On the Git of Go


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"Reddy remember that kid who stuck a yogurt cup in his pocket. It popped on the way up, so he started eating it. With his fingers, right out of his pocket. His partner lost it right there, in his own soft helmet. Then just threw it out the door."

Kat's green and making little gulping noises. "I don't think I want breakfast right now, damn you Dee!"

"Oh I'm sooo sorry kitten."

"I really believe that!"

Reddy just stands there laughing, shaking his head. "Well I guess more for me."

Kat punches Reddy in the shoulder. "Just for that you dumb red neck, I'll eat it anyway!"

"Hey Dee, let's eat up in a hurry, find that cute chick Pam and throw her ass out of the plane."

"Kind of like that did ya Reddy? You and Dee take good care of her today, I got plans."

Kat's got that evil grin on her face. I can see little wheels turning in that devious little mind of hers. I look over at her, kind of stroking my chin.

"Oh just like Santa, wishes and wishes." Kat's laughing.

"You guys better hurry, and I'll talk to you later, Dee. You guys let her down yesterday. So take good care of her today. Keep Mandy and Marta in mind too. You got your marching orders, so hop to it."

So we did. Found Pam right away, got on the first load. Made sure we did all the safety pin checks with her. Pin checks are, I'll check your gear, and then you check mine. Checked to see that all our altimeters are set right. AAD's are set for the right opening level. AAD's are a relatively new piece of safety equipment, Automatic Activation device. This will pull a chute open for you, if you don't. Everyone thinks skydiving is so dangerous, and it kind of is. But we do everything we can to minimize that danger.

The gear is very simple to use, but works very well. It's been tested over a lot of years. The attitude is like those pin checks, we all watch out for each other. Standing in line, you look at everyone else's gear, making sure it's good. Moving around in and out of the plane, you watch for anything getting hung up or caught. It's always, I'll check over all my stuff, and watch over all yours. You watch over all mine, and everyone else you can see. Buddy, buddy whose watching your buddy, EVERYONE.

We took Pam out and did a little three way with her to see how she flew, a little problem holding the same vertical level, nothing bad. Just needed a little practice. Reddy and I have two full rigs, and there's a Canadian girl. Who trades three pack jobs for a jump ticket. We kept her busy yesterday, will today too. So alternate one jump with the girls, next hustling a bigger load.

Next jump was with all three girls. Marta's real good flier, she must have a lot of jumps. Mandy's getting there, Pam needs work but she'll do. All three of them had trouble falling with Reddy, big boy, falls like a fuckin rock. Rock and roll today, I might get up to eight jumps today if I can take the buzz.

Twin Otter's been up and down fast all day. With everything right close on the ranch. It moved along great all day. We got three dives with the girls. Jumped in on four bigger dives. Marta slid over to the bigger jumps after that one jump. Next jump was Reddy, Mandy, Pam and I. Kept it to fun shit, ended with a crack the whip with Pam on the end. Crack the whip sky diving, is like flying an airplane in a loop, except it starts diving down. Last person gets thrown off in space, tumbling through the sky.

We're on the last jump of the day, woo-hoo got my eight jumps today. This last is just Reddy, Pam and I. Talking to Pam on the plane, I asked if she got a chance to check out the island yet. You can see the look on Reddy's face. He knows what's going to happen. He's seen me pull this trick before.

We're the last people off the plane, just do some small turns around each other. At eight grand I give Reddy the heads up, reach over grab Pam's pilot chute and throw it out. Boom, up she goes, main chute popping open around seven grand. Well she'll have a good long ride down. I just doubled the time it's going to take her to land. She'll have a chance to look the island over now too. Reddy and I just sit back, falling, watch her streak up in the sky. We hook legs and just spin around, flop over and track off.

We both skip the landing area and land right by the RV. We're just whooping it up, laughing. That draws Kat out of the RV.

"What's so funny?"

Kat looks at me lying on the ground, Reddy sitting by me. She puts her hands on her hips.

"What did you two do and where is Pam?" I just point up to the sky. "Oh...you dumped her out high, didn't you?" Reddy shaking his head and pointing at me. Kat's seen me pull this trick before too.

"Hey you traitor!" "Bail on a buddy will you, that's how you are huh, Reddy!" I look over to Kat.

"She said didn't have a chance to look over the island yet." "So thought I would help her out."

"She could probably do without your kind of help. Since you where so mean to her, you get to go ask her over for dinner." "Tell her we're having Lasagna, bread and salad, and it's ready now so nobody pack up yet." You can just see Reddy's eyes get big.

"I could get used to having Kat with us. We get to eat good home cooking!"

"Reddy you don't get to eat it all! Dee she's almost down so get over there and ask her, before someone else does."

"Yes dear, as massa wants. This boy jump, run right over there. Yes massa, yes massa." I run ducking the dish rag that Kat throws at me. All the sudden rocks start flying by me.

"Hey buddy?"

"She cooks good food! Trumps buddy every time."

I get to the landing field just as Pam is landing. I walk toward her making peace signs. She shaking her finger at me, but got a grin on her face from ear to ear. You can tell she's just buzzing, almost jumping in place, she's so excited.

"When you dumped me out it scared the crap out of me. Once my chute got full open and I knew I was OK. I took time to look around. It was so... beautiful; I could see the whole island, the ocean with the sun setting, all the colors. I could see so far I thought I could see the curve of the earth. I even thought I saw a whale in the ocean!" she's so excited she's bouncing on her toes.

"I've never done that before, opened high like that, I'm going to have to do that some more, its sooo beautiful."

"Pam, you can't just open high any time you want. I made sure certain conditions were there for safety sake; It was the last jump of the day. We're only using one plane, again so no one can be after us. We were the last out of the plane. There was only the three of us, and I signaled to Jace, the pilot. That we'd have a high opening, so he would watch out for you on his descent."

"But enough on the safety talk. Kat would like you to have dinner with us. She's made Lasagna, bread and salad. Plus I might be able to scare up a bottle of wine or two, maybe even three."

"She said since I was so 'mean' to you. I had to come and make sure you said, yes. You don't want me to have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you, do you?"

She was laughing about me being 'mean' to her. "That sounds delicious, way more than I had planned."

"Well don't pack up, she said it was ready right now, so let's eat."

I bowed and indicated the way to the RV. Well you have to stroke the pretty ladies even if it's just for fun.

It was a very nice dinner, we learned a lot about Pam. She has one brother and sister. A degree in business and art. So she's a graphic designer, and in sales, at an ad agency in Vancouver. Kat and I were both laughing at Reddy, I don't think he looked away from Pam twice all dinner. We turned on all the outside lights on the RV. Started packing up our chutes, of course Reddy had to be by Pam.

Reddy and Judy, his wife, have an arrangement that allows him to 'play'. She's very shy and the original home body. And that's all she wants to be. Reddy is the hit the road running type, 100 mph, mash the fun button type. She says she loves him that way, knows he loves her too. That he'll slow down later, after they have kids. She's happy, staying home in her house, nesting I guess. It's so funny watching Reddy following Pam around with his tongue hanging out!

Kat disappeared for a little while, then came and sat by me as I finished packing up my chute.

"I said that I would explain later some of my comments. Now is the time, Mandy and I want to be together for a time tonight, if it's alright with you? Things are going to finish and break up pretty fast tomorrow, with everyone leaving. Getting back to their lives, us too. I know that you're worried about getting too close to Mandy. I'm ok with it, I know I can handle it. But I have another plan for you. If you want too?"

"Here's where I play Santa Claus. When I was at the pool with Pam that first day. She was really bummed out, almost crying. It took a lot for her to come to this meet. All the time she was growing up, her parents were very controlling, still are. They barely let her date before. She can date now, only because she doesn't live with them. Even in college she was so shy she barely got around. Just lately she's been rebelling, her parents hate her jumping, but she loves it. So she's been breaking free."

"You know how women get talking about sex. Pam said she just hates how shy she is, said she wished she had enough guts. Just to grab a couple of these guys, get totally nasty. All fucked up and do things she's never even thought of, all fucked up and nasty. She said that several times." Kat took a big deep breath, stared into my eyes.

"I just turned on the sauna, but it's still cool. I put a bottle of massage oil by the heating unit. If you want!" Kat was holding my hand and stroking my leg with the other.

"Take her to the sauna, give her, her wish. Get her nasty and all fucked up. Start with one of your special massages, even get Reddy involved. Any woman would like a four hand massage." She laughed. "Then get her fucked up and nasty as you can. Want too?"

I was sitting back on my heels just watching Kat. I knew her and Mandy were going to play tonight, I just didn't know it would be without me. I remembered how I felt when she was gone with that waitress. I understood the two parts of what she was doing. Keeping me from worrying and maybe giving Pam her wish, if she really wanted that.

I know a lot of people say they want one thing, until their faced with it. The watcher was on when I was around Pam today. I felt that she was a special lady, good people. Watcher could see that she had troubles, all knotted up inside. Very unhappy with herself, I didn't know why. What Kat said explained a lot of it. The only time she was happy, was when she was on the jump. Before or after, but not for long. Maybe something like this was what she needed, to give her a boast of confidence. Besides she's...hot who wouldn't want to fuck her. I had to be honest with myself too. I nodded to Kat.

"Ok, Kat like we talked this morning your half my soul, I need to trust you, I want to trust you. We'll do it your way, sounds like fun."

I wanted it to sound light, not scared like I felt. But I was scared, and nervous. Kat and I are going from straight up married, to 'playing', to a three way, then with Mandy. Now with Kat and I separated, in different groups. I really hoped this wasn't just a downward slippery slope. God I love her, and I hope we're not just fucking up our lives.

"Oh...Dee just turn your machine off, have as much fun as you can, and just go with it." "You know you're my only love, my forever love. We don't have to do anything. If you don't want to. We can go sit by the camp fire and drink beer. Or swin in the pool. Yes, I would like to be with Mandy tonight, but I don't have to. I have to, want to, be with you, forever my love." I guess I couldn't fool her.

"Hey Pam if you and Reddy are done packing, come help me get the sauna started and a couple things done inside."

As soon as I said that, Pam's head spun around and looked to Kat. All Kat gave her was this innocent little smile and a very small head bob. Kat stood up.

"I'm going to find Mandy."

Reddy stood, held his hand out to Pam. "Sure Dee, you coming Pam?"

She sat there looking up at Reddy for several beats, then so soft I almost didn't hear her.

"Sure I'll come."

Then she took Reddy's hand, and stood. Watcher could see her pull herself together, stand a little taller and walk toward me, could see the tremble that went through her. The shy girl that put the whites in her eyes. The barest knee wobble, the flare of her nostrils. She was scared, excited, and determined. The brush down her shirt front, for non-existent dust, the quick swallow. Hand across her backside, tug on the side of her waist. Flip of her fingers, as her arm finally hung free.

All spoke to me of how excited she was. Yet how fragile her decision was. She surprised me, by holding her hand out to me too. Very slight dampness, barest tremble in her fingers, flutter in her pulse. Still she started walking toward the sauna, almost pulling us. When we got inside, the quick sharp breath. Wide, wild eyed look around, vein in the neck pulsing faster.

She knew what we'd come here for. Had already made her decision. But she needed that small illusion of seduction. That small loss of responsibility. So I'd play the game of small fibs, easily transparent, easily believed. I didn't want to slow down and give her time to get nervous.

"It was so hot inside last night it probably never cooled off completely."

I started stripping down, right away, it only took part of a beat and Reddy followed. You could see Pam gather herself and start to undress. I went over and grabbed a bunch of towels under my arm, opened the door and let them in. I handed the towels to Pam, I wanted to keep her involved. Went over to make like I was turning up the heating unit, I knew Kat already had. The sauna was above room temperature. Set for about 90 degrees.

"Hey guys, I knew this thing couldn't have cooled all the way down."

Reddy gave me the look, he knew better. He didn't know why it was already getting warm, but he knew something was fishy. I turned on the water tap, filling the bucket, just to do something.

"There that'll get things going."

Pam's looking around, "what do you want me to do?"

"Well Pam, Reddy's been after me to show him how to give one of my special massages that Kat brags about, want to be the culprit?"

Pam gives me the cocked head and crooked smile grin. "Sure I'll bet he has. Ok I'm game, what do I need to do, oh master of massage?"

"The first thing is to get your hair up and covered, can you get it put up in this towel?"

"Sure thing."

As she raises her hands to do that magical thing that women can do with a towel. God her breasts are something special, larger than Mandy or Kat's. They look good on her, but Christ she's almost six feet tall, she has to carry more to look good on her body. As you no doubt guessed I'm not a big boob man. Reddy must be, cause Judy got a hell of a rack on her.

"You know that his names really Dustin."

"Why do you call him Reddy then?"

I turn Reddy's back to her a little, "look at all this red fuzz on the back of his neck. Plus the sunburn that's always there. Besides he's nothing but a beer drinkin, tobacco chewing, red neck. We don't want to keep calling him red neck all the time, so it's Reddy."

"I haven't seen him with any chew!"

"You just haven't seen him drunk enough yet."

"Speaking of necks Pam, you were hiding something from us."

Pam, I thought was what we call a clean slate. No ink anywhere, but she's been hiding from us as I said. On her neck right up under her hair is a Chinese chop. A written character, I don't know Chinese writing, but I've seen this one before.


She spins around, surprised at me. "You can read Chinese?"

"No, but I've seen this one before, you'll never believe where. It's on a book mark I brought!"

"It's still hard to believe that you would recognize it just from seeing it before, their so hard to see and remember the shape of them."

"Well it's an old book mark."

"Lay down on this towel here, I'll show Reddy how to do your shoulders and neck. Then I'll start on your feet and we'll meet somewhere in the middle." Reddy's laughing as he listens to me. So I cackle like a villain.

"Yes you sweet thing, we'll meet in your middle and ravish you."

"Oh no, no don't ravish me."

She giggles kind of cute. And so the massage, that transparent, easily believed, small lie of seduction.

She's finally lying down on the towel, on a low tier. So I reach behind the heating unit for the oil that Kat hid there. Very warm oil. Now Reddy really raises his eye brows and grins, he knows this has been planned, he just doesn't know by whom. As I take the oil bottle, I think I remember it. I bring it to my nose and smell flowers, put a drop on my finger and taste it yep, cherries. It's expensive but worth it. I get up with my knees on either side of Pam's head. When I pour some, Pam jumps, and coos.

"Where did that come from?" "It smells so good, like flowers."

"The tooth fairy gave it to us for fun."

"Ok Reddy watch," as I give him a big wink. "Slide your thumbs down along the spine of the neck, and then drag your hands up with pressure along the muscles. Slide the thumbs back down, hands up the neck muscles. Each time go a little farther down the back, draw a big circle around to the side of her body, lightly up the rib cage. Do that till you are going all the way down to her hips. Then move outward to the muscles on her back, down with pressure, back up the ribs lightly. Find the little knots in the muscles and work them out with the heel of your hand. Watch her face and body to see how hard to press."

She groans as I find a knot on her clavicle. And press to rub it out.

"See there's a tight spot."

On the way back up I drag my finger tips up the sides of those beautiful breasts that are pressed into the towel. Then back down on her back, not letting her react to the caress on her breasts. About every third stroke on her back, slide the caress up her breasts. As I grin at Reddy I see he's got the idea. I tell Pam.

"I'm going to start on your feet."

She coo's a little disappointed, 'ah.' As I roll off the bench to let Reddy have my place and move to her feet. If this was a real massage. I'd want to her to feel good, relaxed from the massage.

There are a lot of pressure points in the feet. That you can use to cause a lot of pleasant feelings and reactions. But I don't want her to go to sleep, just let her loosen up and feel our hands on her body, enjoying it. I oil up her feet hit a couple of the pressure points then slide right up her calves. Up the inside just back down the top squeezing with pressure. Higher and higher each stroke.

"Reddy do you feel the muscle tone on this girl. Damn she's fit, isn't she, just that tight hard body?"

"She really takes care of it to, don't you sweet Pam?"

"You proud of this hard tight body, damn well should be. Feel that smooth, smooth skin with all those tight muscles underneath. Doesn't that just make you so hot?"

"Sure does me, damn this is one sweet body!"

I'm just chattering, stroking her mind. Winding her up, getting her horny. Plus hopefully building more confidence in herself and her body.

By this time I'm up stroking her ass cheeks. Not even pretending, I'm not just playing with her ass. She's lifted her head and shoulders a little, so Reddy's mostly just playing with her tits. Some on her back then down the sides, then play with her tits. I grab the oil and pour some on the crack of her ass cheeks. "Oh...damn sorry about that Pam, too much!" I drag my fingers up the crack of her ass, as if to wipe some of the oil off. I really just slide my finger softly over her brown little rose bud. I get what I hope to see, as her ass lifts a little, draws a soft coo from her. Oh, she's going to get nasty alright, and I think she'll like it too. I slip just a little farther down, part my fingers, slide down just outside her folds, then back up. Then rinse and repeat, I do this several times.
