How to Ruin a Perfect Marriage


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"Ohhhfuuuccckkk ..." Anna screamed as she thrust her hips back to meet him. "Pleeaassee Jake ..." she pleaded. She just had to cum this time.

Jake felt the pressure as she clamped her pussy muscles around his cock. It was a vise like grip and pushed him over the edge. As she came to her shattering climax he too came shuddering and shaking to his end. Hot floods of cum gushed out the end of his cock, this time spewing forth deep into the depths of her pussy, coating her insides, a seemingly never ending stream of spunk, before he subsided with just a few little squirts to finish off the unloading of a full deposit.

He was exhausted. He rolled off and looked across at her. She was still on her knees, her ass stuck up in the air, not moving but gasping greedily for breath, cum dripping out of her ravaged pussy to land on the bed-sheets below.

Chapter 25

Having dropped Sophie off with his parents who appeared to be as excited as she was about the weekend away, the urge to go see Anna was proving too hard to resist for David. After some time spent deliberating he decided that he just had to see her and talk to her. The problem was that by the time he'd reached that conclusion they were already halfway to the cabin by the lake. Luckily he'd had the foresight to take his own car and Sophie was already safely strapped up inside his parent's vehicle so at their next rest stop he told them he had forgotten something and had to go back. He guessed they knew he was lying but was thankful they didn't pry further.

The drive home took him some time but it gave him the chance to ruminate on what he was going to say to Anna when he saw her. He arrived just in time to see Anna come out of their home. For some reason he stayed where he was and then watched from across the street as Anna climbed into her car. And for the first time in a long time he looked at his wife from a different perspective.

There was no doubting the fact that she looked good. His brief interaction; he refused to call it a dalliance; with Alexia had certainly opened his eyes to the sexual allure that a woman can hold over a man. It had also shown him first hand how men can perceive them as objects of desire, as he clearly had with Alexia. How could he have been so blind not to see it before?

He had been so taken up by Anna's inner beauty that he had taken his eye off her physical assets. It had never crossed his mind that the clothes Anna wore quite happily every day would send some men off into raptures of sexual frenzy and lust. The tight short dresses that showed off her fabulously fit, toned body with her sculpted legs, pert ass and nice full breasts. Her propensity to wearing high heels all the time. The sensuous sway of her hips, the jiggle and bounce of her breasts. All of this was on display to other men.

And whilst he knew the clothes were not bought and worn for any other reason than she felt good in them and liked to be fashionable he now realized that fact would not be one shared by everyone else. And what he was most sad about was that he'd abandoned her to those men without any misgivings. It had never entered his head to think of such things.

His father's words came back to haunt him although he'd actually got it wrong. David realized that not once had he attempted to keep other men off his wife. He hadn't needed to because he'd left her to fend for herself against the pressures that he should have known she would be exposed to. He now knew he'd failed her on so many levels.

And now he was sure he'd lost her, if the smile on the face of the man who had followed Anna outside and had just climbed into her car was anything to go by. David was sure it was the smile of a man that had just fucked the most beautiful girl in the world!

His stomach dropped leaving an empty void behind as he watched them drive away before slowly climbing out of his car and walking across the street to their home. Would he still be calling it that later. He entered and looked around before reluctantly climbing the stairs. Each step was self inflicted torture as it brought him nearer to his eventual ruination.

He paused at the doorway to their bedroom barely daring to go inside. He saw the covers had been pulled over the bed but his heart was already sinking before he stepped forward to remove them. The bed had not been made properly. He was struggling to breathe as he reached out a hand, taking a firm hold of the sheets and pulled them back. He began sobbing immediately before stumbling in his rush to get out of the room, holding back the surge of nausea and fighting back the tears. The cum soaked sheets bore testimony to a morning of passion. His wife was his no more. She had been fucked by another man.

He stumbled down the stairs and rushed out the house, still fighting back his tears that would surely come soon. He drove in a daze before finding himself at a bar out of town. He parked up and entered and got himself a beer with a whiskey chaser.

Where had it all gone wrong? David was sitting in a quiet corner of the bar and nursing his second round of drinks; the first having been knocked back immediately. With time to reflect and still reeling from the shock of his wife's betrayal, he began to try to reconcile the decisions that both he and Anna had made in their early life together.

They'd decided right from the start of their relationship that their time together at home was more important to them than anything else. It became taboo to talk about work, home life was sacrosanct, their time spent together was too precious to waste talking about their jobs. They had so many things to do and enjoy as a young couple that they kept the two apart as totally different components.

For David it was easy. He was employed by his father but he never mentioned the other people that on a daily basis wandered in and out of his working life. Yes they did discuss Anna's job but only in generalities. She never told him about her work colleagues in any detail and he never wanted to know. And old man McKenzie had been such a tight wad that staff parties were only something that other companies had.

How foolish that idea had been, looking back now. The naivety and stupidity of youth. Their working lives and the people within that environment WERE important. It was a major part of their everyday existence so how could it not be. It was part and parcel of their growing into adulthood, contributing to the shaping of their characters.

And now the frailty of that insular relationship had been exposed, stripped bare and now perhaps ultimately ruined for good by base human nature.

Kendra Dean. Of course it all made perfect sense now that he knew she was involved. Hindsight was a wonderful thing but all of this could have been prevented from the very start. And when the problem began why hadn't he thought to find out who Anna's co-workers were? He knew he and Anna had a policy about not taking work home with them but still they should share at least some basic information about their co-workers.

Kendra Dean. But why now? David's thoughts drifted back to Kendra and to their brief but inevitably doomed relationship. A relationship so short lived and so embarrassing to him that he'd never thought to mention it to Anna. Besides it had been in the past, so what did it matter. Did couples have to reveal to each other every intimate detail of past dalliances? He'd never bothered to quiz Anna on her love life before they met.

He was already in his Junior year when Anna had entered the college as a Freshman, although at that time he didn't know her. He was already a good two years older than his peers having been forced to work for the family business straight from High School due to his father's ill health. Once his father was deemed fit enough to resume working David had enrolled at the nearby college to complete his education.

Being good looking with a touch of humility and shyness seemed to make him an attractive and desirable guy to the ladies on campus and got him a lot of attention. But his introverted demeanor became a massive problem and made him socially awkward and clumsy around girls. Coupled with that, his overwhelming drive to catch up on his studying to make up the lost time meant that he wasn't able to form a relationship with any female in those early years.

All this changed one night when he was introduced to the spit-ball of energy that was Kendra Dean. He'd graduated nearly two years previously and had thrown himself into learning as much about business and in particular the family concern as he could. Much to his mother's dismay in all that time he had never seriously dated. Sure he'd gone on the occasional evening out with a female friend but there never seemed to be anyone that could be described as a girlfriend. Secretly his mother was being to harbor thoughts that her lovely son was gay. All the handsome men are gay according to the Robbie William's song Supreme!

That all changed with Kendra. She was older than him, around thirty years of age and already an experienced seductress used to getting what she wanted. He on the other hand was still an immature man even at the ripe old age of twenty six but she had him on their first date and then instantly took control of his life.

The relationship was a torrid mix of extreme highs and severe depressing lows. It was apparent to David's mother that Kendra was not right for her son. She had the feeling that she was possibly bi-polar as her mood swings were so erratic. It certainly made for a roller-coaster ride for the brief time they were together.

David eventually called time on their short courtship when she'd gone ballistic again, this time in a restaurant when she accused him of trying to seduce their waitress for the evening, right in front of her. The scene was embarrassing for everyone concerned and at one point the police were nearly called as she threatened to get violent.

Much to his surprise and then utter relief, Kendra took her rejection stoically and made no attempt to win him back. In fact David hadn't seen her since, not even in passing. A matter of days later David met Anna at a sorority party and Kendra became consigned to a soon forgotten memory.

Chapter 26

Leaving the bar after his second drink David made his way to a nearby diner and managed to force himself to eat something before making his way back home. He was sitting in the living room when he heard Anna's car pull up in the driveway.

He heard the chatter of voices as she opened the door. "Just go Jake, please," he heard Anna saying and heard the man reply, "Come on Anna, you know you want my cock inside you again."

"David!" she blurted out in shock at seeing him sat there, "what are you doing here?"

He looked at her, his heart nearly breaking. She looked so beautiful. Then he saw the man behind her. He had his hand on her ass. His good intentions of having a reasonable conversation with his wife without getting angry faded in an instant as the image of the cum stained sheets flashed through his head.

"I'm sorry. Have I upset your little get together with your lover!" he railed.

"No ... what ... of course not," she replied with a look of abject shock plastered all over her face.

"Didn't take you long Anna did it!" he seethed. "All that shit you put me through about Alexia. And now I know it was all a smokescreen, setting me up as the patsy so you could cheat on me with him!" He stabbed his finger in the direction of Jake, who still had his hand on Anna's ass.

He saw his wife's eyes open wide in horror. "No ... how could you think that ... I ..."

"Quite easily as it happens," he replied tersely. "I think YOU should leave," David said now ignoring Anna and addressing Jake. He got out of his seat and advanced towards him.

"Oh right ... the husband. You're back are you?" Jake said sneeringly. "I think I'll stay if it's all the same to you."

"No, actually it's not," David replied. He paused for a moment, staring intently at Jake. He felt the surge of adrenaline pulse up through his body. "Oh fuck it!" he said as he raised an arm, reared back and then propelled himself forward to hit Jake in the face. He felt the satisfying crunch of cartilage as his fist made contact. "As I said, I think you should leave. Now!"

Jake crumpled to the floor, blood pouring from his nose. He looked up at Jake. "You bastard," he snapped, "I'll have the police on you for that. I'll have you arrested."

Breathing hard David stood over him, his fists still clenched. "Go ahead but if you think I'm going to get arrested for that little play slap, think again. Before the police arrive I'm going to beat the shit out of you and when I'm done with that I'm going to cut off your testicles and ram them down your throat!"

"Jake, just go," Anna said looking at her husband in amazement. He'd hit someone. He'd fought for her.

She turned to face her husband. "David ..."

"Save it Anna and sit down. I came by earlier and saw the evidence so I know you've fucked him!" He nodded in the general direction of Jake who by now was staggering out the door. David watched him all the way down the driveway until he turned out onto the footpath.

Anna's stomach flipped over and her heart began to pound in her chest as she made herself move to the sofa, her legs at first refusing to move properly.

"David I ... I don't know what to say."

"How about the truth. That's usually a good place to start," he said as he sat down next to her.

"It's not what you think!"

It was just five words but they were probably the worst words anyone would want to hear except for ... we have to talk!

"That's bullshit Anna. It's precisely what I think. For fucks sake, give me some credit, I'm not a complete moron. The cum soaked sheets on our bed tell me what's gone on!"

"I know, I know," she sobbed, "I meant that I'm not having an affair and I didn't set you up. It was revenge ... I only did it for revenge. After Kendra showed me those photos of you fucking that Alexia, the woman you insisted meant nothing to you in spite of all her texts and phone calls and having her panties in your sports bag, Kendra told me the only way to get back at you was to fuck someone else. And Jake was ... was ..."

She stopped when she saw the look on David's face. He was shaking his head in sorrow.

"Firstly I did not fuck Alexia and secondly if only I'd realized you were working with Kendra, all of this could have been prevented."

"What do you mean?"

He didn't reply.

"David please talk to me," Anna said with a trembling voice.

"What do you want me to say?" David said quietly. He suddenly felt emotionally exhausted.

"Do we have a future? Please say we do ... please."

"I don't honestly know," David replied looking at her, the pain clearly visible in his eyes. "I'm not sure I will ever be able to get the thought of you fucking another man out of my mind. It just didn't take you long did it!" His anger had once more bubbled to the surface. Something he'd wanted to avoid.

Anna began to sob again. "I know, I know and I'm so, so sorry. I have all the reasons in the world to justify my actions but not one of them can explain why I did what I did. I guess Kendra just pushed all the right buttons telling me revenge was my best option to hurt you back. And Jake had been so understanding and compassionate that I ..."

"Just don't Anna," David snapped, interrupting her, "I don't want to hear it all again."

He stood to leave.

"Please don't go David, please stay and talk to me. We need to clear this up, now."

David looked at his wife. She looked so vulnerable, so hurt but then so was he. Two broken people with their emotions shredded and their hearts smashed possibly beyond repair. He sat back down.

"You said earlier that you wished you'd known I was working with Kendra. Why did you say that ... do you know her?" she asked.

"I do," he exhaled loudly as he nodded his head. "I went out with her just before I met you."

He saw the look of shock on Anna's face. "I'd already dumped her by then," he blurted out hurriedly. "We dated for the briefest of times until I realized she possibly had psychotic tendencies. It was like one minute she'd be all over me, kissing and cuddling and in the next she'd be screaming and shouting at me like a wailing banshee!"

Anna nodded her head. "Sounds a lot like the Kendra I knew at work. One minute she'd be friendly, the next she wasn't."

"So when did your relationship alter with her?" David asked.

"We got on fine to begin with. We were never going to be best friends or anything like that but we got on okay. It all changed one day, out of the blue when she suddenly announced that she been dumped by her boyfriend Donny on the eve of her wedding. Everyone was amazed as we'd never heard her mention him before."

David's stomach clenched. "Donny, are you sure his name was Donny?"

"Yes, why?" Anna replied.

"Did she ever show you a photograph of Donny?"

"No. As I said, no-one at the office even knew she was dating let alone engaged to be married."

"Jesus H Christ," David blasphemed, rubbing his face with his hands, "what a fucking mess!"

"What is it David?" Anna asked.

"Just tell me a bit more first. I know you took photos of Sophie into the office now and again. Did any of them ever have me on them?"

"I don't know. Perhaps but I'm not sure. Why?"

"I'll get to it. Think Anna. It's important. When your relationship with Kendra went sour, had you been showing photos of Sophie around the office?

"Well I suppose I could have been. I took in a lot of photos from Sophie's birthday party around that time and maybe there was a shot of you in one of them."

"Holy fuck!"

"What is it?"

"I'm Donny!" David exclaimed.

"What do you mean, you're Donny? I've never heard you called that before. Anyway, how could you be?"

"It was a nickname given to me by my mother when I was younger because she thought I looked a bit like a young Donny Osmond. She eventually dropped it but Kendra for some reason found out about it and used it all the time with me." He shook his head. "I can't believe this! We need to go see her. Do you know where she lives?"

Chapter 27

The drive to Kendra's apartment passed by in silence. Neither David or Anna had the will to talk anymore, not until they'd confronted her. When they arrived it was if she had been expecting them, although she didn't seem pleased to see them together.

"Hello Donny," she said as she opened the door. "Long time no see, you fucking bastard!"

David grimaced as she scowled at him before staring loathingly at Anna. "Can we come in?" he said.

She opened the door wider as they stepped inside.

Take a seat," she said. "Want a drink?"

"No thanks, it's not a social call Kendra. We've come for answers. We need to know why you did this to us? What have we ever done to you?" Anna said fighting back the tears.

"Oh quit with the waterworks Anna for fuck's sake," growled Kendra. "Fuck it but I hate you!"

"Kendra, please. We need to know," David said.

"All right I'll tell you why," she sneered. "I never got over the way you dumped me Donny. You hurt me so badly but I guess you didn't realize that back then, did you?"

David shook his head. "You were all over the place Kendra. Our ... whatever it was ... was never going to last. And anyway, all that was years ago. Can you hold a grudge that long?"

"Huh," she snorted derisively, "I suppose I can. I never got over the way you ended our love affair. I was so upset that I even moved away for a while thinking it would help. And when I came back and got the job at MPMS, I had no idea who SHE was."

She glared at Anna as she uttered the last sentence before she continued.

"You were already grating on my nerves, showing the endless stream of photographs of you and your daughter around the office on an almost daily basis. I'd stopped looking until by accident I saw a photo of Donny on one of them. I asked who he was and they said it was your husband. You were married ... to my Donny. I was so angry and humiliated.