Love Won't Die


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As we kissed, hugged, broke the hug to look at each other, then hugging and kissing again, our tears of joy continued and we both tried to speak, but couldn't quite get an intelligible stream of words out.

"Well, if you two will excuse me, I think there's a cute little femme that was needing my attention," Alba finally interrupted us. I hadn't paid her any notice once I saw Cerise.

I went to Alba and hugged her as if trying to hug the breath out of her.

"Thank you, Alba. Thank you, thank you," I repeated, then kissed her cheek.

"Enjoy your love, honey. I'll try to be back sometime in the morning," she said and left after collecting a hug and kiss from Cerise too.

I was flustered; glad to see Cerise, but wondering what had happened, and how she came with Alba.

"You have all kinds of questions on your face. Can we sit and talk so I can try to take care of them for you?" she asked in that voice I knew so well.

"Yes. Of course. Can I get you anything?" I shot off rapidly.

"Just you, now come and sit."

I did, my mouth still trying to work.

"Am I going to have to kiss you so you'll close your mouth?" she teased me.

"Oh, god, I wish you would, it's been so long," my heart spoke the words for me.

"I think the words can wait for a short while," she said closing what little space was between us and taking my face in her hands and kissing me.

I was back in our paradise. Her lips were soft and sweet, and suddenly full of the passion that I had known and dreamed about. Too soon, it was over.

"I have so much to tell you, but I think I need to know if you still love me," she said with bated breath.

"I've always loved you, Cerise," I whispered with so much emotion that I nearly cried in happiness.

"And I love you too, my sweet Polly, and I've never stopped loving you either."


"Yes, let me tell you. I told you that I was raised, or more likely, controlled by my parents. Maybe you saw that when you met them."

No," I shook my head, "just that they were so emotionless, or that's how they seemed, and then what you told me."

"That's true, but I did say that I had to go back to them, and that was the controlling power they had over me. I told you that I had fantasized a lot, and you were my fantasy that came to life. However, though I didn't really want to go back to them and leave you, I did. As they had all my life, they planned what I was to do and be once I finished college. I didn't think that I could help it, and I let them.

"What they did, whether before I returned, or after, I didn't know, but soon they had me dating a man that I later realized they had selected. Why him, again, I had no idea, but he was nice, and his courtship was fairly long. Eventually we married. Again, I found out much later that it was my parents controlling me. Still, to be fair, I thought that if this was pleasing to them, that it was okay since he was handsome and attentive. Maybe, I thought, that was how things were done.

"In time, he started to change, going out without me, and returning at odd hours. When I asked about it, he was vague or said nothing at all. I had made my vows of marriage and I tried to make it work, but things didn't improve, they only became worse. At last I hired a detective, and learned that he was seeing other women, indeed, even going to brothels. The detective had pictures—very telling pictures. How he was able to get them was a mystery that I didn't question.

"I realized that I'd been a fool to have allowed it to happen, to have my life dictated to me even though I had no idea that it had been, my parents were so slick, so devious and cunning. Why they picked him, I never knew, but I no longer cared, I just wanted to end it. Going to a lawyer, I was granted a divorce. There must have been a quid pro quo between him and my parents for I had a trust fund that I had complete control over before I left college, so he never got to it as I began to suspect he wanted to do.

"My father even tried to change my mind about the divorce. That made me wonder even more of there was some secret that I wasn't privy to between him and my husband. That made my resolve even stronger.

"Polly, my love, I never stopped thinking of you, my heart never stopped loving you, or longing to be with you, but for a time, I had to block that out. Suddenly I was free, and I had to find you, to see if you still loved me."

"Wasn't I easy to find?" I asked. "I mean, how did you get to Alba?"

She smiled. "Actually, no, you weren't so easy to find. Naturally I thought the college had your address, but you never told them where you were going , or where you were when you arrived there, or even which company you worked for. I did learn that you had several offers.. Again, I hired a detective, and he found some places you might be, but he couldn't be sure.

"I guessed that maybe you might go to a lesbian club, and I tried several before Alba saw me. You must have talked to her about me—yes, she said after a while that you did. I think she recognized me by what you may have said, but you'll have to ask her about that. So here I am, and now I need to know if you still wish me to be with you?"

My breath wouldn't come properly and my heart was beating so fast that I began to fear it would stop if it didn't slow down.

"Oh, Cerise, my only love, yes, you know I want you now and forever if that's what you'd like. My love of you has never died, never wavered. There's been no other since you left."

Tears started to roll down her cheeks though she made no motions or noise.

"I was such a fool," she said. "I never stopped loving you, even when I blocked out my love of you from my consciousness. I knew that I wanted to be with you as we were, as I wish us to be now if you will have me."

"Now and forever," I whispered huskily, "and always."

We stared at each other, our eyes not leaving each other's, and before I knew it, we were in my bedroom and soon had our clothes off and in bed. My hands were spastic on her, and hers were the same on me. Frantically, our lips were trying to kiss everywhere, and through our bumbling around, we were finally at each other's pussy, and heaven was mine again; by the sounds of her, she was in her heaven too. I noted after a bit that she was as shaved as I had always known her to be, and so was I for it was how I always was from long ago.

When we were sated, and were kissing each other again and holding tightly together, we soon had to have each other again, and together. We drank and drank until we were truly worn out, but as I couldn't leave her pussy's lips that I had so missed, nor leave off of caressing her magnificent cheeks, I stayed there, kissing her time and again; she was doing the same.

"What about you, my sweet love?" she asked, kissing my pussy again. "Tell me how you've been, what you've been doing."

I began to cry softly. She felt it.

"Come up here and talk to me, tell me everything, and if you wish to make love again, we can. As long as we can be together and are alone, we can be as we were and love each other as before, but I need to know what's happened with you. Will you tell me, my sweet love?"

My mind and heart were remembering how she always used to call me her sweet love, and I was loving hearing her call me that again. However, I did as she asked, and though I regretted leaving her delicious pussy, I moved up to her. Our hands went to each other's face and we kissed some small tender kisses before I started.

As I spoke, her tears ran again, and I took time to wipe at them, and kiss her eyes. When I finished, she kissed me with soft and loving lips, and for a long time.

"I'm sorry I caused you so many problems," she said.

"No, it wasn't you, it was my parents and that preacher, but I did finally break free of them."

"How did you do that, if you don't mind telling me?"

I told her.

"My god, that's so incredible; amazing," she added.

"It was Alba who had me do it, and a friend helped her by telling me things and places to look. When I began to see through it all, the nightmares started ending. The more I learned how false it all was, the they stopped haunting me until they were finally gone. After that, when I recalled our love and how we made love, they didn't come again."

"Still, it was amazing; it was you that did it."

"Cerise, I hope I haven't stepped on your faith," I worried too late.

"No. I didn't have that problem. My parents were not church goers; I don't think they believed any religion."

"Anyway, I should have made sure."

"It's fine. Now do you have some little something we can eat so we can make love again?" she asked with a devilish grin.

"Yes. Come on. I know Alba won't come back tonight."

"Oh, you think she did have a girl waiting for her?"

"Maybe, then again, maybe not. You saw how she looked, so she shouldn't have any problem doing as she often has."

"Hmm, maybe I should be worried, no?" she again teased me.

"No, not Alba, and not anyone else. We just got along for several months after we met, and that's how it's always been with us. She's the best friend anyone can have. Oh, and she's a psychologist, but no longer practicing."

"That's interesting," she said, but then we got serious and made ourselves a sandwich.

When we finished, our eyes not tiring of looking at each other, we did have to satisfy our other hungers. Wen made love for a long time, and when we thought again that we were satisfied, we kissed.

"Polly, my sweet love, I'll never leave you again," she said with a breathy voice that tugged at my heart.

"And I'll never let you go again, my beautiful Cerise. Never!"



This is an original story, copyright protected. No use, in whole or in part without the specific written authorization from the author, wistfall1.

Note: The books mentioned in this story are: A History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba, by H. Jagersma, Fortress Press, 1986; Heretics The Creation of Christianity from the Gnostics to the Modern Church, by Jonathan Wright, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2011.

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unitadkunitadkover 7 years ago

Touching and very thought provoking.....thank you.

MaonaighMaonaighover 8 years ago

An interesting story and a thought-provoking one. I'm an elderly lapsed Irish Catholic, consider myself agnostic, and I was brought up at a time when the Church was a damned sight less tolerant than it is now (although never as bad as some of the Fundamentalist groups). One thing that always puzzled me, even as a child, was that the God of the Old Testament was, by and large, a God of blood and rage and vengeance whereas the God of the New Testament is a God of love and mercy and compassion. And yet we were taught that they were one and the same God. After more than sixty years, I still haven't figured it out.

We were also taught a lot of historical "facts" which as I grew up I found to be total rubbish. I remember, when I was about eight or nine, a teacher telling us that nobody had ever been called Jesus before the birth of Christ and that nobody was ever call Jesus afterwards. As an adult I found that in fact, Jesus was a common Jewish name of the period and that modern Hispanics are often named Jesus.

So, Wistfall, there's plenty in your story to get readers using their minds (although knowing what some religious groups are like, you may be preaching to the converted). Still, a very good five-star effort. A couple of other readers have mentioned that some of the dialogue is a bit stilted, in parts almost late-19th Century. You can get round this by reading dialogue aloud to yourself and if it doesn't sound right, it probably isn't.

DickockleDickockleover 9 years ago
Always enjoy your offerings

Loved the journey, as well as the conclusion to this sweet, and very sexy story. Truly enjoyed the love & intimacy between Polly & Cerise. Would love to hear even more about them!

Have to agree that the flow & comprehension would improve with less formal dialogue & speech. I hope you'll be further inspired to keep writing and submitting. Keep up the good work!

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4uover 9 years ago


During and after reading this story, words came to mind and they happened to start with the letter "E" Organically they were "educational and erotic" The rest were contrived, but nonetheless befitting of how I felt about the story. 

Erotic - the sex was intense tho troublesome as Polly fought her "demons"

Educational - mind boggling - eye opening info and a general lesson

to not believe everything you hear. Research it yourself

Ecclesiastical - a lot of confusing and torment from teachings from

church and clergy versus self and sexuality

Emotional - to see these characters struggle with - religion, parental

pressure, love lost and love found

And Elated - Ecstatic! Overcome with joy is what I felt when 

Everlasting love was reunited. I just love happy Endings

FiveWolvesFiveWolvesover 9 years ago
Lovely story

This was a lovely story. My problem is that the dialogue is so stilted it was difficult to read. People don't talk that formally. It would more realistic and faster moving if you worked on writing more realistic, less formal dialogue. Keep writing!

azure_skiesazure_skiesover 9 years ago
So much truth

A brilliantly written and ultimately heartwarming story. I believe it deserves to take its rightful place in the Hall of Fame alongside Coming to Grips. We all know why that might not happen, though, don't we? The same reason that Polly suffered nightmares and that the ratings for Coming to Grips have fluctuated wildly.

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