How to Ruin a Perfect Marriage


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"Jake!" His head jolted back as Anna appeared next to him. Luckily he had slumped back up against the wall so she didn't catch him looking in on her through the doorway. "Ready to go?"

Jake quickly got his erratic breathing under control. "Sure," he croaked weakly, coughing to hide his embarrassment.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Sure. You?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

"Are you sure you want to come into work today?" Jake said

"No but I'm going to have to," was her reply as they finally made it outside and into Jake's car.

Chapter 17

It was close to lunchtime when Jake looked across the office he now shared with Anna. She looked fantastic. She had dressed in an extremely short and incredibly tight looking navy blue and yellow dress that clung tightly to her hips and ass and showcased her shapely legs. It was also very short and Jake assumed it had to be that length so she could at least walk. But that just made it all the better as she was showing an incredible amount of her luscious thighs. The top part of the dress was just as good too as the fabric moulded itself enticingly around her perfect breasts. Her hair was now immaculate after a sneaky visit to the hairdressers. She was bare legged and was wearing what had to be 4" heels.

She'd recovered well from her earlier hangover; three pints of water and a couple of Advil will do that; and now seemed to be fully focused on the project, which this morning wasn't going well. She sighed loudly and then turned to Jake.

"It's no good Jake, I think we may have to put in some more hours on this tonight. We're way behind and if we're not careful we're going to miss our deadline. Are you okay with that?"

Jake gulped. Okay? He was more than okay with it. "Yeah no problem," he replied nonchalantly, "but what about Sophie? Won't you have to get home for her?"

He saw the color drain from her cheeks. "No, she's ... erm ... she's at my parents house for a few days. They love having her and she loves going, so ..." She shrugged her shoulders to show it wasn't a problem.

Jake already knew about David but he decided to ask anyway. "What about David, don't you need to tell him?"

He saw her face twist into a grimace at the mention of his name. "He's away on business for a few days, so I'm home alone!" she added with a hint of forced cheerfulness.

Jake paused for a moment. He would never have a better opportunity to seduce Anna.

"Anna, about the texts? I hope you're okay about it. I wouldn't like to think I crossed a line or anything, especially after the other night?"

She stared back at him for what seemed an eternity as if she was attempting to pick the right words. He thought he'd blown it already.

"No, it was fine ... well ... naughty ... and we shouldn't have done it but let's forget about it shall we? We'll just call it our little secret," she said raising her eyebrows and her lips forming into the hint of a nervous smile.

Jake grinned back. "Okay boss, whatever you say. And if you fancy a massage, I'm available day or night!"

Anna smiled inwardly at the implied innuendo. That was Jake, always flirting.

Chapter 18

Kendra couldn't wait to take Anna to lunch. She'd called in advance to reserve a particular table that she knew would give them the privacy she needed. She didn't want people to be privy to their conversation. Not today. And she barely gave Anna chance to sit down before she came straight to the point.

"Okay Anna spill. I know what you went through last night and it must have been dreadful but it will do you good to get it off your chest."

Anna looked forlornly back at her friend. "I can't thank you enough Kendra," she said. "I'd begun to think you hated me when I took the promotion but over the past few weeks you've proved what a true friend you are and that I was so totally wrong about you. And for that I thank you. I don't think I could cope with all this mess without your support. And I'd like to think, in fact I hope that you can continue to help me come to terms with what David has done." She paused to look into Kendra's eyes. "Can you, can you help me Kendra? Please say you can. If not I'm not sure what I will do."

It was all Kendra could do not to burst out laughing. What a pretentious, stupid, silly little tart Anna was. "Of course you can depend on me. I'm here for you," she said smiling sweetly back at Anna, trying hard to mask the look of utter contempt she felt for her.

"Thank you. So what do I do now?" Anna said, reaching over and squeezing Kendra's hand.

Kendra placed her hand over the top of Anna's and held it there whilst she leaned forward, drawing Anna in to meet her. "There's only one thing and that's revenge," she hissed, "it's the only way!"

"I'm not sure I follow," Anna replied hesitantly.

Kendra saw the perplexed look on her face. "Revenge. You have to do to David what that bastard did to you. it's as simple as that!"

"What ... you mean sleep with another man?" Anna's eyes widened and her mouth gaped open with the shock of Kendra's solution. "I couldn't do that to David. Me cheating doesn't solve anything, in fact it will only make it worse!"

"Will it?" Kendra replied, "think about it Anna. Your supposed soul-mate," ... the words grated on her again ... "thought so little of you that he went off and fucked the first floozy that winked at him. I can tell you that the only way to hurt him and to rid yourself of the memory of that horrible betrayal is for you to do the same thing to him. You need to humiliate his manhood by showing him you are still attractive to other men and he has no right to treat you with so much disdain. At this moment in time, your cheating scum-bag of a husband is treating you with utter disrespect. He flaunted his affair in your face and rubbed your nose in it for so long before he finally committed the ultimate betrayal!"

She paused briefly to see if Anna was still with her or had drifted away. She carried on when she saw Anna eyes were locked onto her face in rapt attention. She seemed to be hanging on her every word. "And who knows you might actually enjoy it as well, which would be a great bonus to have. After all, you did tell me you had a vanilla sex life!" she added to finish off her mini diatribe with a flourish.

By now Anna was nodding her head in agreement. It all made sense. Kendra's words had lit a fire in her and she felt now she was more than ready to extract revenge on her cheating spouse.

Kendra was aware of the thoughts revolving around inside Anna's head. She could read her like a book now. It was time for the final act.

"You know ... I told you the other day that I thought you and Jake looked good together. Maybe you should let him take advantage of you. In fact, it couldn't be more perfect. You clearly have a thing for Mr Ventura. I saw that today. You can't deny it. There's a definite spark between the two of you, isn't there?"

Anna knew her face was turning bright red. How could Kendra know. How was she so perceptive. "I .. I'm ... not sure what you mean," she replied.

Chapter 19

"Hey boss, do you want it now?"

Anna looked up to see Jake stood by her desk. She'd been so engrossed in her work she'd not sensed his presence. He had made her jump and she was shocked when she felt a touch of guilt flash through her mind and a rush of heat up her body as she realized her immediate reaction to his words had been sexual!

She looked up into his face to see him smiling down at her.

"You ready to eat yet?"

"What ... oh Jake ... yes ... sorry. Yes here, take this," ... she scrabbled about in her large blue handbag and withdrew with a wad of notes clenched in her hand, which she thrust in his direction ... "get some Chinese, I'll have anything that's not got bamboo shoots in it ... oh and water chestnuts too, I hate water chestnuts."

"Okay boss, I'll be back soon, don't get into any mischief while I'm away. No texting anyone!" he said as he grinned and turned away.

Anna felt her face flush as Kendra's words from lunchtime came back to haunt her. Yes she and Jake had definitely crossed a line the other night and this was his second reference about the texting today, which was a bit worrying now they were alone in the office.

She hated to work late but so far it had been worth it. Already they'd made steady progress and she felt they were very close to turning the corner with regard to the project. Bogged down for so long it now appeared that all the separate components were clicking into place. At least one part of her life was close to okay. She suddenly felt very emotional as David came into her mind. Then the thought of his betrayal hit her hard and she choked back the tears.

She looked up to see Jake was still in the main office. He appeared to be searching for his car keys. "Are you ordering in or going out for it?" she shouted out to him.

"I'm going out for it. Sunset Palace!"

"Sunset Palace? Do they even do takeaway, I thought it was just a restaurant?"

"Yes it is and no they don't. But they will for me," Jake replied with a cheeky grin. "See you in about twenty minutes."

Anna was suitably impressed. Wow, Sunset Palace! Reputedly the best Chinese restaurant in town. And expensive.

Two hours later and Anna threw her pen down onto the desk. "That's it, I've had enough. I think we should go." She stretched her body, her back arching, that simple act pushing out her breasts, making them seem much bigger. They looked so enticing to Jake and it took all of his will power not to just reach out and grab hold of them.

He'd had a hard job keeping his hands off her legs all night too. Her already short dress had risen up to the top of her thighs when she sat down and Jake was sure if he'd tried really hard he would have been able to see her panties.

As she locked the door to the office, Jake was leaning up against her car. He watched intently as she walked towards him. Her hips had an alluringly sway to them and he could see her pert breasts jiggling around inside her dress with every juddering step she took in her high heels. God she was gorgeous. His stomach churned in nervous anticipation of what he hoped was to come.

"Fancy a drink; my treat?" he asked, "I think it's the least I can do after you paid for dinner!"

"I don't think so Jake, I should get home. It's been a long day."

"Come on Anna, we've worked really hard on this tonight, you deserve to relax and I feel embarrassed that you paid for the Chinese. I know they did me a favor but shit, it was still expensive!" He laughed and Anna couldn't help but laugh too at the look on his face.

She raised her eyebrows. "It certainly wasn't cheap but it was sooo worth it!"

"So how about it? One drink?"

"Oh, okay, if you insist," Anna replied laughing again at the face Jake was pulling. "You lead and I'll follow."

Jake pulled into the car park at a bar he knew well. It was intimate but didn't scream romantic. He knew that would have been too unsettling for Anna given her present emotional state. But it was discreet.

They found a vacant booth and he slid in to sit alongside her. The conversation flowed easily and before she realized it her one drink was already her third. She was definitely feeling no pain as the fourth one was placed in front of her by the waitress. She also wasn't aware that Jake was still nursing his second.

Their talk initially had been all about work and the project but as the alcohol surged through her system and blurred her senses Anna had become louder and much to Jake's surprise, more frisky. It was a side of her he'd never seen before.

He slowly began steering their conversation into areas of a more sexual nature, now constantly flirting with her and touching her. At first she'd rolled her eyes and told him to stop but now she was giggling at his jokes and seemingly immune to the fact that every now and again one of his hands would wander down to rest on her knee. And now he'd just discussed the sexting they'd done the night before. Bringing that up for a third time had been Jake's way of gauging how drunk she was.

Her breathing was heavier now and she'd stopped giggling. Things were moving into serious areas. He moved closer and Anna could feel the heat radiating from his body onto hers as he pressed his leg firmly against hers.

"You know I'm here for you Anna, don't you," Jake whispered.

"What?" she replied. She moved her head closer to his.

"I said I'm here for you." He put his fingers on her bare arm and stroked it casually up and down. The soft caresses made the hairs on her arm stand up. Anna shuddered inside as she felt a tingle shoot through her body. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure to meet and there's not a single thing I think God could've done to make you more perfect."

"Oh Jake, that's lovely to hear. You're so good for my ego. I admit it's taken a battering recently; you know; with what's been happening." She stifled a sob.

"Ssshhh, ssshhh, don't cry, you're not alone. Your husband's a fool. How could he even think about another woman when he's got you!" Jake moved even closer, casually draping his left arm around her shoulder. He gently squeezed her shoulder as he placed his right hand on her knee.

"Oh Jake, what am I going to do?" She looked forlornly up into his face.

Jake slowly pulled her towards him with his left arm. Inch by inch he drew her closer until they were face to face. She could feel his hot breath on her cheek and it made her feel dizzy. Her head was swimming as the pounding sound of her heartbeat became a roaring crescendo of noise in her ears. He was staring intently into her eyes, their lips so close they were nearly touching. And then he moved and slowly and hesitantly leaned in to kiss her.

Anna was helpless to resist. Her emotions were in tatters as she allowed Jake to pull her to him. She wanted him to kiss her, she ached for someone to ease her pain, to prove to her that she was still desirable.

Their lips brushed against each other and from that briefest of touches Anna felt a rush of unwanted arousal course through her body. The kiss was electric. The softness of the first contact lingered for a few brief moments before their combined passion grew and the kiss deepened, their lips mashing urgently together with a growing need.

If Jake was surprised by her reactions he didn't show it. As their kissing intensified he slid his right hand up along her thigh. Her legs parted immediately. Encouraged, he slid his hand down onto her inner thigh, moving higher until he was at the top of her legs. He fingered her mound, rubbing gently at first but then harder as she kissed him with increasing fervor, thrusting her tongue into his mouth, pushing her breasts into him, opening her legs wider, rubbing her body wantonly against his, her nipples already hard and engorged and screaming to be sucked.

Jake's cock was throbbing fit to burst. Reluctantly he broke the kiss. As he drew back Anna slowly opened her eyes and looked at Jake, seeing him as if for the first time. "Jake ... I ..."

"Ssshhh," Jake replied, "it's okay. Come on I'll take you home."

Anna stood on shaky feet and clung to Jake as she stumbled. He closed his arm around her waist and helped her outside. She let him put her the passenger seat of her car and watched him come around to sit in the drivers seat. "What about your car?" she said, slurring her words.

"It's okay, I'll pick it up later," he replied with a smile.

For Anna the drive home was a blur. One minute they were in the car park and the next, pulling into her driveway. Jake helped her out of the car. She knew she couldn't let him take her inside.

"Thanks for getting me home safely Jake," she said, "I can manage from here."

"Nonsense, what kind of a man would I be to not at least escort you to the door?"

"No, no, it's okay, I can manage." She turned and stumbled and Jake pulled her to him. "I'm fine," she said.

Jake let her go and watched her walk towards her front door. He looked at her pert ass and the tightness of her dress and how it clung to her legs. Ahhh, her legs, so shapely, so luscious, so ...

As Anna turned the key in the lock, Jake was there. He pushed through the door with her, slamming it shut behind them.

Anna turned in shock. "Jake ..."

His lips closed on hers preventing her from uttering any more words. She fought briefly to free herself from his grasp but his lips were pressing harder against hers, his tongue seeking entry inside her mouth. She tried to resist, but her body betrayed her. Her lips responded and she began to return Jake's urgent ministrations. Her mouth opened and her tongue engaged with Jake's. Harder and harder they kissed, Jake's hands holding her body tight against his as he devoured her.

His hands began to wander. He groped her ass, pulling at her cheeks, kneading the flesh, grinding his throbbing hardness into her mound. And then up to her hips, onto her waist before he eased her away from his body so he could take both her breasts into his firm grasp for the first time. He fondled them, delighting in the feel of their firmness. He could feel her nipples had responded. He could distinctly feel them jutting through the fabric of her dress.

Calm hands unzipped her dress. Jake was a master in the art of undressing women. He slipped it off her shoulders to let it slide down to her waist. Anna offered no resistance as she allowed Jake to take her as he pleased.

Jake looked at his prize. Finally the woman he'd dreamed of, the woman he'd desired for so long, the woman he'd masturbated over so many, many times. Finally, he was going to fuck her. Anna Hutchison, the hottest woman in town was going to be his!

He closed his hands around her bare waist and pulled her close. His lips found hers and once more they kissed. He was gentler now, not grabbing at her as his hands moved over her breasts, luxuriating in the feel of her soft flesh through her bra. His fingers skimmed across that tantalizing swell that showed above the top of her bra before dipping into her deep cleavage. He reached behind her and with one deft flick honed by experience, one-handedly unsnapped her bra.

Anna gasped as Jake released her breasts but groaned as his lips closed around an already erect nipple. He sucked hard and she groaned again, her hands grabbing handfuls of his hair as she reacted to the stimulation.

"Ooooohhhh ..." she sighed deeply as Jake moved from one nipple to the other and then back again sucking and licking and biting, giving each one equal attention, as at the same time his hand constantly worked at the breast that was free. Anna was beginning to move her hips. Her pussy was on fire as Jake continued with his oral stimulation. She hadn't realized until this moment how much she loved her breasts being fondled like this and how much she was liking her nipples being sucked and bitten and abused.

Jake was aching with desire now. He had to have her, he had to sink his cock inside her pussy as soon as he could. He pushed her dress over her hips to let it slide down her legs to pool on the floor. He reached for her panties, his fingers brushing against her mound. She was wet. Anna moaned loudly at that briefest of touches and due to the wetness Jake struggled to pull them down her legs.

He stood back. She was perfect. Large breasts, thin waist, narrow hips, fantastic legs, she stood swaying slightly, wearing only her high heel shoes and her gold chain necklace and her matching gold hoop earrings.

Jake undressed quickly, shedding clothes as fast as he could. As he dropped his briefs his cock swung up towards his chest, already erect and oozing pre cum. His size didn't register with Anna as Jake swooped down to encircle her with his arms to move her over to the nearby sofa.
