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Morgan quickly took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. Up close he could see that her hair was matted and greasy and her clothes were dirty. He was also aware that she didn't smell too clean. Morgan dropped to sit beside her, Susan looked surprised and pulled the jacket tightly around her.

"Thanks, um Morgan isn't it?" she smiled weakly at him. "You don't want to be seen with me you know."

"Why what's happened, I saw you leave the YM, and you looked upset."

Susan laughed bitterly.

"Upset, you think I'm upset, how the fuck do you expect me to feel?" She demanded anger making her face flush.

"I-I'm sorry, uh I guess." Morgan stammered.

Susan looked closely at him.

"You didn't know did you? Oh Jesus, I'm sorry Morgan." Susan smiled weakly.

"What's happened, I mean you look, um..."

"A mess, yeah I know. Um I got knocked up that's what."


"Yeah, oh, now you can call me a slut and storm off like everyone else."

"I don't understand." Morgan said looking down at the sand.

"Well that's what everyone else has said. Graham put it about that it wasn't his and that I was sleeping around. He even told my folks that. They kicked me out on Monday and I've been ... been s ... sleeping on t ... the beach since." Susan's tears started again. Without thinking Morgan put his arm around her and pulled her close. Susan let him and cried into his chest. Eventually her tears stopped, Morgan was about to remove his arm when he noticed Susan's breathing had slowed.

Morgan sat there for a moment wondering what to do with the sleeping girl in his arms. Eventually he decided to try and take her back to his flat, at least she could get cleaned up. Gently laying Susan down he found a rucksack a few yards behind her that he figured was probably hers. Pulling on the rucksack he bent down a tried to pick Susan up. Morgan was surprised at how light she felt in his arms. He kept to the back streets as he went, judging from the reactions to Susan that he had already heard he decided that it would be best not to be spotted.

About halfway home Morgan leant back against a wall and wished he could do something about his leaden arms, it suddenly occurred to him that if she were to wake up like this Morgan could easily end up in trouble. Shrugging his shoulders he pushed off from the wall and headed home.

Chapter 2B

Susan woke suddenly, for the first time in a week she was warm and in a comfortable bed, she stretched her sore muscles. She suddenly sat up with a start, where was she? The last thing she remembered was some guy's arm pulling her tight as she cried. Who was it? Oh yeah that geeky guy, sort of sweet but very shy, um Morgan that was it.

Susan looked around her, the room was quite plain but clean and tidy. Which was more than you could say for her. Susan looked down at herself, she was still wearing the skirt and top she had left home in on Monday. A panic gripped her, where was her stuff, she relaxed when she saw her pack just behind the bedside cabinet.

She realised that Morgan must have got her here and put her to bed, in his own bed, and in this state. His bed was gonna stink now. What the hell would his parents think, he was what fourteen fifteen and brought home a pregnant slut. Jesus is that guy ever going to be in trouble with his folks.

Susan clambered out of bed and grabbed her pack. Pulling it on she nervously opened the door.

Chapter 2C

Morgan stood at his little cooker warming some soup, he had checked on Susan a few minutes ago and thought she would wake up soon. When he heard the bedroom door open he turned towards it smiling shyly.

Susan stood in the open doorway looking terrified.

"Hi, did you sleep well?" Morgan asked as cheerfully as he could. He was scared, if she screamed or whatever now he could be done for abduction or even worse.

"Um, yeah like a baby, uh how did I get here." Susan asked softly.

"Uh you fell asleep against me on the beach and I couldn't just leave you there."

"So what did you get your folks to pick me up?"

Morgan looked embarrassed. "Uh, no I carried you. Sorry but I had to."

"Oh, sorry, um, what did your folks say when you brought me home."

"No folks, just me." Susan watched a shadow pass over Morgan's face. "Anyway there's soup almost ready, only a tin of mushroom, sorry. Um do you want to get a bath first?"

"Uh, please if you don't mind, then I'll get out of your way." Susan clutched her pack tightly and disappeared into the offered bathroom.

While she was busy Morgan turned the soup down and stripped and remade the bed. By the time she came out of the bathroom looking cleaner Morgan had put two bowls of soup on the table along with a plate of bread and butter.

"Uh, I'd better get out of your way. Sorry to intrude and thanks for the bath and, well you know."

"Um, why don't you sit and have some soup at least before you go." Morgan told her.

"Are you sure, I mean, I don't want to cause you trouble. I mean you've been so..." Susan broke down in tears again. Morgan led her to the table and got her to sit.

After a moments hesitation Susan started in on her soup like she hadn't eaten in a week, Morgan guessed that was probably the case.

"It isn't true you know." She said when she had finished the soup.

"What isn't?"

"That I'm a slut who fucks around and got pregnant after a gang bang." Susan looked like she was going to cry again before she pulled herself together.

"Sit there a minute." Morgan went to his room and fetched a hairbrush. Standing behind Susan he started trying to brush the tangles out of her long blond hair.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Morgan asked softly as he worked.

Susan sighed. "He was my first."

"Who Graham?"

"Yeah, bastard told me not to worry, he would pull out, but he didn't and that was all it took. At first when I told Graham I was pregnant he seemed pleased, told me he would look after me, so I told my parents." Now her tears began again.

"The next day when I went over to see him I had people shouting at me, asking how much I ch ... charged, and calling me a slut. When I got to Graham's house his d ... dad told me I had a nerve trying to blame it on his son." Morgan knelt beside of her chair and held Susan until her tears slowed up.

"When I got back home I found that Graham had rung my dad and told him that I had been selling myself down at the beach and he had just stumped up a tenner like all the other guys. And my d ... dad b ... believed him. He t ... told me to get out, he didn't want to ever see me again."

"How old are you Susan?" Morgan asked her eventually.

"F ... fifteen, I'll be s ... sixteen in a couple of months, then I guess I will have to go to the council and see if they can get me somewhere to live."

Morgan looked thoughtful. "Well you can't live on the beach until the council sort you out can you? I mean what have you been doing for food."

"Um, I had about five pounds when I left, but that's gone now. I'm sorry I can't give you anything for the soup." Susan yawned.

"Look I need to go and get some shopping and go to the laundromat. Why don't you go back to bed for a couple of hours."

"Um if you don't mind I will, then I had better get going." she whispered.

"You can stay here until you get yourself sorted." Morgan told her gently.

"Are you sure, I mean what are people going to think of you?" Susan asked tiredly.

"Yeah I'm sure. I really don't care what anyone thinks. Do you want me to take the stuff you were wearing to the laundry."

"Please, if you don't mind." Susan yawned again as she stood up.

Chapter 2D

Susan woke for the second time in this small bed. Looking around with a slight sigh she thought she ought to get up. She looked at the bedside clock for a moment before it registered that it was morning again, that would make it Sunday. Her stomach grumbled to remind her she was hungry.

Susan climbed from the bed and quickly dressed before leaving the room. She found Morgan asleep on the sofa. Looking down at the sleeping boy Susan was puzzled.

Why had he been so nice to her when everyone else was treating her like a piece of shit? And how come he lived on his own? He couldn't be much older than she was.

Looking around the flat Susan guessed that he hadn't been living here long, there were no pictures on the walls and not much furniture. She looked back over to Morgan, her face hardened for a moment.

"Did he expect her to lie back and open her legs for giving her somewhere to sleep for a couple of nights? Well if that was his plan he could stick it, she would rather go back to the beach, although he was quite sweet, nerdy, but sweet."

Chapter 2E

Morgan woke to the smell of frying bacon. After checking he was decent he raised himself to sit on the sofa and looked over to the kitchen area, he could see Susan standing at the cooker.

"Um, morning." Morgan said yawning.

Susan looked over to him and smiled. "Morning did you sleep well?"

Morgan laughed. "No not too well, but we can sort that later."

Susan swallowed nervously, "Oh, how?"

"um I've got another bed in storage, if we put it over in that corner," Morgan indicated a bare corner of the room. "We should be able to rig up a curtain around it."

Susan looked like she wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed.

"Oh, but I thought..."

"Sorry?" Morgan looked confused.

"Never mind, um how are you going to get the bed here, I mean I guess you can't drive."

"No not till next year," Morgan smiled, "the same way I got everything to the storage unit, I've got an old barrow I can use."

After breakfast Morgan went out with his barrow to collect the spare bed from the storage space where he had put all the things from his foster parents old house. By the time he came back he found that Susan had cleaned the flat through while he was gone.

Working together they got the bed upstairs and set up in the corner of the room. A couple of old curtains made a screen around the bed, and Morgan moved most of his clothes into his little bedroom space.

They settled into a simple routine, Susan would look after the flat and took care of Morgan's meals for him. Morgan worked all week except for the college course that Saul had arranged for him on a Tuesday, then he was out until nine in the evening studying computer maintenance. Morgan now had to work on a Saturday to make up his hours, but the day was spent maintaining and upgrading the company's computers so Morgan didn't have to work too hard.

About four months later Susan was sitting on the sofa while Morgan was making them a cup of tea. When he came back with the tea he looked down at Susan, now eight months pregnant she looked even more beautiful to Morgan.

"There you go Susan, I'm feeling a bit tired so I am going to take my tea to bed and read for a bit ok?" he said as he put her mug down on the small table.

"Thanks, um before you go Morgan there's something I need to tell you." Susan looked nervous.

Morgan sat heavily on the chair opposite her. He had been dreading this, the day when Susan would tell him she was moving out.


"I had a letter today from the council housing department. They refused me a flat, apparently me and the baby don't rate anything more than a bedsit."

"Oh!" Morgan knew it would come. "Have they given you a moving date?"

"No not yet, not until the baby is born. Have a guess who the housing officer was that signed the letter."

"I, I don't know, I don't think I know anyone who works there."

"Graham's mum. She's responsible for my case, that's why I'll never get anywhere." Susan was crying again.

Morgan moved over and sat beside Susan, he gently pulled her towards his chest.

"You can stay here as long as you need to, I w ... was thinking maybe I sh ... should look for a two bedroom flat."

Susan looked up at him through tear filled eyes.

"Why are you doing this Morgan? I mean when you first took me in I thought it was because you fancied me and thought I would be an easy lay. But you haven't laid a finger on me or anything." Susan looked unhappy. "I don't understand, you've taken me in, bought a cot for the baby, clothes and stuff that I need. Why, you obviously don't find me attractive, but then that's not surprising I look like a whale."

Morgan blushed.

"I ... I ... need to go to bed." Morgan went to get up but Susan pulled him back down again.

"Morgan I need to know. If you are doing this because you feel sorry for me then I'll take the bedsit. I need to know why you want me and the baby here."

Morgan slouched in the chair and held his face in his hands for a moment before looking at the girl beside of him. He sighed.

"I think, I think it's lots of things. I ... I've never had a real family, I like the idea of being part of a family. I hate the idea that your baby could go through what I've been through. But mostly it's um," Morgan looked down at his feet and went quiet.

Susan watched Morgan for a moment. She was touched that this sweet man wanted the best for her unborn baby, even though it wasn't his.

"Mostly what?" She asked softly.

"Please don't." Morgan mumbled and quickly got up from the chair and ran to the alcove he called his bedroom. Susan looked after him for a moment then struggled to her feet to follow him.

She found Morgan lying face down on his bed.

"Morgan you have got to tell me!" she whispered as she sat on the side of the bed.

Morgan groaned.

"Because I love you alright! Because I've always loved you!" Morgan snapped. "There now you know, the pathetic little nerd loves you. Now you can go and have a laugh about it with your friends." Susan could see his shoulders shaking.

"Why was that so hard to say?" She asked and stretching out on the bed snuggled as close to his stiff body as her bulging belly would allow. "I love you too, at first I just thought you were nice, sweet. But over the last few months I've grown to love you."

Morgan mumbled something, Susan leant over him to try to hear him better.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"I said, I don't know what to do!" Morgan mumbled again, a little clearer this time.

"Well you could start by kissing me. Then when this little monster" Susan slipped her hand between them and rubbed her large belly. "is born we can take it from there."

Morgan rolled over carefully and laid his forehead against Susan's.

"Why?" he asked.

"Why do I want you to kiss me, because I like to kiss the man I love, that's why."

"No I mean why do you love me? I mean you're this beautiful woman and I'm just a skinny nerd with crap glasses." Morgan's voice sounded heavy with unshed tears.

Susan stared at Morgan, her hand came up and gently caressed the side of his face.

"When I first saw you at the 'YM' I must admit I thought you were cute but geeky. Then when you found me on the beach and brought me home I thought you reckoned I would be an easy lay."

Susan saw Morgan frowning at her words. When he opened his mouth to speak she lightly put a finger to his lips.

"Wait, let me finish. Since I've been here you have treated me so well, better than anyone ever has, yet you've never touched me, never made the suggestive comments that guys always seem to make. You've treated me more like a sister, or like someone you felt pity for." Morgan could see the tears forming in Susan's eyes.

"I have found that you are a caring, sensitive and wonderful man. I'm afraid I was selfishly hoping that you could learn to love me and my baby, I couldn't think of a better father for him or her." Susan leant forward slightly and kissed Morgan on the lips, a simple chaste kiss but to Morgan it was one of the most incredible moments of his life so far.

"I never knew you felt this way about me." Morgan whispered. "I've tried to be careful to hide how I felt 'cos I didn't want you to feel you were under any pressure to do anything you didn't want too. I didn't want you to think that you would have to do things with me just so that you could live here."

Susan kissed Morgan again, this time her lips parted and her small tongue prised his lips apart. For a moment Morgan froze, this was so new to him, so unexpected. Susan was just about to pull away, disappointed at what seemed like Morgan's rejection of her. Coming to his senses Morgan reached around Susan and pulled her towards him as tightly as he dared. His mouth opened and his tongue joined hers in exploring new territory.

A little later they just lay there holding each other when Susan shifted a little uncomfortably.

"Can we move this to the other room. This bed is a little small for all three of us, and too soft for my back at the moment." She asked Morgan giving him a quick kiss.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Morgan blushed.

"Ok then, you get ready for bed and turn out the lights and join me in five minutes. Ok love." Susan climbed off the bed leaving Morgan stunned. Susan seemed to be asking him to sleep with her, what was he supposed to do?

Quickly changing into his pajamas Morgan went around the flat and locked up before turning out the lights. He stood outside the bedroom door for a while in the darkness, just listening. When he heard Susan climb into bed Morgan tried to still his nerves and opened the door.

Susan was sitting up in bed with one of the bedside lamps on. She was wearing an opaque nightie but Morgan could easily see the outline of her large breasts, she had been quite small breasted but they had grown as her pregnancy progressed. She smiled at him and Morgan tried not to stare as he crossed the distance to the bed. Susan lifted the covers and invited him in.

Morgan's hand was shaking as he climbed into the bed.

Chapter 3

Morgan sat back and smiled at Sally.

"Well that's pretty much how it happened. Now I'm beat, I'm off up to bed. See you in the morning love." Morgan gave Sally a kiss on the forehead and stood up.

"Hey that's no fair!" She complained. "You stopped when it got to the interesting bits!"

Morgan grinned at her from the doorway.

"Its a hard life isn't it." he chuckled as he went up the stairs.

After quickly washing and brushing his teeth Morgan climbed into bed, he lay there staring at the ceiling. Sally's young body occupied his every thought, well almost every thought, Alice's body the only time he had seen her in a swimsuit came to mind as well. He was reliving the blowjob Sally had given him in the carpark when the door quietly opened. Sally walked in dressed in a cotton nightdress, before Morgan could mutter a complaint she climbed into the bed beside of him.

"Sally what the hell?" Morgan sputtered wishing his hard on would go down.

"I told you Morgan, it's time we moved on with our lives and this is the next step. We are not going to have sex, yet. I want Alice to be here for that. Now carry on with the story." Sally said as she got herself comfortable in the bed with her head on Morgan's chest.

"Um, well we just had a kiss or two and went to sleep that night, but when we woke up I was spooned to Susan's back." Sally sighed, partly because it sounded so sweet, but mostly because she loved the way she could feel Morgan's voice rumble through his chest as he talked. On a whim she turned over and tried to pull Morgan into her back. Amused he complied, Sally could feel his hot breath on her ear.

"Like this?" she asked.

Morgan paused for a moment savoring the young body pressing against him. His manhood was pressing against her butt cheeks just as they had against her mother's butt all those years ago.

"Yeah, very much like this. Um, Susan was already awake and when she felt me stir she pulled my hand over to her breast." Sally repeated the action.

"Like this? Then what happened?"

"Uh yeah, like that. Um at first I didn't know what to do, so Susan lead my hand over her breast showing me what she liked."
