Scott the Keeper


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Time at camp started to fly by. The first week passed, and then the second. Although Carol appeared several more times, he found it best to completely ignore her. He also ignored Aster and Katie, still fearing that their affairs would be sussed out by their fellow campers. Instead, he focused on doing his job as the camp's head man. He organized the campfire, and announced that since everyone was behaving so well, that it could go ahead as planned. The entire camp let out exuberant cheers as visions of S'mores danced in their heads. Most of the kids had exhausted their candy stash on the first day of camp and had not eaten candy in a full two weeks.

Crackling logs sent orange sparks shooting high into the dimming twilight. There was only a week of camp to go. The children encircled a massive bonfire in their own goldilocks zone: not too close to be baked in the heat of the blaze, not too far to be out in the evening chill. Scott brought his guitar and led the camp in all the fun songs -- Camp Granada, Bear Hunt, and so on. After several songs, he let the counselors begin to distribute the marshmallows to their pointy-stick-wielding troops.

Some of the kids had whittled spikes that could have skewered a boar. There had never been a stick-jabbing at Camp Evergreen, but Scott watched anxiously nonetheless and intervened if he saw any unsafe play. Hannah was also watching kids like a hawk, which Scott found reassuring. Hannah was a school teacher and without a doubt his top counselor. He wanted to do something to thank her for making this year such a success.

Aster caught his eye from where she sat. She sent a look his way with a dreamy smile on her lips. He smiled and nodded and looked away. He still had not gotten a chance to talk to that blonde. What must she be thinking? He took another peek at her face and saw she was looking away, annoyed. He glanced at Katie and she noticed him. She beamed at him and he breathed a sigh of relief, and acknowledged her with as discreet a smile as possible before looking away. After that, he dared not look at either of them. In fact, he looked down at his guitar and pretended to tune it. He saw, before long, two pairs of feet in front of him. Girls. It was Hannah and Patricia.

"Hey, Scott," Hannah said.

"What's up?"

"We were wondering if maybe Patricia could become a counselor," Hannah said. Patricia was actually just an attendee, one assigned to Hannah's group. The adorable red head had been going to camp for years and years. She had asked him to let her be a counselor when she enrolled, but Scott said that her age disqualified her, unfortunately.

"Well, why are you coming to me about this now? There's only a week of camp left."

"Because you have a rule, counselors have to be 18," Hannah replied. "Now she's 18."

"Seventeen, but I turn eighteen tomorrow."

"Hmm. Hmm, well, there's not much time left, I don't think it's a--"

"Are you kidding? I have been hauling around two groups almost this entire time. Enough bullshit! Give Shandi's group to Patricia," Hannah said.

"Please say yes," Patricia pleaded.

"Alright, alright, that might work." He turned to Patricia, whose green eyes had lit up. She was cute, always had been, but it was incredible to have her looking into his eyes and smiling the way she was. It was warm and inviting, but Patricia was so very nubile and hot.

"It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt," he told her. "You need to enforce the camp's rules, for the safety of all of these kids. You'll be responsible for your team, and really you need to look out for everyone else too. Hannah knows exactly what that means. She is my number two here. If you have a question and you can't find me, ask her."

Hannah nodded slowly, and a rare smile crossed her lips. She had found the recognition she sought and rightly deserved. Patricia looked to her, then back to Scott.

"Can I count on you, too?" he asked.

"You bet, Scott."

"Oh this will be such a relief," Hannah said, back to her unsmiling mode.

"So, am I getting Shandi's group?" Trish did not sound entirely enthusiastic.

"Hm, probably. Come meet me at the Welcome Lodge after this. We'll give your folks a call and go over the details."


Patricia came to the welcome lodge shortly thereafter. She handed him her state driver's license which proved she would turn eighteen the next day. They called her parents on speakerphone and explained the plans, and her parents agreed it would be okay for Trish to take on some responsibilities. They were some worried about the new kids not knowing all of the safety rules, but Scott reassured them that he had covered everything in detail following the incident, and everyone was extra vigilant. Toward the end of the call, they wished their daughter a happy eighteenth birthday, reminding her that the milestone of adulthood was no reason to abandon prudence. Even if she were at home for her birthday, they wouldn't allow her to have a wild party with her friends. As the lecture wore on Trish told them she would be fine and had to go.

After the phone call, Scott told Trish that she would be taking over Shandi's group.

"Could you maybe switch me with Hannah? She said she wouldn't mind."


"Because that's my group right now. Some of my best friends are in that group."

"Whew, well, I would like to keep you in that group, except you are going to be looking out for these girls as a leader, and telling them what to do. They might not like it sometimes. You may be the oldest among them, but only by a few weeks or months. Besides, you've also been with Shandi's group much of the time. I'm sure you've gotten to know each of those girls too."

"Yeah, I have."

"So what is stopping you from hitting the ground running?"

Trish shrugged, clearly unhappy with the way things were going.

"I can take care of my friends better. Please Scott?"

"Trish, I'll be honest. I'm sure you can keep looking after the older kids in the group, but I'm almost certain I won't let you be in that group."

"Huh? Why?!"

"Ultimately I am responsible, and I have to consider what makes the most sense not just for you and Hannah, but in terms of perceptions."

"Aw, don't say that."

"Putting a counselor in with a group of kids nearly the exact same age is kind of unusual. If something happens, parents will want to know who was looking after their kids. Then they would want to know why that someone was not much older, and possessed both authority and better judgment. Don't you think—"

"Okay, okay. I know what you mean by perceptions."

"Well then, time for you to get back to your cabin."

"Okay. Hey, Scott, I just wanted to ask you something."


"Promise to give me an honest answer?"

He noticed that she was fidgeting with her shirt, rolling the front up until her midriff came into view.

"It's late. You should save it. We'll definitely get a chance to talk later, after all you're a counselor now. Think about what I said about your group assignment, and I'm sure you will agree Shandi's group is the one you should lead."

"Okay. So, my cabin?"

"Don't move anywhere yet, it's too dark for that. Staff meeting during breakfast, as soon as you're done eating. We'll make the announcement to the other counselors, and that will make it official." He hurried her out of the door. "Good night, Trish."

"Good night Scott."

As Scott prepared to go to bed, he was quite unaware that two of his counselors were prowling around outside. Katie and Aster had watched what went on, jealous that when Scott finally had a moment to spare, he gave it to Patricia. Neither had noticed the other hiding in the shadows, and they peeped into Scott's room and the common room from opposite sides of the cabin.

As soon as the two spies saw Trish disappear down the bend in the road, each began to creep toward the brightly lit entrance to the welcome lodge. They noticed each other at the same time.

"Huh? Hey!" Aster said quietly.

"Oh, hey, hi," Katie replied. They walked up to each other, maintaining hushed tones.

"What are you doing out here?" Katie asked.

"What are YOU doing here?"

"I came to see what Scott was doing, to find out what group he was going to give to Patricia."

"That's why I came out here," Aster whispered. "I'm surprised I didn't see you though."

They both started to walk back to the cabins, walking quickly but not so fast that they risked catching up with Trish.

"It's a good thing we're going to get another counselor," Katie said.

"Yeah. It's tough keeping Shandi's cabin clean. You should help with that some time, unless you want the boys to beat our winning streak this year."

"For tidiness? We're way ahead, and there's only a week to go." They walked hurriedly, slowing as Trish came into view. Neither said anything until they reached the point at which their paths would part. Then they stopped and faced one another, searching for emotion, some giveaway of what was behind their poker faces. Soon, a hostile look furrowed each brow, and each lip curled into a snarl. Their suspicions were completely confirmed.

"Game on, bitch," Katie said.

"Hah!" Aster shook her head. "You don't stand a chance, old lady."

The next day was bright and sunny. It was time for breakfast in the mess hall. Trish wore a little black choker with lace trim, a white tank top, and a long summery skirt. She looked conservative and edgy at the same time. Scott was the first to wish her a happy eighteenth birthday, and announced that she was now welcomed into Evergreen's cadre of camp counselors. The counselors gave the birthday girl a round of applause.

It was starting to look like a worrisome day for Scott as both Aster and Katie shot him "We need to talk" looks even as he was trying to settle the matter of Trish's group assignment. He was moving her to Shandi's group of younger campers. After the meeting he sent the counselors to their groups and hustled back to the welcome lodge without explanation, only to find a note under his door. On it was written a short message in bubbly script.

"Saw Katie and Aster prowling around your cabin last night. Watch out. --A Friend"

It was a strange note indeed, one that sent Scott's adrenaline pumping in overtime. He fought back against panic. How much did this mystery person know? Not much, he hoped. He hadn't touched either girl since the day before camp started. The thought calmed him down somewhat, but what if either Aster or Katie were blabbing? They had lifelong friends here, and each surely had their confidantes. It was also very suspicious for them to be spying on him. That sort of behavior could lead to discovery, and just ruin everything.

He went to go talk to Katie first, pulling her away from her group for a few moments during their "group discussion." It was unusual but he had plenty of fresh excuses.

"Katie, I heard you were sneaking around last night?"

"Me? Well, so what if I was?"

"Katie! That's risky, the kind of risk that gets us found out."

"Hmm!" she bristled. "Or gets you and that cheerleader found out."


"I want to know what she was doing there. Just how is it that Aster is convinced you belong to her?"

"Did she say something to you?"

"She couldn't have made it more obvious. Well you're dreaming if you think I'm going to play second fiddle. You better make up your mind!"

Scott sighed, unsure of what to say.

"I told you to just please show me some respect. I'm not a ditzy little slut, unlike that blonde. You two have a little something going on the side, admit it."

"No, we don't. There's nothing going on." He shook his head. Sometimes, you have to lie, even to the one you love, he thought to himself. Even if she won't fall for it.

"That's it? You're just going to play dumb?"

"If that's what you want to call it. Let's just drop it. I want you."

"Dump Aster, okay? Now."

"Is that what you need to say? Did you write that note from 'A Friend?'"

"Yeah," Katie murmured. "Because I want you to wake the hell up. This isn't going to stay a secret if you keep playing the field. Stop and look at me. Am I not enough?" Katie asked.

"Of course, of course you're all I want. You're the only one I want."

"Then be honest with me!" Despite herself, she smiled at the flattery. Progress, Scott thought.

"You aren't going to hurt me, are you?" she asked. "Why is this so hard for you?"

Scott rubbed his eyes and tried to formulate an answer that didn't give away the truth. One terrifying outcome kept playing in his mind, involving Katie's protective older brothers.

One morning he would step out of his cabin door, stretch, inhale the fragrant autumn air and look around. He would see a truck not far off. He would watch as they strolled out from behind their truck carrying semi-automatic rifles. They would look him in the eye with utter contempt, take aim, and ventilate him. Then they'd feed him to the fish in the lake and smoke a couple of cigars. Scott needed to find the words that put her mind at ease.

"Katie, I wasn't prepared for -- I didn't realize how serious you were."

Oops, he thought. That did not come out right.

"But didn't you hear me say I love you?" She fought back tears. "You said you'd invite me over the next time you had a chance. It's been two weeks, and then you brought Trish to your cabin right after she asks. Were you going to fuck her, too?"

"Whoa, whoa, no!" He had brought her from smiling to tears and hurling accusations in under 6 seconds. Scott, you are a royal fuck-up, he told himself. "Hey, Katie, that's just not going to happen, it would be so wrong."

"She told me she's trying to get your attention, so steer clear."

"Oh, wow, yeah." Scott tried to think. "Uh, definitely not my type, she's too young. Believe me, the thought never entered my head."

Katie smiled, her combativeness melting away as she blinked away her tears. "So, is it still on between us? Is there still something?"

"Of course Katie, it's just you I want, I just -- I'm trying to get through this camp before we make anything official."

"That's right. Also, if you dump Aster now you're worried she might bring on some kind of drama. I personally doubt it, but who knows, right?"

To this, Scott nodded.

"I get it, sure. You're not dithering because you can't decide between us."

"I'm not dithering at all, Katie. My mind is made up."

"It better be." Katie said, a broad smile breaking out over her face.

"Now that's the smile I love to see. I'd never want to make that smile go away, whatever it takes.

"That's a good boy," she said, finally letting her guard down. "I wish we could kiss right now."

"Yeah. The trees have eyes though."

Katie sighed. "I look forward to staying here. I'll be your love bunny throughout all those cold winter months. There are a hundred ways I want to please you."

"Oh babe, it sounds like a dream." Scott wasn't sure how she could stay at Evergreen without the whole church coming down on him with pitchforks and torches. "Let's just put everything on hold until after camp. Remember, this is a very important secret. Don't tell anyone, okay? Even your best friends."

"I know," she said in a goofy and convincing way.

"Alright. I better let you get back to your group."

"Yeah, guess I better go," she said. "Not one little kiss?"

"It's too risky," Scott said. She looked around, but didn't see anyone. She reached out to touch him, and just put her hand on his shoulder before she left.

Katie reflected on their meeting later that day. It was the first time in two weeks she had been alone with Scott, the first time since she had seduced him. Wasn't she worth a little more of his time? Then when he met with her, it was impossible for him to be honest with her. Had Aster made it to him first? She still had her doubts. Was he still going back to her arms, or just playing hard to get? Either way, she wasn't about to surrender to Aster, Trish, or anyone else. She would fight for her man. Someday it would all be worth it, she thought. They would laugh about it someday, and he would chide her in a self-effacing way about how she settled for him. They would have found a simple life as man and wife.

Lately Katie envisioned herself lazing in a canoe on a cool morning, listening to the sound of Scott alternating strokes with his one oar. The changing leaves would be illuminated by the morning sun on the steep western slope next to the lake. They would enjoy the four seasons together, make love as frequently as they could, while making the camp a paradise with hard work and patience.

That night, Trish put her team to bed on time and then excused herself to go to a counselor meeting. "If any of you get out of your sleeping bags, I will personally strangle you." Of course, there was no meeting, but what did they know? It was easier to make something up, kids had no reason to follow up with questions.

Her tentative footsteps in the dirt road were relatively silent, but she knew if she cut through the undergrowth and dead leaves she would be noticed. She decided to follow the path up the hill, as far from the sleeping campers as it would take her. The path wound almost all the way over to the camp's entrance, and from there it wasn't far to the welcome lodge. Little did she know, but Aster and Katie had both spotted her, and were following at a distance. Aster and Katie saw each other, of course, but they decided to call a truce while they went to see what Trish was up to.

Trish snuck into the welcome lodge and softly padded around in the darkness. The hardwood floors were installed by Earl not ten years earlier. Even now, they didn't squeak a bit. She groped along the walls until she found Scott's door. She knocked, softly.

Scott had been lying awake in bed, trying to sleep. Hearing the knock, he got back up and flipped on the lights. Squinting, he unbolted his door and opened it.

"Scott, I need to talk to you."

"Trish? What happened, what's the matter, did someone get hurt?"

"Huh? No, everyone is fine. It's just, you hurried me out of here so fast last night, and I -- there was something -- I just still had some questions."

"Oh. Can it wait until tomorrow?"

"Please Scott, just hear me out." She took a deep breath. Alarms went off in Scott's head. Katie said steer clear.

"The senior counselors are a really good place to go for difficult questions. Did you try to ask anyone else about this?"

"No, I don't think they could help me. Scott, I—" she hesitated.

"Not even Hannah? You should speak with her."

"She's sleeping now. Can I come in?" She ducked under his arm and slipped into the door. To go further she had to squeeze past his body, but he yielded as soon as she made contact.

"Oh, well come on then." Scott still couldn't believe Trish was interested in him, but he also could not discount Katie's warning. He was just too tempted to hear her say it. Better now while he could gently rebuff her, than to send her away and risk her sneaking over another night and finding him with Katie.

Yet it was not right for her to be in his bedroom, so he stepped out into the hallway and beckoned her to follow.

She looked down and fidgeted with her shirt again. Scott could not deny that the girl was a delight to behold. She was a lightly freckled ginger, with a cute little nose and a very athletic build. She had been in her high school's track team all four years, and was faster than many of the boys at camp. She was also image-conscious. Her eyebrows and lashes were carefully groomed, her jaw-length red curls were probably dyed a shade or two darker than her natural hue. The choker she had worn that day had definitely drawn his attention to her graceful neck, the image had stayed with him all day.

"So what is it?"
