Telling Secrets


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"I see," said Judy moaning and squeezing Don's cock with her pussy.

"That's it, keep that up. Now do you want me to make love to your dirty pussy or do you want me fuck that dirty pussy?" Don asked.

"I want you to fuck that dirty pussy, hard," replied Judy as she had another orgasm just from feeling Don's cock growing inside her.

Don fucked his wife for about fifteen minutes. He was just on the edge of exhaustion when he finally shot his seed in her pussy once again. It wasn't much, but it felt so good. Judy had been coming for the past fifteen minutes, which just goes to show, that women can go all night with the right number of partners.

"Have you ever wondered about having a gangbang or pulling a train?" Don asked as he rolled off her.

"Oh god!" she yelled. "How do you know to ask such questions? And why do you ask them when I'm in the middle of an orgasm?"

Don just smiled at her as she lay there shivering with another orgasm.

"How many do you picture in your mind?" Don asked.

"Fuck!" Judy yelled another orgasm racing through her body. "Just five. Just five with big cocks like yours."

Don chuckled at her answer. Don looked down at her, leaned in, and kissed her lips. Judy moaned raising her hand to his cheek.

"Would you want me to set that up for you?" asked Don when they broke their kiss.

Judy was once again shuddering in orgasm. She stared at Don with her eyes squinted. Don felt as if she were shooting laser beams at him. He just smiled at her as she continued to shake.

"Well?" asked Don.

"Not really. It's just a fantasy for me," replied Judy. "But what you wrote in that story... now that turned me on so much... well, you saw the results, didn't you?"

"So, you would like to try that one?" asked Don.

"Yes and no," Judy replied looking up at Don.

"I see," replied Don.

"I don't want to ruin what we have, so I'm hesitant about giving you a definitive answer. Yet, with some reassurances from you, I might like to do it for you and myself."

"Mmm... what kind of assurances?" asked Don.

"I haven't the faintest idea," replied Judy pulling Don's lips to hers.

The kiss lasted a long time, yet was soft and gentle. Don was moaning, as was Judy. When Judy pulled her lips from her husband, she looked deep into his eyes. Don gazed into hers. Both were looking for something. What they were looking for was hard to define. Yet they kept looking. Judy was the first to look away flopping down on her back. Don was up over her in an instant. Her eyes were still open, she smiled at Don as he lowered his lips to hers. The kiss was short but sweet.

"I love you so much that even if you fucked some guy behind my back I would still love you and keep you as my wife," said Don softly.

Judy shivered as she looked up at him. She nodded.

"Oh god you really know how to keep a girl," she replied.

"And almost every story like those was about you, even though I didn't use your name. In fact, the way I got started writing was I would copy stories from this site and change the woman's name to yours. Then when you started using the computer, I changed them to Sharon or Julie or some other name so you wouldn't think... well you found them. What did you think about the stories overall?"

"Gee, most of them turned me on one way or another, except the few dark ones. Those didn't turn me on so much as make me wonder about things. Wait... things like what would really happen to us if I did those things? They actually scared me," said Judy.

"They scared me too as I wrote them, but I was writing to a particular group on that site I was going to post them on," said Don.

"You put them online?"

"I did. I'll show you in the morning, but now we should get some sleep, tomorrow might be a long, long, day," said Don.

Judy looked at him, nodding over at him. They cuddled up and pulled the bedcovers up over them. Reaching behind him, Don turned off the lights. He lay there listening to Judy breathe. Soon her breath slowed down and Don closed his eyes and fell asleep.

* * * *

The next morning Don was up first. Judy was snuggled up against him. He smiled at his wonderful wife. He slowly backed out of bed, so he wouldn't disturb her sleep. He went to the bathroom and then to the kitchen to make breakfast. He was just finishing when Judy walked into the kitchen naked as the day she was born. She looked at her wonderful husband as he stood at the stove, one of her aprons on, protecting his private bits, as he cooked. Judy went to her place at the breakfast bar. Don quickly placed a cup of fresh coffee in front of her.

Don knew it would take a while for Judy's motor to come up to speed. She really liked her coffee first thing in the morning. She just watched her husband as he started fixing plates of food. It was the smell of bacon that had woken Judy. She smiled as the aroma still hung in the air. Don placing a plate in front of her brought her attention back to the kitchen. Looking up at Don she smiled, but still didn't say anything as she started to refuel her body. Yesterday had taken a lot out of her. She needed fuel. Don sitting down across from her caused her to look up at him as she chewed. He smiled at her as he too started to eat.

A half-hour later, Judy pushed her plate away from herself. It was empty. Don smiled at her as she took her coffee cup and put it to her lips. She held up her hand with one finger raised. When she put the cup down, she looked at Don.

"Can I get another cup, please?" Judy asked softly, a little gravel still in her throat.

Smiling Don grabbed her cup and his and refilled both of them. They both drank it black. No sugar.

"Here you go sweetheart," Don said softly as he placed the cup in front of her.

Don sat down with his coffee, smiling at Judy as she sat and started to sip her coffee. It didn't take too long for Judy's eyes to close for just a second.

"How many women have you looked at over your life?" she asked softly.

"Oh god, I don't really know. A lot," replied Don.

"Since we have been married?"

"Still a lot. I like the female body. If a woman catches my eye, I look at her," said Don waiting for her next question.

"What do you look at first on a woman?"

"Her face, always her face, unless we're close enough that I can look at her eyes first, then her face is second," replied Don.

"Then where?"

"The rest of her," said Don smiling.

"What parts do you look at?" Judy growled at her husband.

"Just the rest of her as a whole. Why don't I tell you what type of girls get a second look from me?"

"That might be better," replied Judy.

"If I see a woman that looks like you then I look a second time. If her breasts are about your size, I look at her waist, then her hips and legs. If any of those aren't up to par with you, then why bother looking farther?"

"So, you're looking for another me?" asked Judy.

"No, not really. Maybe just your twin. Now that would be a woman I would be happy to have relations with if you would allow me to. I was so disappointed that your older sister looked nothing like you. Did your mother have an affair which you are the result of?" I just smiled at her, lust in my eyes for her, not her sister.

"NO! My brother looks just like me," she said looking discussed.

"Then your sister is the odd one out. You and your brother have blond hair, your sister has brown hair. You want to hear about the genetics involved?"

"No, I don't," she said looking a little hurt by my revelation.

"Judy? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes," she groaned.

"Any more questions?"

"How many women have you fucked? Before we were married?" asked Judy quickly.

"Three. How many men did you fuck before we got married?" We really had never talked about our before.

"Two. Who did you fuck?" she asked.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Do I know them?" asked Judy.

"One or two," replied Don. "Who did you fuck?"

"I asked first. Tell me about the one I don't know," she said.

"Her name was Fran Jennings, she was a friend of a friend. She attacked me. She was older than me and very pretty."

"Prettier than me?" Judy asked.


"I really hope you don't know these guys..."

"If I do, I won't ever tell you I do," I replied.

"Okay, Billy Hanson and Mick Blocker." I shook my head.

"I don't know either of them. Was this back in high school?"

"No. College. Before we met."

"Did you enjoy them?" Judy shook her head.

"Yes, except that first time with Billy. I was still a virgin and he took my cherry. He was very surprised and told me I should have told him I was a virgin. After that, he was very tender with me and always made me cum first like you always do."

"What about Mick?" asked Don.

"Mick was all right. He took his time. Wasn't out to use me, I felt he really liked me. That's why I spread my legs for him."

Don's cock was now hard as a rock. Don sighed.

"What?" Judy asked.

Don stood up. She gasped in surprise.

"You made me hard just talking about how a guy treated you," said Don.

Judy got up and pulled her husband against her. She hugged him tightly. Don hugged her back. Pushing back from Don, Judy looked up into his eyes.

"Did you enjoy Fran?" Judy asked.

"I did. She knew a lot more about sex than I did at the time, back in high school. We would get together on Wednesdays and go to a place she had found when she was by herself. It was, well, we could strip down to nothing and have sex. Lots and lots of sex. All without worrying about anyone seeing us."

"Oh, you should take me there sometime," said Judy.

"Can't, it's no longer there. It was one of a bunch of trees that dotted the prairie behind our subdivision. Sorry," Don replied.

"Oh, that's such a shame. All houses now?"

"Yep, it was part of that boom that occurred back when we were both in college."

"Yeah, I remember that. Those were ugly houses," Judy said.

Don just looked at his wife as she looked at him. They smiled at each other.

"If you had the chance, would you fuck Fran again?" Judy asked surprising the hell out of me.

Don stood there thinking.

"Yes if she was still good-looking," said Don.

"Huh?" grunted Judy.

"Let's take Norma down the street. I went to high school with her. She was a pretty girl in high school. Then she married Benny and had three kids. She let herself go, as did Benny. Now, I wouldn't even want to see her naked."

"She does have a pretty face though," said Judy.

"She does. And sometimes a pretty face can overcome a multitude of defects. Just not obesity."

"She is that," said Judy. "Who on the block would you fuck?"

Shocked by her question, Don looked deep into her eyes as he thought about who on the block was pretty enough for him, even to look at a second time. Shaking his head, he lowered his eyes.

"There is one. She's married. She's blond with pretty blue eyes. A great body. And I have to tell you the truth, I have already fucked her several times."

Judy gasped. Then started laughing hitting Don on the shoulder.

"You asshole, you're talking about me," scolded Judy.

"Yes, I am. There is nobody on this block that I would even want to touch, except you. How about you? Any men that you would fuck? That are not me," said Don.

Judy stared at her husband. She went over each man on the block in her mind. There was one that she thought of sometimes, yet would never really want to fuck him.

"None, except, if Vic wasn't a pure asshole, I might do him. I just love his eyes though."

"Okay, I now know who to keep you away from," said Don laughing. "But you're right he is an asshole."

"What about Vic's wife, June? Wouldn't you do her?" asked Judy.

"No, she's as big an asshole as her husband. She's also a bitch."

"She is that," replied Judy. "Okay, who of our friends would you fuck?"

Don just smiled at her shaking his head.

"Helen," said Don. "Who of our friends would you fuck?"

"Helen," said Judy smiling at her husband. "Not really. Um... I guess it would be Bobby."

"Ah... Bobby. So what about him draws you to him?" asked Don.

"I wouldn't really, but he is really built, like you. He is just slightly less handsome than you..."

"I know you're just saying that to protect my feelings."

Judy was now giggling at her husband.

"I would never really do him, he's a friend. And in all your stories, you have the wife not fucking friends. Because they might think they could just come over anytime and fuck me... the wife."

"So you have learned something from reading my stories," said Don.

"I have. I have learned several things," replied Judy.

"Well, let's hear them."

"Okay. One, you want me to fuck other men. Two, you want to watch me fuck other men. Three, the men I fuck must not be a friend. Four, always use a condom. Five, never pick up a stranger alone."

"Is that all?" asked Don.

"Yeah. I haven't read every story yet. Is there more to learn?"

"Not really. Can you define any of the rules to doing this?"

"Rules... I read about them, and they all seemed pretty logical. I will abide by whatever rules you want me to follow."

"Okay. Now what questions do you have about becoming my hot wife vixen?" asked Don.

"Oh, is that what I would be called?"


"What would you be called?" asked Judy.

"A stag."

"A stag, not a cuckold?"

"Some would call me that, but they would be the ignorant people of the species."

Judy laughed as she watched her husband.

"I would never call you that," said Judy. "You will always be my loving husband."

"Good. Now shall we continue our talk from yesterday or just jump in bed and fuck the rest of the day?" asked Don.

"Let's clean up the kitchen, you always make such a mess when you cook," said Judy.

"Sorry, dear," replied Don.

They cleaned up the mess in the kitchen then Judy led Don out to the living room. She pushed him down on the couch and sat beside him. She pulled his lips to hers. They were still both naked and Judy grabbed Don's semi-hard cock. The minute she wrapped her hand around him he was hard as a rock. Pulling her lips away from his, she smiled at him.

"So, you really want me to fuck other men?" asked Judy.

"I'm not really sure, but in my fantasies you do and I love you even more."

"Okay. I have had a little bit of time to think about this and when I think about fucking strangers, handsome strangers, I get all gushy between my legs. So, if you would like me to do that, I will. But don't be surprised if it turns out that I really like doing that and turn into a fucking whore."

Don stared at his lovely wife. As he looked into her eyes, he saw in his head her laying on a bed with a strange man pounding his cock into her, his pussy. He shivered. Yet way back deep in his mind he also saw anger he was having a hard time controlling.

"You're still unsure, aren't you? Even after writing all those stories, you're still unsure about having me do something like that?" asked Judy.

"Yes," Don said closing his eyes and groaning.

Judy pulled him into her arms and hugged him.

"Good. I also have my doubts but will do whatever you think you want me to do. I will even do a gangbang for you. I will do whatever you want. Or I won't do anything at all, for you."

Don hugged Judy hard. Judy stroked the side of his face pressing her lips to his. They gently kissed for a long time. Suddenly, Don got up, lifted Judy in his strong arms, and carried her to the bedroom. Don gently lay her down on the bed. Climbing in with her, he lay next to her and kissed her lips gently. Judy kissed him back just as gently. Moving between Judy's legs, his hard cock was evident. Reaching between them, Judy placed the head of his cock at her entrance. Sighing, Don slowly moved inside his lovely wife's body.

Judy sighed when Don's cock pressed against her cervix. Slowly, oh so slowly, Don made love to his wife. Judy moaned with each stroke of his cock into her body. It felt like forever since they had made love together. For twenty minutes Don just slide his hard cock in and out of Judy's warm, wet, pussy. His cock felt wonderful inside her warm body. He loved how Judy squeezed him on the way out. Both of them were getting close to the happy ending. Yet neither of them wanted it to end. Don moaned, Judy sighed.

"I love you so much," said Don.

"I love you too, sweetheart. God, I love what you to do me. My insides are all a jumble as you slide in and out of my body."

Judy groaned loudly as Don pressed against her clit. She was there. She had tried to hold back until Don was coming, but she never could. Her husband excited her so much. Judy was now jerking her hips against Don's pelvis, mashing her clit on his pelvic bone. She was coming, hard. Don just held her in his arms pressing against her pelvis. She was just about to the point where she screamed her lungs out.

"Oh my fucking god!" screamed Judy.

Now Don was pounding her into the mattress. He was almost there and wanted to take Judy with him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck me..." screamed Judy.

Don kept pounding into his lovely wife. She kept screaming. Don was almost there. Then he was there as Judy squeezed his cock with her pussy. He jammed his cock into her body one last time and grunted. Judy was once again screaming her orgasm.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm coming so good," she shouted.

Don was still coming, hard. His balls were aching from being pulled up against his body so tight, as his semen shot into Judy's body. Then he collapsed on top of her. Judy wrapped her arms and legs around him as tight as she could. This time Don just lay atop her with all his weight. Judy was still in her orgasm as she clutched at Don.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," Judy said over and over.

Don just kissed her cheek as he lay atop her. Then Judy collapsed under him. Don pushed up off of her and gently moved to her side. With closed eyes, Judy still whispered.

"I love you, I love you, I love you."

Leaning over her, Don gently kissed her soft lips. Her arms came up around his neck holding him. Don's hand went to her left breast. Judy groaned as he gently squeezed her flesh. Pulling his lips from hers, he looked down at her closed eyes.

"I love you too," said Don.

Judy's eye popped open. A smile spread across her face.

"What were you imagining?" asked Don.

"Nothing, just thinking how much I loved you and enjoying the feeling that you make shoot through my body when you make love to me."

"So you weren't imagining another man making you feel like that?" asked Don.

"Oh god no! I was only doing that when you were fucking me yesterday. When you make love to me, I always think of you and only you. Even when you fuck me, I can't help but think about you, yet I try to imagine would this be what a stranger would do to me."

"So, you have done that when we fuck?"

"Yes, ever since I found your stories."

"So you want to try..."

"Not so fast mister. We still have a lot to talk about."

"Like what?" asked Don.

"If we did this, where would we find these men?"

"Ah... now we get into the where and how," Don said chuckling.

"Yes, we do. All this was kinda your idea. You're the one that wants to watch me get fucked by another man."

"True, true."

"Really true, isn't it?"

"I did say I have reservations, but yes, I want to share you with others," said Don.

"That's the first time you used that word," replied Judy.

"What word?"


"Oh. I guess I do use it in the stories. Sorry, honey. Yes, I do want to share you with other deserving men. Who, is up to you. Where, well there are several places. The Holiday Inn is one, a lot of businessmen stay there. Then there are clubs, no not nightclubs, private clubs where couples go, knowing that there are safe single and married men they can have sex with and not worry about disease. How, we either hang out in hotels or join a club."