Rachel Reveals All


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Andy almost snapped back, "You know I think you are gorgeous Andrea. That is not the issue." He was being made to feel uncomfortable especially with this audience. Andy was apparently still not ready to fuck another woman in public; that was a step too far. We had to whisper because we did not want the four guys who were watching to hear all our intimate exchanges.

I said to Andy, "That sounds like a lovely invitation darling from Andrea. How could you refuse her?"

I was going for broke. Playing my cards. I wanted to shake things up a bit. See what would happen. I did not know what would happen but I just wanted to roll the dice.

I'd pushed Andy into a bit of a corner and thought that he would love to have sex with Andrea.

Andy looked resigned to his fate and said, "OK then. You've asked for it."

He climbed off me and wriggled over to Andrea. Andrea was already getting herself comfortable ready to receive him. The four guys were goggle eyed. I felt that at last I was part of a depraved sex show. I had partly fulfilled my ambitions but I thought that very soon some more badges were on their way. Andy sat down next to Andrea and she welcomed him with a smile and offered her arms to wrap around him and pull him in close. Andy leaned over to kiss her lips. I watched as my best friend shared a long wet kiss with my husband. I could see their tongues sliding into each other's mouths. I watched them kiss for what seemed forever. I knew straight away that I had unleashed something that I would not be able to control and that Andy and me would never be the same again. A bit of a shiver of regret went down my spine. The genie was well and truly out of the bottle.

Andrea looked towards me and smiled and said, "Mmmmmmm! I think I'm going to enjoy your husband."

I don't why she said that. I have often thought about it. She had noticed the shocked look on my face. I wonder if it was to rub it in. How my dangerous games and urges had resulted in me giving away to her something as precious as my husband . I think it was born of a little resentment that she went along with all these shenanigans to keep her own husband happy.

Then Andy did not do what I thought he was going to do. I had assumed that he would make love to Andrea in the room that we were all in together but he had other ideas. Probably because he still felt that, I had pressured him into all this and that he did not fancy being watched by the four guys he got up, and put his towel around him, and put his hand out to pull Andrea up. She responded by also getting up and putting her towel around her and they disappeared off together hand in hand with Andrea saying nonchalantly, "Looks like we are off. Bye! Have fun!" and with that, they were gone. I knew then she was making a point. It was like, "Don't you guys worry about us,- we'll be fine! "

Actually Andy had to put his towel around him because he was still, of course, sporting a full erection, and it is frowned upon and against the rules to walk around anywhere in the spa with an erection. There are some standards you know!

Andy told me much later they had gone along the corridor to one of the small rooms meant just for two on their own and shut the door for some privacy. I guessed they had at the time and I can't say I wasn't disappointed because I was. The law of unintended consequences I thought. I was surprised that I felt so much regret at encouraging my husband to go off with another woman, my best friend, with the absolute certainty that they would be having sex. I thought, 'Be careful what you wish for'. That was a watershed moment for us. We are still together but since that moment, our relationship has been different.

So this was how it happened- the first time that I ever had sex with Tony. It had been nearly five years since I had had a new partner and I thought, "Was I going to enjoy this!" The guys could not believe their eyes at what was going on. At first, I felt a bit silly lying there abandoned even though I had instigated it. Thankfully, Tony quickly came to my rescue without being asked and rolled over to my side of the platform. There was no suggestion that he was ever going to ask me if I minded if he fucked me. It never occurred to him to ask, or that I might refuse. His outrageous presumptiveness brought a wry smile to my face as I watched him intently. He ran his fingers down the lips of my pussy to check how wet I was and then for the first time touched me in the special place. I gasped at the sensation of my clitoris being touched by my best friend's husband.

Then, bold as you like, he made a big play of spreading my legs again in preparation for taking his pleasure. Tony had done this sex in public thing before many times and was well used to putting on a good show. He was quite the performer. His obvious confidence and self-assuredness gave me the confidence to just relax and enjoy myself. I was in very good hands! Literally! I had wanted to have sex with Tony since the day I first met him so I was pretty excited about what was about to happen especially with the added bonus of an audience. All my wishes were being granted at once it seemed. Christmas had come early!

Very quickly, I saw that actually it was better that Andy had left me alone with Tony and the guys. I no longer needed to worry about him; whether he was OK with everything, whether he thought I was going too far. I could just be myself and surrender myself to the whole experience with gay abandon.

I really prefer to have sex lying on my back. I like to be made love to by a man on my back with my arms around his back and holding him close to my breasts. That has always been my favourite position. I prefer that because it feels like I am least in control in that position, like I am most availing myself to my lover's passion to be used and consumed as he wishes . Therefore, I was relieved that Tony was not expecting me to do anything like turnover or pleasure him, or any other acrobatics. I could just lay there on my back and be taken which as I say is always my preference.

Tony got into position between my legs. He was not going to rush. There was no need. He knew I was not going anywhere. Neither were the four guys who were watching intently. Tony was very clever in the way that he got me completely desperate for him to screw me. At first he just very slightly, almost imperceptibly, slid the tip of his prick up and down the slit of my pussy. This had the instinctive reaction that I could not help pushing my hips up at him. Instead of rushing into me, or forcing himself, the more I pushed my hips up at him desperate for him to enter me, the more he lifted his prick slightly out of reach. He would only allow the tip of his prick to present itself to my vaginal lips. He just bided his time; he knew exactly how to play me from the start. After a little while I was just so hot and ready, so aroused, and became impatient that he was teasing me like this. I had gone from being slightly reticent about having sex with another guy, and in public to boot, to being rampant for him. I was by now fully primed, fully his, ready to completely surrender myself to him.

In the end, it was me who reached down, clamped my hands on his arse, and pulled him into me. Tony even had the confidence to look around at them at the very moment he was just beginning to enter me and check he had their full attention.

Despite all my previous antics, and what a lot of you will consider to be my promiscuousness, I still felt it was a highly significant moment when Tony's prick was entering me for the first time. I briefly moved my hands to my cunt to hold my eager lips apart to ease his entry. I closed my eyes tightly and cried out with relief as his hard stiff penis entered me. I certainly felt that being fucked by him was going to be a regular occurrence. This was going to be the first of many. It had been a long time coming. I felt not just the physical pleasure but an overwhelming feeling of emotion and affection washed over me, as I really did like him very much. I do not know whether he felt the same at that moment. I doubt it. Blokes don't do they? But I have to feel something for a guy to want to have sex with him. There has to be an emotional connection. Yes, I know what I did in Greece but my excuse was that I was drunk then and had not planned it and I did at least know the guys by the end of that week.

Anyway, I digress. As I say, as Tony slowly pushed his way into me it felt absolutely exquisite. I could tell he was a confident and masterful lover from the outset. Making love to someone new and Tony in particular at that moment reminded me just how much I love sex.

With Tony fully in up to the hilt, he smiled at me and said," How's that? Ready then?"

His final check that we were clear for take-off before he commenced was typical of how confident he was of himself. Confident enough to give what would follow a bit of a build-up as if he was heralding something out of the ordinary. I felt sure this was going to be justified. I smiled back and said, "Yep spose so. Ready as I'll ever be. Do your worst! "

So Tony started slowly to lift himself up and down and slowly push in and out of my soaking wet pussy. I emitted a couple of genuine sighs.

As Tony began to take his pleasure and enjoy himself he said, "God I've wanted to fuck you since the moment I first set eyes on you. "

Our audience just looked mesmerized. I thought they are too far away sitting around the edge of the room. I decided to pat the mattress each side of us to beckon them to come over and sit right around us next to us to get the best possible grandstand view. Tony and I carefully shuffled across to the centre of the mattress, making sure his cock stayed safely in my pussy, to provide an equal amount of space each side. I could and would only have done that knowing that Andy was not there and I did not have to feel inhibited by him.

The four guys were all masturbating enthusiastically. Now and then, I removed my arms from around Tony's neck, took hold of a hard prick in each hand, and squeezed. One of the guys tried to put his prick in my mouth but I did not really want that, and I did not know him anyway. But he was fine about me declining and went back to the job in hand. It seemed perfectly natural that the four guys were all also completely naked.

I could hardly contain my excitement and exhilaration at the outrageousness of the situation. I was grinning from ear to ear and alternately laughing and moaning. I started to pant with the excitement and anticipation. This was all just too much. The first time that Tony had fucked me and the first time that I had sex (sober and conscious) with an audience. Almost immediately, I started to feel that magical burning building in my pussy. With each deliberate thrust by Tony, I emitted an "Oooh! " I wanted this moment to go on for a long time and I knew that was going to be a problem. I did not want to come too quickly.

I felt even more aroused by the situation when I heard the muffled moans from another girl in one of the adjacent rooms. Someone else was obviously having a nice time. I wondered if it was Andrea.

Tony then whispered into my ear, "Christ, Rach, I always knew you would be fantastic. You are just so fucking hot and sexy. So fucking gorgeous." Although he was whispering the four guys would have all heard him easily, but none of them said anything. They were just glad to be there witnessing the show. Tony's appreciation of me spurred me on.

I said, "You're not so bad yourself, Mr Lewis (his surname). But you could have asked first you know. It is considered polite and customary to ask a lady before you just stick your cock into them!"

Tony chuckled and replied, "Do you want me to stop then?"

I said, "Well no, now you are in you might as well carry on."

Tony then stopped briefly and put his lips to mine. I gasped as he pushed his tongue into my mouth to meet mine. This was actually the very first time that Tony and I had had a proper kiss. He lay on me crushing my breasts against his chest. My head was spinning as our tongues met and I tried to devour him. I felt desperate and out of control.

That was the last moment when I was capable of speaking coherently. After that, he took me into sweet oblivion. He just played with me to keep revving me up and then holding me just short of exploding. I shouted at him, "Oh God, you are just so fucking good, you bastard. What are you doing to me? It's not fair! This is torture!"

I was thrusting my pussy up at him in synch with his thrusts hoping to bring him and me to a climax. Although I had wanted to make it last I had lost all willpower and could only focus on reaching that heavenly orgasm that I knew awaited. Tony quickened his pace and slammed into me harder and more determinedly. I screamed at him to fuck me harder. My breasts were heaving with desire and my nipples hard and erect. My pussy was now on fire and I was writhing around on the red mattress. The four people could not believe their luck or their eyes. I started to emit involuntary, "Arrghs!" Tony was and is a masterful lover and knew right from the beginning how to play me. He was grunting too as he maintained a rhythm of deep thrusts into me. The four guys continued to massage my inner thighs and breasts. There were hands roaming all over me. I was quickly soaking with sweat. I could see that one of the great features of these private rooms was the floor to ceiling mirrors around the walls. Wherever I looked, I could see a reflection of me completely naked from head to toe lying out with my legs spread wide and that was very arousing. I could see in the mirror that Tony was glancing down with some satisfaction at the sight of his penis going right into me, and then withdrawing most of the way out, and pushing right back in again.

By now, I was moaning uncontrollably and at last, thank God, my orgasm kicked in and I was crying out helplessly over and over again. The guys could not help but laugh at my helpless state. I was overwhelmed by lust and depravity just wanting to totally submit myself to the orgasm, and to performing as a total slut and sex object. As a lifelong exhibitionist, this first time was just the greatest unforgettable moment and experience for me. I heaved and tossed around so much that Tony slipped out a couple of times but he just thought it was funny. My cunt erupted, and waves of sublime pleasure washed through me. I was convulsing wildly with possibly the most intense orgasm I have ever experienced. My cunt was in spasms clamped around Tony's prick; how he did not cum there and then, I have no idea. I can remember just seeing occasional flashes of the mesmerized faces of the guys. I think I blacked out for a few seconds and the next thing I saw was Tony with a concerned look on his face. I shook my head slightly to let him know I was fine.

When the fire in my pussy finally started to subside my legs went completely weak and numb. When I started to return to planet Earth, I could not help but laugh at my behaviour, the situation, and maybe out of some embarrassment. Tony then began just concentrating on taking his own pleasure. He was theatrically pounding me with strong deliberate thrusts that were pushing me gradually up the mattress and with each thrust, I moaned in submission. Finally, he rose up on his arms, subjected me to one final massive thrust, and let out his own groan of ecstasy as he gushed into me. He was not anything liked as vocal as I had been. Probably a good thing I thought. He seemed to cum for ages though and I could feel him filling my pussy with his hot sperm. He then went limp and collapsed down onto me with his prick still firmly embedded in my soaking throbbing vagina panting hard. When he had recovered a little we had a long intense cuddle of real feeling and affection.

When he got his breath back he said, "Rach you are amazing. I think I'm falling in love."

I did not want him to say such things even though we both knew we felt the same. I said, "Tony don't say that please. Shhhhhhh! " I put my finger over my lips to tell him not to say anything else as I became conscious of our audience again.

Obviously, the guys were all hoping they were going to be next and that it was going to turn into a gang bang but somehow we managed to signal that that was not going to happen without having to actually stop their advances. Instead, when it became apparent that the show was over they gave a little clap!

The guys were all still lazily stroking their pricks and I was not aware that any of them had actually cum yet. Meanwhile Tony and I were still cuddling and stroking each other intimately. It was not long before his fingers started gently stroking the lips of my pussy, and unbelievably to me I was already feeling aroused again and ready for some more pleasure. I was soaking between my legs and leaking Tony's cum. I decided that as compensation for the guys, I would do something that I was well practiced at and I knew everyone would enjoy. As you know, I had masturbated before to an audience and had the confidence to know that I would be good at it and it would be a lot of fun. I was having far too much fun to want to stop already.

So I gently moved Tony's hand away and started frigging myself. With the precision and skill acquired from a lifetime of practice, I let my fingers explore my pussy, sliding up and down my extremely well lubricated slit, parting my lips, and finding my swollen clitoris. My clitty was obviously still hard and swollen and raw from the pounding it had just received. I drew my knees up again and spread my legs and feet as far apart as I could physically manage. Two of the guys moved down to where my feet were and each held one foot in their lap and started caressing it. It is funny how much guys like feet isn't it? Guys have often told me how sexy they find women's bare feet. By holding my feet, they were able to hold my legs even further apart. One of the guys then started licking my ankle and sucking my toes. Then he was working his way up the inside of my thigh licking and kissing me. The other guys were massaging my heaving breasts and pert nipples. One of the guys started sucking on one of my nipples like there was no tomorrow. No one could have missed the powerful aroma of my over stimulated cunt now in this small space.

I was so aroused that I just could not resist carrying on as a complete slut but another part of me was still worrying that Andy might return whilst I was in the middle of disporting myself. I decided that this was very unlikely and in any case, I could stop if he reappeared. I was so turned on I just wanted to be consumed by their desire. I wanted to behave as wantonly sluttish as I could without them actually fucking me. One of them started to slide a finger into my arse and pressed it against my fingers in my pussy which sent me even more delirious. I lifted my bum up to give him better access and squeezed the offending hand to encourage him in his initiative. The feeling of being filled in both holes took my breath away and the sensations were overwhelming. The guys were all wanking more and more enthusiastically until at last one of them started to ejaculate. He held his throbbing prick over my chest and projected the cum over my breasts and then spread it around. One down, three to go I thought.

My thumb was pressed as hard as I could against my clitty. I began to squeeze it hard and slid my fingers each side of it up and down my well-oiled pussy holding the lips wide apart. I was getting very rough and vigorous with my body and the guy with his finger in my arse now had two up there and was getting equally vigorous. I was at the boundary between pleasure and pain. My eyes were firmly shut whilst all this was going on. Tony was just stroking my head and face leaving everything else to the four guys. I knew I was brewing up another orgasm that was going to be as earth shattering as the first had been. I started to hear the unmistakable sounds of another one of the guys losing control and beginning an orgasm. I opened my eyes and smiled at him as he started to cum over my stomach and pussy. Two down I thought. Half way-but could I last long enough to bring the other two guys home?