The Cabin


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The only other person in the shop was a young man behind the counter, standing and reading a magazine. Looking up, he caught sight of the girls, visibly straightened himself, and gave them his undivided attention. He was a sight himself. Blonde, curly tousled hair framed a rectangular face with a strong jaw and blue eyes. He was well muscled and deeply tanned -- a fact accentuated by him only wearing a pair of red swim trucks. The girls noticed his interest and shot smiling, furtive looks his way.

I made my way over to the counter. After a minute he snapped out of a daze, turning his attention to me.

"Oh hey, sorry about that. How's it going?" he asked in a friendly, easy-going way.

"Not bad. We're having a nice visit. This is a nice place," I responded.

"Totally," he agreed.

"Are you from around here?" I asked. The wine was working its magic, leaving me in a friendly, relaxed mood.

"No, I grew up in Montana. I work here during the summer. It's always hard to go back to college in the fall," he explained.

"Seems like a good gig," I ventured, noticing his attention drift back to the girls who were trying on sunglasses and modeling for each other.

"Uh, huh? Oh yeah, pretty great. Do you want to book a trip?" he asked, trying to focus on the customer with obvious difficulty.

"Maybe. Alex, Tova, do you want to take a raft trip?" I inquired.

They sauntered over, reveling in their obvious captivation of the employee.

"Hmm, that could be fun. Get out on the water, enjoy some sun," Alex suggested.

"Yeah, as long as we had someone who knew the way," Tova added, unmistakably giving the worker a once over as she spoke.

"Yes, absolutely. We would want some help - if we got into deep water," Alex continued, upping the inuendo. I saw his mouth fall open slightly.

"What sort of options do you have?" I said, trying to steer the conversation back on to safer ground.

"We do morning, afternoon, and all-day trips," he offered helpfully, never taking his eyes off the girls.

"Oh, don't make it for too early because I think we're going to be up late tonight," Tova said with faux innocence. The boy's eyes opened wider. I stifled a grin.

"Could we go ahead and book a trip for three tomorrow?" I continued, all business.

He took the lifeline. "Uh, sure. I'll keep some information and a credit card to make the reservation,"

"Do you guide trips?" Alex asked, dropping the shades, and pulling out the doe eyes to great effect. I had to bring my hand to my mouth to cover a chuckle.

"Uh, I'm supposed to have tomorrow off," he said apologetically. Catching himself, he quickly added, "But let me see if I can switch with someone."

"That would be great cause you seem like you know what to do," Alex continued, leaning over the counter a bit. The young man's eyes were pulled down to where her cleavage presented itself through the V neck. "What's your name?"

"It's Ryan," he shared.

"Nice to meet you, Ryan," she smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"Hey Ryan, I think I'm going to need a better swimsuit for tomorrow -- do you think y'all can help with that?" Tova interjected, shifting his attention.

"Oh yeah. The owners bought a ton of swimsuits and clothing when they first opened a few years ago, but it didn't sell much -- so they moved it to the basement. Lots of options down there," he said, pointing to the stairs.

"Excellent, we'll go check it out and let you two do the paperwork," Alex directed as she grabbed Tova by the hand and disappearing down to the basement.

With the distraction gone, he returned his attention to me. He studied me for a second. I saw the gears churn as he tried to work it out. With an almost invisible shrug, he gave up and pulled out some forms.

"Here you go. Fill out this information and I'll see if I can get that schedule fixed," he said before fishing a phone out of his pocket and moving to the side to start texting.

I completed the paperwork. I paused for a second when it came to an emergency contact, a ping of regret rising up for not being honest with my wife. But I entered my brother instead and was completing just as Ryan returned.

"Cool, just need a credit card," he said, reviewing my work.

"Let's see if I'll need to make any purchases first," I suggested, heading to the stairs.

"Sweet, I'll be here if you need me for anything," he replied, trying to sound nonchalant, but unmistakably hoping that we would require his assistance with our swimsuit purchase. I made my way down into the darkness of the basement.

It was cool down there with most of the room filled with racks of summer clothes and swimwear. The bright colors stood out in the dim light provided by stairs to the floor above and a few florescent panels. In one corner, there was a series of curtains hung from wires to create a changing area and several full-length mirrors for evaluating your choices composed around a large oriental rug.

Alex was splayed on a sofa that was positioned on the edge of the rug, Tova was hidden behind the curtains -- presumably changing. Alex beckoned me over and I joined her on the couch. She slid over, pressing herself against me as she whispered in my ear.

"Tova found some options she thought she would model for us first and I have a few that I'd like your opinion on as well," she said encouragingly as she patted a small pile of suits on the arm rest for emphasis.

A curtain slid back, revealing Tova in a sporty black two-piece. The top was a tight band supported by two straps that ran up and crisscrossed in the back. The lace patterned tattoo on her chest peeked out above the material. The bottom was high waisted with a nice cut to show off her cheeks. Alex and I offered our appreciation as Tova posed to look at herself in the mirror.

"That's nice, but not quite right," Tova added. She disappeared back behind the curtain.

Alex began softly kissing and licking my ear, running her hands over my chest and under my shirt. I sighed and then gasped where her hand wandered down to my shorts to check on the effect she was having.

Tova returned, this time in a shiny silver top crop bikini with a v-cut bottom. It sat on her nicely, and we commented on the athletic vibe.

"Yes, I think this one will do -- but I want to check out some more. Tom, can you hold this?" she stripped down and tossed it in my face.

"Plenty of time for that later, I want to see what some of those look like." Tova said, grabbing Alex's hand and pulling her off the couch as Tova nodded to the pile of suits Alex had picked.

They disappeared behind the curtain, and I was left to myself. I could see a rack of t-shirts and sweatshirts, as well as what looked more like hiking clothes the next row over. From some of the styles, I had to guess it had been here several years.

Starting to sober up a bit, I realized that they had been behind the curtain quite a while with little noise or activity. I rose and walked over to the stand next to the wall of cloth and heard the soft, unmistakable sound of a lip smack. Pulling back the curtain, I found Alex and Tova locked in an embrace kissing softly -- Tova in a new bottom and Alex in only her panties.

"Hey now, you two. We have a job to do!" I scolded them in a teasing tone.

"Yes, sir," Tova replied.

"It's my fault. I just got a little too excited with you on the couch," Alex added.

"It's ok, but you'll have to change with curtains open, so it doesn't happen again," I instructed. They nodded agreement.

The fashion show resumed, each showing me a range of lovely suits that accented their beauty.

Tova showed us a plunging one piece that left little to the imagination about her endowments as the curves of her breast peeked around both sides of the material.

Alex paraded a triangle string bikini with a red and white Hawaiian print. The sugar skull tattoos under each arm were clearly visible. Apparently approving, she stripped down, put her street clothes back, and curled up against me on the couch.

Tova continued her search, trying a couple of day-glow bikinis in pink and orange. But she remained unsatisfied.

I was rapidly becoming distracted as Alex resumed her efforts from earlier, stimulating my ear and then my mouth with her lips and tongue. Her hand quickly restored itself to its former position, slipping under my waistband and gently beginning to palm and stroke me with those delicate fingers.

Tova finished changing again but was chagrined to find us both too distracted to assess her latest choice. I groaned into Alex's mouth as her hand applied a firm grip to my swelling member.

"Hey! Now who's falling down on the job?" Tova demanded, hands on her hips as she stood in a cherry red patterned halter top and hipsters.

"Yes, mistress," Alex intoned softly. "I'll do better."

I expected a note of sarcasm in Alex's response but was surprised to find none. She looked downward, showing genuine contrition.

"That's ok," Tova said encouragingly. "Just let Tom decide what he likes."

Alex shifted lower -- unzipping my fly and extracting my hard prick. She brought it to her lips and, without a word, sunk down and began working me in and out of her mouth.

I groaned again but kept eye contact with Tova as I did. A small smile crossed her lips, she nodded and found another suit to assess.

It wasn't long -- perhaps another suit or three -- before our unusual fitting session was interrupted by a call down the stairs as Ryan inquired if we needed any help.

Alex and I froze, her lips still wrapped around the crown of my cock and tongue stopped midlick along the underside. From my position on the couch, I could see nothing and was unable to assess exactly what help Ryan might be thinking we needed.

But Tova didn't miss a beat. "Oh no, Ryan. We're just finishing and we'll be up in a minute."

"Uh, ok," Ryan replied, his voice retreating.

Tova looking down and scanning the mix of potential candidates, grabbed the silvery crop top. She gestured to Alex to get me zipped up, which we did with a little difficulty as my penis slowly shrank back to size.

Collecting ourselves, we trooped up the stairs to assess Ryan's awareness of our little show.

Emerging into the sunlight of the shop there was little to guess. Ryan stood behind the counter, poorly hiding a smirk behind his hand.

"How it go, down there?" he asked, testing the waters with his double entendre.

I was about to answer, but Tova acted first -- grabbing the red suit out of Alex's hands and striding up to the counter.

"It was going great until a nosy prick cost himself a couple of sales," she waved the suits at him before tossing them on a nearby rack of sunglasses in a disdainful attempt at reshelving.

"Uh, oh, wait," Ryan stumbled, temporarily confused by Tova's gambit. "Those are some really nice suits." By which I assumed he was noting that he would lose a commission, something I imagined were fairly few and far between given the age of the merchandise below.

"Yeah, it would be a pity," Tova continued, seizing the upper hand from him word by word. "Perhaps a discount is in order to, say, repay the poor customer service?"

"Umm, I'm not supposed to do that," he started and then stopped. "But in this case that does seem like the right thing to do. Let's say 10%."

"15 seems fair," Tova continued, sweeping the suits back off the rack and placing them on the counter to indicate the negotiations were over.

Ryan nodded, nervously scanning, and then bagging the items.

"With the trip tomorrow, your total comes to $380," Ryan said, searching our faces for who was now in charge of this transaction.

"Tom, pay the man," she instructed. and I did. They grabbed the bags and we turned to go.

"Oh, and one more thing," Tova said, directing her parting shot at Ryan. "There's a reason no one wants help from a skeevy peeper. A decent gentleman would wait to be invited."

And with that, she strode out the door with us in tow.

"See you tomorrow!" she called.

Ryan offered a feeble "You too" in reply.


Alex and I ambled down the street, one to each side of Tova. We waited for her to speak, to help us understand what had happened. A half block later, she snorted - letting loose a laugh that she had clearly been suppressing since we exited.

"I can't believe it was so easy to put him in his place. And the discount, I mean ..." she chuckled, very pleased with herself.

Alex and I responded, joining in her laughter. But for a second my eye caught Alex's, communicating our mutual surprise at this new side of our friend.

We were soon back at our vehicle, and then racing back to cabin.


As we rounded the final turn, the cabin came into view. The early afternoon sun dappled through the trees, providing warm pools of light between the shadows created by the evergreens. The air felt still as we exited the car, as if the forest was dozing in the midday heat.

We made our way inside the house, shedding the gear from the hike and our purchases. I suddenly felt the aftereffects of the wine and the weed hit me and moved to the sink to pour myself a large glass of water.

The girls followed suit, and as she finished, I caught Tova stifling a yawn.

"What?" she responded to my questioning look. "It's been an up and down day. Can't a girl take a cap nap on vacation?"

"I'd actually go for a little sleep myself," Alex joined in.

I realized that I was also getting drowsy. The sun on the roof of the cabin had raised the temperature inside quite a bit and it was making it easy to envision a few winks curled up with them in the bed. I nodded my agreement.

We moved to the bedroom, discarding garments on the floor until we were all soon naked. Even without any suggestion of romance, my now exposed prick showed some signs of life.

"Down boy!" Alex giggled, pushing it playfully down with her hand. "There will be plenty of time for that later."

We climbed on the bed, Tova in the middle with me on one side and Alex on the other. There was some gentle caressing and kissing as we settled into restful positions. At one point, Tova's hand settled firmly around my cock, giving it a couple of firm tugs. She chuckled, released it, and relaxed down into the mattress. My mind drifted for a few minutes, running over the events of the past few hours, and wondering what else this trip would hold. And then I rested.


I awoke later in the afternoon. The angle of the sun into the bedroom was different, but it was still fully the day. I raised my head slowly, checking out my sleeping partners. Tova remained solidly asleep, rolled over on her belly with her naked ass cheeks framed by the blanket she had managed to wrap around herself. During our solo visits over the past year, I had come to love teasing her ruthlessly for her blanket thievery. Alex was nowhere to be found.

I rose and noticed the door to the deck was partially open, mostly hidden by a curtain that had been drawn to keep out the light. Deciding against clothes, I slipped through the gap and into the afternoon sun.

My adjusting eyes saw that Alex had taken up a seat on a bench with a view down into the lip of the canyon that had been moved near the railing. It did not look like she had dressed either as she wore the bedsheet like a toga. One arm cradled as sketch pad as the other worked in pencil to render the scene in front of her. Looking up at me, she smiled and went back to drawing.

I moved next to her, inspecting her work. It was a faithful reflection of what was before us -- the details drawn out by the lines and shading in impressive detail. I told her so and she nodded in appreciation.

"It's something I've always enjoyed when I need to get out of my head a bit," she explained. "I remember doing it a lot that first year at college, being on my own away from family. After Tova described this place, I made a point to remember to throw this in with my stuff. But maybe I should have waited until I had the proper subject."

I realized she was staring down at my naked manhood. It was calm, though Alex's breasts threatening to spill out from sheets draped over them had begun to spark some life down there. She continued scoping out my package with her eyes, until, sensing my discomfort, she looked up into my face and let out a stifled giggle.

"Oh honey, I'm only teasing," she added. "Here, don't be mad."

Alex waved me to sit down next to her and guided my head down into the crook of her shoulder. We sat there for a while, leaning against each other as we looked out over the canyon. In time, I brought my face up to hers. Her lips found mine and we kissed softly.

I shifted positions to kiss her more passionately, but she resisted. Her hand coming to my chest and disengaging.

"Not right now. Maybe later. Besides, you should be saving yourself for what that girl in there is going to do later."

I cocked an eyebrow in response.

"Oh, you'll see," was all she would add.

"Fair enough," I said, laying down on the bench with my head in her lap. Alex shifted herself a bit and began sketching the scene again.

We sat silently a bit, listening to the wind in the trees, the creek far below, and the scratch of the pencil.

In time, Tova padded across the deck to join our nude revue. In one hand she held an ashtray with what looked like a large spliff and the other contained a lighter.

"You both should feel free to keep doing that, but I'm getting in the tub," she informed us. I watched Tova's shapely ass and hips twitch back and for as she crossed the deck. Tova placed the smoking devices on the deck. She then greeted us with a view of her pussy folds and pucker peeking out as she bent over to pull off the cover.

Alex leaned over and whispered in my ear, "That looks like fun."

I nodded in agreement and soon all three of us were deposited in the warm water as we looked out on the softening sun on the canyon. Tova sparked up the cone and, after taking a drag passed it to me.

It was a fearsome beast, probably five inches in length with a large girth at the top. I marveled at the quality construction as I felt its tight roll in my fingers and brought it up to my lips. A couple of large drags and I was taken to another state, the soft, warm feel of the drug washing over me. I passed it to Alex, who puffed as well before completing the circle back to Tova.

We passed it around, actively at first and then slowing to a leisurely pace as we struggled to defeat the monster. We chatted, moving our bodies under the water. Sometimes they would touch or caress, and then separate again. I made out with Alex while Tova slowly smoked away. Then Tova caressed my face, turning my mouth to hers. Just before our lips made contact, she exhaled -- shot gunning a big cloud into my lungs. I accepted it, turning my face up to release it back out into the air.

After taking my turn, I tried to pass the spliff to Alex. She shook her head, declining the offer.

"No thanks, I am good," she explained. "In fact, I am so good I am going to go make dinner. You two enjoy yourselves and I'll have it on the table in about an hour."

We both nodded to her as she rose, climbing out of the tub. She went to towel herself dry and disappeared into the house.

Tova moved to the side of the tub closest the canyon, bringing her arms up to lean out a bit as she took periodic puffs. I joined her with my arms up on the edge as we looked out at the rock face descending down on the other side. We continued to pass and pull as it approached a small roach. Neither of was willing to give in, though Tova was far more energetic, with me just trying to hang on until the end. With a flourish, she took the last drag and stubbed it out in the tray.

We were still, the natural beauty occupying us as we remained floating with our shoulders and arms anchoring us to the edge. Tova leaned her head over a bit to rest it on my arm.
