That Was Then - This is Now Pt. 03


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The store had reopened a day later than planned because of my accident. It looked like turning the whole thing into an internet cafe might work. We were still busy with repairs and network maintenance. The only difference, other than me not being there, was that Sonja was doing the paperwork that was usually my burden. I even missed that, since it gave me a real sense of how we were doing. They were still looking for someone to help Marie. She was just as busy now as she had been when the restaurant was a separate entity. That was something we would really have to work at.

James came over to Mom's to visit one afternoon. He and Joan were still a couple and he was planning on popping the big question soon. Joan wasn't working, but did some volunteer work at the seniors' centre in town. There wasn't really much work available for her in town. I asked him what she was actually trained to do. It turns out that she had a college certificate in business administration. I asked James to get her to come over and see me. I gave Marie a call.

"Marie, hi. How are you?"

"Evan. Hi. We're busy. I think I'm busier now than ever. We really do need some help here." Marie sounded almost rushed.

"I heard. Sorry I haven't been around to help. But, I just wanted your input. I might have someone who would fit in. Do you want to interview her, or be here when I talk to her?"

"Well, I sort of trust your judgement, but I'd like input as well."

"Of course. Look, I'm waiting for her to call me. If I set something up for an evening, would you be available?"

"Sure, anytime after supper would work."

"Okay, as soon as I get this set up I'll call you. I don't even know if the person I'm thinking of is interested, but she might be since she's not working, at least not being paid, anyway."

"Okay Evan, let me know. I gotta run." She ended the call and I sat back thinking that it was good to be back at it, even if in a limited way. I had a doctors' appointment the next day. I was really hoping to be cleared to go back to work. I could at least do the admin stuff and free up Sonja from that.

Mom came out of the apartment and sat down at the picnic table. "Evan, have you had your nap yet this afternoon?"

"Nope, I really don't feel tired."

"You know what Dr. Evans said. You need rest, lots of rest. I'll report you," she laughed as if threatening me would get me to co-operate.

"Okay, okay. I'll go lie down. But, if Joan calls I need to talk to her. I might have a job if she's interested." I wheeled myself into the spare bedroom that had become my home.

"Okay, but you rest or even worse than reporting you to the doctor, I'll report you to your sisters," she was laughing out loud now.

"Oh God, anything but that. I'll behave. Honest." I managed to get onto the bed unaided and was quickly asleep.

I must have slept for nearly two hours. Joan had phoned and would call back or I could call her when I woke up. Mom got some coffees going and we went back outside to enjoy the sunshine. I called Joan on her cell.

"Hi Joan, Evan. Look. Are you looking for work at all or just want to do the volunteer stuff?"

"Evan, James told me to call you. What's this about, anyway?"

"If you're interested, I might have a job for you. James said you had your two year certification in business administration. If you're looking for work, this might be a good fit for you."

"You mean I'd be working for you?"

"No, not for me. For a friend of mine. She's looking for help."

"Where do I have to go to meet her?"

"Actually, she said she'd come here almost any time after supper so it sort of depends on you."

"How about tonight? I'll get James to bring me over."

"Okay, I'll call Marie and get back to you. If not tonight is any other night okay with you?"

"Oh sure, we don't do much at night. Just hang out and watch TV."

"Okay, I'll call you back."

"Thanks Evan. Talk to you soon."

I broke the connection an began to call Marie when Mom said, "Evan, why not ask Marie to come here for supper. She and I can visit until Joan gets here. I'm sure she could use the break. I know it's a bit of a drive, but if she's coming over anyway..."

"Good idea, Mom. Thanks." I called Marie who said she'd be delighted to eat someone else's cooking for a change. I called Joan who confirmed that she and James would show up after supper. Mom said for them to come over too, she would make enough for all of us. They of course agreed. There's nothing like Mom's cooking.

Marie arrived just before six, bringing a nice bottle of wine. She and Mom had met several times and got along great. James and Joan showed up a few minutes later and we all sat down to dinner, breaded pork chops, mashed potatoes and mixed veggies. The four of them enjoyed the wine; I wasn't allowed because of the painkillers I was still on.

Instead of doing a formal interview, we just asked Joan about her background and what she was looking for. She admitted that she had no experience in the food industry at all, not even working as a server when she was in school. We explained to her that she would start out working alongside Marie who would teach her that aspect of the internet cafe, with a view that Marie would eventually retire and sell the business and building, hopefully to me. Joan was skeptical, but agreed to give it a trial run. The worst that could happen is that she'd have another line on her resume'. We agreed that she would start the following Monday, giving her a few days to prepare. We had to assure her that casual dress was appropriate. Anything more would really look out of place. Even Sonja had stopped wearing dresses or skirts to work, settling on Capris or slacks; shorts if it was really hot outside. We retired to the living room and enjoyed visiting over coffee and dessert for the rest of the evening.

Next afternoon was time to see the doctor about getting back to work. Except for my leg, which both ached and itched like crazy, I felt good. I expected that he would approve it, and he did. I decided that I would start back the following Monday since there was only one more work day before the weekend. We had kept Marie's tradition of closing for the entire weekend. I was looking forward to it, though I would have to rely on Mom to get me to work. I'd get Jim or Sonja to bring me back. Once I had a walking cast on, I would return to my apartment. Debbie had assured Mom that she would look in on me to make sure everything was okay.

Monday I got to the store early. The interior was bright and cheery. Knocking out the one wall between the two businesses had really opened it up, and gave an impression of being larger than it really was. We had gotten some additional space for the workshop by combining the storage area of the two stores, except for the cold foods. It wasn't unusual to see bags of flour sitting alongside network cables or computer parts. Soon it was just the way it was.

Joan started and fit right in. Her personality more than made up for her lack of experience and she proved to be a quick study. We arranged, and paid, for her to take her food safe course. We were able to keep the two entities separate and never did have to call on anyone in the computer store to work in the cafe, or vice versa. Even though I was more or less stuck behind my desk, it felt really good to be back. I called my customers and apologized for not being able to look after them myself. To a man or woman, they were all understanding and looked forward to seeing me again when I was able.

Erica and I managed to get together a couple of times a week, even if just for coffee. Of course she had to come to me since I couldn't drive yet because of the concussion. Some evenings we'd just relax in front of the tube. We were getting along just fine, and were feeling good about it. I wondered about moving to the next level, but wanted to wait until I at least had a walking cast on and I was more mobile. She was feeling the same, but had other plans about the timing.

One evening we were in our normal positions me stretched out on the sofa to keep my leg elevated and her relaxing in the recliner. She had just gone to get some iced tea for both of us. When she came back into the living room, instead of sitting back in the recliner, she came over and sat me up an sat down on the sofa, then pulled me back down so my head and shoulders were on her lap.

She leaned down and gave me a kiss, then another one, longer this time. "Evan, you know I love you."

"Mmmm. I love you too, you know. I know it's kind of quick, but it feels right, the two of us together," I sighed happily. "I'll be so happy to get the damn cast off and get my life back."

She began to rub my chest, then lower and lower. "I think we could take this to the bedroom." She leaned down and kissed me again. "You just let me do all the hard work."

I laughed, "I was hoping to take a more active part."

"Just do what you can. I'll look after us," she said quietly, pushing me up off her lap and helping me to my feet. I still had to use the crutches so the walk into the bedroom wasn't all that romantic. We made it.

We made love for what seemed hours. It wasn't of course since I didn't have the stamina. It felt so good to have her back in my arms, and I told her so.

"I've wanted this for so long," she said quietly, "I wondered if the day would ever come when I'd feel happy again."

"I know what you mean. It's almost like I was going through the motions."

"Exactly." She stopped me from talking further by kissing me again. "Now, lover, I have to get going. I have to work early in the morning. I'll take a quick shower here so I don't have to in the morning."

"I'd join you, but it's hard enough for me by myself, let alone with someone else," I laughed. "Now get going while I still have a bit of willpower left."

She giggled and climbed out of the bed. Soon the shower was running. It did feel right.


Erica and I waited for nearly nine months to get married. We honeymooned in Hawaii for two glorious weeks. She continued working at the lab until our son was born a year after we got married. He was joined by twins, a boy and a girl, about twenty months later. She's now quite happy to be a homemaker and mother.

The business continued to expand. We eventually had to move the computer store to its own building. The internet cafe doubled in size, and they added a small retail bakery and goodies store.

Joan and James got married. He's now the manager of the auto parts store. Joan manages the internet cafe and has four girls working full time for her. Erica and I are considering making her and James partners as well.

Marie did what she wanted, sold and retired to the coast to be near her family. She keeps in touch with us and visits when she can.

Jim and Sonja added to their brood, two boys. The girls were thrilled to have one baby brother; the second sent them over the moon. Sonja is a stay at home mom now. They bought the house across the street from us. Our two families are always together.

Debbie and Jerry continue to do well. They haven't been able to have kids, but have adopted ours, and Jim and Sonja's, as their extended family. Of course they spoil the kids rotten.

Mom passed a few months after our son was born. She was really happy to see her first grandchild though she was in poor health at the time. It was sad to see her go. She was a great Mom.

Barb and Wendy also got married. They had to have a civil ceremony. Of course all of us were there as well as all their friends and customers. They're talking about adopting a couple of kids to make a whole family unit.

I look back at all that happened, everything we went through, and thank my lucky stars that That Was Then, This is Now.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Do you own coffe stock? It almost seemed like somebody was offering the stuff every other paragraph 😎


It was a quality story. I didn’t buy the reconciliation though. Just too much time had elapsed making it very hard to accept that Erica never found someone else in all that time. But OK.


4 ****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Thank for this story, well written, I imagine it took a lot of time and I appreciate your work.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What a pussy

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Story is well written and in the main internally consistent right up to the end. Everything going on fine and then he married the toxic bitch?!? Sheesh. I know RAAC is all the rage but that's just ridiculous

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

You wrote a reasonable story, but to me you over did the filler, bit too many words, so in the end it just became a simple story about a cheater and how he forgave her

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

School shooter finds love again? Nah, this story was absurd. And she's stupid for getting back together with a murderer. Part 4 should have Brad's brother getting revenge. College kids cheat, it happens, murder is beyond a stupid response to it. Oh and anyone else notice...... "I woke up and made a cup of coffee, then I met so and so at their house where we had coffee, then had a meeting where we met at the coffee house". Apparently 20 and 30 year olds just drink coffee all day long? Nitpicky yes but it's kinda dumb

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"And Erica, could she ever forgive me for the way I treated her"? What kind of simp logic is that? Why do authors try to oversaturate Nobility?

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Second time around my opinion and score remains unchanged. My earlier comment still stands.

Still 2/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Rubbish. Play kissy face after 7 wasted years. Just No.

Wh00sherWh00sherover 1 year ago

Simply awful.

7 years in jail, but happily ever after. What nonsense.

At least put RAAC in the tags and save the wasted time.

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

I reluctantly gave this a 3/5, l think it should probably be less.

Although seduced she chose to cheat for better sex, she exercised free will and slept with Brad four times and she really enjoyed the sex. It was just sex she said. She loved Evan but she loved Sex with Brad.

Would you keep her?

I wouldn’t. She out and out cheated because she wanted to. Forgive her?


She can rot in hell.

So yeah, 3/5 but that score and the story are overrated.

Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

I found the story a very sad but entertaining read. It was well written and had great character development. With the way they ended up reconciliating given all of the circumstances, neither one of them had found anyone or been intimate with anyone after 7 years and in the end, they found that they still loved each other, they married and lived happily ever after. After reading the comments, I see that most will disagree with my comments or how the author ended it, but I liked the way the author saw to end this tale. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Terrible. Marriage is based on love, trust, and loyalty. She didn't love him enough to not cheat, he shouldn't trust her not to cheat, and there's no way she will be loyal. RAAC is just as ridiculous as BTB stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Disgusting ending of a story that went downhill. RAAC.

None of the issues like the lack of trust or the sex being better with her lover were really addressed.

this was bad very bad. Good thing you're not writing anymore. You don't have what it takes.

ScoratScoratover 3 years ago

I too find it kind of hard to believe he would take her back. I was hoping he would end up with Frances after she defended him so vehemently that you would think she had a crush on him. There’s lots of stories on this site about kids who literally grew up together and at some point fell in love. All but one that I’ve read ended happily for them and the one that didn’t they remained friends but no more cuz he couldn’t get past what she did. Seems inconceivable to me that, growing up so close they were almost like twins, that one would cheat “just for the sex”. Especially if he just ‘seduced’ her instead of her wanting something to happen.

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