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"Yo," a voice called from outside Derek's room. "I'm back."

Steven! Derek thought and then he cried out, turning his face to press his mouth against his pillow, hiding the noise he made as he came. His hips and legs shook and he felt a warmth on his belly. Too late, he realized he hadn't used a tissue while masturbating and now he could feel the spurts of his own cum against his body..

Steven moved around the apartment and Derek heard the bathroom door open and close. His muddled thoughts drifted sleepily and his post-orgasmic body felt like it weighed a ton. In the bathroom, the faint susurration of the running shower relaxed Derek even further. He could picture Steven stepping into the shower, naked and muscular.

Derek's large nipples tightened and he groaned and moved and fell asleep to the sound of his friend showering.


Cold light streamed the window above Derek's bed. The young man snorted and blinked and turned, wrapping his arm around the blanket next to him. A few birds chirped and he opened one eye to look for them through the window. He knew he couldn't fall back asleep so he lay for a while, letting himself wake up.

I wonder if Steven's awake yet, he thought. He moved, sliding his body along his bed, groaning as he stretched. A strange pressure in his gut that reminded him he had to pee and he sighed, smacking his lips.

Derek yawned, stretched again and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He pulled his shirt off, shivering as it slid against his body and then dug around for a mostly clean pair of boxer-briefs. Padding through his room, avoiding piles of clothes, he opened his door and stepped into the hallway, making his way to the bathroom.

Hiding another yawn behind the back of his hand, Derek turned on the faucet. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear and leaned forward, cupping cold water into his hands and then splashing it against his face. Derek reached for a towel just as he heard the faint chime of Steven's alarm going off.

Drying his face, Derek looked up at himself in the mirror. And froze.

Beneath his chest hair were two fat, brown nipples surrounded by a halo of darker skin. His eyes widened and he reached for the right nipple with his free hand. His finger brushed through his chest hair some pulled free, leaving a small patch of smooth skin behind. He hesitated and leaned closer to the mirror and then brushed his fingertip across the nipple.

Derek shivered. He felt the touch in his gut as if a nerve ran directly from the nipple to his cock. He pulled at the nipple and hissed through his teeth, rubbing his legs together at the pleasure of it. The nipple hardened, twisting and rising on his chest and the urge to pee intensified.

"Fuck!" Derek whispered loudly. A few chest hairs fell to the sink below him.

"Hey man," Steven said sleepily as he opened his bedroom door. "You gonna shower?"

"Fuck!" Derek said more loudly. He dropped the towel he'd been holding, grabbed the doorknob and closed the bathroom door too hard.

"Damn, man," Steven said outside the bathroom. "You alright?"

"Y- yeah," Derek stuttered. His heart raced in his chest and he blushed at the thought of Steven seeing him. "I'm- I'm just going to take a shower. Need to wake up."

"Okay," Steven replied. "I'm going to put some breakfast together if you want some."

"Thanks!" Derek answered too loudly. The nipple he'd messed with was throbbing slightly and he felt an answering throb from his cock.

Derek turned the shower on and then sat on the toilet while the water warmed. His mind raced as he relieved his bladder. Some allergic bullshit? He wondered. Can- not enough testosterone do it? I knew I fucking should've gone to the doctor about my sex drive. Ah, shit. Goddammit.

The young man stood and flushed the toilet. He'd calmed but still felt a nervous energy that seemed to pool in the pit of his stomach. His cock stirred and he pushed at it.

He wanted to touch his nipples again. To pinch and pull them and feel those sparks along his body. Derek bit his lips, pushing the urge away and feeling his face burn as he thought of Steven. He used that shameful thought to keep him from touching himself. He pictured his friend staring at his nipples and laughing. Derek's cock stirred, throbbing with the pulse of the energy in his belly.

Looking at my nipples, Derek though through the building static in his head. Naked in front of him. Blushing in shame. Aching-

Derek drew a shuddering breath, pressing a steadying hand against the wall and licking his lips. The static in his ears began to fade and he brushed long hair away from his ears before tugging quickly at an earlobe.

Steam filled the small bathroom and Derek breathed deep, drawing in the heat. The young man stepped into the shower, bowing his head to let the water run down his body. He rolled his head with a sigh as the hot water needled into his neck. Derek ran his fingers through his hair and it slid down his neck slowly to hang loose, an inch below his jaw.

Leaning back, Derek wiped streams of water away from his forehead and then gasped as the shower drilled into his nipples.

"Oh!" Derek said, stepping back from the water. He bit his lip, glancing at the closed door through the shower curtain and then stepped forward, letting the water cascade over his body. His cock swelled, bobbing in front of him with each heartbeat. The young man pressed a hand against the wall in front of him and slide the other around his chest. A dull roar started in his ears and he gasped as he squeezed against his chest.

A voice echoed in the roaring of his ears: ... feel me inside of you... Steven's voice now, rather than the man from the video.

"Y- yes," Derek said, rolling a fat nipple between his fingers. The man's chest hair slid down his body with the water flowing along his body and into the drain to leave smooth skin behind. He pulled at his nipple and the skin beneath swelled into a soft bump.

Derek squeezed his tiny breast, moaning. He kneeled carefully, grabbing his cock as he lay back against the bathtub. His balls ached painfully and something within his body felt wrong and empty but Derek jerked his cock frantically. His mind fixed on the scene from the video - the man sliding his cock into the girl and her eyes rolling back as she arched her back. The falling water seemed to caress his sensitive body.

"S- so- yesss," Derek panted, seeing the man's (Steven's, his fevered mind told him) cock again and again, sliding against the girl's wet lips, parting them and entering her.

You want to feel me inside of you? Steven asked him, inside the loud static roaring in his mind.

"Y- y-" Derek stammered and then the young man threw his head back, his mouth wide open as he came. His legs jerked, slamming against the faucet. "F- f- fuck!"

Slowly, the roar inside his head subsided and Derek unfolded carefully, covering the tiny bumps on his chest from the shower. He stood, washing himself quickly.

Freshly showered, Derek stepped out of the tub and dried himself off. When he reached his chest, he patted himself dry. The man's longer hair curled above his shoulders and he brushed it back without a thought. After a moment's hesitation, Derek wrapped the towel around his body and above his budding breasts. He blushed to the tips of his ears and the nervous energy he'd felt before returned.

"Please don't be outside," Derek whispered. He opened the bathroom door slowly and peeked out, holding the towel tight against his body. Metal clanged from the kitchen as Steven cooked and Derek could smell bacon and eggs. Quickly, he slipped through out of the bathroom and hurried to his own room and shut the door.

The towel slid to the ground and Derek shivered as the soft fabric dragged at his nipples. He looked down at himself and bit off a curse when he saw the faint bulge of his new breasts. The nipples above his breasts were erect and aching slightly. Carefully, Derek prodded his chest. They weren't exactly breasts but the skin was softer than his chest and moved when he pushed it. Beneath that, he could feel a few tiny bumps of fat.

Something seemed off but it took him a moment to realize what was wrong: his nipples were lower on his chest After a couple decades of staring at himself in the mirror, the slight difference was incredibly distracting.

Derek hunted for his cellphone and then woke it, picking through his contacts to dial the doctor's office. He sat on the edge of the bed, hunched slightly before tucking a few loose strands of hair behind his ear.

"You've reached Dr. Stewart's office," a voice said in his ear. "If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 9-1-1. If you would like to leave a message for the nurse, press 1. If-"

"Hello, you've reached nurse Pam," the message continued when Derek pressed the number '1' on his phone. "If you've reached this recording, I am busy with another-"

"Hey!" Steven yelled from the kitchen. "Breakfast is up if you want any!"

"Okay!" Derek yelled back, huddling further to hide his nipples as if Steven were in the room with him. He blushed at the thought. "There in a second!"

"-and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can," the nurse finished.

"H- Hi," Derek stuttered. He felt suddenly self-conscious and his ears burned while he tried to think of what to say. "This is Derek Miller and, uhh, I've got, uhh, well, something going on with my chest? Maybe an allergic reaction? Or, s- something?"

After leaving his callback number, Derek dug around for clean clothes. He settled on a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt from one of his favorite bands.

"Alright. You've got this," he told himself. The young man reached for the door but something caught his eyes and he looked down. Derek's nipples poked against his t-shirt, forming two obvious bumps. "Fuck!"

After more hunting, Derek found a heavy hoodie that he pulled on. He glanced down at himself and breathed a sigh of relief when he couldn't see his nipples. A cold drop of sweat slid between his shoulderblades but he forced himself to open the door and step out.

"It's gettin' cold, Derek," Steven said from the kitchen. "I ain't waitin' all day."

"Shit, man," Derek cursed as he hurried into the kitchen. "You didn't have to-"

"What?" Steven said, looking up from his plate. He was shirtless with a single, simple golden chain hanging loose on his neck.

"Ah, I-" Derek swallowed and moved to cover his sudden awkwardness. He tugged and rolled his earlobe in his fingers and could feel the nerves in his nipples lighting up. Red crept up his chest, hidden behind the hoodie. What the hell? He thought to himself.

"Did I spill something?" Steven looked down.

"Oh, no, sorry," Derek said as his cheeks began to burn with heat. His cock twitched and he winced at a twinge of pain within his balls. The twinge flared again before fading to a slow, empty ache. He busied himself by grabbing a plate of food until he felt himself calm. "Just, uhh, early. Brain's not working right yet."

"You cold?" Steven asked with an amused look, his left eyebrow raised.

"Hah, yeah, a little," Derek answered as he sat at the table. Studiously ignoring his friend, he dug into the food with relish.

"I can see that," Steven said.

Something in his voice made Derek look down and the fork dropped from his nerveless fingers. Two small, almost unnoticeable bumps pushed against his hoodie. Derek hunched over with a nervous laugh and the bumps vanished. "H-hah, yeah! Cold, I guess. Hah."

"What're you up to today?" Steven asked, stabbing a few chunks of scrambled eggs onto his fork. "Wanna hang out? Play some games maybe? Just kinda fuck around and stay inside all day?"

You want to feel me inside of you? A faint voice echoed in Derek's head. His cock stirred again and he bit his lips. "N-no, I think I'm gonna go out for a while. Do some shopping. I'll probably be home later, though."

"Cool, man," Steven answered. He chased a few pieces of food on his plate with his fork and then finished up, rinsing his plate in the sink.

Derek watched him, his eyes catching on the hard muscles of his triceps and biceps and then down to his hands while he cleaned off his plate. Another sharp pinch below his cock made him shift on his chair and he looked away. Still, he cast one last look at the other man and his long, strong fingers. His gaze swept across Steven's wide shoulders and back. Derek shivered and then forced his eyes to his plate with his jaws clenched and his nose flared.

What the hell is wrong with me? He asked himself. He could feel the nervous energy burning along his core and his erect nipples throbbed beneath his hoodie.

"Gonna read for a while in my room," Steven said. He walked to his room while he talked. "Text me when you're on your way back and we'll hang out, yeah? I might go to the bar tonight."

"Y- yeah," Derek replied, leaning against the table. Sweat beaded on his hairline and his hair lengthened slowly, tickling the skin along his neck. The chemistry within his body shifted and he gasped as a hot spike of pain stabbed through his stomach. Derek laid his head against the table while his guts churned and he closed his eyes against the waves of nausea.

The knot of pain and energy pulsed as the young man's uterus began to form. Small hairs lifted along his arms and neck and back and he drenched his clothes in cold sweat. His hair, shoulder-length now, clung wetly to him.

Eventually the nausea passed and Derek opened his eyes. He sat up slowly, weak from the pain that was only just now fading. The young man brushed his hair back and groaned, pressing his hands against his sore stomach. He turned and the room swam so he gripped the table until the room stopped spinning.

"Fuck," Derek groaned. He stood, carefully, ready to bolt to the bathroom but the pain and nausea simply vanished as if it'd never been there. The smell of food turned his stomach so the young man threw away his food, washed his plate and stacked it with Steven's plate. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Derek grabbed his keys and wallet and left.

Derek wiggled in his car seat, shifting to try to find a position that would make him feel comfortable. His tailbone seemed to ache but no amount of moving or leaning alleviated the dull pain.

The young man's first trip was short and he soon found himself parked at his doctor's office, staring at the "Closed" sign. He'd driven up to the door, close enough to read the handwritten note that said the nurse was gone and Derek remembered she'd been heavily pregnant the last time he'd been in.

With a sigh, Derek drove off, following his phone's directions to the urgent care center. The little office was located in a huge shopping center and he wound the car through the parking lot. He turned the car off and then sat, staring at the building in front of him. A sense of dread gripped him but he exited his car and went inside.

The muted interior of the health clinic was full of coughing and sneezing and wheezing and the dull droning of a local newscaster. The lights were too bright and the floors too shiny and Derek nearly turned around as soon as he'd entered. He forced himself forward where a bored receptionist pointedly ignored him. A sign in sheet, secured to the counter with a thick wire, had a list of names and Derek added his to the bottom.

Now signed in, Derek glanced around the room and then made his way to the corner, far away from everyone else and the TV. His jeans dug into his side and the plastic chairs were uncomfortable, forcing him to squirm in his seat to find a good position.

What am I going to do? He thought to himself. A cold fist seemed to grip his heart and he stared at the floor in front of him. A single bead of sweat slid from his hairline, down his neck and chest to curve around the slight swell of his nearly flat breasts. The young man shivered and hugged himself.

Time passed slowly and people shuffled back and forth. Occasionally a side door would open and the nurse would call for someone. Derek looked up nervously every time the door opened but otherwise spent the time staring inward and occasionally checking the time on his phone. The longer he sat, the more he felt the cold fingers tightening on his heart until, two hours after he arrived, he suddenly stood up and walked out without a single word.

Yeah, doctor, Derek imagined himself saying. I was just minding my own business when suddenly I grew tits. No big deal, right?

The young man shivered at a sudden gust of cold wind and he hurried to his car, starting it as soon as he sat inside. He lay his forehead against the steering wheel with a heavy sigh. He could picture the scenario and it shamed him. The doctor would examine him and see his changes, order tests that he'd have to miss work for and find some excuse to tell Steven while it was all happening.

He didn't want to admit to himself that the biggest reason was simply because he was terrified of what they'd find. And so he lied to himself and said he would wait for his doctor's office to open Monday.

Derek's hips pressed against the band of his jeans. The soft skin bulged as his hips widened, bones shifting within to match the growing uterus. He groaned as his ass swelled and skin overflowed his too-tight jeans. The young man pressed at his belly and a few exposed stomach hairs flaked away. The pressure built from within sudden, sharp cramps made him hiss through his teeth.

"Fuckin' A," Derek growled quietly, looking around the shopping center. He unzipped his pants, sighing in the sudden relief of pressure. A large Target dominated the shopping center and he shifted into reverse to drive over to it. The cramps were dull but would flare occasionally as if something was digging into his stomach with sharp claws and he prayed the bathrooms were empty at the store.

Parking quickly, Derek stepped out of his car and quickly made his way to the store. The overly large hoodie hid the front of his unzipped pants but not the curves of his new, larger ass or hips. Halfway to the store, the cramps eased and then vanished as they had earlier.

"What the hell?" Derek said out loud, stopping in front of the opened automatic doors. He slid his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and then pressed them against his stomach. There was still pressure and a faint need to pee but the pain was completely gone.

When two young women stepped around Derek to go into the store, he excused himself and stepped inside after them. Derek glanced around to find the men's section and then walked through the store, tugging occasionally at his pants to keep them up. He stared at the floor in front of himself, ignoring everything and everyone around him in the hopes that they wouldn't notice what he was doing.

Safely in the mostly deserted men's section, Derek tried to zip his pants. The zipper caught halfway up, refusing to move. He glared down at his stomach, trying again and again before stomping his foot and cursing.

Derek moved to the jeans section and he pawed through them until he found a size larger than he normally wore. He grabbed the jeans and stalked angrily over to the changing room where a busy store employee was racking unwanted clothes. He took the jeans into the changing room, kicked off his shoes and eased out of his old, tight jeans with a luxurious sigh.

The young man leaned against the wall and pulled on the new pants. He zipped them up and buttoned them and then looked at himself in the mirror.

The jeans fit entirely wrong. He could feel them pinching his balls and digging into his crotch. The front of the jeans were pressed tightly against his thighs but the backs hung loose. He turned and stared, frowning at the back of jeans. The bulged awkwardly at his waist. And, although he'd chosen pants with the same length, they seemed to be too long for him.
