Slaves of the Spartan Kingdom Ch. 04


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"No slight of any kind will be tolerated, and that includes refusing to do business with us. If you run a business and try to deny us anything that you would offer to others, we will destroy your business. Again, leave us alone and we'll leave you alone.

"I'm also not interested in punishing 'fair weather' Christians either. The only ones I want to punish are the committed ones. The ones that profoundly and deeply worship Christ. How will I weed out the fair weather Christians? Simple. All they have to do is state that Christ is not their lord and savior, and they will be free to go.

"Personally, I would rather slit my throat than publicly reject Christ, and I have no interest in punishing any other type of Christian. That's the point. I'm not interested in revenge; I'm only interested in punishing. Any attempt to punish liberals would be pointless. They have clearly shown a complete unwillingness to learn from their mistakes, and would only see any punishment as persecution. And these fools love to wallow in persecution. They even make up persecutions to wallow in when none exist.

"Christian men are the same in certain respects. They are quite willing to suffer a great deal in the name of their Lord, and might take what I plan as some sort of perverse honor to have their devotion tested to such a degree. I can't have that. They must be punished. That means I have to hit them where it really hurts, and there is no better way to hurt a man of honor than to hurt his women.

"In a moment I'll turn this video over to some of my subjects who will give a demonstration on how we'll punish men by hurting their women, but before I do, I want to talk about what it will take to get us to stop. The way I see it, there are only three ways…

"Well… to be honest, there is a fourth, but like I said at the beginning of this video, force will not work. You may be able to kill some of us, but you can't get us all. We are capable of bringing a level of violence back on you that any jihadi could only dream of. How many people are going to have to die before you finally understand this? I do not know, and honestly, I hope I never have to find out.

"So getting back to what will work at stopping us, the first one is the one I consider to be the most unlikely. All it would take to make us go away is to call a constitutional convention where the existing one is declared null and void, and a new one is voted on.

"Think about it. Liberals can finally have a constitution that actually states a woman can kill her unborn children, and liberals also don't have to be troubled with pesky amendments like that second one. You guys have been doing your best to convince everyone that it's about ensuring the government has a right to arm its soldiers, but I don't think that lie is catching on.

"I'll even wait a few weeks to see if this is going to happen, because if it does, then I won't feel disrespected. You will finally be acknowledging that you don't recognize our Founding Fathers' heritage, and I'll be able to fade away in peace. Again, I don't see this happening. Liberals know that their hold on our culture is tenuous at best. They need the authenticity our Founding Fathers lend them, and besides, their redefining what they want has been working pretty well so far, so I don't see them taking this risk.

"The second one is the one that I consider to be the saddest. It's the one where there aren't enough real Christians left in this country to make this adventure worthwhile. If most, if not all, can say the words that Christ is not their savior, then I'll have no interest in continuing. At a minimum, we'll be denied our hostages and so be exposed to a full assault by the military, which of course we stand no chance against.

"The third option is the one I am hoping for the most, and the one I'm willing to risk my life to see happen, and that is for Christians to step up and demand that their heritage not be rewritten. Not just that, but they must be effective. They must make it a fact that people will be free to express their religion, without being accused of imposing their faith, just because that expression occurs on public land. More importantly, they need to do a whole lot better job of convincing the poor that to accept their status of poverty only makes them a slave. Being poor does not make you a slave, but accepting poverty does.

"I want you Christians to understand that I am not asking for anything other than what you should want already. I'm only stunned by how much your actions prove these things are not important to you. In order to accomplish them, do you think you need to be more sanctimonious? Condescending? Condemning? Arrogant? 'Holier than thou'? Do you believe that by doing more to convince everyone that you want a theocracy you will accomplish your goals? Do you believe that government has any role to play – whatsoever – in accomplishing anything you want in life? Do you even believe that this is a job for our self-proclaimed Christian leaders?

"Honestly, everything that has ever gone wrong with Christianity, and in turn has set it back, can be laid at the feet of our so called leaders and our reliance on them. Look at any source of hate and division, and you will find a slave master masquerading as a leader deriving power from his slaves. This applies to more than what is conveniently labeled as religion. Just look at the hate and division caused by leftists' organizations, and you'll see what I mean.

"The way Adam Smith described how an economy grows is also true for Christianity. It's not done by any central authority, but by living lives that others see as a life they want to live. Once you rely on leaders to decide what is best for you – once you accept their opinion over your own as to what is right or wrong, you become their slave.

"Real leadership occurs when you set an example for others to follow, yet once you look back to make sure everyone is falling into line, you stop being a leader, and start being a master. This is the difference between what our Founding Fathers established and a theocracy. They gave praise to God for the providence of our country. They did not require of its citizens to give praise. I'll provide more explanation on this in another video, because for now, I need you to gnaw on what I've said so far."

Gabriel began walking to his right, and as he did so, the camera followed him, and pulled back. Once he moved passed the couch, the camera revealed three women standing between two men. Gabriel walked up to the center of the three women, and then looked back at the camera. "I'm now going to leave you with Brandy, who will be presenting the demonstration portion of this video.

"Before I do, I have one final message for those that plan to engage us with violence; that is 'No quarter will be asked for, and no quarter will be given.' If you so much as pull a gun on us, we will kill you. Don't waste your time surrendering or demanding our surrender. All battles will be battles to the death.

"I'm not operating under any delusion that I won't be killed by what I'll be starting in a few weeks, nor do I have some death wish. You see… contrary to popular opinion, the point to life is not to stay alive. If it were, then we are all hopeless failures, because we are all going to die. Even living a long life can't be an objective, because while there are ways to increase your odds at a long life, you could just as easily die in an auto accident tomorrow anyway.

"The only aspect of your life that you are in full control of is how you are going to live it; so what'll it be? Are you going to live your life, or the life deemed best for you by some ruling elite?" Gabriel punctuated what he said by pointing into the camera when he said 'your.'

"I for one plan to live mine," He was now pointing at himself. "…and only mine. In the immortal words of John Galt, 'I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.'

"Who is John Galt, you ask? If you don't know already, then it is high time you did because only when every citizen of this country lives by that creed, will slavery finally end."

He then looked back at Brandy and said, "They're all yours Brandy."

Beth exclaimed "'Bout – Fucking – Time!"

Marcie glared at Beth again, which elicited a defensive response from her. "What!? I'm sorry, but that tedious bullshit is even more boring the second time through it!"

Marcie grabbed hold of the mouse to move the video back before Beth's interruption. As she did she looked closer at the scene that Gabriel had departed. As she originally noted, there were three women between two men. But now she noticed that they were all standing in front of a dining room table, and the dining room was like the living room – devoid of any distinguishing adornments.

The men were dressed in blue denim work shirts and jeans, and unlike Gabriel, they looked like body-builders. They were massive. She also noticed that they were so large that they could be back a few feet from the women, and still appear to be along side them.

The three women were about the same height and age, probably early twenties, but otherwise looked very different. The middle one, the one Gabriel called Brandy, was a brunette with her hair tied in a French braid. She was wearing a black leather skirt and matching boots. Her top was a long-sleeved, light-blue silk blouse that was transparent enough to discern the lacy bra she was wearing underneath. She also appeared to be wearing nylons.

The woman to her right seemed a little younger than her, and appeared very sweet and innocent. She was also a brunette, but her hair was flowing long and wavy. She wore a light-pink cotton dress with knee high socks, and shiny black shoes.

The woman to Brandy's left was the complete opposite of the woman on her right. She had short black hair, and wore jeans with a black t-shirt underneath a leather jacket. In short, she looked like a biker.

"Thank you King Gabriel," Brandy said as he disappeared from view.

She then looked into the camera and said, "Hi. My name is Brandy. This is Belinda," she said while looking to her right. Belinda smiled and passed her hand in front of her as if saying 'Hi.'

"And this is Bernice," she said while looking to her left. Bernice just stood there with a bored expression on her face.

Brandy continued, "We will be demonstrating how we expect you to behave when you encounter any of us. Before I start, I want everyone watching to be forewarned that we take this very seriously. We figure that many people are going to be hurt, and some may even die, because they won't believe we are serious about this.

"The first thing I'll tell you is just some advice, and that is don't initiate any contact with us. If you see any of us walking by, don't do anything to draw our attention to you. Chances are we are not going to respond in a favorable manner to you, so it's best you don't do anything that might be misinterpreted as an insult. We are only asking to be treated the same way your culture is already heading when it comes to treating Muslims, so at a minimum, we'll take it as an insult that you don't fear us as much as you fear them.

"Much of what I'll explain later only applies to Christians, and some of it only to Christian females of a particular age. When it comes to insults, though, whether they are verbal or expressed by trying to steal from us, there will be no exceptions to our retribution. Even bratty little kids could wind up in a hospital because their parents didn't raise them any better.

"With those pleasantries dispensed with, let's move on to the demonstrations." Brandy turned to her right, but continued to look at the camera. "Belinda will portray a typical person who does not wish to be known as a Christian, so pay attention to her response. When we approach, someone we'll ask a very simple question."

She then looked at Belinda, and said, "Are you a Christian?"

Belinda replied back, "No, I am not a Christian."

"You're free to go," Brandy replied to her. She then looked back into the camera. "Notice that she did not reply with just 'No.' That will not be good enough. You must reply with a complete sentence that states you are not a Christian, or that Jesus is not your savior. You see… I may not believe you. I may insist that you say the words 'Jesus Christ is not my Lord and Savior.' If you can say those words, then you will be free to go."

Brandy looked back at Belinda. "Now Belinda will portray a Christian." She paused then asked her, "Are you a Christian?"

Belinda's only reply was, "I surrender."

Brandy then said, "In the name of King Gabriel, I declare you a slave of the Spartan Kingdom."

Brandy again addressed the camera. "There is no need to declare you are a Christian. The only thing that is important is determining whether we need to use violence to enslave you. By immediately surrendering, you are stating that you want this over with as quickly and painlessly as possible.

"For you men out there, there is another option. You can refuse to surrender and contest your enslavement. Our men would even respect that choice, because they would rather die than accept enslavement. I mean… that is fundamentally why we are doing this.

"If you choose to contest your enslavement, one, and only one man will be assigned to subdue you in unarmed combat. If you win, you and any woman that you claim as yours will be free to go. I personally would not count on you winning any such battle; you will be lucky to even survive it. Since the battle is unarmed, that makes surrender an option, but everything will happen a whole lot faster than you think it will. You will probably never get a chance to surrender, and be grateful to only wake up in a hospital. Still, you will have avoided enslavement.

"If your honor dictates that you must resist enslavement and risk death and at least receive a sound thrashing, then by all means, resist. Our men will respect your decision, and they can always use the combat practice.

"As for women, there is no other option. No woman in our kingdom can be commanded into combat, so there cannot be a fair battle, at least not between men and women. Only men can be assigned to subdue a resisting woman, and they are prohibited from inflicting any harm greater than is absolutely necessary.

"Any resistance on your part will not be respected. The more you struggle and wail against your enslavement, the more likely you will get some man to come to your rescue, which of course could get him killed, and not likely result in your rescue. I personally will look upon your resistance with utter contempt, because it will show how little you care for the lives of the men in your life. You could have easily just said you weren't a Christian; but no. You believe your honor is more important than their lives, and for that, I will bring such a hurt down on you.

"What will that hurt be? You'll see shortly with Bernice, but for now, I'm not quite done with Belinda. You see, Belinda is not just a Christian. She's also a woman between the age of eighteen to thirty-nine, and as such, we have additional pain and humiliation in store for her."

Brandy turned back to Belinda and asked again, "Are you a Christian?"

Belinda reached down with both hands and grabbed the hem of her dress. When she brought it up high enough to completely expose her plain, white, satin panties, she replied, "I surrender."

Brandy said the same words as last time, but now she said them after reaching out to cup Belinda's pussy with her right hand. "In the name of King Gabriel, I declare you a slave of the Spartan Kingdom."

Brandy continued to play with Belinda's pussy as she turned to the camera, "Just as we expect you to surrender to avoid any unnecessary conflict, if you are a woman between eighteen and thirty-nine, we also expect you to accept the additional punishment we have planned for you. By raising your dress as Belinda just has, and not resisting as I slide my hand between your thighs, you will communicate that you will not put up any resistance, and will accept the pain and humiliation to follow."

Brandy pulled her hand back, but Belinda kept her dress up. "The minimum punishment you will experience will be determined by what you are wearing and how you behave. Belinda here is doing everything she needs to receive the minimum. Her manner communicates complete submission to our desires, and she is dressed appropriately as a woman should. She is wearing a dress – not pants – and is wearing underwear that is not trashy, but demure. She is also not wearing pantyhose.

"One sure way to jack up your minimum punishment is to wear pantyhose. If you want to wear hosiery, then use a garter. I personally like these." She lifted her leather skirt to show she was wearing a variety of hose that clung to the tops of her thighs. "These stockings have silicone ridges inside that hold them up." As she said this, she pulled the top back to show what she was talking about. This maneuver also exposed her panties to view as well.

She then dropped her skirt and returned her attention to Belinda, "You may drop your dress now." She did, then Brandy pulled a chair away from the head of the dining room table. "Bend over," she commanded Belinda while pointing to the table. Once Belinda had leaned over the table, Brandy positioned herself to Belinda's left, then raised her dress and flipped it onto her back.

She looked back into the camera and stated, "What you are about to witness is the minimum amount of punishment you can expect when you are enslaved." Brandy proceeded to deliver ten hard swats, with her open hand, on Belinda's panty covered bottom. After only a few swats, Belinda began crying out in pain. Brandy even had to place her left hand on the lower back of Belinda to hold her in place.

Once she was done, Brandy looked back at the camera while stroking Belinda's pussy from behind. "If the spanking is not embarrassing enough, then being molested while being spanked should humiliate you like you have never been before."

She stopped to deliver a few more swats, then continued stroking her again. Belinda squealed from each spank, then cooed when Brandy resumed her petting. "Of course, these sessions will be recorded, and the videos will be posted to the Internet in some manner. The shame of how much a spanking turns you on will be on display for the world to see."

Brandy spanked and petted Belinda some more. "As I stated earlier, this is the minimum. Even if you cooperate completely, you still may be subject to much more." Brandy then slid Belinda's panties aside at the crotch, and started running her finger through her slit. "As our slave, you can be subjected to anything that turns us on. The only limitation on what can be done to you, is what we limit to ourselves. In other words, anything up to, and including, rape." Brandy punctuated this by ramming her middle and index fingers deep into Belinda, which elicited a gasp from her.

"That's right. Rape," Brandy continued. "No woman in our kingdom can deny any sexual pleasure of any man in our kingdom. While you are a slave that will include you too." By now Belinda was humping back onto Brandy's fingers, and was definitely enjoying the attention.

"The way I see it," Brandy said as she pulled her fingers from Belinda, which produced a groan of protest from her. "You've got two choices." She then held up the two wet fingers. "You can either come to grips with the sexuality that God gave you. And I do mean come to grips. Not give in to." She then stuck her index finger into her mouth.

She sucked it in and out a few times then pulled it out with a pop. "Or you could just say you're not a Christian." She then sucked on her middle finger, and when she pulled it out she continued, "I'm sure God will understand."
