Telling Secrets


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"And have you already joined one of these clubs?" Judy asked looking quizzically at her husband.

"I have, but you and I don't have to go if you don't want to. Either way, I'm happy with you. If you don't want to do this, then I have you all to myself. If you do, then I get to share your beauty with others."

"Wow! How long have you been practicing that?" asked Judy.

"About a year. After watching you dance with others at our wedding, I kept seeing you in bed with good-looking men. I knew they were mostly relatives but I used them in my fantasies. Then I found this club about six months ago and joined."

"Wait, wait, you what at our wedding reception?" Judy asked squinting at me.

"You heard me. Hell, ever since we met I knew that every man who saw you would want you. But you were blind to all that."

"Yeah, because I was with you!"

"I know. I knew I was with you and you were with me. Yet, I could see the way men looked at you and you evidently couldn't."

"I could, but chose to ignore them," said Judy softly.

"Did it excite you when they leered at you?"

"You'll never know how much. Ever."

Don chuckled. Then hugged his beautiful wife. She hugged him back.

"Do you want to take me to that club?" Judy asked.

"I don't know."


"Do you want to go?" Don asked.

"No, no, you aren't putting this back on me."

"I don't know why at this moment in time I am reluctant to take you to the club."

"Is it a swingers club?" asked Judy.

"Not in the usual sense. There is no sex allowed at the club. There is a motel down the road, within walking distance."

"I see. So at this club, we drink, dance, and select a man?"


"And will you be dancing with other women?" asked Judy.

"Not if I don't ask."

"I see. So, only the men will be asking the women to dance?"


"Well, that sounds like any other club out there," said Judy.

"Except for them requiring everyone to be checked out medically, it is just like any other club."

"There is that, of course. So I would be able to have men from this club bareback, while if we go to say, the Holiday Inn, the men would have to wear condoms?"


"So, at the club, you would be able to have me full of cum, which I guess is a part of the fantasy?" asked Judy.


Don now embarrassed about what he wanted his wife, to do with other men, couldn't even look at her. Judy and he had done most of what he wanted to see her do with other men. She was very free with her body to him. He could do anything he wanted short of hurting her too much.

"Don, talk to me, please," said Judy softly. "Are you now having second thoughts?"

"Um... yes, second thoughts... no, no, no, I still want to watch you getting pleasure from someone else and I really don't care who. I want to be able to watch your eyes, the expressions that flash across your pretty face. Oh god, I'm so confused right now. Can we table this for a week?"

"Of course dear, of course," replied Judy hugging her husband tighter.

Don rolled toward Judy, hugging her tightly. Judy gasped. Don loosened his grip on her. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Just one more question. If we are members of this club already, when did I get checked out by a doctor?"

"When... scratch that. They gave me a list of doctors to which we could go. Guess who is on that list?"

"NO! Shannon?"

"Yep, Doctor Shannon Roth," I replied.

"So, you may get your wish after all," said Judy smiling.

"Yep, times two."


"Guess who else is on the list?"

"Not Mary?"

"Yep, Doctor Mary Thomas," I said softly.

"How did Shannon take it when you handed her, what, a form?"

"She just smiled at me and filled it out right there for both of us."

"Gee, I wonder how good-looking their husbands are."

"I know that's a rhetorical question."

"When do you want to go?" asked Judy.

"I don't know. I still have something to work out in my mind. Do you?"

"Yes. We'll talk again tomorrow," said Judy kissing me on the cheek.

It was still early, not even close to lunchtime.

"What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" asked Judy.

"I don't know, just relax, and think for now," said Don.

"Here or in the living room where we can at least have the TV on?"

"On the couch would be comfortable. The TV is just the background noise we might need," replied Don.

Getting out of bed, he helped Judy up and they went to the living room. Don sat on the couch next to his lovely wife. She picked up the TV remote and turned on the TV. She picked a channel showing an old western. Smiling she put the remote on the coffee table. Judy sat smiling at her husband, deep in thought. Don was also deep in thought but he was staring at the floor in front of him. Judy sighed, closing her eyes. Don looked over at his beautiful wife, sat back, and watched her. She sighed several more times. Don's dick was hard as steel as he just stared at Judy and imagined her under a young, handsome man, pounding away at her, his, pussy. It always came back to that. The instant when a strange cock entered Judy's body. The instant that he came inside her. The kisses they shared. The look on Judy's face as she had orgasm after orgasm on this stranger's cock.

Then he was imagining sliding his hard cock into Judy's cum filled pussy. He sat there, never making a sound, just enjoying his wife in his mind. She felt so good around his cock filled with cum. Even when he had fucked her after already coming in her it felt so good and creamy that he almost screamed with joy. Then he heard Judy whimper. He opened his eyes. Eyes closed her face had that just fucked look on it. It would seem that they were imagining the same thing. Don pulled his wife into his arms. Her eyes opened, and she looked up at him. She smiled as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"You too?" asked Judy.

"Yes. Who were you thinking of?"

"Just some random good-looking guy. You?"

"Just some random good-looking guy, fucking the shit out of you," replied Don.

"So, have you come to any conclusions?"

"Yes. Tonight we are going out to dinner then go dancing."

"At The Club or somewhere else?" asked Judy.

"I don't know that yet, but we might end up there. I'll be right back," said Don getting up and going to the bedroom, he was back quickly.

"What's that?" asked Judy pointing at the paper in his hands.

"This," he said waving the folded paper in front of them both, "are the rules of the club... or if you want the real name 'Club Archer'."

"Club Archer? I've seen that place, down on fifty-sixth street."

"That's it."

"It's that close?"


Judy grabbed the paper from Don's hand. He chuckled at her as she started to read.

"Oh my," she said after a while of reading.

Judy continued to read until she was finished. She looked up at Don. She leaned forward and kissed him. He kissed her back.

"Any questions?" asked Don.

"No, this is pretty clear. Our first night there I can say no all night if I want to."

"Yep, that's to let you get a feel of the place and what will happen there."

"And the only real rule is 'No Means No'."

"Yes. Except for the procedures we will have to go through when you do pick someone."

"Yes, I see that. Let me study these for a while longer," said Judy going back to the beginning.

Don just nodded sitting back on the couch. Once again, he studied Judy's face and body language. She was excited her nipples were hard. Of course, that could have been from her little escape into her imagination. But he was hoping that it was because she knew the name of the place and that they might be going there tonight. Don hoped they would go there also, yet he was still doubting his commitment. Not only to his marriage vows but to his sweet wife who he adored and loved with all his heart and being.

Leaning in, he kissed her cheek. She turned her head so that he was kissing her lips. She put her hand behind his head kissing him hard. They kissed for a long time. His hands roamed her wonderful naked body. Judy was holding his cock, squeezing it every few seconds. Don was almost ready to pick her up and take her to the bedroom when Judy pulled her lips from his.

"What about these cards we're supposed to carry?" asked Judy.

"I have yours in my wallet," replied Don.

"You know I love you?"

"And I love you more than you will ever know."

"Oh, I know how much you love me."

"How's that?"

"Well, you are most likely going to allow me to have sex with another man."

"There is that," replied Don smiling at Judy.

"And if you want you can have sex with a woman other than me."

Don gasped shaking his head.

"No, you don't want to have sex with another woman?" asked Judy.

"It will depend on the circumstances and who the woman is."

"Good answer," said Judy smiling at Don.

Don just smiled back at her, his eyes also smiling.

"Then tell me the perfect woman for you?"

"I already did, you."

"Okay, tell me the perfect woman for you who is not me?" asked Judy.

"That will require some thought," replied Don.

"Okay, think about that while you take me to lunch. No talking about the club or anything sexual, all right."

* * * *

After lunch, Judy wanted to go shopping. So we went to the local mall. The first place she went to was Victoria's Secret. I didn't balk at all, I followed her right into the lingerie section. She didn't spend much time there but bought quite a bit. Panties, stockings, and garter belts. Then she wandered over to the shoe section and tried on at least a dozen pairs before deciding on six pairs. Then it was over to the dresses. She tried on four and came out to show me each one. She asked about each of them. I just told her to get them all. She looked so sexy in those, low-cut high-riding, dresses my mouth was watering.

All in all, I spent over a thousand dollars on my beautiful wife. As we walked out of the mall to our car, I was loaded down with shopping bags. All of them had the logo and name of the store on them. Was I embarrassed? Hell no! I'm the one who is having sex with the woman who would be wearing this stuff on my other arm. We made it home at about two in the afternoon. Shopping was long tedious work. Judy went to the bedroom to hang up her dresses. I carried the other thing back there as well. I set them on the bed and then flopped down on my side for a little nap. Judy left me alone while she put her things away. The next thing I remember was Judy kissing my face, gently.

"It's time to get up dear," Judy whispered.

"How long," Don groaned.

"Two and a half hours dear. You should be pretty rested, I am."

Don smiled up at her as she got up off the bed. She was naked as she headed to the bathroom. Don sat up looking around. On the dressing chair by his closet, it seemed Judy and already picked what he was going to wear. His black suit. The color they used in the threads was so black that you had a hard time looking at it. It was as if it wasn't there and what you were seeing was just a black hole in the shape of the suit. But, first, Don needed a shower. When he walked into the bathroom, Judy was lying down in the tub, up to her neck in hot water. Don just turned and went to the other bathroom to shower.

When Don was done, he went to the living room sat on the couch, and watched the weather. It was a half hour later that Don heard Judy finally moving around in the bedroom. When he got there, Judy hugged him hard. They were both naked and it felt good to have her rubbing up against him.

"I made a reservation at Dickson's," she said softly.

"Okay. Sorry, I guess I forgot too. But I was planning to take you to Bashes," Don said.

"No, that place is always so noisy. The food is good, but the crowd there is way too loud for my tastes tonight."

"Okay, Dickson's is good. What are you wearing? And remember I have seen you in all of them," Don said.

"The white one. After all, if we go to the club afterward it will kind of be symbolic," said Judy giggling.

Don gulped hard as he stood there looking into her eyes. It would appear she was looking forward to going to the club. He was too. Yet Don hadn't made up his mind whether they were or not. They both got dressed. Judy was beautiful. Don got to see her with just her lingerie. Then with the dress. Between the lingerie and the dress, she had gone to the bathroom to do her makeup. She had it on a little heavier than she usually did but not slutty heavy.

"Ready?" Don asked.

Looking up at him, she turned her head away.

"Wow, you almost disappear in the suit."

"Well, I hope not."

"It's just hard to look at it is all. It's like it's drawing you into the deep, dark, blackness."

They went out to the car. Don helped Judy in on the passenger side. He then got in on the driver's side. The drive to the restaurant was short. About ten minutes. Don pulled up to valet parking. A young guy was helping Judy out. His eyes wide he came to the driver's side and handed Don a ticket. Going around to Judy who was waiting at the curb. God, she looked good.

"So what did you show that guy?" Don asked.

"Just my panties," Judy replied with a giggle.

They went inside to the hostess. Judy told her who they were and led them to their table. She didn't really look at Don. He chuckled as she walked away. Don did notice all the men ogling Judy. A couple of men actually came up out of their seats until they realized they were with someone. Don just shook his head.

"Did you notice those two idiots ogling you?" Don asked.

"No. What happened?"

"Well, they both stood up and watched you all the way to your seat. When they finally realized they were with someone else, their dates had already left."

Judy laughed at that. Then looked him in the eyes.


"I don't know and I don't care, do you?"

"No, I guess I really don't. I would have liked to have seen that though," said Judy.

"You have to pay more attention to what is going on around you then," said Don. "Every man here was looking at you."

Judy shivered. Then their waiter was there to take their drink order. When he came back with their drinks, he took their meal order. After eating, Don settled the bill and they went out to the valet. The same young man was there and didn't even need their ticket, he grabbed the keys and was gone. Within minutes, their car was in front of them. The valet then ran around to the passenger side to help Judy. Don handed him a five and went around to the driver's side. When Don got in he found Judy sitting there giggling.

"What did you do to that poor guy?" asked Don.

"Nothing, my dress slipped up again and he saw my panties."

"You are bad."

"Isn't that what you want me to be?"

"I guess I do. But I want you to be safe too."

"Okay then. Where are we going?" asked Judy.

Don pulled away from the curb but stopped while they were still in the parking lot. He turned to his beautiful wife.

"Where would you like to go?"

"No, you're not," Judy said.

"Fine, we'll go to the club," said Don fishing his wallet out of his back pocket.

Opening his wallet, Don pulled out a pink plastic card, like a credit card. He handed it to Judy. Taking the card from her wonderful husband, she looked at it in the dim light. Turning it over, she saw several magnetic strips.

"We have to show these at the hostess counter when we go in. Then they will show us to a table and take our drink order. I would suggest wine or beer. You don't want to get drunk here. Once we have our drinks, men will surely approach you and ask you to dance. You are the boss here, you can say yes or no to anyone. They are here to please you, not you, them."

"I remember. It was all in that pamphlet you gave me," replied Judy. "Except about the drink part."

"Just making sure dear," replied Don as he drove out of the parking lot.

It only took ten or so minutes to get to the club. As Don pulled up to the valet parking.

"No flashing here," said Don.

Judy nodded as the valet opened her door. Don got out and went around to the passenger side where the valet waited for him with Judy. Don handed him the keys, as the valet handed Don the ticket. Judy took Don's arm as they walked up to the door. There was a doorman. He opened the door for them. At the hostess counter, Don and Judy handed over their cards. Judy was surprised to see that Don's card was dark blue. The hostess swiped their cards, one at a time, through the reader behind her. Both Judy and Don could see the information that appeared on the screen next to the card reader. The hostess read each screen, nodding. Turning she handed their cards back to them.

"If you will follow me, please," she said.

She led them to a table on the edge of the dance floor.

"Drinks?" the hostess asked.

"I'll have a white wine," said Judy.

"Any preference?"

"Not a bad one," replied Judy.

"Yes, ma'am. You sir?"

"Beer. Anything but Millers."

The girl nodded turned and hurried away. Looking around Don saw there were quite a few couples here and a sprinkling of young single men. Judy gasping, made Don look at her, and then turned his head where she was looking. A couple was coming their way. He smiled as he recognized the woman. They walked right up to Judy and Don's table.

"Mind if we join you?" asked Sharon.

"No, not at all," replied Judy.

"This is my husband, Mike, Mike, Judy, and Don," said Sharon as she sat in the chair her husband was holding for her. Mike sat in the other chair and raised his hand. A waitress was there and took Sharon's and Mike's drink orders.

"Well, it's about time you two finally made it here," scolded Sharon looking at Don.

"Yeah, but we can't..."

"No, we can't but Mike and Judy can," replied Sharon giggling.

Judy just looked at Sharon as she said that. Sharon was a beautiful woman. Dark brown hair hung down below her shoulders. She had sparkling brown eyes in a very beautiful face. She had a set of spectacular breasts and hips. Her hourglass figure was perfect. And her legs were very beautiful in the dark stockings she wore. Then she looked closely at Mike. He was not a big man, yet held himself erect, shoulders back. He was about 5'9" tall, while Sharon was about 5'6". Mike was slim with no gut on him. He looked healthy.

"We could, but not just yet," replied Judy almost glaring at Sharon. "And you and Don could if you wanted to. He would just have to find a different doctor. Wouldn't he?" asked Judy.

The blush of embarrassment now filled Sharon's face as she nodded, looking at her husband. He just chuckled at her embarrassment.

"I guess we could at that," replied Sharon still red with her embarrassment. "So, how have you two been?"

"Oh, we're fine dear," replied Judy giggling.

"You have someone waiting to be noticed by you dear," said Mike to Judy.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Judy looking up at the handsome young man to her left side. "What can I do for you?"

"Would you do me the honor of a dance with me, please," he said.

Don could see she had already made her decision.

"Of course," said Judy standing up taking the young man's offered arm.

Both Mike and Don stood when Judy did. She smiled at them as she and her dance partner walked to the dance floor. The band was playing a nice slow song. One that would have the couple dancing close. Don looked at Mike. Mike nodded at Don.

"Sharon, would you do me the honor," said Don.

"Well, it's about time," scolded Sharon standing.

Don offered her his arm. She took it, pulling it into her breast. She moaned as they walked to the dance floor. Once on the dance floor Don took Sharon in his arms and held her close. Sharon didn't complain as she moaned again.

"I always wondered," said Sharon softly into Don's ear.

"Me too," replied Don.