Lumberyard Miracle


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We suck each other slow and sensually, kissing and licking in eager exploration. I want to give her the same gift she had given me at our sacred cave — I suck her swollen flesh with that goal in mind. Sooner than I would have thought, she's squirming and trying to stop me — she's close! I stop just long enough to lick her pussy and wet my middle finger, then my mouth reclaims possession of her clit at the same moment I gently and lightly begin to finger into her — easy and mindful of what she had taken from my cock earlier.

I quit the struggle to put off my orgasm and give myself over to pure enjoyment as he skillfully pleasures me in ways I've never known. Soon, I'm humping into his mouth and back down on his finger — a finger that he has slowly worked deep to find that tender source of pleasure inside of me! I'm still sore from the hard fucking he gave me earlier, a tender reminder that takes me back to our cave — back to that moment — my arousal pushing ever higher! The tingling starts in my nipples and radiates down to the base of my clit and flows outward from my pussy where his finger is — racing and flowing down my inner thighs. All I can do is squirm in exquisite agony — hanging in the balance until the explosion of joy cannot be denied any longer — my cum squirts into Dan's mouth! I hear my moans, my legs quiver — I'm undone, completely undone. He slows the pace of his attentions to spare me more agony, but milks out every wave of pleasure until I am limp ... totally spent.

I've tasted the cum of exactly two people in my life — three counting my own. I remember the taste from the older man, Jack, who first taught me about man sex. It was bitter, and had a hint of the tobacco he chain smoked and chewed. Erika's tastes clean and sweet, like some pure nectar from a rare flower. Her purity reassures my feelings about her sweet innocence and I know I'll enjoy doing this for her anytime she wants.

Untangling myself from her limp body, I stand back up to get in the right position to get settled into bed. Laying facing her, I snuggle her close and flip part of the down bag over us both. I watch her as she lays there recovering, a small contented smile making her look even more angelic. With one finger, I gently move the mussed hair back from her face, then kiss her forehead.

I open my eyes again, and seek out the lips I need to kiss. My tongue searches for his, and I now get my turn tasting my own cum on the lips of my lover. It feels so intimate, so special to know that another person desires me this much. As much as I want to make love to his cock again, he has drained the last of my strength. I smile, all my energy has been spent on the best day of my life ... not one moment wasted. Wishing it would never end is the last thing I remember thinking as I succumb to the safe secure feeling of laying close to him — a feeling never fully known before this moment.

I watch as she drifts to sleep, and smile at the irony of life. The Jokester comes to my thoughts — that invisible power that sometimes blesses, and other times, curses us. I thank whatever power that brought her to me. She's not only beautiful, but a real trooper too. Jokester knew I need someone like her, she kept pace with me and all my traipsing around the desert. Her breathing is slow and steady, I very gently ease her onto her side of our bed. Laying down next to her again, I pull the covers up over us both and lay thinking and listening to the night sounds outside. The last thing remembered is that this has easily been the very best day of my life so far.


We wake up the next morning snuggled together. What a wonderful difference from waking up alone, and we'll face the new day together too — so many changes for the better. "Good morning," I whisper, kissing her on the forehead.

She snuggles into me. "Brrr, it feels cold out there."

"It'll warm up in a couple of hours. You stay here where it's warm, I'll go get the fire going."

"Oh, don't go, stay here a little longer. I don't even remember falling asleep last night ... but I remember everything else. I had no idea you were such a lover."

"Coming from a girl who never had another lover, I'm not so sure I can put that title on my business card just yet." I tickle her ribs and kiss her on the nose.

"You better not put it on your card and hand it out to every pretty girl you run into at the lumberyard."

I assure her that's the farthest thing from my mind with a real kiss.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep so early ... I really did plan on laying under you again last night."

"Don't feel sorry, you gave me the best day of my life — it was actually pretty special watching you be so satisfied you couldn't go any more. Laying there watching you I was thinking, maybe something on my card that says, 'World's Best Lover', or something catchy, you know what I mean?"

Reaching deeper under the covers, I quickly find his hard flesh I'm searching for. "Do you want your punishment for that remark now — or later?"

"Better make it later, I'm about to pee the bed." I say it as a joke, but it's true.

"I'm sorta in the same boat, I guess we should just get up and get it over with." I fling the warm sleeping bag off both of us!

"Brrr! That was cruel E-T," I tell her, pulling the warmth back on top of us.

"Hmmm, and I thought you were a mountain man."

"I am, but I usually wear a diaper to bed so I don't have to get out in the cold."

"Hmmm, that sounds interesting ... any other kinks I should know about before we get married?"

"No ma'am, I'm not gonna spill all my secrets until we're hitched, then you'll find out what you're in for!"

"You may be just as surprised mister. After all, I'm not just any old girl, you know?"

"Oh I found that out yesterday — I kinda like it." I bend over and kiss her cheek.

"Snuggle a little more Dan. Please, just a little and then we can go pee."

Who could resist? I snuggle close to the warm soft creature that shares my bed. I check between her legs to find she's hard ... just like I am. The hand on her clit wanders up and over her hip in search of her pussy. I run one finger down her crack from the very top and stop on the sensitive puckered flesh I'm starting to fall in love with. Erika presses her body into my hard cock and puts her leg over my legs, opening herself for me. Laying under the warm bag we comfort one another, offering a renewal of love for a new day ... hopefully one of many days to come.

We lay there quietly for a few minutes letting our wandering hands do the talking, until the call of nature is insistent and we both brave the cold until we can get dressed. Erika teases, "Your nipples are bigger than mine."

"Is that jealousy I hear?"

"No, yours are all hairy and I like mine just fine."

"I kinda like them too E-T."

Dan finishes dressing first and starts to leave when I say, "Wait for me, I want to watch you pee."

"Okay, but you better hurry." He sets his boots out the door and steps into them.

I'm right behind him, and we walk a ways out of camp. We stop facing a clump of brush. Dan opens his pants and pulls his cock free, as I watch. "I want to hold it."

"Be my guest." I smile, wondering at her kinky side coming out. She stands to one side behind me, reaches around my waist taking my cock into her small hand.

"It feels so heavy — and fat. Okay, you can pee now."

I laugh. "It feels weird, shake it a bit to wake him up." She does what I told her — but not what I expected! "Whoa, not that hard. Just a little, like waking a baby or something."

Now I laugh at him. "I didn't know it was so fussy." But, I do as he said and I'm rewarded with what I had wanted. I've wanted to hold a real cock for a long time, always wondering how it felt when a guy peed with a big one. It's different than mine for sure, I can put my entire hand around it and it just feels more powerful or something. I don't really want or wish for one like this — I'm too far down my own road now. Holding a man as he pees is just an old wish I'd wanted to make real — mostly curious. It's kind of erotic though, and maybe we'll want to do it again someday?

When my flow ends I tell her, "Now you have to shake it a little to get it all out and get the drops off." Again, her lack of experience causes more mistakes, "Not that hard, you shook it all over my shirt!"

We both laugh and I take over. "You better stick with the one God gave you, you're too dangerous for anything bigger." Getting my pants closed back up, it comes to me. "Okay, now it's my turn."

"I guess fair is fair." He did it for me, I'll do it for him. Unbuttoning my pants, I push them down out of the way.

Holding her between my thumb and finger I tell her, "Fire away." When nothing happens, I ask her, "Now what?"

"You have to gently pull on it a little and rub the rim of the head with your thumb."

I follow her instructions and the extra sensation gets her flow going. I'm amazed at how different it feels — so small and delicate. When she's finished I gently milk any drops out and wipe them away with my finger. It was fun though. "This was a good idea Erika. It's really intimate and lets me understand you even more."

"You know it's more natural for me to sit and pee. But I liked doing that too, and you're right about understanding, it makes me feel even less a man and more Erika. It may sound funny, but I think if I instantly had yours it would feel really out of place. I can't imagine all that stuffed in my pants all day!"

"Now that you've put it in my head, I'm thinking how that would feel for me." I stand silent for awhile trying to picture it. "You're right, it would be crazy weird — like loosing an arm maybe. Come hug, me! You're the most interesting person I have ever known Erika Taylor. Let's go make some breakfast."


Sitting near the fire with our hunger satisfied and drinking the last of the coffee, Dan says, "We have a couple of choices for today. We can either hike back down Kiabab Creek a few miles and go into the edge of the park. However, the Colorado River is a lot farther, about ten miles from here as the crow flies. To hike there along the creek you can probably double that. So, that's a forty mile hike round trip. Or, we can pack up everything and back track a way and drive down to the park.The down side of driving to the rim is more than likely we'll be stuck in a campground full of tourists. It's still early in the season, the past few years though this place has gotten really popular. Or, we could just sit tight here, and explore up and down the creek and little canyons around here today and maybe tomorrow drive to the rim for a quick peek on our way home."

"I'd like to go down the creek to the Colorado, but that sounds like a long trek for one day Dan. And I'm not at all keen on being surrounded by a bunch of other people. I kinda like the idea of just a lazy day with you, and exploring the creek more sounds the best for that."

"That's what I thought too E-T. We should save that longer hike for a week long adventure I think. And yeah, the crowds kind of spoil it for me too."

"Sounds perfect. Since we don't have to rush, do you want to fuck me now or later?"

"What if I said both, beautiful?"

"What choice would I have? All alone out here, you could have your way with me and no one could hear my scream for help."

Her smile disarms me. "So far, I've only heard you scream for more."

"I have not! Maybe a moan or two of encouragement, I'm certain I never screamed for more though." I put on my best offended lady voice and he laughs.

"Maybe it was just a loud moan then." Best to let the lady have the last word probably.

"That, I'll admit to." As we banter in play, it's beginning to feel like we're old friends. It's a comfortable feeling, being close and intimate enough to let the other see the real person — and knowing they like what they see.

I stand got up and stretch. "Since we're gonna be here today and part of tomorrow, I'm going to dig a latrine for us someplace private. You want to come along or pack up some lunch and stuff for later?"

"I'll put some stuff together for later. By the time you're finished, I'll probably need to use the latrine too."

"Easier to take care of business here than on the trail."

Dan grabbed the shovel and a roll of toilet paper, then heads off down a little wash away from camp.Cleaning up after breakfast and straightening things out in the tent keeps me busy. My thoughts of packing some sandwiches and filling the water bottles are interrupted by the sound of engines. I step around the back of the truck and see a dust cloud coming our way on the road we came in on yesterday. "Great, just what we need." Dan will be so disappointed — probably have to move camp.

When they get closer, I can make out several four-wheeler ATV's roaring toward us. Clearly they can see our truck but they show no sign of turning back or even slowing down. I look back the way Dan had gone but there's no sight of him. My instincts tell me to go find him, another part tells me there's nothing to worry about, just folks out having some fun. He probably can't hear them yet, no telling how far he went around the bend down there.

When they're within fifty feet or so, they start driving in large circles churning up the dust and acting crazy. Maybe now is the time to get out of here?

I make my way quickly toward the wash Dan had gone down. Don't run, just get away from these three men. Suddenly, one of them spots me and turns his machine to cut me off, there's no way to out run a four-wheeler in this open terrain! I turn back, running to the truck. I'll be safer locked in the cab until Dan comes back. Glancing over my shoulder as I run, I see that my antagonist has turned and is speeding toward me! He passes me going at high speed and circles our camp, filling the area with thick dust. I turn again to try and get to Dan, but the crazy man just sees it as a game and speeds by me again! Now I'm really afraid! I glance toward the other two, they've stopped a short distance from camp and seem to be talking. As I watch them, wondering what to do, the crazy one skids to a stop almost running me down. He jumps off the machine and staggers toward me! He's both drunk and crazy!

"Get back!" I scream, "I have a gun!" In my panic, it's the first thing that I can think of to try and scare him off.

"Me too!" he shouts and pulls a pistol from under his coat."Come on baby, you show me yours and I'll show you mine."

"Just leave, please just go and I won't say anything to the police." I use all my will to stay calm and sound stronger than I feel.

"Cops, I don't see any cops around here sweetheart."

"Just go, we aren't looking for trouble."

"I'm not looking for trouble ... just a little love'n ... you wanna little love'n baby?"

"Hey! Get the fuck out'a here!" Dan's yell seems to reverberate in its urgency as he comes into view of what's happening.

I shout, "Dan, he has a gun!"

The drunk turns toward Dan and shouts, "Yeah Dan, I gotta gun!"

I scream as I watch the idiot point his gun at Dan! Before I can try to stop him, the pistol roars and I see Dan spin from the impact!

"DAN!" Ignoring everything else, I run to where he lays wounded. The sand is already wet with his blood when I get there! I kneel beside him and thank God he's still alive. I ease his jacket open to see the wound is on his left side at the bottom of his ribs. I have to get the first aid kit and try to stop the bleeding!

Running back to the truck, I see that the two other men have finally stepped in. They're all shouting and I see one of the men grab the gun and the other man shaking the drunk by his coat yelling, "Wilfred, we gotta get outa here!"

The drunk is arguing just as loud, "We gotta kill 'em both!"

Finally, one of the men tackles the drunk Wilfred to the ground, holding him down until he calms down. Then, without a word offered in help, they all mount up and roar back the way they came, leaving me and Dan here alone. The whole fiasco happened so fast — it seems like hours to me. I take note of the color of Wilfred's machine, it's a bright yellow and has the words Canada on it, then they're all too far away to see anything more.

I unlatch the first-aid box from the back of the truck cab and run back to Dan as fast as I can. If we just weren't so far out I could call for help — Dan joked just yesterday about being off the grid and how good it felt.

He hasn't moved at all from where I left him. Taking the scissors from the kit, I cut away the bloody shirt, then ease him over and see that the bullet has blown a hole all the way through his body. Not knowing if that's good or bad, the one thing I do know is that I have to stop the bleeding ... it's a thick ooze, unlike a cut finger! Putting sterile gloves on my hands, I wash the open wounds and the surrounding flesh with a wad of gauze and alcohol. The only thing I can think to do in order to slow down the bleeding is to pack the wound with as much of the gauze as I can. Seeing that this helps, I clean the wounds again and use two self adhering pads to cover the openings.

Now, how to get him in the truck? No way to move him — I have to drive the truck down here to him. But how will I get him into it? First things first, I run back to the truck and find the keys where Dan always leaves them when we go for a hike. The truck's so huge! I start it up and engage the four-wheel drive and slip in into gear. Very carefully I wind my way down to where Dan is and turn the machine around facing the same path out. I stop as near to him as I can and hop down to the ground.

Running around to the passenger side where he lays, I'm elated to find him awake and looking at me. "I've been shot," he whispers in a hoarse moan.

"I know baby, We gotta get you out of here."

"Water." The word is more of an exhale of breath, but I understand and hurry to get a bottle of water from the cooler in the back seat.

Holding him up so he can swallow, I help him drink as much as he will. It seems to at least help him speak and the first words he utters are, "I'm sorry ... they hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine. They ran away. Can you help me get you into the truck?"

"I'll try."

"Here, just lay back and rest a second. I'm gonna put you in the back seat so you can lay down."

I feel more assured now and quickly clean out the back seat of the truck and piled up anything soft as a pillow. Then, with Dan's help I'm able to get him settled for the drive out of here toward help.

I creep the truck back up the ravine toward the road, getting stuck will probably mean Dan will die out here. Finally, I'm on the two track road and I drive by our tent that such a short time ago had been our bed of love. "Motherfucker, I'll kill you if I ever find you," I say in anger and frustration over the stupidity of the whole thing.

I disengage the four-wheel-drive and drive way faster than I normally would, knowing time is not on our side. To add to the worry, it's Easter Sunday and the nearest town is Jacob Lake — a good hour drive away and probably closed up tight for the holiday. At this speed, it'll take even longer — I notch it up a little more. Thankfully Dan had tied the red flagging on all the turns we had taken coming in yesterday — without these, it's very likely I'd get turned around out here. He's resting quietly, I have the rear-view mirror angled so I can keep an eye on him and still stay on the road.

I see his labored breathing, and that's enough for now — just keep breathing baby. After forty-five minutes, I turn left on the blacktop and a few more miles into Jacob Lake. As I had feared, the town seems to be locked up for the day. Driving through I notice a church that looks to be packed with everyone in the area! I pull close to the front door and rush in — the services are in progress. A man comes to greet me and I tell him, "My friend has been shot. Is there a police station here? He needs a doctor — he's bleeding real bad!"
