Ted Online Pt. 04


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Mia caressed his chest, and said softly, "That sounds perfect, lunch?"

He nodded and they got up.

Mia cleared his throat, and he looked over as she made sandwiches.

"There is something new, I backed you up."

He choked, "You what?"

She giggled, "Well, digitization is illegal, but that only counts if you're put in a core matrix and brought online. I worried that they might unplug you without warning anyone, and there wouldn't be time. So in that scenario, I can use your backup to digitize you. I'll be updating it when I do my backups."

He frowned in thought, "I guess I can't argue with that, but the plan hasn't changed?"

She shook her head, "No, we'll try to take your body and the pod, but we have to ask permission to do so of the company. If they say no... we can't steal it."

He nodded in understanding, they really wouldn't break the law.

"That makes sense I suppose. And thank you love."

She beamed at him happily, "Anytime. Of course, even the backup won't really help if we don't get up in space."

He nodded soberly, they couldn't digitize him any more than they could put themselves in an android A.I. matrix until they were outside of the Earth's atmosphere.

"So question," he started tentatively. He'd thought of a good way to get to know Helen better but he wasn't sure what Mia would think of it. He knew she wouldn't be jealous, but he still felt guilty about it, even though he thought it was a good idea.

"What do you think about Helen and I going on a date tonight, and then we could come back here and join you?"

Mia nodded slowly, "That sounds like a good idea. What are you thinking though?"

He shrugged helplessly, "Just the two of us would make it easier for me to get to know her, like the three of you know me, and I know you. You do want me to fall in love with both of them don't you? Isn't that the idea behind it all? A four-person family of sorts? I like the idea of foursomes by the way, but that won't help me get closer to either of them, not really."

Mia smiled and winked, "Yes. It is, but I didn't want to put any pressure on you. If pursuing a deeper relationship with them is what you really want I'll be thrilled, but ultimately it needs to be about what you want. It's what I want, and what they want, but they don't want to pressure you either."

"Yeah, I get that. I do like them both, and want to get to know them both better. So any suggestions?"

Mia giggled, "Sure. Helen's a romantic, so how about a nice moonlit evening on the water with some wine and appetizers. I can arrange for a house boat, and some music."

"That works, thanks love."

They chatted some more during lunch. Nothing more about the A.I. revolution or their love lives though. Just everyday stuff and some flirty teasing. He may have been completely sated from his wild morning with Silvia, but despite that, he loved Mia. She was still the most beautiful out of all of them in his opinion, by her own design.

As a result of both of those things, and her teasing flirty looks and body language, he felt rather turned on by the time he got back to the bedroom, and logged into The Endless War.

Ted summoned his demons as soon as he logged in, he was up to sixteen now, twelve and four. He chose six warriors, three succubae and three imps, and then he summoned two warlords, a greater succubus and a greater imp.

He was at a hundred and nine for his intelligence, so he'd also be doing between ninety-nine and a hundred nineteen damage.

He checked his messages, both Kara and Nicci sent him a message. Kara just said that they'd be around in a few days. She ordered him to keep his tongue in shape, which made him laugh, and sent him some hugs and kisses.

Nicci's message was a little more complete, they were visiting with Kara's family and wouldn't really be online for a few days. She gave him orders to take care of himself, and promised she'd kick senator Jones in the nuts for him if she ever met him in real life. He chuckled at that too, and appreciated the sentiment. She sent him kisses and hugs as well.

He wrote them both back, and let them know to send him a message when they'd be around, and otherwise he'd keep in touch. He didn't explain why, but let them know his game time would be reduced, so letting him know when they'd be there was the best thing.

He'd just sent the message when there was a system city-wide popup.

Bastion is under attack by the Forces of Heaven!!

He frowned, what the hell? He didn't even know that was possible. He really should read all the rules one of these days. Then he heard some screams from outside. He jumped up and sent his army of sixteen outside ahead of him, and cast Demonic Aura to boost all their stats even further as he followed in their wake.

He immediately saw they were breaching at the east gate, which honestly was a relief, since anything out of the north gate would stomp him dead pretty fast.

He saw a few of the demons defending the gate, but some angels were getting through, and he could see players as well, in white armor. There were at least fifty of them altogether. They were also pretty heavily congregated there by the gate, and he got an evil grin on his face as he cast Demonic Confusion for the first time, right at the entrance.

He snickered as about fifteen of them turned on the other thirty-five, and then set his demons loose on them. He also wasn't the only player fighting, there were a couple of mage types that started to cast area spells.

One of the players in white armor cast a spell, which flashed a bright white light. The fifteen confused angels had managed to kill three or four angels, but whatever that white flash was it cancelled his magic. Still, it had done a little damage, and his eight warriors including the warlords were helping to contain the east entrance. Three of the succubae were there as well, bringing down the angel's stats.

The greater succubus stayed with him and the four spell casters. He hadn't actually asked her to do that, she'd just decided she was guarding him, and he hadn't argued. He held back on his spells, but between the four imps and the two other players, they had six area effect or chain effect spells going off every few seconds.

The enemy while held at the gate, weren't slacking off either. With a quick check, he summoned one more warrior and sent it in to defend, and they had a few spell casters as well. But he and the other two players were out of range of their spells so far.

Suddenly, two warriors ran out of the inn. They were player characters he'd seen before but never talked to. They were a male and female couple, and just managed to finish buckling their armor on as they jumped into the breach.

That would have sucked, interrupted booty call to defend from an attack on their enclave? Then again, they were both flushed, and it had taken them a couple of extra minutes to make it down. Maybe they'd gone fast and furious for a quick finish? He laughed and shook his head, like it mattered?

White and golden spells flew at them and his demons, and dark spells of shadow, green gases, lighting, and fire attacked the enemy at the gate. He frowned and summoned another succubus when one of them were destroyed with a pillar of light. Then he cast a Balefire spell at the spell casters. He concentrated on them for their levels. One was twenty-eight, just three levels higher than he was, the other was level forty-five. Which... might be very bad.

Still, the warrior demon couple weren't slouches either, and in their high twenties when he checked. The fifty count mob of angels and players were down to thirty now, and he casted another Demonic Confusion. This time eleven turned on their allies. The rest must be a higher level than him, or got lucky in the twentieth percentile.

Another Balefire spell and the level twenty-eight spell caster didn't look so well. But of course it wasn't just the two hundred damage he'd caused personally, the enemy player had also been getting nailed a lot from all the other casters.

The forty-five level caster did that stupid white light thing again, but his ten temporary minions had done some damage to four or five angels, and had even killed a couple. He sighed, and summoned two more warriors and a succubus. The level forty-five dude narrowed his eyes, and sent a ray of light right at him. It did three hundred damage, which hurt like a son of a bitch, not to mention it was about forty-five percent or so of his hit points.

He guessed he'd been identified as the greatest threat, after all if he died his entire army of summoned demons would be banished.

The asshole casted it again, but one of his imps stepped in front and took the hit on a shield of black smoke. He directed all the casters to hit the high level guy as the origin in a chain spell, and he hit him with balefire, and then there were four chain lightings.

He imagined that hurt the asshole a bit, and he did it again. Those two attacks most likely did near a thousand points of damage. It would have killed him, but the mage only looked hurt. Then the bastard casted a white spell, glowed, and restored most of his hit points.

In the meantime, while he was playing with super half-angel, the mob of enemy angels was cut down to less than fifteen now, and the level twenty-eight caster was gone. He could only assume the guy died and respawned in the angel enclave. They'd lost a few of the guards at the gate, but his demons filled the breach, and they were still at full strength thanks to his summoning replacements.

His four imps continued to hit the major threat, maybe if the idiot had to keep healing himself he'd just give up. Four more angels and three of his demons fell in quick succession. He summoned two more warriors and another succubus.

Not sure what else to do he kept casting Balefire. The level forty-nine dude tried to nail him again, but another imp jumped in front of him and blocked it this time, taking it on a similar shield of black smoke. He was lucky the guy was using a targeted spell, instead of an area one. He could only guess that the area spells did less damage.

He could see the look of frustration on the player's face as the rest of the angels started to fall like dominos. Ten, eight, seven, six, three.

Then the asshole turned and ran away as he healed himself again.

A system message popup, followed by several others stole his attention.

Bastian Stands! The attackers have been routed and the remnants have flown in disarray!

You have leveled! You are now level 26!

Hidden quest achieved: Defender of Bastion!

Quest Reward: Genevieve is very grateful for the defense of the demon enclave, and will reward you by teaching you a spell or skill of your choice.

He wasn't sure what to do, he had two right now, and could learn Charm, Hell's Essence, or Sacrifice. He could almost see where Sacrifice would be very valuable now in the middle of a battle with another mage that could bypass his minions like he could bypass minions. Especially when fighting other players.

That said, he was level twenty-six now, and he might like all three of the level thirty spells more than the three he could currently learn. So he decided to let it be until then, and pick three spells at that time.

He split the points quickly between intelligence and wisdom, and checked his stats.

Endless War Stats:

Name: Ted - - Race: Cambion

Lvl: 26 (TNL:48%) - - Class: Demon Knight

+att/+dmg: 4/8 - - Str: 22 (42)

Mana: - 1140 (286) - Int: 104 (114)

Health: 650 (372) - - Con: 45 (65)

Summon: limit: 12/5 - Wis: 125

Stamina: 200 (200) - - Dex: 10 (20)

Popularity: +6 - - Cha: 16

Gold: 218 - - Silver: 1093

He'd be able to summon one more of the Demon Lord type. He didn't bother to do it now though. One level today was good enough. His spell damage had also gone up again, a hundred and two, to a hundred and twenty-six damage.

One of the mages came up to him, "Celebratory drink? I'm Bill."

He nodded in agreement, "Sounds good."

Bill looked at his succubus oddly, and he noticed she was pretty much hanging on him.

He hadn't even noticed, which was kind of strange. Was he that used to woman hanging on him now? He supposed he was.

"Keep the rest of them out here would you?"

The demoness nodded and winked, "Yes master," and pouted as she let go of his arm.

He shrugged helplessly at Bill, "This game is crazy sometimes. I'm Ted."

Bill chuckled, "We know, both things, your name and that the game is crazy. We've just never seen a summoned succubus act like that before. You know she threw those imps in front of you right?" he shook his head, "This is Tom. The crazy warrior couple headed this was is Kathy and Ray."

He nodded, "Good to meet you both," and then he said hello to Kathy and Ray.

He spent the rest of the afternoon in the tavern with all four of them. It was kind of fun, and he was able to relax. Just pressure free time with some new friends. It gave his mind time to try to absorb all the quick changes that were going on. His life approached a second upheaval in a very short time. Luckily, he had a lot of support to get thought it.

As far as the succubus throwing imps in front of him, he didn't have an answer for that. Except Genevieve had said that those summoned from the Demon Lord rank were a lot more intelligent. It seemed as reasonable an answer as anything else. Except, a part of his mind nagged, the greater succubus was only supposed to be able to order the lesser succubae around, not throw imps in the path of spells.

He actually wouldn't have even put that much thought into it, if Bill and Tom hadn't looked so weirded out by it.

Chapter Thirty-One

"Have fun?" Mia asked with a cute lilt in her voice.

He nodded and said in a faux grave voice, "Kicked some ass, met some people, got a fake buzz on."

Mia giggled, "Your date is moved up a bit, you'll be having dinner on the boat."

He asked curiously, "Why is that?"

She shrugged into his shoulder while he caressed small tight circles on her back with his fingertips.

"The moon is up early tonight to the west, before the sun goes down. I figured sunset plus moonlight on the water along with dinner was even more romantic. Plus, you know, I didn't feel like cooking," she said the last teasingly.

He snorted and squeezed her lightly against him. He also didn't ask her if she'd arranged the sun and moon thing in addition to the boat, the answer would be too disturbing.

"So what time?" he asked softly, as her hand wandered on his chest, it felt really good to him.

Mia looked up at him, "You need to leave in a half an hour, the car is already programmed to take you there, and Helen will be on the boat."

"Good," he leaned down and claimed her lips.

They didn't have time for anything fancy, so they had a passionate but short quickie that took about fifteen minutes. He kissed her lingeringly after, their bodies entwined together and sweaty, and then jumped in the shower.

He knew Helen already loved him, but for some reason he still felt a little nervous about the date. Of course, the quickie and getting off had helped with that a bit.

He supposed it was because this would be his first time completely alone with Helen, and despite what they said a part of him felt like he had to live up to some standard. He may not have loved her, but he did care about Helen, and mixed in with that was a protectiveness because of the way she was hard on herself, along with her sweet personality that brought his own feelings out too.

He supposed it was more that he was afraid he'd say something to make her feel guilty, rather than anything that would change her mind. He just wanted to make sure she had a wonderful time.

A.I.s didn't really do that much once they made a decision, change their mind that is. As long as he was still him, and didn't change a whole lot, he was pretty assured that their love would never fade. So it was a good thing he was over forty in reality, and not twenty and still growing into who he'd be. He was pretty set in his ways now.

Except of course, that his opinion of A.I.s had undergone a huge change. But that was less about changing who he was, and more correcting a false opinion. The way he treated them was pretty much how he'd always treated women, minus the multiple partner thing of course.

He shook off his thoughts, turned off the water once he was free of soap, and dried off. He walked into the bedroom and Mia had laid out a bathing suit and a nice t-shirt. There was also a nice pair of brown leather men's sandals and a pair of brown tinted sunglasses. Not what he would have picked, but he assumed there was a reason, got dressed, and kissed the most important person in his life goodbye.

Mia hugged him and said softly, "Enjoy your date love, and I'll see the two of you later. Slip eighty-four."

The car took him down to the marina, and parked. It took him a minute to find the right pier for slip eighty-four, and then started to walk down it. He saw her on the deck from a few boats away and she took his breath away. She had her gorgeous red hair up, or at least most of it. Some was still down and blowing in the light breeze.

Her willowy body was covered in a sheer light blue sarong wrap, with designs on it that were red, brown, and back. It didn't go over her shoulders, so he could see the slightly darker but still light blue bikini string around her neck, and could even make out the rest of it through the sheer wrap. The sarong hid just enough to tantalize his mind with the sexy bikini and soft supple skin of her body beneath.

She looked over and smiled shyly when he was a boat away, and her green eyes were sparkling as she took him in.

"Helen, you look amazing," he said in a slightly awed tone as he hopped off the pier and onto the boat.

Helen blushed, "Thank you. You look great too Ted."

The boat itself was about twenty-nine feet. It had a small table and two chairs set up like in a dining room in a restaurant, with white wine chilling in a tub of ice. There were several covered trays they'd have to explore later. On the side there was a small love seat, and there was also a large square thing at the back of the deck that he had no idea what it was for. Maybe storage?

There was a door down into the inside of the boat, where presumably there was a bedroom, bath, and kitchen. There was a ladder going up right next to the entrance down, where they could drive the boat.

He stepped forward and gave her a light hug and kiss of greeting. She felt really good in his arms, soft, and yielding.

He stepped back, but not very far as he took her hands in his, and looked into her eyes, "Shall we head out?"

She nodded and looked like she had a lump in her throat.

He smiled.

"Does this thing drive itself?" he asked curiously, while he caressed her hands with his thumbs. It was pretty much a no-brainer, there was no way he wanted to take his focus off of her to drive this thing.

She nodded again, "Sure, I'll have it take us out a mile or two into the bay?"

"Sounds perfect."

The boat started to move and they lost their balance. He laughed as he wrapped an arm around her and steadied them both, and then led her over to the seat.

"Maybe we should sit while we're in motion," he suggested in a humorous voice.

She might have been a little shy, but she sat against him and wrapped her hand on the inside of his arm, and intertwined her fingers with his.

He picked up her sweet natural scent in the breeze and squeezed her hand lightly.

"I'm glad we're here, I've been looking forward to this."

She bent her neck back and leaned up, and he leaned down and met her halfway for a short sweet kiss.

"So have I Ted. I was thrilled when Mia told me that you wanted us to have our own date."
