers that be decided to create something that could help the problem." V continued.

"You mean a cure?" Cassidy asked heart beating a little faster.

"Well, that's what we thought. But it was something bad, worse actually." Cassidy's eyes grew big as if she just witnessed a homicide. "It started with some old, sick, bastard who gathered a group of high ranking officials to discuss the biological understanding of the situation."

"Were they people who had homosexual members in the family?" Cassidy asked getting more intrigued.

"Possibly or possibly they were just a group of rich bigots who thought they could solve the problem while other psychologists, therapists, and scientists can't." V explained. "Either way, they thought it was more of a disease than a mental disease. Like some type of infestation taking over the world or some shit like that."

Cassidy swallowed hard. She knew that this was more V's problem than it was hers but something told her in the back of her mind that this story (If true) was going down a really dark path. "So what did they do?"

"Throughout the 70s, 80s, and 90s they spent creating labs, experiments, and trials to figure out the genetic code that creates the urge for the same sex. They were about to give up until they came"

Cassidy gave V the stank eye as if she wasn't sure what she just heard. "Say that again? What do you mean us?"

V looked down and back at Cassidy again as if she was very ashamed but had to face Cassidy like facing her fears. "Not you if that's what you mean? I mean people like me."

Cassidy only had one idea what V was talking about. "You mean lesbians?"

"Something like that," V said, "but not quite."

Cassidy sighed in frustration. She felt like no matter how many questions she demands answers for, she still feels like she was not getting what she wanted. "Okay, you are going to have to stop with the guessing games. I'm starting to get a headache."

V stared hard at Cassidy her eyes never blinking. And then she just decided to let it out. "I wasn't always Veronica Stone."

"You mean you changed your name?" Cassidy asked not really surprised at all. A lot of men and women change their names for unknown purposes.

"Yes, but not the reason you think," V corrected.

"Then what?"

Cassidy saw V's eyes stare back down on the table as if she was getting ready to brace herself. Cassidy thought maybe she needed to do the same before something physical, emotional, and mental happen. And not in a good way.

"My real name is, "Vernon Stone"." V corrected.

Cassidy thought about it for minute. "Vernon? Your mother gave you that name; it sounds like a boy's name?" Cassidy mentioned even though she did make it sound pretty rude. But then V raised her eyes back at Cassidy hearing what she said and not objecting it. That's when Cassidy stared back at V normally and confused at first, but after thinking about the connection between V and the name, Cassidy's eyes shot open hoping it wasn't true but figuring it out in the end. "You got to be fucking kidding me?" Cassidy cried taken aback. "So what you are telling me..." God Cassidy wish she was wrong. But again, V did not object.

"Surprising as it maybe, I don't read minds," V confessed, "but if you thinking what I'm thinking, the answer is yes."

Cassidy scooted up close placing both arms and elbows on the table with her eyes opened wide after figuring out V's dark little secret. "So what you are telling me is all that muscle you have belongs to a man?!"

"Well that's ignorant of you," V informed her, "but to answer your question, yes."

Cassidy has seen many male-to-female or vice versa transgender men and women before, but never approached one in real life. It was no wonder V looked so butch and had the strength to whoop ass like a man because she was one!

Cassidy sat back with her eyes still widened. "I don't believe this."

"I know," V spoke feeling like their moment of peace together was disappointedly coming to an end, "and I'm very sorry Cassidy. I never meant for you to find out like this."

Cassidy leaned up close hovering over the table. "So are you...?" Cassidy said but used her index finger to point down.

V understood completely. "Am I still attached?"

"Well, are you?" Cassidy asked leaning closer in anticipation.

A friendly smile suddenly formed on V's face. By the look on Cassidy's, she wanted to know more about V's private areas instead of her past. "Well, aren't you the curious one?"

"Hey, you don't have to tell me you know?" Cassidy admitted. "But I thought we were friends, friends tell each other everything."

V's smile widened deeper. And just to think, she thought Cassidy would freak out about the news that she was not who anyone seemed. "Well, I'm glad me and you are on such good terms. For a second there I thought you were going to pack up your stuff and leave."

"I was about to after the night I just had," Cassidy admitted, "but I am a patient woman and I like to know more about you and this phony Rainbow Coalition."

V was happy that Cassidy was someone who she could convey with. Instead of in and exhaling and hesitating every time she had to reveal the truth, V sat up with more confidence and was ready to tell the story that could change everything they both thought was right or wrong in the world.

"You said there were studying you?" Cassidy reminded V wanting to know more about the false pretenses of the major LGBT conglomerate. "What were they trying to do?"

V took a deep breath. She looked over at the counter of one of Cassidy's employees who was mopping the floor. And by the looks of things, he really did not like his job. "I'll tell you the rest," V told her, "but I think I need to get some coffee first. It's going to be a long night and I don't think you have enough time to hear the whole story."

Cassidy looked V in the eyes showing her doubt. "Girl please," She spoke looking into her purse, "let me get up and get us some coffee. You are going to tell me this story," She ordered seriously, "cause I definitely want to hear this."

Chapter 14:

Revelations: Part 2

"For decades, many people higher up in the major political field were experiencing the same feelings as the people on the streets. People of all religion and beliefs reverends, preachers, Rabbis, Roman Catholics you name it, believed that they were possessed by the devil."

Cassidy's lips curled into a smirk. "Yeah I bet. I hear that every day."

"Well some of them were gay but mostly pedophiles. People who knew what they were feeling and what they wanted to do was wrong did it anyway. The only reason they got away with it was because higher officials helped cover the shit up if they agreed to fund and volunteer for a special project." V explained.

"And that happens to be The Rainbow Coalition," Cassidy asked.

"Correct. Like you said it was meant to help the LBGT community but instead their promise of acceptance and a miracle cure was just a front. In fact they really didn't care about a cure. They just wanted to use us as guinea pigs to test out their experiments."

"Like what?" Cassidy asked hooked.

"A lot of things," V answered, "you looking right at one."

Cassidy's eyes widened but still she was confused. "So they actually turned you into that?"

V looked at her remorseful. "They call us, "Project Amazons", or in simple terms, "Amazons"." Cassidy nodded liking the sound of that. V continued on with her story. "You have to understand. People like me are still kind of stigmatized in the LGBT community. But The Coalition promised us that they could fix us the way we wanted. It was generous, they were persuasive, and it was free. So you see how we were hooked?"

"Yeah, but how did you get to looking like that," Cassidy asked mentioning V's transformation, "and how were you able to do, that?"

"They start you off with a physical to see if there are any formalities or deformations in the blood or body. Then they give you hormones mixed with estrogen." V explained.

"Don't you guys get that anyway when you are going through your transformations?" Cassidy asked.

"That's correct. But there was a problem. Estrogen pills and hormones shots were not the only thing they were giving us."

Cassidy gave V a queer eye look wondering what she was talking about. "What else did they give you?"

V sighed knowing that was a very good question. "We don't know."

"We were getting the hormones alright and they were working, but working a little too fast. I started developing female physiques, my hair grew, and my breasts grew exceedingly well. It seemed like it was every little girl's dream come true. At least that's what I thought."

"What happened?" Cassidy asked seating on the edge of her seat as if ready for the opening climax in an action movie.

"I was at a gay club one night just celebrating my new body and my new life when I bumped into this other, butt ugly, tranny hoe who made me spill my drink," Cassidy's eyes never flinched as she kept them on V listening to her thrilling story, "we were getting at it and hard. I almost wanted to punch the shit out of that fake tranny bitch. But the more I got heated the more I felt heat building up in my body and then it happened."
