How to Ruin a Perfect Marriage


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Anna too could feel his growing hardness as Jake brushed her foot against it as he continued with his massage. She looked to see if it was a deliberate act but could see no sign of guile on his face. He seemed to be concentrating on giving her foot the best massage he could.

"Shame about the face though!" Anna retorted playfully with a smile on her lips.


She looked at Jake and saw the dazed expression on his face.

"You know; the saying; nice legs, shame about the face!"

Jake continued to look dumbfounded.

"You've never heard that one then?" she said with a shake of her head. "I thought everyone used it."

"No," Jake retorted, "and who's everyone?"

"Well my husband for one," Anna replied.

"I would never use that," Jake said without humor, "you're beautiful, how can anyone say otherwise. I can't believe your husband says things like that about you. If you were mine I would tell you you're beautiful every minute of every waking hour!"

Anna looked at Jake closely. She was quite taken aback at how strongly he felt about what she thought was just a joke. She cocked her head to one side. Maybe there was more to Jake Ventura than she'd thought.

And it was a feeling she confided the next day at lunch with Kendra.

"I was quite taken by surprise," she said, "Jake had never heard that saying before but he kept telling me how beautiful I was. If nothing else he's good for my ego."

Kendra stifled a sardonic laugh. Anna really was a stupid bitch.

"So; I take it that you've changed your mind about Mr Ventura then," she said with a smile.

"Well ..." Anna left her thoughts hanging in mid air.

"Well what?" Kendra asked.

"Well I have heard of his reputation ... you know ... with the ladies and he's flirted with me since day one, even more so since we started working on this project together but recently he seems to have changed. He's quick with the compliments, always telling me how good looking I am and then yesterday I saw something else in him. Maybe I've misjudged him?"

"You know I like Jake," Kendra said. "Not that way," she added when she saw the grin on Anna's face. "We're more like brother and sister. But you and Jake. Yes I could definitely see that. He's definitely your type."

Anna felt her face flush. "No, don't be so silly. Besides, I'm married. And I love my husband very much. And he tells me I'm beautiful all the time as well!" she added with finality.

"And that would be the husband who's cheating on you."

Not giving Anna time to react Kendra leaned forward and lowered her voice. It was time to change tack. "You know all the rumors about him are true don't you?" she said conspiratorially.

"What rumors?" Anna replied with a perplexed look etched on her face.

"You know ..." Kendra smiled raising her eyebrows provocatively, "about how big he is ... down below! And apparently, so they say, he knows how to use it!"

Anna could feel her heart thumping inside her chest as Kendra uttered those words.

Chapter 10

"So ... how's your seduction of Anna going?" Kendra asked pointedly, "making progress are we ..." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. "You DO WANT to fuck her, don't you?"

The co-conspirators were having a lunch meeting to discuss their success or lack of it in the seduction and ruination of Anna.

Jake blushed slightly. "Well, yes, of course I do. You know I want her ..." he paused as if struggling to find the right words, "... but it seems she really is in love with her husband and there's no reaction to anything I say or do. No response to any of my subtle come ons, although I did give her a foot massage yesterday. But as far as I can see there are no chinks in her armor and the thing is ... it's hard ... she's just so nice."

"Oh for fuck's sake!" Kendra exploded, "not you as well! She's just SO nice," she mimicked him in a little girly voice. "You make me sick!" she snapped. "Okay, seeing that YOU are failing miserably, it's time to ramp it up a notch or two. We need to convince her that her beloved David is a cheating scum bag!"

"So how are we going to do that?" Jake asked, still smarting from Kendra's taunts.

"We're not," Kendra replied, "Alexia is!"

"Alexia!" Jake responded, "How? She's not even managed to get David alone in a room yet, never mind be tempted by her. In fact she's further behind in her seduction than I am in mine. At least I've had my hands on Anna, which is more than Alexia can say about David!" he added triumphantly.

"Ah well, I know that Anna's been a bit slow to catch on; I still can't believe she didn't react more when she smelt perfume all over his clothes let alone with discovering the panties; but this time there will be no mistakes."

She smiled malevolently as Jake looked at her quizzically. "This time she's going to tell her to her face ... in person."

"What?" Jake shook his head. "I'm sorry ... I don't get it. Even if for one moment Anna believes her, which she won't; what's her motive? Why would anyone seek out the wife of the man she's having an affair with to tell her that he's cheating on her? It doesn't make any sense!"

"She will believe it Jake, you can trust me on that. I know to you it seems too far fetched but we women, we're wired differently to you men. And after the perfume, the late night texts and especially the panties, Anna's primed and ready to believe anything bad about David. In fact I would go so far as to say, she's expecting it," Kendra replied with a smirk on her face.

"Anyway, the wheels are already in motion. The shit's about to hit the fan starting this afternoon. I know Princess Anna's at home right now due to her flexi-time," Kendra rolled her eyes when she said flexi-time, "and she's about to get a visitor. It's time to push the boat out on this. In the next two days she won't know what's hit her. She's going to be bombarded on all sides, so tonight, when hopefully she'll still be reeling from Alexia's visit YOU are going to send her some steamy texts of your own. Do you think you can do that for me?"

Jake nodded as Kendra added, "We're close Jake, I can smell it. It won't be long now until you and I will both get what we want!"

Chapter 11

The loud knock on the door surprised Anna. When she opened it she saw a woman about her own age standing there.

"Hi, can I help you?" As Anna uttered the words of greeting a quick glance at the woman stood before her told her everything she needed to know.

The first thing to assault her eyes were two of the largest natural looking breasts she had ever seen. Her tight tee shirt was stretched so thinly across them that Anna could clearly see the lacy design of the woman's bra beneath. She was also wearing yoga pants which seemed to have been spray painted onto her extremely curvaceous thighs and full, round bubble butt. Her blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail and pulled through the back of her baseball cap.

Anna thought she looked pretty although cattily thought it was only because of her make up. The second thought that struck Anna was that she had the look of a stripper. Too unkind she said to herself, quickly shaking that thought from her head. The woman was chewing gum, which to Anna was irritating. She also came straight to the point.

"I came to tell you I'm having an affair with your husband."

"What?" In an instant Anna's stomach dropped through the floor. It's one thing to suspect your spouse of infidelity but it's an altogether worse feeling when confronted with the truth.

"You're Alexia!" It was a statement not a question.

"Yep, in the flesh!" She gave Anna a little shimmy and smiled.

"I'm sorry? What ... what did you just say?" Anna stuttered, her feeble mind seemed unable to comprehend what this woman was saying to her.

"I said yes I'm Alexia, in the flesh!" She gave the little shimmy again, causing her boobs to wiggle from side to side.

Anna shook her head hoping that would make things clearer. "No, not that. What did you say before that? I don't understand!" she added. Her heart was now jack hammering hard inside her chest and she was finding it difficult to breathe normally.

The woman stopped chewing her gum, clearly moving it to the side of her mouth before she spoke again.

"I said, I came to tell you I'm having an affair with your husband." She stared at Anna, speaking deliberately slowly, just like an adult would to a child. When she finished she resumed chewing her gum.

"I don't believe you. And if it were true, why are you telling me?" Anna scoffed. She'd managed to get her breathing under control a little bit but her words still sounded breathy and hoarse.

"Why not!" The woman shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, she breathed in deeply and then exhaled through her nose. "It's only fair you know that I intend to take him away from you. In case you're wondering I DON'T DO just quick, meaningless fucks! So when the man wants to carry on fucking me we have to establish a relationship. Which is going to be difficult if he's married to you!"

"We are talking about David Hutchison here, aren't we ... my David?" Anna still couldn't get her head around this. It was truly bizarre to be having such a dispassionate discussion about her husband like this.

"Yes ... of course it's David ... but I'm not so sure you can call him yours now!" Alexia replied mockingly.

"But why, I'm sorry but I still don't understand?" Anna replied shakily. So it was true. Everything Kendra had told her was becoming real!

"Because I like him. Besides, he's a good looking man. Very polite. Knows how to talk to a lady. Plus he likes sex. And apparently he wasn't getting any at home!" She spat the last words out as if she was disgusted with Anna for failing in her womanly duties to satisfy her man.

"What will it take to make you go away?" Anna blurted out. She knew it sounded pathetic but it was the best she could come up with on the spur of the moment.

Alexia looked at her intently, slowly running her gaze from Anna's feet to her face, taking it all. When she'd finished she smirked.

"Well ... I am bi-sexual ... so I suppose a taste of that honey pot between your legs might be one way. You sure do look nice enough to eat!" She began to laugh at her own joke.

"NO!" Anna answered firmly. There was no way that was ever going to happen. She slammed the door shut in Alexia's face.

Alexia turned and with a broad smile plastered all over her face she strolled back down the driveway and onto the street. That had gone well and she'd enjoyed herself immensely. No sooner had she hit the pavement than her cellphone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and answered.

"Yeah it's done," she said, "I had no idea she was that good looking though, why didn't you tell me? Damn, no wonder I couldn't get her husband to waver if he's going home to that every day. In a way I'm relieved. I thought I was losing my touch!"

She laughed then listened to her caller. "Yeah, she did look completely confused. And hurt. I almost felt sorry for her. - No, I said almost. - You're paying me too much money for my compassionate side to win out." She laughed again. "Oh and guess what - She offered me money to go away - Yeah I know, crazy! - What did I say? - I told her I didn't need money but if she was offering I'd like a dip into her honey pot! - Of course she was shocked, the look on her face was priceless - Yeah, I told her I swing both ways - No I'm not bi sexual but she's hot so I could be tempted by her to try it - Yeah, she slammed the door in my face. - Yeah I know - Okay, speak to you soon, bye."

At the other end of the phone, Kendra smiled with delight as Alexia finished her tale of her visit with Anna. It was simply perfect.

Behind the closed door at the Hutchison household Anna was trembling and shaking with both shock and anger. It had been confirmed. All her worst fears were now reality. Her husband was cheating on her. She buried her face in her hands and as she slumped back against the door, began to sob bitterly.

Chapter 12

The gall of Alexia turning up at her front door like that and then the brazenness of her words, stating that she was going to take her husband away from her had stunned Anna. The visit had left her bewildered and confused and it took her a good couple of hours to get her emotions back in check.

She'd rung and texted David but to no avail. He was unavailable today, having gone on a business meeting out of town. In fact she wouldn't see him later either as he was out on his regular monthly lad's night out with his two best friends.

Reassuring herself that she was completely justified in her actions she rang his friends to confirm they were going out tonight. She detected no sign of any cover up on their part.

Her relief at that bit of information did turn her anger meter down a notch or two but as far as she was concerned David was still in deep shit. Again they'd argued this morning, her accusing, him defending, denying any wrong doing on his part. But she found his absolute steadfast refusal to change his daily activities hard to fathom. He refused to stop going to the gym and refused to bale on his friends tonight. I have nothing to hide, I'm not going to put my life on hold because all of a sudden you don't trust me had been his response to her increasingly angry and strident pleas.

With Sophie tucked up in bed fast asleep Anna had taken advantage by relaxing with a long hot soak in the bathtub. It had been so soothing. All she needed now was a good massage. That thought brought immediate images of Jake doing just that to her feet yesterday. She smiled to herself. He certainly had magic hands and she wondered if he was as good with neck and shoulder massages as he was with feet.

Still smiling she leaned across the table reaching for the now more than half empty bottle of wine, her toweling bathrobe slipping open to reveal her nakedness beneath. Her breasts jiggled freely as she poured herself another large glass. Just one more she thought, and then I'll go to bed. She leaned back into the sofa cushions and her thoughts drifted back to Jake's strong hands on her legs and feet.

The sudden beep from her cellphone announcing the arrival of a text message made her jump, the shock nearly causing her to spill her wine. Grabbing her phone she opened up the text. It was Jake. Again.

Hi, u ok?

Yes, why?

No reason just missed u at work today

Anna smiled when she read that. She took a drink from her glass of wine as she pondered what to write. She glanced at her clock. Was it really that late?

glad someone missed me

When she read it back after sending it, it didn't read the way she intended. Oh well, too late to do anything about that. She typed another message.

it's late, what do you want?

just checking to see u are ok that's all

Again Anna read back her text. It sounded really terse and unfriendly. She typed another message, making sure to read it before she hit the send button.

sorry just a bit tense, need more wine to help me relax I guess lol

that's ok, sounds like u need another Ventura massage lol

that would be nice, I've just had a hot bath

Jake was amazed when he read her last text. He had the feeling that this could lead somewhere tonight. He sensed that Anna had consumed a a fair bit of wine tonight. As he re-read the text his over active imagination took hold and in his mind's eye he could see her lying down on her sofa naked beneath a toweling bathrobe. If only he'd known how accurate his thoughts were! Kendra's strong words came back to him. It was time to up the ante. He keyed in another message.

I dreamed about you last night.

Anna smiled when she read it. She knew it was a cheesy chat up line and she also knew the punchline. What the hell she thought, go for it.

did you

No you wouldn't let me :)

Anna giggled to herself and slowly shook her head. What an idiot he was. She keyed in her response and hit send.

Ha-ha, you're an idiot :)

His response was instantaneous.

Yeah, I know but I'm a likable idiot :)

He quickly keyed a second message and hit send.

You do like me, don't you?

He typed a third message but deliberated for a moment before sending it. It was time to ramp up the game. He hit the send key and held his breath.

And I would if I could

Anna read his message but misinterpreted it. Her reply was jokey, or so she thought.

Yes and what, this old married woman? lol!

It took him a while to reply. He had quite a few attempts before he was satisfied he had the right balance to his message.

You're not old. You're a very beautiful woman and any man would and should be proud to be with you. If you were my wife I would be telling you every moment of every day just how beautiful you are. You need to be appreciated more

If she was startled or upset by the depth of Jake's sincerity she didn't show it. She also didn't take his comments as being inappropriate. Drinking copious amounts of wine will sometimes do that to a person.

That's nice of you to say Jake. Thanks x

Jake saw the kiss sign and his heart rate jumped up a notch or two. Now that was a start. A small sign but a sign nevertheless! Time to really ramp up the game.

So what are u doing right now?

Waiting for my husband to come home

Why where is he?

Jake knew perfectly well where he was. He also knew that Kendra and more importantly Alexia, both knew. The plan they had discussed was already in full swing. It couldn't have been better timing when Anna told Kendra that David was on a night out with his friends. It was something he did every month or so. It had become a bit of a tradition.

Out with his friends

So, you're home alone?!?! maybe I should come round? lol

Jake was hoping she'd say yes but knew that wasn't going to happen. He keyed in another text.

So what are you doing right now?

I've had a bath and am relaxing with a glass of wine

Jake felt his blood pressure soar. That was the second text she'd sent telling him that she'd had a bath. Could it be? Dare he be so bold? Shit or bust. He keyed his message and hit send before he could change his mind.

have you been drinking a lot?


Are you drunk?

Maybe a little lol

Tsk tsk and on a weekday night!!

Yeah, I know!

Jake was getting that buzz of anticipation. The culmination to the nights of constant texting was here at last.

What are you wearing?

My bathrobe

The reply had been instantaneous. His trembling fingers fumbled with his phone.

are you naked underneath?

He hit the send button and held his breath.

you are naughty lol!

Well are you?


Holy fuck! Jake nearly came in his pants there and then. She was naked beneath her bathrobe just as he'd fantasized. Holy fuck again! It was happening. She was finally responding to his seduction. Hallelujah! He keyed in another message.

so you are drunk!

I think I must be lol!

Jake exhaled deeply. Could he push this a bit further. He paused to think about it. It took him a nano second to decide. Why not!

Calmer now, his fingers sped across the surface of his cellphone tapping out his next message. He thought Kendra would approve as this would really test Anna's resolve.

Whilst Jake was typing his message Anna drained her glass of wine and grabbed the bottle. She emptied what remained of it into her glass. Deciding that she was wanting more than just a small mouthful she heaved herself off the sofa and unsteadily took off in search of another. She couldn't believe she was doing this. It was so naughty yet so titillating and exciting all at the same time. Her head was buzzing from the illicit anticipation. She looked over at the clock. it was nearly eleven o'clock. David wouldn't be home for another couple of hours at least. Maybe he would get lucky tonight!
