Slaves of the Spartan Kingdom Ch. 04


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Gabriel was now shaking his head. "Is there anything more tragic than the disparity between the rhetoric of liberals and the results that actually occur. They say they respect the poor, yet their efforts are only geared at keeping them there. I guess they respect them so much they want them to stay that way."

Gabriel straightened himself as if recollecting his thoughts. "I'm not saying there is no role for the government to play in dealing with the poor, only that there are better means for helping them. Take private charities for instance. They breed gratitude among those that they help, rather than the entitlement that the government breeds. It's no big mystery how an entitlement mentality happens. If you know that the source of the money you are receiving is from people who had it forcibly removed through taxation, you are going to have to believe you are entitled to it just so that you can live with yourself. Only when you receive money from the willing can you allow yourself to feel gratitude, which is a far more constructive attitude to have than feeling entitled.

"If you truly respect the poor, you are going to engage in activities that foster their independence and self-reliance through the emotion of gratitude, and not enslave them by fostering an entitlement mentality. Government can provide a role in this through leadership, but leadership has nothing do with telling people what to do, which is what liberals want.

"Really, the only role where the force of government should be used is with the insane, which describes most of the homeless. Anyone who is incapable of taking care of themselves needs to have their liberty taken from them, and be locked up in a mental institution until they have been treated successfully for what ails them. Denying a person's liberty is about the only thing a government is really effective at. It's too bad that most liberals think it is best for people to lie in their own filth, than it is to do something that will bring about a real change in their lives. …and throwing a few coins in their cups only pays them to stay in their filth.

"You know… I personally believe that the reason liberals seek big government solutions to problems, stems from their lack of understanding Adam Smith's book. He describes how societies work best when people focus on the world around them, and while his focus was on the economy, the same is true for helping the poor. When people focus on helping the people around them, and don't run out trying to solve poverty as a whole, then real progress can be made.

"Wealth is created – and the poor are best helped – by the little decisions each of us make; not by orders from some central authority. For any society to advance, everyone in it must be moving forward. Everyone must believe they have a valuable role to play. Having a central authority ordering us around like a bunch of slaves just doesn't work. Why? Because slavery doesn't work.

After taking a deep breath, he continued, "Slavery never works. It really doesn't. It has never enhanced a single society. There have been some great ones in the past that did have slavery, such as the Roman Empire, but they were great in spite of slavery, not because of it. Yet there is a new breed of slave master today – one that actually realizes that the labor of these slaves is worthless to them. No, it's not their labor they want. The only thing they need from these slaves is their vote; and to make them their slaves, they use something far stronger than any chain could ever be, and that's dependency."

In an almost sarcastic tone Gabriel said, "I know, I know. How dare I accuse liberals of wanting to make the useful tools that follow them into slaves. But surely you would not deny that they want people dependent on the government? What else is dependency but slavery?" He then added accusingly, "It most certainly is not freedom."

Gabriel crossed his arms and continued in his accusatory manner. "No. You are not the spiritual decedents of the likes of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Adams. They created a great heritage for you all to build on, but you're pissing it all away. The saddest thing of all is that you still think this country is the same one they founded."

Gabriel then looked off and said, "So how did we end up this way? How did our country start off as one whose core principles were to set men free, but wound up as one that seeks to make them slaves?"

Looking back at the camera he said, "Most of the people who call themselves conservatives like to blame judges. They are, after all, the ones that state the Constitution says that abortion is a protected right. Yet far more damaging is what judges have done to religion. They are the ones that keep moving us from a country founded on freedom of religion to one that is more about freedom from religion.

"Yet I don't blame the judges for what's happening. Not one bit. They are nothing but a bunch of sanctimonious elites in silly robes, with really no power at all. No, I don't blame them. I blame the politicians. They are the ones that have allowed the judges to usurp their power. These judges could be impeached, but are they? Have you seen any impeached?

"Either we have the most intelligent and ethical people being appointed by our politicians, or more likely, politicians appoint judges to do their dirty work. Rather than taking a stand on what they believe, politicians would rather see judges do what they are too cowardly to do on their own. In other words, our politicians would rather be slave masters than provide actual leadership.

"Let me explain something. There is only one valid role for a judge to play in our government, and that is to insure that the laws passed by the legislators are interpreted properly at any trial. It's not practical to have the politicians who passed the law be present and verify that the court is using it properly. That is the role of the judge. He or she should look closely at the context of a law to insure that the will of the people, as determined by the representatives of the people, is expressed at the trial, providing the law in question is not in conflict with the Constitution.

"Is that what you see happening by our judges in their courts? I don't. I see them acting like we are the great unwashed who need to be told what to do and when to do it. I see them not caring one bit what the intent of any law is as long as they can dictate how they please. Things like religious symbols on public property is seen by them as the government imposing a religion, rather than what it really is, which is nothing more than the expression of religion.

"This leads directly to another profound difference between what our Founding Fathers intended for this nation, and what it has become today, which is one where religion would flourish and not be suppressed. Probably the greatest lie told about them was that they wanted to establish a secular country.

"The atheists who spread these lies like to believe that the reason our country turned out as great as it did was because of an 'Age of Enlightenment' that was occurring at this time. I would agree that there

was some influence from it, but to credit it is preposterous. It takes a complete dive into self-deception to not see that our Founding Fathers believed that what they were setting up with our government would not work unless the citizens of it were religious. They had good reason to believe so too.

"Allow me tell you a tale of two countries. Both underwent a revolution at the end of the eighteenth century, and both were influenced by this 'age of enlightenment.' The differences included one was a great power on the world's stage, while the other was quite insignificant. The most important difference between them was that the insignificant one credited God as the source of their inspiration, while the great power credited man … which means they didn't really credit anyone.

"What happened to those two countries? Well, the great power immediately plunged into a bloodbath and within no time ran willingly into the arms of an emperor, while the insignificant one went on to be the only true world power that has ever existed, and be directly responsible for the freedom of more people than any other source that has ever been known by man.

"It's not to hard to see why this happened. If you believe your rights are handed to you by God, you're not likely to hand them over to another man. When you believe your rights are really nothing but what other men say they are, then they will always be bent to the will of man whenever it appears expedient to do so.

"Now I'm willing to accept that atheists can lead moral and decent lives. I just don't believe they know how to make a moral and decent society. They're kind of like the pacifists who desperately want to live in a peaceful society, but there is nothing about what they do that can bring it about. Pacifists believe that if they act peacefully, then others will be peaceful with them. Nonsense, and the same is true for atheists. Moral and decent atheists can only exist in a moral and decent society; just as pacifists can only exist in a society that is willing to be peaceful to them. There is nothing about either group that brings about what they claim to want."

Gabriel paused as if collecting his thoughts, took a deep breath, and continued, "The last point about rights that I want to talk about is how even the concept of what a right is has changed from our Founding Fathers time. They viewed rights as limitations placed on the government. To them, rights were a check on the expansion of government power. But not today; not for those on the left anyway.

"For them, a right is anything they believe they deserve. A right is now seen as a vehicle for the expansion of governmental powers. A whole new host of rights spring forth almost daily from something as sweeping as a right to universal health care to something deceptively simple as gay marriage. Whatever your heart desires, or more exactly, whatever you no longer wish to demean yourself to convince others that you deserve, has now been transformed into a right.

"I will admit that not everything the left wants can be lumped into this category. Their desire for a right to abortion can be defined as a check on government powers, so that can plausibly be argued as a right; the rest can't be. They are about seeking dependency on the government, and so are about enslavement, not freedom.

"This means they warp your mind, and force you to see things in ways that are destructive to you. If someone is compromising what you believe should be a right, it will make you angry, and rightly so. No one should ever compromise on what they believe is their rights, but you better make sure it really is a right that is being compromised.

"Take gay marriage for instance. I don't believe there is any right for gays to marry, but then I don't believe that I have a right to marry my wife either. Whether the government wants to extend benefits to me for my marriage plays no role in the decision about whom I marry. The gay marriage issue has nothing to do with what the government permits or prevents, so it's absolutely phony to talk about this as being about rights.

"The benefits the government wants to grant to me for my marriage are things that I'll reject if I believe they compromise my actual rights. More importantly, if the government chooses to rescind those benefits, it will be the government's loss, not mine. Those benefits play no role in my deciding whether to marry my wife, nor will I think less of my marriage without them.

"People who see marriage as some right, literally have their lives ripped of any meaning when some government bureaucrat is prevented from pronouncing them married, such as after the passage of proposition eight in California. Let's keep in mind that we are talking about a state whose domestic partnership laws already granted gays the benefits of heterosexual married couples. Also, this proposition was no ban on gay marriage, as the media characterizes it. With its passage, the government will not burst into churches to break up any marriage ceremonies involving gays. They are free to marry anyone they choose, they just don't get the government's blessing.

"All of the bleating, and crying, and blood-curdling screams of injustice are just pathetic, because it's over a phony and contrived right. If the recognition of the friends and family around them is not good enough, then nothing the government can do can ever make it right.

"When you declare that you need the government's approval on anything for you to feel right with your life, you are declaring yourself a willing slave of the government; and that's the point.

"These gays claim they want the respect that comes with the name marriage placed on their relationships, but because they see it as a right, their response to the rejection of it is in complete contradiction to their desires. They either whine like little babies about what great victims they are, or they engage in acts of intimidation that only prove how weak their claim for respect really is. Do you think painting swastikas on churches that supported Prop 8 gained them any respect? Their cries of victim hood and threats of violence may indeed get them the empty recognition they so desire, if for no other reason than to just shut them up, but don't count on it gaining them any respect.

"Oh, and I wouldn't look too closely at those polls that say there are more Americans now in favor of gay marriage, because you may not like the reasons behind them. Respect is something that is earned. It can never be demanded. I have seen many spoiled brats get their way, but none of them have ever been respected.

"This is the unintended consequence of seeing rights were there couldn't be any, and there are a lot more unintended consequences from what they are doing too. Liberals need to realize that they aren't the only ones playing this game of intimidation, and the more they condition our society to respond to their childish antics, the more likely others will follow behind them on the road they pave. With every success they claim with these tactics of intimidation, our society's inventible submission to Islam draws nearer.

"You see, you can't out-intimidate these people." Gabriel paused for dramatic effect. Then said low and menacing, "These jihadies play for keeps."

After straightening up his posture, and crossing his arms in front of him, he continued defensively, "I know many of you listening to me think I'm just some paranoid, delusional fool; that there is no way some ninth century ideology will ever conquer a powerful nation like America. I'm also quite sure the citizens of Rome felt the same way – until that very thing happened to them.

"I've read many explanations why Rome fell, and the stupidest ones are that Rome become evil and corrupt. Uh… I hate to break this to you, but Rome was always evil and corrupt. The way I like to put it is that Rome fell because it became something that wasn't worth dying for, and that is the goal of everyone that is trying to redefine our history, whether they realize it or not.

He stared closely into the camera for a few moments, and then continued, "Look. You can declare whatever you want to be your right. You can also say that it is wrong to credit God for our unalienable rights. You can even say that it's good to become dependent on government to take care of you. But you can't say that that is what our Founding Fathers intended for this nation, and I'm not going to stand around while you spread your lies, or wallow in your self-deception! …Which ever it may be!"

Gabriel was quite angry by now and he needed to pause for a bit to regain composure. Yet when he continued, it was obvious that he was still seething. "As I said. I'm not leaving this country. This country left me, and it didn't have the decency and respect to tell me that it did. As such, I have no intention of going quietly. I have no intention of just fading away, and the people whom I hold responsible are going to pay dearly for it.

"Who may that be? It's not the liberals with their desire to see us all as slaves. They talk like their beliefs are mainstream, but they're not. They are simply the only ones that have any faith in the government solving our problems, so they are the ones that are over represented in it. And it's certainly not the atheists and their religious zeal to purge God from the public sphere. They are an even more ridiculously smaller minority than the liberals.

"No, I don't blame either group. Just as I don't blame judges for the damage they cause by imposing their beliefs on us, I don't blame the liberals or atheists for the damage they cause us either. Whom I hold the most accountable are conservative Christians. They are the ones to blame for allowing our heritage to be warped and twisted, so they are the ones I plan to punish. There should be no doubt that this nation is a Christian nation, and it's the hate and division that is still tolerated in our faith that is the direct cause of that doubt.

"What are my plans? Why, I intend to have the punishment fit the crime. They could have easily told the liberals that we do not accept slavery for any citizen of this country, and they also could have easily told the atheists that we do not accept their contention that our religious symbols are an offense to them. They could have easily done either, but they have chosen to submit to both of their demands. So now they will have a new master to submit to, and that will be me.

"And why not? They have already surrendered to the liberals and atheists, and their surrender to the Muslims is only a matter of time, so why not surrender to me now? Their choice will be to accept enslavement, as the liberals want of everyone, or to reject their faith, as the atheists want of everyone."

Gabriel again paused before continuing. "What exactly is about to happen? To begin with, I have sent all of my adults with small children, along with the rest of our youth into our sanctuary. You will never find them, so they will be alive to continue our legacy in case we fail.

"The rest of us will be traveling around this country enslaving Christians. Some enslavements will only last a single task that they will be commanded to perform. Others will last a day or more as my men take over their homes and command them to perform chores such as cooking, cleaning and doing our laundry.

"Still others will last several months, or more, as they become hostages against attacks by the authorities or vigilantes. These hostages aren't the kind normally associated with these kinds of situations. Unlike normal hostage situations, we will not kill them if we are attacked. The only way they can be harmed is if overwhelming force is used against us, and they become nothing more than collateral damage. My men and I are not afraid of a fight; we just don't want to be out gunned, or have bombs dropped on us.

"Now when I say I only want to punish Christians, that's exactly what I mean. If you're not a Christian, and remain respectful to us, we will leave you alone. Unlike the islmo-nazis that openly state they intend nothing less than your enslavement – who many in this country believe that if we just leave them alone they will leave us alone – I actually state and mean that if you leave us alone, we will indeed leave you alone.

"There is really only one way that non-Christians should have any concern; that is if they are disrespectful to us. We, of course, will not have any police protection, so we'll have to take care of such things ourselves; and by that I mean we will not allow anything to get out of hand. If you so much as flip one of my people off as we pass by, we will pull over and beat the crap out of you.
