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"Maybe a different brand?" He asked himself, turning back and forth and pulling at the crotch.

Seeing himself in the wide, full length mirror gave him an idea. With a quick look around the room, as if someone might be standing in the room with him, Derek pulled his shirt and hoodie off, letting them fall to the ground.

Derek's eyes were immediately drawn to the flare of his hips. He stared, wide-eyed at his body and the way his skin seemed to just curve outward to the sides. The young man pressed his hands against his hips and then around to his ass, feeling their generous curves.

"What the-" He whispered, staring at himself.

Movement dragged his eyes upward to his chest. His fat nipples were shifting lazily and, as he watched, his flat breasts seemed to fill as, within, milk ducts and fat formed. The nipples pushed out while his breasts bulged. He grabbed his chest, squeezing the soft skin and flesh, trying to hold the skin down against his body. He stared at them and knew now, undeniably, that he had actual breasts like a woman and not just a strange allergic reaction.

Derek hefted his small, warm breasts and then looked down at his wide hips. A rude voice called out in his memory: Why don't you ask your girlfriend why you got a hard on?

"Oh. Fuck," Derek whispered. He lunged for his phone, digging for the number to the comedy club.

"Laugh Club," a feminine voice answered in Derek's ear. "Can we help you?"

"H- Hi!" Derek said. He looked away from the mirror and tucked loose strands of hair behind his ear. "Uh, I- is Telesto the magician there? Can I speak to him, please? It's urgent."

"Oh," the voice replied. "I'm afraid he left this morning."

Derek's heart sank. His eyes flicked to the mirror and then away. "Uh. Is. Is there a number I can reach him at? Does he have an office nearby?"

"No, I'm sorry," the woman said. "I mean he left back to Italy. I can give you the number for his agent but I believe Telesto's flight won't land until tomorrow."

"Oh god," Derek said. "H-hold on, I'm going to put you on speaker so I can save the number. Go ahead please."

The woman gave him the number and Derek entered it into his phone and thanked her before hanging up.

"Oh, fuck," Derek said, pacing the small room. He winced as the pants squeezed his balls. "Fuck fuck fuck!"

"Sir?" A young woman asked from outside the changing room. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes!" Derek said, his heart leaping suddenly into his throat. "I'll- I'll be out in a minute. Sorry!"

Derek pulled his shirt and hoodie back on, followed by his old pants. He struggled into them but left them unbuttoned. He stared at himself before leaving the room and his face paled.

He could see the bulge of his breasts in the hoodie now and his nipples tented the thick fabric.

Goddammit! He raged mentally, grinding his teeth as his cheeks reddened. He stood and thought for a moment with his eyes squeezed shut. A low buzz hummed at the edge of his hearing. I have to do something until Sunday. Until I can talk to Telesto. The fuck- Goddammit. Steven will see me. I can't. I can't let him see me like this. He saw my nipples and there's no way I can hide this from him. God. What would he even think of me? Staring at my breasts like he did this morning. Eyeing me and seeing my hard nipples only now it'd be my breasts all soft and warm and aching for his big, strong hands and-

Derek blinked rapidly, shaking his head to clear the buzzing. He stared at the door for a moment while trying to remember what he'd been doing.

I have to do something until Sunday, he told himself.

Opening the door, he handed the store's pants back to the worker waiting outside. The young man hunched his body to hide his breasts and then walked through the store until he stood in the women's section. The blush from his cheeks was creeping down his chest and his heart seemed to thunder in his ears.

"E- excuse me," he said quietly to a passing employee. His hands began to sweat and he stared at the worker's feet. "D- do you have something to h- hide- to make it so- I just. Breasts. To flatten them a little? F- for someone else."

"Oh, honey," the worker said quietly, touching his arm. "It's okay. Yeah, follow me. I can show you some sports bras in our fitness section."

Derek wiped away a sudden tear of shame and gratitude and followed the woman. She led him to a separate area full of tight black spandex pants and sports bras and other workout gear. For women.

"Do," the woman paused, considering her words. "Do you need help looking?"

"No," Derek gasped, his face burning. "No, thank you."

Sensing how incredibly uncomfortable he was, the young woman walked away and Derek glanced around the area, happy to see nobody else there. He walked around the little section until he found a plain white sports bra that seemed like it would fit. He balled it up, stole another look and then quickly made his way to the where women's jeans were.

Blood thundered in Derek's ears. Two women were shopping in the same section. He hesitated, considered waiting until they left, but then forced himself forward. The women's jeans were laid out differently than men so he started in the larger section, randomly picking pairs off the rack to hold up to his body.

He quickly realized that he'd shrunk a little bit. Like the pants he'd tried on, his old jeans bunched at his ankles, the legs too long for him now.

This is wrong. This is all wrong, he thought as he held another pair of jeans against his body. He pulled the waist out to match his now wide hips and then he folded them over his arms, nearly running for the changing room. Only when he pushed at the door did he realize he'd gone into the women's changing room. Fuck fuck fuck fuck!

Derek slipped into the changing room and closed the door, leaning back against it while his heart pounded. He quickly slid his hoodie and shirt off and struggled into the sports bra, hissing when it pulled at his longer hair. He shrugged it down over his body and then stared at himself.

The slow burn of arousal flared within the pit of his stomach as he saw a woman's body in the mirror. He slipped out of his men's jeans and turned to stare at his large ass, bulging against his now-tight boxer briefs. His cock stirred and hardened and he felt the head drag against his smooth thighs, making him shiver.

The young man pressed a hand against the fat of his belly, standing taller and sucking in his little gut to make himself leaner. The buzz in his head grew louder. Shame turned to wonder as he began to admire his curves. He slid his hands down his waist, over his hips and back along his ass, fingers reaching down. Derek gripped his own ass and nearly moaned as he spread the cheeks, massaging the firm skin beneath his underwear.

"Shit," he whispered, snatching his hands away. He looked down, grabbing the new pants and pulling them on. They hugged his hips and he whispered a silent prayer of thanks when he was able to button them all the way up.

The sudden loud beep of his phone almost made him scream and he swallowed hard, digging into his hoodie for the phone.

"Steven!" He said happily at the text waiting for him. He grinned and stood straighter while he unlocked his phone and read the message.

Hey, Steven wrote. We hanging out tonight?

Yeah, Derek wrote back. Definitely! Gaming on the couch together?

Derek stared at his phone but when Steven didn't answer immediately, he set it down and then cursed himself. He grabbed his shirt, sliding it on and shivering as it scratched against his bare, sensitive skin. The hoodie followed and he breathed a heavy sigh of relief. His breasts and nipples were hidden. He stood up straight and twisted his body but he couldn't see the bulges at all.

"Well, thank god," he whispered. "What the hell were you thinking, Derek? Fucking spending time with Steven? Grab some food and spend the night in your room until you get fucking Telesto on the fucking phone and figure out-"

His phone buzzed and Derek snatched it.

The bar, Steven had texted. Candice will be there and I think I might ask her out.

"No!" Derek said as jealousy stabbed through him. The heat within his core flared and the buzzing turned to static. He pictured Steven from this morning, shirtless and muscular and effortlessly sexy and the heat pooled in his stomach. His cock hardened, throbbing against his leg and his balls began to ache. He could almost feel his fingers tracing along the muscles of Steven's back and he shivered from the sudden need. And the emptiness building deep within. Mine! He's mine! That bitch doesn't deserve him!

Derek's nostrils flared and he breathed deeply again and again. Slowly, the buzzing receded and he began to calm. Steven's sharp imagine faded and fractured in his mind and he felt a strange sense of loss come over him. He tried to grab at the fading image but they slipped away and left him wondering what he'd missed.

The young man pulled his socks and shoes on and then left the changing room.

"Excuse me," he said to the worker in charge of the rooms. He brushed his hair back over his shoulder. "Can- can I just wear the clothes I bought and still pay for them?"

Oh, sure, hun," the lady told him with a quick glance. "Just take the tags off and they can scan them up front."

Derek walked away, not realizing the lady hadn't been bothered to see him in the women's changing room.


The sun hung low in the sky, filling clouds with dark red and orange threads while Derek drove back to the city. His mind was a mix of emotions that he couldn't understand but every time he tried to grab one and follow it, they lead to Steven.

A sudden loud honk woke Derek from his thoughts and he tittered nervously, pulling his car back completely into his lane. The young man mouthed "sorry" as the angry driver passed him by.

Focus, he told himself. He glanced into his rearview mirror and then sat up to stare at his face, suddenly self-conscious. You're fine, see? You look fine. You'll get there and Steven will be there and you'll figure out what the hell is going on.

Derek sat back, wriggling into his seat and then watched as his exit passed by. He stared, turning his head and then cursed as he swerved lanes to a blare of more car horns.

"Sorry!" Derek said to nobody in particular. He shook his head and then tried to remember the next best way to the bar. Another exit passed and Derek slammed his hands on the wheel. He reached down to wake his phone and then quickly up to jerk the wheel over. "Google!"

A family passed in their car and everyone but the driver looked at Derek while they passed. The mother in the passenger seat glared at Derek. The young man glanced down at his phone, wondering why it wasn't talking back to him.

"Oh, right," Derek said. "Uh. Okay, Google! How do I get to the bar?"

When the phone didn't reply out loud, he glanced down to see a list of random, nearby bars. He stared at it for a moment, confused. "No, I meant Doyle's."

Nothing changed on the phone and Derek sighed loudly, rolling his eyes. He pressed the home button on his phone, swerving in his lane. Another exit passed.

"Ugh. Okay, Google!" Derek said with a dramatic sigh. "How do I get to Doyle's?"

The phone opened up menus and a voice came on, notifying him it was navigating to his bar.

"Finally," Derek sighed again. He glanced at himself in the rearview mirror and then sat back when a car honked at him and he found himself in the middle of two lanes.

Derek looked away as the car passed him and then rubbed his forehead. Thick eyebrow hairs came away, leaving a delicate arch of hair above both eyes.

"You look fine," he reassured himself. He followed his phone's directions to make a big loop back into the center of the city. "Don't worry. He'll still be there and you can just talk stuff out with him. Figure stuff out. And just spend some time with him. You'll be okay."


Derek stepped into Doyle's, remembering at the last moment to check his hoodie but his breasts were still hidden. He walked in and immediately saw Steven at the bar. Candice was at the other end, signing into the register.

A tumultuous flood of emotions coursed through Derek but, chief among them was relief. He grinned and made his way to the bar.

"Hey Steven!" Derek said, sitting by his friend. Heat pulsed in him, slow and steady, rising from his heart beat to become an entirely separate thing that plucked at his nerves. He could feel his nipples stirring beneath the sports bra and the thought of that caused his cock to stir.

"Derek, yo," Steven said, turning to his friend. "Thought you'd be here earlier."

"Hah," Derek laughed. "Yeah, got lost being silly. Just, uhh, distracted."

"Steven!" Candice said from the other side of the bar. She walked closer, cocking her head at Derek. "Oh. Oh, Derek, hey. You're... growing your hair out?"

Derek blushed and reached back to touch his hair. He ran his fingers down his scalp and then further, his eyes widening as he felt the silk strands reaching down to his back. He laughed nervously and stared down at the bar. "Y- yeah, guess so!"

"Hey Candice," Steven said with a grin. "My usual, please."

Derek twirled a strand of his hair in his finger. He was surprised at how soft his hair was and how long it was. He gripped the hair in his fingers and-

"Derek?" Candice asked. "Your usual?"

"Huh?" Derek said, looking up. "Oh! Oh, sorry, yeah! Sorry."

"Should've gotten a haircut while you were out," Steven told his friend. "You're gonna get a ton of shit for that at work."

"You- you don't like it?" Derek asked. He stared at Candice while she pulled their beers and he felt an ugly jealousy take hold of him. She isn't that pretty after all. Steven could do better than her. He's way out of her league. My-

"I mean, it's whatever," Steven said with a shrug. "But you work with the warehouse and those assholes look for any excuse to give people shit."

Candice came over with two tall glasses of beer, setting them down on coasters in front of the two friends.

"What're you two boys up to tonight?" Candice asked, her eyes locked on Steven.

So fucking obvious, too! Derek fumed, watching the way Candice looked at his friend. I mean, her tits are okay, I guess. And bigger than- well, they're okay. But her ass isn't that great and that's what he looks for.

"Drinkin' and chatting," Steven answered. "You busy tonight? I mean at the bar. You should drop by our side every so often."

"I'd like-" Candice said.

"Yeah, I'm drinking too," Derek interrupted. "We were going to spend the day together playing video games but I had to go out for a little bit. We'll probably play tonight. Stay up late, drink some more and play until midnight and-"

Steven and Candice stared at Derek and the young man blushed as he realized he was rambling. His ears buzzed with static and he took a huge gulp of his drink to hide his embarrassment.

"Well, maybe," Steven said after a moment.

"Duty calls," Candice said, signaling at a group of customers that just walked in.

The two men drank and talked about work and nothing important. Derek found himself growing tipsy and often lost the thread of the conversation. Steven distracted him - the way his eyes caught the light and the rough stubble at his cheeks and the curve of his lips.

"-and I just don't know what the hell to say to her," Steven said.

Derek blushed and looked away from Steven's lips. "I'm sorry, I totally didn't hear what you said."

"I was saying I don't know how to ask Candice out," Steven said.

"Oh," Derek said, looking down at his lap. "Maybe you shouldn't."

"What the hell?" Steven asked. "I thought you wanted me to?"

"I mean, I did," Derek explained, locking his fingers together in his lap. He glanced up at his friend and then down again and his ears started to burn. "But, well, look at her. She's not that pretty and I think you could do better."

"You're fucking blind, man," Steven laughed, taking a drink. "She's hot as fuck."

"You're wrong!" Derek blurted and the burn moved from his ears to his cheeks. He tried to find the words but they kept twisting in his head and on his tongue. "She's- I just think- I mean she's not-"

"Well, I think-" Steven said while Derek muttered.

Static roared in Derek's ears and his heart pounded. The slow burn from earlier was winding its way through his body. His knee brushed Steven's leg and he left it there until Steven moved his leg. He wanted to touch his friend. He needed Steven to touch him.

Sunday, he remembered. T- Tel- the magician will be back Sunday. Home Sunday. I can fix this. I can-

Derek looked down at himself. Seated, he could see his wide ass and hips flaring out to his sides. He could feel his breasts beneath the sports bra. His body felt alive and the touch of the strands of his hair on his bare neck made him shiver.

A small part of him began to wonder, through the static, if it was so bad after all. And whether he wanted the changes to stop. He'd felt dull and rudderless before, just making his way through life and now here he sat, next to his incredibly hot friend and for the first time, he wanted something. No, he thirsted for his friend. Steven pulled at his entire being and he could stop himself from desiring him more than anything he had in life. And was that so bad?

But, Candice, he thought to himself. I need to get him away from her. How?

"-and it's just time to move on, you know?" Steven finished.

Derek reached for his friend's leg but then snatched his hand back.

"I want to go home," Derek said with a small voice.

"You feeling okay?" Steven asked, looking over at his friend.

"Yeah. I mean, no, but I just, I want to go home," Derek said, staring at his hands again.

"Alright, man," Steven nodded slowly. "Hey, Candice! What's your schedule like-"

Derek reached for his friend and touched his arm. "I want- I want you to come home, too."

"Uh," Steven said, staring at Derek's hand. "Why?"

Thoughts raced through Derek's head, too fast for him to grab. Excuses came and went, most too lame for him to even think of while complex one made his head hurt. He took his hand away. "I'm leaving. Town. I'm leaving town."

"What the hell, man? What do you mean?"

"I- I got a job offer. From. From my uncle," Derek stuttered. He knew it sounded dumb but he couldn't stop himself or come up with anything better. "In a different state. Today. He called me today. I want- I want to go home and drink with you before I leave."

"That's fucking sudden, man! What about rent? What about- are you coming back? Dude, what the hell?"

"I," Derek swallowed. He could feel sudden tears forming in the corners of his eyes but refused to cry. His throat seemed to close and emotions threatened to pick him apart. Deep within his body, hormones raged as he began to accept the changes. "I'll pay my rent. I just have to go. Tomorrow. I'll call. Or text. I'll text. Please. Just for tonight. Please."

"Well, goddammit, man!" Steven fumed, staring at Derek. "I- We've known each other for forever. Where the hell did this come from suddenly? I don't give a damn about the rent but you leaving-"
