Lumberyard Miracle


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This common interest in both, love for the desert and the preservation of it's cultural treasures, makes it easy and natural to build a close connection of friendship. A friendship built on mutual interests and similar pleasures, and for me a growing attraction to the kindest and most beautiful man I had ever met. On the drive home from this, our fifth, weekend day-trip, I invite Daniel to stay for supper with me.

"Only if you keep it simple, the lunch you made could have fed us for a couple of days I think," he teases.

"I've already got a big pot of spaghetti, and I'm sure you know that's always better the second day," I assure him.

"Even without supper, I'd love to spend more time with you Erika."

As we sit on the sofa remembering the day's discoveries, he asks, "I've been thinking, what do you think about an overnight camping trip next time?"

"I think that's a great idea, I'm off next Monday for the Easter holiday, are you closing Monday?"

"Yep, I'm giving everyone Monday off too. It's starting to warm up more at night now, and there's a place I've been wanting to take you but it's a little too far for a day trip. So lets plan on leaving early Saturday morning, okay?"

"I'll be ready Dan. Any advice on what I should bring ... and what about food and stuff?"

"I've got all the gear and sleeping bags and everything like that. I'll drop off my Yeti cooler later this week and you can organize the food for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I'm not sure you want me doing that as it might be pretty basic eating," he says with a grin.

I scoot closer on the sofa and then get on his lap, straddling my legs over his. Wrapping my arms around his neck I say, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For coming into my life silly," I say and kiss his lips.

The time we've spent together this past month has broken down the uncertainties and I instinctively pull her close and hold her tight. I'm always amazed at how tiny she feels as my arms encircle her waist. With her head on my shoulder I tell her softly, "It's me who should thank you. You've given me a whole new reason for living ... and I've never had anything like this in my life. It's so good, I'm kind of afraid."

I lift my head from his shoulder and kiss the side of his neck, then whisper close to his ear, "What are you afraid of Daniel?"

"I'm afraid I might be dreaming ... or maybe you'll get tired of me."

I sit back on his lap and look into his eyes, then lean forward to kiss his lips. Our kiss lingers, both of us urgent to show the depth of love and desire we each hold inside. Dan cups my bottom in both hands, I relax as he explore the contours and secret cleft of this unexplored flesh. I push back against his hand, signaling my approval ... or perhaps, it is my urgent need that longs to be sated?

With my head on his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of his finger as it lightly traces up and down my butt crack through the lightweight cotton fabric of my pants, I whisper, "You're not dreaming Dan, and I'm probably more afraid of you getting tired of me than any risk of me getting tired of you. I want to tell you something ... but I'm afraid."

"No secrets baby, I don't know much, but that's one thing I've learned, secrets create their own kind of poison. You can trust me to be honest with you too."

I know he's right and steel myself to just tell him and let things turn out as they will, so sitting back to look at him, "You know I've been on this journey into finding myself for quiet awhile ... honestly, I feel with you that I have finally found a good place for me to be. It's this — the way you've treated me as a woman. Dan, this short time together has felt so natural for me. But I guess because I was always pretty shy ... it was all kinda awkward ... I've never actually had sex. I mean, of course I know how it's done and stuff, I just hope I'm what you want and all and it makes me afraid you won't be satisfied — 'cause I don't really know. Does any of that ..."

His gentle shushing finally ends my rushed words that are building into a panic. The strong arms holding me close and the hand gently stroking my hair brings me back from my imagined fears and into this shared moment.

"Okay, now let me tell you something Erika. I've sucked one guy in my life. I had just turned twenty and he was an older guy who was sort of in charge of my apprenticeship work experience. I liked it a lot at the time. After my apprenticeship ended and I got older I wasn't really attracted to masculine men. I've dated some women off and on over the years, just never really clicked with any of them. I had sex with a few of them, and it was okay, then we just drifted apart. Truth is, I don't think any of them were all that impressed with me either. Then the business became my life, and one thing led to another and now I've been alone for too many years. About two years ago I realized that I am really attracted to people like you more than anyone else. Hey, I'm a guy and I admit my first introduction to trans girls and feminine men was porn. But that's not unusual, my first introduction to women was the same way. I've just never had the chance to know anyone like you until we met. I guess what I'm getting at is that; I'm as inexperienced as you. All that aside though, what we have is starting to feel like more than sex — at least it is for me. I enjoy your company and your friendship. I also think we'll figure all the other stuff out when the time comes. There, are you still interested in me?"

I'm more than just a little surprised that such a handsome man hasn't had a whole string of conquests to his credit. But, it's a happy surprise. I hug him, "Thank you for telling me all of that. I was afraid you would find me bland compared to some past lovers. And actually, I'm relieved you've been with women and didn't find in them what you need, you can imagine how someone like me must feel inadequate compared to a real woman — I guess that is some of my insecurity. And I've never not been interested in you mister!"

I smile at her, "See, honesty is always the best course. I guess my biggest fear is I'll fall in love with you and you aren't really looking for that, or something."

"I think I may have already taken the first tumble in that direction myself Dan, and isn't it always the girl who gets her heart broken?"

"I don't think so. When it comes to the things of the heart, we're all weak and vulnerable. It's good we talked, I feel better knowing we're both thinking the same things."

"Me too. It's hard and scary and you're right — honesty is the best course. Let's make a pact that we'll always feel safe to be honest, okay?"

"I'd say let's shake on it ... I'd rather kiss on it."

His lips possess mine one more time and it's the best kiss so far. It's odd how walls can sometimes fall so suddenly. After several minutes of just quietly holding each other — thinking about all that had been shared and basking in the warm glow of blossoming love — I finally whisper in his ear, "Didn't you say supper sounded pretty good, or did I dream that up?"

"You didn't dream it up, but I don't want to let go of you either." I mean it, and pull her even closer.

I rest against him — we rest against each other. It was a good talk. Why does it always have to be so hard to just be honest and let him inside my head? No more. This is the way to make this real. The only way to make it work.

"Well, being honest again, I don't want you to die of starvation. So let go of my butt mister and let me fix us something to eat."


I've been douching before our trips since the second weekend. I've never been fucked by a man, just years of experience with my dildos, plugs and vibrators and I want to be ready if he ever decides he wants more. I'm glad that Daniel hadn't rushed into things, but now it's getting harder for us both. I'm both excited and nervous about spending the night together this time. As I bathe and get ready to go, I look at my naked body in the mirror. Thankfully I had never developed much body hair, but what there was I had permanently removed years ago. Everything except for a small triangle above my dick. I still like my dick, it's small and unimpressive and I'm thankful for that — it fits me and makes me feel more feminine.

"Hmm, is it a dick or clitty?" I ask the reflection in the mirror. Turning, I look at my backside and ask, "What about that, is it my ass or my pussy?" With Daniel I think of all of me in the more feminine way. With him, it all feels more real than ever — I feel more real than ever. Again asking the mirror, "Should I use a butt plug just in case?" It sounds fun, but the day will be too long just driving to get to where he's going to take me. I'll put the plug and some lubricant in the backpack along with my douche bag — just in case it's needed.

As usual, Daniel arrives early and we're on the road in no time. When he takes highway 89 north out of town, I say, "This is a different direction than we usually go."

"Yeah, since we have more time, I thought I'd show you a place in the upper desert that is pretty special. It'll be about three hours to get there."

After a little over two hours, Dan turns west on highway 89A at Bitter Springs and in a short while we cross the Colorado River at Marble Canyon. It's a good place to take a break, top off the gas tank and look around. Continuing on, the road stays heading west and skirts along the base of the Vermilion Cliffs. The scenery almost demands that we stop time and again so we can take photos of the wonderland we're seeing. Then, at the small town of Jacob Lake we finally leave the paved road and drive about thirty miles southwest through empty desert country without seeing another soul. Finally, Dan stops the truck on a high bluff and says, "This is home for a few days."

As we walk around Dan points and tells me, "The Grand Canyon Park boundary is just about a mile that way. That water down there is Kiabab Creek and about thirty miles back upriver is the Kiabab Paiute Indian Reservation."

Of all the places I've been, and all the places Dan has taken me, I instinctively know this place is special. As far as I can see in any direction there is no sign of man except for the small two track dirt road we came in on. It's almost like being transported back in time, and it's wonderful.

Dan has his tent set up in hardly no time and says, "There's a trail down off this bluff over this way, lets go down to the creek."

Going to the truck, he digs out two hiking staffs and giving me one says, "It's time you had a staff, it'll come in handy on this trail." Then, off we go and I follow as Daniel leads the way, and in the rough places I'm happy to have the staff as a third leg. The trail winds it's way down and around at a pretty steep grade and sooner than I would have guessed, we're at the bottom.

"Keep your eyes moving as you walk," he coaches me. "Try to not stare at the trail, just glance down enough to find your next step and also to keep an eye out for rattlesnakes. They'll be coming out now that it's getting warmer. When you step over a rock or log, use your staff first to poke around to clear the way ... if one's down there he'll let you know and you can go around him. When it get's warm out, take care walking near the shade of a bush or rock because they'll be trying to get out of the sun. Don't just stare down at the ground though, keep your eyes up as much as possible. You'll get used to it, and then you can keep your bearings and maybe see some wildlife."

"You should have been a park ranger," I tease.

"I'd like that, but there's no money in it Erika. Wouldn't it be fun though?"

Once we make it down to the creek, there's a trail worn in the dirt from eons of animals as they go about their daily routines. Turning left Daniel says, "This is south and the park boundary is just down that way, but it's too far for today."

As we follow the animal tracks south, winding under and around Cottonwood trees and brush, Daniel says, "Remember when we talked about how the indigenous people who lived here before us accepted people like you as part of normal life?"

"Yes, seems like a lot of early civilizations realized people were all different, and were okay with it, and not only here." I reply. It feels good that he wants to remind me that lots of people accept people like me. That he understands, and cares, means a lot to me — especially when I glance up at his broad strong back and for the umpteenth time feel thankful for this miracle. From my place behind him, he could easily be one of those First People. No doubt some of his ancestors probably were. His thick black hair pulled back in a ponytail sure fits such an image. That and his dark brown skin — skin no doubt made darker by the hours he spends in the sunshine building his houses.

"Sometimes I wish I could go back in time," Dan confides as we walk.

"I've wished the same thing more than once, but who really knows how it would all turn out?"

"Yeah, that's the main reason I haven't pushed the start button on the machine I invented," Dan teases.

After another twenty minutes Dan stops and points up to the cliff above, "Okay, see that little cave looking overhang up there?"

I look to where he's pointing, "Yes, I see it."

"If you're up for a little climb and some rock scrambling, there's a really good view from up there ... wanna give it a try?"

"Sure, I'm game for whatever you say Dan. You're the boss."

"Okay, you go first ... just up that little trail there," he says while pointing at the faintest of tracks.

The scramble up is steep, but not technically difficult, and soon we're standing under a red rock overhang on a flat surface about fifteen feet wide and thirty feet along the face of the cliff. There are more of the ancient drawings of animals and fish, and one big one of what looks like the sun.

"What is this place Dan?"

"I'm not certain, to be honest. When I come across these I think of how it's often hard to really know what any artist is trying to say in their painting. It's even harder for us to truly know what someone from a different culture over five hundred years ago was thinking. I described it once to my dad and he thought since there are those birds shown there flying, that it might be a place of prayer and visions. I'm sure the local people know, they have to trust you before saying much though."

"But, look at the view," he says sweeping his arm to the Southeast.

I follow his hand with my gaze into the vast space before us and experience one of those awakening moments when it seems the Universe has just revealed a secret intended just for you and maybe the person you love. "I don't want to ever leave here Dan — I'm serious, I need to stay here forever!"

He closes the two steps separating us and hugs me back tight against his body, holding me gently we both stand as one looking out over the land as the silence and peace washes over us. The new spring leaves on the Cottonwood trees along the creek all dance in the sunlight ... a quiet dance with only the hidden birds and the softly singing water adding music to this moment in time.

I turn around to face him, and looking up into his eyes I know my unspoken words cry out, 'kiss me'. Dan, hearing my silent plea, bends to taste my lips once again.

But now, this time — here in this place — our love finally collides and there is no half measure possible! Dan frees himself of the day pack carrying our lunch and water — and the blanket to sit on. He turns back to me and, starting from the top button, slowly unbuttons the very practical shirt I had selected to wear this morning.

I can smell the mixture of her perfume mingled with her sweat ... the most perfect blend I have ever known. Erika surrenders her nudity to me, and stands passive as I strip her completely naked except for her panties. On my knees, looking again into her eyes, "You're beautiful." I offer my kiss on tummy — standing, I offer a kiss on her lips as proof of my words.

Holding me close once again, I feel a shiver of excitement run through my body as Daniel soothes me with his rough hands on my naked back — I close my eyes as they slide down and cup my butt cheeks, clad now in only this shear, almost nonexistent, fabric.

Any doubt I may have had of the love I feel for her no longer questions me. There is no longer any reason to hold back, my hand moves to the front of her secret places now covered only in soft silky cloth. She softly moans her approval when I take her into my hand. The small handful feels so different than mine, the silky material makes it feel special and valuable, so petite and delicate.

My legs open for him, giving my permission for him to explore this most vulnerable part of my body. It's hard and alive with my desire — he takes it all into his hand and gently squeezes me. Suddenly, it dawns on me the this is the moment I've dreamed of! But even in this perfect moment of arousal, in this moment as my dream comes true an old voice awakens ... he might decide this isn't for him after all.

Dan pulls me close again, and with one hand on my back and the other laced through hair at the back of my head, he cradles me and whispers, "I love you Erika — I love you more than you can imagine."

I wrap both arms around his muscled body and whisper back, "I love you too, I think I've loved you for a while — now I know it — I love you."

When she pulls back to look up at me, I see tiny tear drops of emotion in her eyes and bend to taste them with my kisses. That one kiss leads to another and soon I'm further down with a small hard nipple in my mouth.

How long have I dreamed of a man sucking my nipples? It is so much more than I had dreamed — I feel real, my dreams have come true ... better than any dream. His hand is so big and strong, I'm going to come if he doesn't stop rubbing me down there!

As if reading my mind, he's come back up to kiss my throat and once again finds my lips — his kiss signals his love, even while his hands signal his desire for my body!

Finally, with a small part of my love expressed, I step back from her and drop to my knees. Looking up I smile and say, "Trust me."

When he lowers my panties, I'm not sure if I should be ashamed or proud that my clit is stiff for him. Thankfully, it doesn't take long for me to get the answer — his lips begin to suckle me, while strong rough hands explore my backside. As he sucks me, he also spreads my cheeks apart and finds my pussy. I instinctively push back into his hand as he lightly teases the puckered flesh of my opening. I've waited so long for such a touch — a touch that could never be known, because I had never known the touch of love ... with trust and love secured, I close my eyes and surrender as all hesitations and doubts fade away in this sacred place alone with the man I love!

I would have been happy to suck her to completion right here and now, but Erika steps back.

I need this to be our special memory — our special time and our special place, "Dan, make love to me. Please let's go all the way. I want this to be the place."

I instantly know she's right, and pulling her close again move my mouth up to her tummy, kissing my way up. Looking up I tell her, "There's a blanket in my pack."

When she turns to get the blanket, I'm just as thrilled looking at her beauty as I had been kissing it! She's toned and fit, with a perfect little round butt and delicate waist broadening out to perfectly proportioned shoulders. There has never been anyone as perfect in my life. When she bends over to get the blanket, her cheeks open, revealing her pussy to my eyes for the first time. The little extra she carries between her legs just adds to her exotic perfection!

Going to my own discarded pants, I dig into one of the large pockets and pull out a small bottle of lubricant. Turning, I smile and say, "A girl must always plan ahead you know."
