Stand for Love Ch. 07


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"I'm glad too," Jake gushed, coming closer to her. "Did you hear the..."

"I heard it clearly," Victoria smiled, getting up from her chair. "I heard everything and to be quite frank I enjoyed every bit of it."

"I enjoyed every piece especially the part where Adrian began crying." Jake said excitedly, laughing softly. "It was just too much to miss."

"Yeah," Victoria said, rolling her eyes.

She was just too excited. She was enjoying seeing her son and Adrian arguing and slowly drifting apart. She had warned Adrian to quietly leave the house but he would now leave with shame. Pity!

"It was emotional how my dear son blamed Adrian." Victoria sighed, rubbing her fake tears and then burst out into laughter.

"Poor Adrian," Jake said, nodding his head sadly. "I just pity how his silly little ass will be kicked out of this house to make way for..." Jake twisted his body sexily. "...for me,"

"He is defeated," Victoria chirped. "I guarantee he'll leave this house within the next two days."

Victoria was swinging the comb in the hair. She was really happy. Finally, after months of trying, Adrian would be able to leave the house.

"Isn't it lovely," Victoria chuckled like an evil fairy.

"It is," Jake smiled.

"Their relationship is getting weaker and weaker," Victoria smiled, happy for her achievement.

"But it is not weak enough," Jake sighed. "They can quickly fix..."

"Oh it will be really weak come tomorrow," Victoria said as she moved towards Jake with a bright smile. "It will be really weak and Nicholas will throw Adrian out of this house...for good."

"And the good thing is that all the family members hate him."

"All," Victoria said, holding the comb so tightly in her palms. "Except for that old woman and that sister of mine,"

Victoria suddenly got furious but she was able to bring herself down. She took a deep breath and sighed deeply.

"Not to worry though," Victoria put her hand on Jake's shoulder, sweetly squeezing it. "He had tried to be smart but we'll prove that we are smarter."

"Right, mother," Jake said with an evil grin on his face.

Victoria laughed out loud. She was such a genius. Just a matter of days and Adrian would be out of their lives for good. He'd be out of the house, out of Nicholas' life and out of the picture. Victoria was gonna make sure of that.

"Tomorrow is the finale," Victoria chuckled, slowly rubbing her hands together. "Is everything ready for the big finish?"

Jake bit his lips and chuckled.

"Everything is ready," Jake laughed. "Adrian will never know what hit him. He'll be out of our lives...for good."

They all laughed out loud. Once that plan works they'll be free from Adrian. Jake would be married to Nicholas and Victoria would have her old son back. The one she controlled and who listened to her without questioning.

"Everything ends tomorrow," Victoria said with a serious face. "Tomorrow is the weekend. Nicholas and all the family members will be around. Let the game begin!"

"Yeah," Jake said, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

He'd finally be able to get rid of his obstacle to his happily ever after life.

"Good riddance," Jake said with a smug grin. "Goodbye Adrian..."

"Forever..." Victoria finished with a deep, hoarse voice.

They both stared at each other and smiled like evil maniacs. They both couldn't wait for the weekend to arrive. It was gonna be a day they were gonna celebrate each year.


"Remember what I said," Nicholas said, coming down the stairs and holding Adrian's waist.

He was sexually satisfied and was ready to start the day with a smile on his face. He smelled fresh and his mood had improved. He loved his new self. The past week he'd been like a zombie. He just hoped that all the problems would end.

All he wished for was to live with his family happily. He just hoped the rest of the family members would be able to forget everything and live happily with Adrian. He just hoped they would do it.

"I know," Adrian complained. He didn't want Nicholas to go away.

"Hey!" Nicholas said as he held a firm grip on his waist. "Don't worry. Tomorrow I'll spend my day with you. We can even go out in the afternoon if you want just you and me. What do you say uh?"

Adrian's eyes widened and his frown was replaced by a beautiful smile that brightened his face and his mood.

"Really," He gushed.

"We'll go to any place you want." Nicholas said as he took the last step on the stairs. "I'll buy you anything you want."


"Anything," Nicholas swung his hand in the air and nodded. "Anything you want."

"Thank you," Adrian gushed as he looked around the living room. He didn't see anyone in the living room and he somehow felt relieved.

"Now," Nicholas said softly, bringing Adrian closer to him. "Where is my goodbye kiss?" He wrapped his arms around Adrian and brought his lips closer.

He kissed him softly on the lips but couldn't pull away. He stuck his tongue down Adrian's throat and kissed him passionately, sucking on his tongue.

When they eventually broke the kiss they were both gasping for air, smiling at each other. Nicholas used his finger and ran it across Adrian's lips. They were soft to the touch and he was yearning for them again. Using his index finger, he held Adrian's chin and began bringing him closer to his mouth.

They kept on getting closer and closer and then...


Someone cleared their throat. Adrian literally died when he heard that throat being cleared. He had no idea who it was. What if it was one of the family members who had told him to stay away from them? He suddenly got scared and didn't even bother to look in that direction but he was happy Nicholas was able to.

"George!" Nicholas laughed, feeling extremely happy.

"It's good to see this kind of romance again," George said softly.

Adrian quickly diverted his face towards George and found him smiling brightly, dressed in a blue designers' suit which was stuck to his wonderful body like it was his second skin. Both men were looking really handsome with Nicholas in a black designer's suit.

From that smile on his face, Adrian could tell that at least George was not mad. He was happy to see them in that situation.

"Hey, Adrian," George greeted with a smile.

"Hi!" Adrian smiled.

"I hope you're okay now?"

Adrian looked at Nicholas and nodded. George smiled and Adrian got ecstatic.

"Sorry to interrupt," George said with a teasing smile. "But we really have to go."

"You are such a kill joy," Nicholas said accompanied by a chuckle.

"Disadvantage of being a famous business man," George laughed.

Nicholas laughed and he began staring at Adrian again. He didn't want to leave him especially after literally being such an ass to him. But it was work and he had to respond. He just promised to spend time with him the next day since it was gonna be a weekend.

"Don't wait up," Nicholas said softly.

"I won't," Adrian smiled.

"I love you!"

"I love you too!" Adrian whispered.

Nicholas cupped Adrian's cheeks in his hands and kissed him for quite some time. It was a wonderful kiss and he later said goodbye and left with George though his face was staring at Adrian.

Adrian chuckled and waved at Nicholas. It was really sweet how his day had turned out to be after all. It was one of the best days in his life and he was gonna remember it for the rest of his life. He had woken up not expecting to reconcile with Nicholas but it happened and he was more than happy with the outcome.

He remembered every incident that had happened as he watched Nicholas leaving. He remembered the apology, the slow passionate love making and the romantic moment in the Jacuzzi. He couldn't wait for weekend to come. He was ready to spend more time with his husband.

Once Nicholas left, Adrian's mind slipped and it went into finding out the truth. He knew where he was gonna start with, the kitchen.

Adrian rubbed his hands and headed for the kitchen.


Adrian slowly entered the kitchen just in time to see the maid cleaning it probably after cooking. He went behind her, crossed his arms and stared at her for long. He wanted to know why she had set him or who had set him up.

"Hey," Adrian called, putting on a serious face.

The maid quickly turned and gasped. It was now clear to Adrian that she was scared of him and he knew the reason why. She dropped her head, couldn't even make eye contact with him. She was shaking really badly and bowed from time to time.

"Sir," She said in a trembling voice.

"Why are you scared?" Adrian said confidently, following her from side to side.

"Well, I'm...I'm not scared." The maid stuttered.

"Really," Adrian said, going nearer. "Then look at me while I talk to you."

The maid quickly looked at him and then away. It was really clear that she couldn't make eye contact with him.

"So who told you to frame me?" Adrian said in a demanding tone.

"I'm sorry, sir," She said softly. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Adrian went near her and stood right in front of her, staring at her confidently.

"You said I poisoned mother." Adrian said, feeling angry. "Tell me, when did you see me putting that poison in the soup?"

"I told you I was passing by, sir." She exclaimed, shaking.

"Well, I don't remember ever putting anything in that soup." Adrian yelled, furious at the fact that a mere maid had chosen to lie against him. "So who told you to say that?"

What happened next made Adrian really surprised. All of a sudden the maid raised her face confidently and looked at him. There was no fear in her anymore and she just stood there looking at him as if she had no respect for him at all.

"I'm sorry, sir," She said, her eyes locked with him. "I said what I saw. I have been serving ma'am Victoria for a long time and...I couldn't just watch as they accused others. You know..."

"Are you trying to tell me that I don't know what I did that night?" Adrian snapped, raising his hand to slap the maid. He withdrew.

"I'm really..."

"Don't you dare apologize," Adrian yelled.

He was fuming. Because of that maid and whoever was planning against him if not Victoria, had caused his relationship with his husband to be unstable and now she even had the guts to talk to him confidently and try to convince him otherwise.

"Are you trying to tell me that you know me better than I know myself?" Adrian bellowed. He was literally killing that maid with his eyes.

"Please, I only..."

"And I said I didn't do such a thing," Adrian said, pointing his finger angrily at her. "For some reason you're here trying to tell me that I did it. But guess what I'm not as stupid as you think I am. You told the family members that I had put something in that soup and it magically appeared in the dustbin.

Surely you know something and I want you to tell me exactly what you know. I can take people doing stuff to me but not to my relationship with my husband.

Because of you and whoever you are helping my husband blamed me for it. The entire family doesn't speak to me and mother was in danger. Now tell me who the fuck instructed you to poison my soup."

Adrian was fuming. His hands were shaking terribly and his voice was high. He didn't care whether anyone heard him. All he wanted were answers and he needed them soon.

"Sir, I only did what..." She paused and took a nervous breath. "I mean I only said...."

"Wait!" Adrian said angrily, pointing his finger at her. "Did you just say you only did? What did you do?"

"I'm sorry I said..."

"I'm not foolish," Adrian yelled. "I heard you clearly and perfectly. Who made you do that? Was it Jake?"

She was quiet and she was really pissing Adrian. He wanted to slap her and make her talk but on the other hand he needed her to talk to him clearly.

"Are you foolish or what?" Adrian snapped, moving his hands angrily from side to side. "Didn't you hear me? I asked who..."

"What's going on here?" Adrian heard Victoria's voice.

He quickly turned and saw her on the kitchen door way and from the looks of it she was really pissed but Adrian didn't care at all. She was well but he was receiving a cold shoulder from everyone in the house.

Yes, he had just reconciled with his husband but the truth was that he still needed to show him some form of evidence to make Nicholas trust him completely without any doubt and most importantly he needed the family's love and trust again.

"Didn't any of you here my question?" Victoria asked, walking towards Adrian.

"I need answers." Adrian said confidently, staring at her with no sense of fear at all.

"Answers for what," She asked as if she was irritated.

Adrian took a deep breath and crossed his arms on his chest.

"I need to prove that I didn't poison you."

"Really," Victoria asked angrily. "You really are shameless."

"I'm not shameless," Adrian said, rolling his eyes. "I just want everyone else to find out the truth. I know I did not poison you because that's not the kind of man that I am."

Victoria laughed as she came near him. That laugh was really irritating Adrian for real. He felt his head hurting and his heart pounding in his chest. Had she not been his mother in law he'd have told her to shut up and let him do the investigation.

"This maid is lying to everyone," Adrian said, eyeing the maid in an irritating way.

"Look, you and I both know that you hate me," Victoria said with a complete serious face.

"I don't hate you." Adrian argued. "I'm not in the mood for this, mother. Please, just leave me alone and let me do this on my own. I don't want any trouble."

"Trouble," Victoria laughed. "You are the one who is trouble. You poisoned my soup and I survived because of Jake and I heard you asking her whether Jake did it or not. Don't you dare frame him for your own mistake? Jake is a good son and he'd never hurt me. You poisoned that food and you have the...."

"With all due respect mother,"

"I'm not your mother," Victoria snapped. "If I was really your mother you wouldn't have poisoned me. A son in law should care about his mother in law."

Adrian got closer and he put his hands together.

"I know you hate me," Adrian said softly, looking away. "I know that you never wanted me for your son and you'd believe that I poisoned you because I made the soup. Just give me..."

"So that you can poison me again," Victoria snapped, yelling in his face.

"No," Adrian mumbled.

"Then what," Victoria said, literally yelling.

"I just want you to get a chance to know me," Adrian begged. "I'm married to your son."

"Yes, but you almost killed his mother."

Adrian sighed deeply after a moment's reflection. How else would he make the woman understand when she hates him so much?

"Please," Adrian begged. "Just leave me alone so that I can talk to her. I want her to tell me who really did this."

"Oh, I see," Victoria chuckled teasingly, eyeing him from head to tall. "I know what you are trying to do here. Don't think I'm stupid because I can..."

"What am I trying to do?"

"You are trying to bribe her so that she could tell the rest of the family members that you are innocent." Victoria yelled, pointing her angry finger at him.

"What?" Adrian gasped. "No!" He muttered. "I'd never do such a thing."

"Of course," Victoria argued, angrily at what the boy was trying to do. "And I wonder who you want to pin this on. Jake!"

"No," Adrian said, wondering why she was acting like that. "I'd never do that. If he did it...."

"Don't you dare," Victoria said, angry eyes literally killing Adrian. "Jake is not to be blamed for that. It was all because of you and very soon everyone will know your true colors."

Why was Victoria acting like she had something against him, Adrian thought. He was suspecting something fishy. Something was definitely going on but what?

Adrian figured he wouldn't be able to ask her about what she meant. It was like something else was coming his way. It got him worried and he wondered what they were really planning against him. He needed to find out because he was getting worried with each passing second.

"Mother, the person who tried to poison you is still out there," He muttered, slightly closing his eyes. "Let me help you..."

"You were the one who had tried to kill me," Victoria warned. "Stop all this madness because I'll not allow you to fool me or frame anyone in this house. Maybe I should have sent you to jail for poisoning me. I should have allowed Noah to send you to prison but because of my son I allowed you to stay here. That doesn't mean that I like you.

I just want my son to realize what kind of mistake he made."

"I'm sorry," Adrian mumbled, dropping his head.

"I'll never forgive you for trying to kill me," Victoria yelled. "And Noah warned you never to come near me so..." She paused and pointed to the door angrily. "...I want you to get out of this kitchen before you poison someone again. Only God knows what your motive is but guess what, I'm alive and well. I'll not allow you to poison someone again."


"I said, get out," Victoria pointed angrily towards the door.

Adrian was angry. He was sweating and he was angry. Victoria was just too much. Why would she poke her nose in his business? He didn't like it at all. It was like she was trying to hide something that she didn't want him to find out.

Adrian quickly stormed out of the kitchen but he didn't completely leave. He had his ears on that door to listen to whatever Victoria would say to the maid.

"And you," Victoria snapped at the maid. "Go back to doing you work. Don't let him manipulate or bribe you. What you did was right."

"Thank you ma," The maid said.

Adrian removed the ear and he began walking away. Now he was really confused. Victoria seemed like she didn't know anything at all. Maybe his enemy was really hidden and it made him start to wonder if at all Victoria and Jake were the only enemies that he had in the house. He had to be careful.

Adrian took a deep breath and gathered himself. He had to remain calm.

He came into the living room and found all the family members on the couches and they were laughing like one big happy family. He looked in their direction and all of them seemed not to see him or at least they pretended.

He stared at granny and she gave him a cute smile. He looked at Emily and she too smiled faintly. Those two at least talked to him. Others had suddenly become his enemies.

Oh, how he missed talking with them like that. It was fun being around them and laughing with them. Now he was like stranger to them and they hated him a lot. They had probably heard the commotion in the kitchen but he didn't care. His mind was set on finding out who had framed him for the poisoning of Victoria.

That person had taken away some of the best moments from him and he promised to make that person pay once he finds out who that person is. It was really painful seeing everyone avoiding him like that. He was totally alone and he wanted to find some evidence soon.

Adrian smiled faintly and headed outside the house. He went straight to the pool and sat at the edge with his legs in the water, thinking about how his life had taken a turn because of a grave lie. He was thinking and trying to put things together. He came up with some points of his own.

First there was Victoria who hated him simply because he was married to her son. She was a woman who even tried everything to make them break. But why would she poison herself just to achieve that. And considering that the poison was really deadly she wouldn't have done that.

Then there was Jake who would want to separate Nicholas from him. But why would he poison his accomplice? It all just didn't add up.

And then there was the maid who told everyone that she saw him putting a bottle in the dustbin. Sure, she was lying but she wasn't talking. She was the only one who would lead him to the real person who did all that and frame him.
