That Old Comeback


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Her words were having the desired effect: both men couldn't be any harder, and their eyes were alive with a burning desire to fuck her in every way two men could fuck a woman.

How she'd been waiting for this night!

"I've entertained your big egos so far," Ayesha said, "how about we put to rest who can fuck the hardest?"

Theo caught Brad's eye and winked. "We both know who that's gonna be."

"Yeah, me," Brad retorted with a smug grin.

Loving the air of competition between them, Ayesha sat up and pulled her nightgown up over her head, revealing her body for their hungry eyes to feast upon. "OK boys... give me your best shots..."


Kyle blinked. "And?!?"

"And what?" Brad asked, feigning ignorance as the three of them walked across the main area on campus. It was the start of Freshers Week, and the plaza was filled with fresh students like the trio - Brad, Kyle, and Ali - all looking to sign up to clubs, meet new people, and tour what their new abode for the next few years had to offer.

"What happened?!?" Kyle spluttered, gesturing wildly with his hands. Almost knocking the coffee out of the hand of a girl walking past. "Shit! Sorry!" He said to her, noting how hot she was - curly blonde hair and a nice petite body. Turning his attention back to his friend, he added "you can't leave us with 'and then we had sex'!"

"But that's what happened," Brad said. "We had sex. All of us. All night."

"But who won?" Kyle asked.

Brad shrugged. "It was a tie."

"Fuck off!" Kyle yelled. Startling a few people nearby. "A tie?!? Yeah, that's bullshit mate. Look, we won't think lesser of you if Ali's mum liked Theo's dick more-"

"Why do you have to call her that?" Ali asked.

"What do you mean?"

"She has a name," Ali said. "Why do you always call my mum 'Ali's mum'?"

"Because it reminds us we're fucking your mum?" Kyle said, grinning. Seeing Ali's expression he added "come off it, mate! You never call Katie anything other than 'Brad's mum'!"

Ali grinned. "True... like how Brad and I always call Alessia 'Kyle's mum'..."

"Especially when we're fucking her," Brad added.


Kyle halted. Hands out to stop his friends in their tracks. "All right. All right. I guess I deserve all of it, but... I have to ask... have we got all of it out of our systems now?"

"What?" Brad asked.

"Fucking our mothers!" Kyle said, ignoring the odd looks the three were getting from people as they walked past, catching just enough of the conversation to be intrigued by what these three hot guys were discussing. "Ali and I have fucked Katie, Brad and I have fucked Ayesha, and the two of you have both fucked my mum. Have we all got it out of our systems now? We're at uni! Look around you! Look at all these gorgeous girls! All the possibilities! All the pussy! All the cunt that ISN'T related to one of us!!!"

Brad and Ali regarded their friend for a long moment.

"So... Alexa?" Brad asked.

"NO!" Kyle said, shoving a finger in Brad's face before storming off. "Out of the question!"

Ali looked at Brad with raised eyebrows. "There's a double-standard here..."

"I know," Brad said. "I'm cool with you fucking MY sister."

"Cheers man."

"No problem. Just know if you don't make her cum I'll chop your dick off."

Ali nodded in agreement. "That's fair." He turned to Kyle. "So why no Alexa?"

Stopping to turn around and glare at them, Kyle said "because she and Mark are trying for a baby, and I know you two too well!"

Brad nodded. "Yeah... we would totally get her pregnant..."

"She would have my little brown baby..." Ali said, nodding sagely as well.

"Mark wouldn't have a chance."

"No... poor guy."

"Better let him put a baby in his wife," Brad said.

"It's the right thing to do..."

For a moment the three men stood there. Brad and Ali looking thoughtful. Kyle looking like he wanted to murder them both.

"You're thinking of fucking my sister, aren't you?" Kyle growled.

"So bad!" Brad confessed.

"I am so hard right now at the thought..." Ali muttered.

"Keep it in your pants," Kyle snarled, as he spun around and stormed off.

"The cheek!" Brad playfully commented to Ali, and the pair grinned at each other before turning to follow their friend.

Rushing to catch up with Kyle, the three resumed their tour of the campus. Having toured the lecture halls (boring), the library (even more boring), and the sports centre (more interesting), Brad, Kyle and Ali were eager to check out the campus gym; see what facilities were on offer for the low, low price of their already absurd student fees (a wallet-destroying nine thousand pounds a year).

Entering the expansive gym they were all pleasantly surprised to find a decent array of gym equipment, and agreed that the facilities on offer rivalled CoyFit's expensive selection, which, up to that point, had been their go-to place for working out. Especially as, even after three years of attendance, they still had not tasted all the hot women who worked out there.

"Still... not bad pickings around here..." Ali muttered as they walked between the treadmills; at this time of the day there were loads of people working out. Many of them were women.

Kyle took a moment from checking out the equipment and those using it to throw a frown over at Brad, who had been checking out his phone while his friends had been checking out the girls. "Mind putting the phone away sweetie?"

"Sure, darling," Brad said sardonically, putting his phone away.

"Fuck's sake, mate," Kyle muttered, "you're besotted."

"Oh God... that was my mum, wasn't it?" Ali sighed. "What are you two plotting this time?"

Brad just grinned.

"You're a terrible influence on her," Ali said.

"Your fault for fucking my sister in the first place," Brad replied, a sly grin on his face.

A disgusted snort drew the attention of all three to the hot brunette running on the treadmill by where they had come to a stop. Tall and athletic, dressed in a matching set of sports gear - pink with lime green neon stripes - with her long black hair tied back in a ponytail. Her brown eyes looked at them all with thinly disguised disgust.

"Got a comment to make there, Sexy?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah; I had a great view before you three fucks showed up," she said, a nod towards the big windows on the other side that took up one whole wall of the gym and offered an incredible view of the Eroshire valley. "So mind taking your sordid conversation elsewhere?"

"We could..." Ali said.

"But we're loving the view here, Sexy," Kyle said, leaning on the treadmill and flashing her the trademark Kyle Matthews smirk (that had, to the continuing bemusement of his two friends, got him into the pants of almost every women he had ever met, single or not). "It's much better than that old valley," he added, jerking a thumb over his shoulder at the windows while his eyes took in her sweaty pale white skin and huge tits contained in that garish sports bra of hers.

"Go fuck yourself," the brunette snarled, giving Kyle the finger.

"OK, come on you two," Brad said, scooping up his friends and gently pushing them onwards to the door. "Let's leave the scary lady to her workout before she breaks your dicks."

Kyle scoffed. "I'd like to see her try," he said as he allowed Brad to move him forward. "Catch you later, Sexy!" He added over his shoulder, and grinned at her furious expression. As the three walked towards the exit Kyle couldn't help but add: "I'm totally gonna fuck that woman."


Almost two months after Kyle finally fucked 'that woman', Brad was elbowing his way through the crowded lecture hall to the last row; having arrived after seemingly everyone else (but not, he noticed, the lecturer), he still managed to notice that same woman amongst the hundred or so chatting students. It was hard not to with that pink nonsense Erin Winters was wearing...

"Well this is a fine mess," he commented, squeezing into the small space between her and the other students on the row. "What the fuck were they thinking, merging our classes like this? I thought the whole point of splitting Economics into two was to avoid this shit..."

Noticing her expression, Brad frowned. "What?"

"What the fuck is on your head?" Erin asked, a half-chewed pen in her mouth.

Clutching the rainbow beanie to his shaved scalp, Brad gave her an offended look. "This is my thinking cap," Brad said. At her continued bemused expression he added: "my mum made it."

"Oh bless..."

"Oh really? What the fuck's on YOUR head?"

Erin rolled her eyes up, as if she could see the bright pink headband with bright pink, fluffy cat ears currently holding her long black hair away from her face. "This? It's a hairband, Brad."

"It's awful."

"It's cute," she said. "Peter says so."

"Your boyfriend needs to check his prescription."

"Kyle thinks it's sexy," Erin said with a sly grin.

"Erin... having fucked my friend, like, sixty-nine times by now," Brad said as he unpacked his laptop, "have you not realised that Kyle's got no taste?" With the laptop set up he turned to look at her, and was rewarded with the expression of annoyance he had been fishing for.

"And here I was about to invite you over to keep me company tonight," Erin said, pretending to find her own laptop more interesting. Despite the presence of the device she still had a notepad on the table beside it, although Brad noticed she seemed to be using it more to doodle than take notes.

"How sweet of you. I take it Peter's out of town?"

"Until tomorrow evening," she said, flashing him a wicked grin.

"Well, that gives me plenty of time to show you which of us you should have started with," he said, giving her a confident smile. "If you thought Kyle was big..."

Erin chewed on her pen, eyes filled with hunger. Brad reflected that Kyle wasn't joking: this girl had an insane sexual appetite. "Oh Brad..." she said, seductively. "Are you going to split little old me in two with your big, hard cock?"

"Yeah, you're not fooling anyone with that. Kyle told me what you two got up to."

"And what did he say?" Erin asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"That he's never been more terrified, and more turned on in his entire life," Brad said, grinning. "But mostly terrified."

"Oh bless!" Erin said, stifling a laugh. "Oh, he's such a fragile little flower. I hope you're more of a man, Brad. You better fuck me good with that bigger, thicker dick of yours."

Brad smirked. "I'll fuck you sore, you lanky nympho weeb."

"Not if I suck the meat from your cock first," Erin winked.

The opening of the lecture theatre doors interrupted their escalating sexy smack talk, and they both turned to watch their lecturer stride into the hall, coming to stand behind the podium. A tall man of Indian descent, dressed in a smart grey suit with his greying brown hair cut short, styled back in the manner of someone not afraid of his receding hairline.

"Sorry I'm late!" he said, his voice booming over the stepped rows of students despite the lack of any audio equipment. "Dr. Haliwell had a matter of great urgency to discuss with me, and we simply lost track of time."

"I bet," Brad muttered quietly, giving Erin a knowing look. She returned it, grinning.

"Before we begin, please let me apologise for the current situation," the lecturer said. "We had originally divided you into two sets of classes because so many signed up for this course, but with Malcolm Haines signing off for the rest of this term we've had to combine both classes; the very thing we tried to avoid. I know it's cramped. I know there's not much space, but please be patient. We'll sort something out, I assure you. In the meantime, for the half of this class that was being taught by Malcolm, let me introduce myself: I am Dr Richard Singh. I have been teaching economics for ten years now, and before that-"

"I need to talk to him after class," Brad whispered to Erin.

"What? Mr Singh? Why?"

"I know that name," he said. "I need to find out if he's who I think he is."

It was difficult enough concentrating on his studies - Brad had been falling steadily behind for the past few weeks - but that nagging feeling that this lecturer might be Ayesha's old boyfriend, the one she had never seemingly gotten over, proved to be a huge distraction-

-That was until Erin surreptitiously slipped a hand between his legs and unzipped his flies. With her attention apparently fully focused on Singh below, she slipped her fingers beneath his boxers to find his cock. Taken by surprise by her brazen actions, and turned on by how hot it was to get a handjob in class, Brad was hard in moments; he noticed a glimmer of excitement in her eyes as she got to feel his superior length and girth to Kyle's (slightly) smaller dick.

Glancing over as he felt her hand begin to rapidly pump up and down his hardened cock, Brad was envious at how she was managing to keep up with Singh's barrage of information, all the while giving a covert hand-job beneath the tables built into the chairs of the row in front of them.

"Do you mind?" Brad asked at one point, although he was loving how good her hand was; if she was this good at giving a handjob what could she do with her mouth, or even her pussy? Oh Brad was definitely looking forward to finally fucking this girl Kyle would not stop gushing over!

"No," she said, grinning. Never taking her eyes off of Singh as he continued to talk.

So Brad reciprocated, slipping his own hand down between her legs, slipping his fingers down between her jeans to find her pussy. Unsurprisingly she was already wet. As she jerked him off under the table he finger-fucked her in kind.

Only he wasn't left-handed, and his note taking ended up suffering as a consequence. Fingers slowly typing out increasingly ineligible words as the lecture continued.

Hearing her stifle her moans made up for it, somewhat.

For an hour they fucked each other with their hands, until Erin stuffed a hand in her mouth, and Brad felt her cum around his fingers. As she came her hand finally tipped him over the edge; his wide-eyed expression as he looked around for something to cum into prompted her to hurriedly pass him her empty coffee cup.

Holding it under the table Brad blasted his thick jets of cum into the recyclable cup, splashing his seed around the insides of the cup with the force of his ejaculations. Erin leaned over toward him to give herself a good view, and her eyes widened with appreciation as she watched him fill what had previously contained a large salted caramel latte.

Brad gave her a wink, then turned to the girl seated on the opposite side, who had also leaned over to inspect the noise. Catching her eyes - wide with surprise and obvious horniness - Brad gave her a smile. "Sorry love," he said. "But I'm fully booked tonight."

"That's a shame," the girl said with a loud sigh as she sat straight. "Guess I'll have to fuck my boyfriend instead..."

"Poor dear; give her Kyle's number!" Erin commented as she too straightened in her seat.

Brad stood the coffee cup of cum on the table in front of her. "A taste of what's to cum."

"Funny man."

Not too soon after that little act of debauchery the lecture ended, leaving Brad in desperate need of more notes. With Erin kindly promising to let him look at hers (at some point during the next twenty-four hours between all the sex they would be having, Brad hoped) the two students milled about as everyone filtered through the lecture theatre doors, delaying with packing their laptops in order to be the last of the class to leave.

As Brad made to head down to talk to the lecturer - still packing his own stuff - Erin suddenly clutched his arm and said "wait!"

Turning, Brad watched, astonished, as Erin brought the coffee cup to her lips. Chugging down its contents, her throat visibly working to swallow his cum as quickly as she could, Erin held up a finger to silence any comment as she tipped the coffee cup up, and up, until with a loud gasp of satisfaction she slammed it back down on the table. Brad looked at the contents and saw she had drained it all - in less than thirty seconds!

"Jesus, Erin!" Brad said, grinning madly. "Remind me never to challenge you to a drink-off."

"Pussy," she teased, wiping his cum from her lips.

Finding himself at a loss for words, Brad shook his head, still grinning, and headed down.

Richard Singh was still collecting his own tech - meticulously wrapping the cables of his own laptop and binding them with velcro straps - when they approached him. "Miss Winters," he said with a smile towards Erin, "and Mr... Newell?"

"Impressive," Brad said. "I wish I was that good with names and faces."

"So do I, fortunately Sandra has spoken a lot about you to the other female members of the faculty," Singh said, with a knowing smile.

"Sandra?" Erin asked.

"Sandra Rothfuss," Singh clarified. "Head of the Equality and Diversity Board. Raised quite the storm when she arrived last year. It seems she took issue with certain inter-staff relationships that were happening on campus... and certain staff-student relationships as well. Her dislikes resulted in a lot of disciplinary actions being taken against both staff and students. Like dear Malcolm, who unfortunately, wasn't able to argue his case with her." Again that knowing look at Brad. "Unlike the two of us, eh?"

"And what did you argue with?" Erin asked, giving Brad a raised eyebrow, although the smile on her face told him they were all on the same page here.

"I'll show you later," Brad said, returning that smile. Turning his attention back to Singh: "Erm... this is an odd question-"

"I welcome all odd questions, Mr Newell."

"Did you used to date Ayesha Ahmed?"

Singh's eyebrows rose. "Ayesha? There's a name I haven't heard for years... Yes, I used to date her. Honestly had some of the best sex of my life with her." His look changed, as if he was recalling their past relationship.

"Yeah... she's still pretty good," Brad said, grinning. Noticing Erin's confused expression he added "Ayesha's Ali's mum."

"Oh... OH!" Erin's eyes widened. "Brad... you motherfucker!"

Singh smiled as he watched their interaction. "So I take it Ayesha's doing well? Last I heard of her she had got married to... Yusuf Khan? Fat chap. Bit of a wet blanket."

"Not changed," Brad muttered.

"So she's still married?" Singh asked. When Brad nodded, Singh added "but you and she...?"

"Have sex, yes," Brad said. "She's... ah... browsing outside the confines of marriage."

"Nicely phrased," Erin muttered.

"She wouldn't be the only one," Singh said, wiggling the finger of his left hand with his wedding ring around. "I love my wife dearly, but I've always been partial to exploring other experiences... if you get my meaning."

"Definitely," Brad and Erin said simultaneously.

After sharing a bemused look with her, Brad turned his attention back to Singh. "So I take it you're saying you're available?" Brad held up his phone. "Got her number if you're interested."

"Mr Newell; know that I don't take bribes."

"Not a bribe," Brad said. "Just looking out for a friend of mine."

Singh regarded him for a moment, perhaps judging the authenticity of the offer, then smiled. "I would love to catch up with Ayesha again. We left a lot of things unsaid, the last I saw her. Tell me, Mr Newell," he said, as he copied Ayesha's number onto his own phone, "how did you get Ayesha's number? I imagine it must be an interesting story."

"It is," Brad said. "See me and Ali struck up a bet-"

"Another time, Mr Singh," Erin said, as she pulled Brad away. "Brad has some extracurricular activities he needs to get on with."

"Try not to occupy too much of Mr Newell's attention, Miss Winters; his last paper wasn't too impressive," Singh said as Erin guided Brad from the lecture hall. "Please see that you catch up on your studies, Mr Newell!"