Lumberyard Miracle


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"Nope. I get to take care of you now."

I can't really think of a reason to say no to her, "Okay, now you're in charge."

Starting with his shirt, I work the buttons loose and slip it off his shoulders. His nipples are large and hard in the cool night air — they're also at the same level as my lips, I kiss the one on my right — his hand on the back of my head gently pulls me tighter. I've never sucked a man's nipple, I'll be doing a lot more this. Leaving this one, I take the other one as I softly run the tips of my fingers over the abandoned one. My free hand finds and cups his manhood through his pants, it's a nice full handful, his soft moan makes me warm.

Looking up to his face, he surprises me with a kiss on my lips. But I'm on a mission, and pull back as far as his arms around me allows. "You need to behave if I'm going to bathe you mister."

"You're the boss E-T."

We both know those words are a lie, but it's fun to see our walls falling away. I kneel to finish getting his boots and socks off — with a little help from him when one gets stuck. Just as he did for me, I turn my attention to his pants — to the buttons so close to my face. Like a slow dance, I unbutton each one until I reach the end. A hand to either side of his hips, the pants slide down — I help as he steps out of them. Now it's only his underwear, but with a hand under the band on either side they too slide down and he steps free of them. Now it's free — I can't resist. I hear him, something about waiting after the bath — I taste him, I can smell the scent of man so strong and taste the cum from earlier. It's wild and nasty — I love being here on my knees — I love tasting him — there's no place I want to be except right here on my knees before him. His hand on the back of my head assures me that I'm right where I belong. Suddenly, I remember why I'm down here — I pull back, "We better get you cleaned up now."

With as much detail and care as he gave me, I do the same for him. From head to toe I bathe him in both warm water and my love. When I spread his butt cheeks he tries to stop me.

"I can do that part."

"No, you did me and I get to do you. You said I'm the boss."

He doesn't reply, but I feel his agreement — probably reluctant agreement. I don't care, I want to see it — and kiss it. I rinse the cloth and with fresh warm water and soap scrub his crack from his balls up to his back. Again and again I let the soothing warm cloth caress him. When he's rinsed and clean, I spread him wide enough to kiss him there where he kissed me. I feel him tense up — when my tongue tickles his rosebud he instinctively pushes back to the source of pleasure. I tongue him again, deeper and longer — it's something I want to give him in return for all he has given me. I want us to be free to love every part of each other — I feel my erection pressing against my pants. I reach around to check — he's hard too, that's all I need to know.

"Okay, you better sit down and let me do your feet Dan." When he turns around, I look up from my place before him, "You're beautiful. This is the best day of my life."

"It's the same for me E-T , and I want a lot more days like this; a lot more."

"There will be, I know there will be. Sit, I'll do your feet."

With that last chore of love complete, I ask, "Where are your clean clothes, I'll get them for you."

"They'll be in the duffel bag in the camper shell, should be towards the back on the driver's side."

With a bath and clean clothes we feel like new, and with his boots on once again, Dan builds up the fire and arranges the chairs so we can sit, stare at the flames and talk.

"I packed some wine in the cooler with the food, would you like some?"

"Yes, that sounds nice E-T. I never think about the details like that."

"That's why we need each other. I'm learning new stuff from you every time we come out."

Sitting back in the camp chair, I stretch out my legs. My thoughts wander as I sip the glass of wine she had given me. Relaxing quietly together staring at the fire, my thoughts drifting; it suddenly comes to me, "This sure beats being out here all alone, or with some other guy. It's been a long time coming, but this feels like the way it's supposed to be."

"What do you mean Dan? I mean, how it's supposed to be?"

"I mean with you, I'm not all alone. All this means so much more with you instead of a bunch of guys. That's comforting to me because it's true."

"It's amazing for me too Dan. But me just being me, I always worry about what if — what will your folks think, for example. What happens when your friends find out about me. I know I don't pass as a real woman."

"I'll love whoever I want to. But honestly , I don't think they will care. They're both educated and you know my father already knows all about how past cultures viewed duel sexed people — and how some speak of two spirited people. Even still today many cultures understand about normal humans — he knows we're not all cut out of a mold. I'll choose you if it ever comes to it. But you shouldn't worry, I really think it won't be a big deal for them. What about your folks, you've never said anything about your parents. I don't even know where they live. Will they accept us?"

"They're still in Boston, actually it's a small town about thirty miles outside of Boston ... it's sorta all the same."

"How did they take the fact of you being trans?"

"I know they felt it would be easier if I could just get over it. They're pretty well educated on the whole human sexuality and gender issues. Basically, they gave me the options and any help I wanted and then just loved me the way I was. I was lucky when it came to parents."

"To be honest, my folks never said much about the subject, except for my father in speaking of the ancient cultures. I hope they understand us, but if they don't or can't I'll have to leave them to their opinion. I want you to believe that I'm not going to let anyone come between us, and honestly I don't think they will. I'm a grown man and they pretty much treat me as one. Erika, today shows me how much I've been missing, and I'm not willing to go back. So long as you'll have me, I'll choose you over anyone."

I reach across the small space separating our chairs and take his hand, "I guess we're both a notch or three off the normal point on the scale, eh?"

He sits up and pokes the fire with a stick, settles back and says, "Maybe, but I've hung out on some online chat forums enough to know that a lot of the men and women out there that appear to be what's considered normal, are really just afraid to risk being honest about their hidden true selves. They let the truth out when it's safe, and have to hide it when they are with those who know them but won't try to understand. I've even been that guy, pretending to be a straight shooter while really dreaming of someone just like you. So maybe there's more of the pure heterosexuals in the world, maybe not ... if the truth could ever actually be determined. Frankly, I think everyone's a few points off the mean on the scale in some way or another. But that's me , what do I know — except what I can see sitting right here next to me?"

"Thank you for talking about it Dan. You make me feel more sure of it all — I get a little weird in the head sometimes worrying about what others think. More wine?"

"Sure, just half full."

"You know E-T, you've lived this life way more than me, but I say we should just be ourselves. I truly believe — No, I know, you have made me more alive in the short time we've been together than I can ever remember. I don't want to go back to that life, and I really don't need a lot of other people's approval about the way I choose to live my life. I don't think anyone's really gonna care too much personally. You sorta gave me the impression you aren't too happy at your job, any plans on that?"

"Not too happy is being too kind. My job sucks. I haven't made any plans to quit, just lot''s of daydreams about it."

"Just a thought; What do you think about maybe joining me in my business E-T?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"I would like to find someone who could manage the office so I can concentrate on getting the work and making sure it's done to my standards. I've grown quite a bit since I started and it's getting a little hectic. I have a secretary, but she's not up to what is needed to manage the business part of the operation — things like the bank, and contracts and things like that. I know you have a business degree."

"I never thought about it Dan. I've heard it said that couples shouldn't work together, what do you think?"

"I think it depends on the couple. My grandparents on my father's side ran a grocery store together for their entire married life. They were a team, and I never heard a cross word exchanged between them. My mother takes care of a lot of my father's business issues, actually she does most of the nitty-gritty of the money side, and he does the field work. So I know it can work, just depends on the people I guess."

"Those are beautiful role models Dan. And when you mention it like that, hasn't that been more of the norm in so much of man's history — two people working together to build a life. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Although, those are more about people being together as man and wife."

"I guess I'm already thinking in those terms, maybe I'm moving too fast though. I meant every word I said to you today though. You are the best thing that's ever come into my life Erika. I don't want to be pushy, or silly — I just want to be sure we give ourselves every chance at finding a lasting relationship."

"I know, and I feel the same way. I want the same thing ... I think maybe we were destined for each other. I'll just let you decide what you think is best. My job sucks, and it can be replaced with another one just like it most any day of the week. I've just been holding out wanting to keep my job history clean, I've worked there long enough for that."

"Okay, enough talk about the world outside. We came out here to get away from all of that. You ready to go check out the Milky Way?"

"That sounds like a pick-up line if I ever heard one!""Did it work?"

"Yep, lead me into the dark dear man — just please promise you will respect my honor."

"No promises, my lady."

He offers me his hand, and pulls me up from my chair.

"Grab your chair, I'll get a blanket and the light."

With our fire dwindling to coals and the last afterglow of the sunset long gone, the desert is almost blacked out. Once our eyes readjust after the headlamp is off, the stars seem to have multiplied by the millions since early evening. We sit close, sharing the blanket, and watch for shooting stars and passing satellites. It's so easy to forget about the world outside of this place, and just be one with the Universe and wonder the same questions as men and women have wondered since the first person looked up at this very same sight. What is life, except to live it in joy with someone to love? Despite all of the knowledge mankind has amassed, the big questions remain the same.

"You know why I like to look up there like this?" Dan asks.

"Tell me."

"When I look up there, all the things like we've been talking about just look so irrelevant and small. I only need you here with me to be happy. I just want us to always remember this day ... the way it felt up in that little cave when we looked out on the same things the one's who painted those symbols saw. The moment we became one flesh for the first time. That's the stuff that really matters. Erika, I need you to help me always remember what's important and to keep a tight hold on it."

"I know, and before I met you I had only the barest glimpse of all of that. I think a lot of people sense something's not right, but we're so far removed from our roots we don't have a clue about the way home. I think you and I have a chance at that Dan, I really do. And I need you just as much as you need me. I was a sinking ship that day we met at the lumberyard ... you saved me Dan, I will always believe that."

"I guess it was just our time to find each other. Life's so weird and wonderful at the same time, at least it seems that way to me. I wonder what the odds are that we would have ever even met, and yet because your fence needed three new boards, and I noticed your fingernail polish that you had intended to be cleaned away ... we're here tonight together sitting under a billion stars. Is it really just all chance, or is there something deeper at work in all of this?"

I reach over and take his hand in mine, "Who would have thought my strong construction worker would be such a philosopher? But I hear you and for me, I believe there is some directing hand in all of this. I don't have a clue what that hand might be, it's just comforting to know it's there. All I know is that we were both like tilled soil, all prepared and just waiting for the seed to be dropped and now here we are."

"I agree Erika, factor in the fact that we're both way off the norm in our sexuality and it becomes almost mind numbing to think of the odds of us meeting at all. Our lives are so far removed from boy meets girl, it makes this even more special to me when I think of all that — we're each other's miracle. You're my lumberyard miracle E-T."

I roll myself out of my chair and onto my knees, crawl the short distance separating us and kneel between his legs. "Hold me."

She lays her head on my chest — her warmth is like a blanket, I run my hand along her back and lace my fingers in her hair with the other hand. The warmth of her body against mine is a treasure more valuable than gold, and reminds me how long I'd ignored and gone without the most precious of life's purpose. "I love you Erika Taylor — I love you E-T."

"I know. I feel it filling every part of me ... feels so good. Let's go to bed so I can show you how much I love you."

Our eyes have adjusted and the starlight alone lights the short way back to camp. We pee one last time, this time standing together. "I'll tell you a secret, I always pee sitting down at home. It's only out here I pee like a guy."


"It's just easier when you're as small down there as I am — it just feels more natural too, I guess. Since I can't use the ladies room, I also pee standing up in public restrooms — men's toilets are just so icky!"

I laugh at her take on public toilets. "I have to agree with you on that. I'd rather pee outdoors than have to use one of those. You should experience a construction site outhouse someday!"

"I'll pass on that, I can only imagine!"

With everything put away, we're finally able to retire to the comfort of our tent and the bed already laid out waiting for us. Dan puts the two sleeping mats together and tucks a sheet on top, with an opened up down filled sleeping bag for our top blanket. Two small pillows make it almost as comfortable as a regular bed, and for us it's more than enough. The night is beginning to turn cool, it being early spring in this high desert country. He lays the other down filled bag to the side of our bed for later when it will get even colder.

Kneeling, Dan lights a small pine scented candle lamp that provides both a soft light and some warmth inside the tent. I crouch and step the rest of the way inside to join him, the place I will sleep with him for the first time is more perfect than the finest hotel to my eyes. This is who we are, two people who share a reverence and awe of nature. Just simple folk who don't need much to be happy and content.

Following his lead, I kneel down next to him. We had stepped out of our boots just as we entered to keep the sand from following us in, and Dan reaches through the tent door to bring them inside.

"You'll have to ignore my stinky boots E-T. I left a pair outside one night a long time ago. One boot was gone the next morning and there were coyote tracks showing where it had gone. Luckily, I found it not to far from camp. I guess it stunk too bad even for a coyote."

"They don't stink. But I'll remember that Dan, actually it could've been really bad if you were way out someplace."

"You're not kidding. In fact, it would have been a long walk back to my truck barefoot had he carried it off. I was just lucky, or maybe he was just giving me a lesson. The original people revere the coyote, but also call him the Trickster. Anyway, I've learned in a lot of ways to not take chances out here."

"I've never had anyone to camp with, and it was always scary at night for me. I just had to do it though, that was pretty much all I had and probably what kept me going. It's really so much more fun not being alone."

Dan eases me back onto the bed and covers my lips with his. I feel his weight on me and realize that I've never imagined the man's weight pressing down on me in all the fantasies I've woven over the years. I love this feeling. I feel small and protected. His lips leave mine and trace down my neck to my collar bone, his hand works the buttons of my shirt open. The cool night air feels good on bare flesh, now revealed in the shadows of the flickering flame of a candle. His lips continue their caresses, and quickly find my nipples — they are drawn tight against the chill of the night air — his kisses make them even harder — my soft moan of pleasure tells of my approval. He kisses and nibbles one and then the other as his hand now explores further down my tummy and sneaks under the waistband of my pants.

They're too tight for his wrist to find entry and he retreats, but only to quickly unbutton me — I lift my hips and he pushes the unwanted covering away — I'm exposed to him again — I feel small and vulnerable, but safe and without fear.

I'm hard again, sticking straight up into the cool night air. Dan's hand claims my sex, covering it all and softly begins to explore the details. I squeeze my legs together and push my hips up to the warmth caressing me. With lips on my nipple and his hand on my clit I squirm in pleasure under him — then my faltering whisper; "Stop ... you'll make me come ... wait baby let me pleasure you too ..."

I heed her plea and return my lips to hers. Sitting up again, I look down on her — she is the most beautiful site I've ever seen. She's here, open and willing — she wants me as much as I want her. My hand reaches again for the smooth flat chest so beautifully highlighted by two aroused nipples — like two peaked hills on a plain covered in new snow. My fingers trace her ribs and circle each of the dark pink areola encircling the hard nubs of my woman's breasts. Her skin is smooth and creamy and she smells clean from her bath, but still alluringly musky from being active all day.

I feel my cock complaining in the cramped confines of my pants. Kneeling upright again, with a knee on each side of her head, I open the buttons and let my cock free. Working the pants down, then one at a time over each knee and finally I am free. For good measure, I remove my lightweight jacket and shirt as well.

I have a unique view laying on my back looking up as Dan undresses. My eyes are drawn to the heavy man-sex hanging mere inches from my face — I breathe deep taking in his scent, the unmistakable smell of male virility! I reach my hands up and fondle all of it, feeling my way over the hard cock with its many veins bulging and the moist smooth end slick with a thin drool of pre-cum. I wipe him clean and touch my finger to my lips to taste him again — all the while, he watches me. Lifting my head off the bed, I lick his balls and bury my nose into him.

I spread my legs wider, lower myself to her — she begins to service me in earnest with kisses and swipes of her tongue on everything she can reach. Wanting more, I place both hands around her waist and scoot her lower on the bed so I can lay down beside her with my face even with her clit. She understands and turns onto her side facing me, and with only some minor readjustment of bodies, we both find wonderful things to put into our mouths!
