The Cabin


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Tova's movement came to a halt, waiting for what was next.

Without speaking, I knew what I had to do. I began pistoning myself up into Tova, thrusting against her again and again. Tova gasped as she gave up control, letting me take her.

Alex bent over, bringing her lips to Tova's now exposed snatch. She sucked at Tova's bud loudly.

Tova moaned in response, bringing her hand down on Alex's head to both steady herself and hold that beautiful mouth against her wanting sex.

Despite everything, I held off my own orgasm as I enjoyed the warmth of the rock, the buzz of the weed, and the gorgeous woman above me. Her back door now loose, I nudged my thumb into her -- feeling my own prick sliding against the pad only separated by a few millimeters of flesh.

Tova's quiver tumbled into a shaking that consumed her legs and torso. She came silently, letting us work her until she slumped forward against her waiting friend.

Alex brought her lips to Tova's ear, whispering directions again. Tova nodded in response and then, with Alex's help, dismounted and stumbled over to the blanket where they lay down together. I was left on the rock with my stiff member pointing to the sky like a flagpole.

The two talked in hushed voices, kissing, and cuddling. I began to rise to join them, but Alex's voice brought me to a halt.

"Not right now, you'll get the rest of your fun in a bit," Alex directed me in a firm voice. "But we don't mind if you watch."

I propped myself up on my elbow as I took in the show.

In a bit, Tova slid down the body of her friend until she placed her mouth on the waiting slit.

Alex lay back, reclining in enjoyment at the experience. Tova, her desire bubbling, enthusiastically licked and tongued around the clit as she watched Alex's reaction. Alex smiled, bringing her hand down to play with Tova's curls.

As she began her ascent, Alex locked eyes with me in a captivating glare. Her expression broadcast that she enjoyed the audience. Alex's mouth came open in a soft pant as Tova remained locked on her target. Tova brought up a hand to caress and tease one of Alex's breasts. Alex moved her own hand over her friend's, pushing firmly to show how she wanted to be touched. Tova responded, roughly grabbing the globe and pinching the nipple between her fingers.

It was the final piece Alex needed as her hips bucked in response. Tova successfully kept her mouth latched to Alex as she drew out her friend's orgasm. Alex's ass rose off the blanket again and again in a beautiful motion. And never once did she break eye contact with me.

Once the climax had subsided, Alex motioned for Tova to change positions. Laying on top of her friend in the opposite direction, Tova positioned her pussy over Alex's waiting mouth. Alex began licking and sucking as Tova brought her lips back down to continue eating out her friend.

They worked each other with attention and stamina, falling into an easy rhythm that I saw was increasingly familiar to both of them. My already stiff prick throbbed in response as I brought my hand down to begin stroking it. The red crown turned a darker shade of crimson before my eyes and I wondered if I would spill my seed before lodging it back in one of their welcoming pussies.

Seeing my duress, Alex spoke up. "Oh, I think he really needs to come. Let's help him with that." She beckoned for me to at last join them. I hopped off the stone and dropped down on the blanket next to their entwined bodies.

With some considerable dexterity, the women shifted so that they were reclined on their sides with their legs spread to give their partner's mouth easy access. Right before Alex buried her mouth back in Tova, she instructed me, "My turn to feel that thing inside me."

I moved behind Alex, positioning myself until the angle let me enter her. Tova's hot breath swirled through my pubic hair as I bottomed out in Alex. Without missing a beat, she adjusted to lick across my balls and the root where it disappeared into Alex. Both Alex and I trembled against each other as we partook in this new pleasure.

Circling my arms in a hug around Alex's body, my hands began to play with two pairs of breasts available to touch. Tova joined in, her hands gliding back and forth along my body and Alex's. And Alex reached up to bring her hands to my head, running her fingers through the strands of my hair again and again.

We achieved unison, moving in time as lovers familiar with the subtleties of bringing their partners to release. I lost all perception of who was coming and why as the intensity of the moment overtook me. I was awash on a sea of pleasure, all thoughts other than wanton gratification swept aside.

I plunged down into the point of no return. The surge of the climax boiled up from

Inside as my scrotum contracted into me. It felt like tumbling over the lip of a waterfall. I kept waiting to arrive at the bottom. But instead, it just built and built.

Then it happened. Spurt after spurt launching into Alex. The entire world was reduced to the slit in my prick as it shot off again and again. It was one of the best comes of my life.

And on it went. I vaguely aware of Alex gasping out, "Oh god, it's oozing out of me and he's still coming." My conscious returning, I found that my hands had locked themselves on Alex's hips as I pulled them into me in time with each ejaculation. My paced slowed, and then stopped as I was finally spent.

Tova, the dirty girl still positioned just inches from the point of area, licked up a few of the strands that were now trickling out of Alex. Sitting up, she opened her mouth to reveal the prize sitting on her tongue before swallowing it down.

I became dislodged and lay back on the blanket, looking up at the blue sky as I caught my breath and tried to recover.

And in that moment, I missed a critical exchange between the girls. It sounded like Alex said something in a joking manner like, "And you're going to give this up for him?"

Tova sprung away from Alex as if she had been stung by an insect. Though she said nothing, her entire demeanor changed. She retrieved her clothes and began quickly dressing.

Recognizing her mistake, Alex quickly tried to repair the damage.

"I'm sorry, that was stupid," she pleaded with Tova.

"It's fine," Tova answered back quietly, showing it was clearly not fine.

"Wait, what just happened," I blundered into the conversation in my typical haphazard way.

"It's nothing," Tova said curtly. "We should head back, it'll be lunchtime soon."

Alex and I rose off the blanket and Tova retrieved it, stuffing it into the pack. Shouldering it onto her small frame, she turned and began walking back up the trail without another word. We scrambled to don our own clothing and catch up.

We rushed along at first, trying to catch Tova in our line of sight. But once we saw her ahead Alex held out her hand to block me from racing to close the distance. She shook her head no and we fell into a pace trailing Tova about 50 feet.

The two of us walked in silence, the sounds of the forest and wind surrounding us. In time, Alex spoke up.

"I shouldn't have said that," she began quietly. "Tova really didn't want to talk about it on this trip."

"Talk about what?" I asked, still searching for the context of what was going on. Alex paused a long moment, before launching in.

"Well, you may not realize this, but our time together last year had a real impact on Tova," she explained. "You helped her find a confidence she'd be lacking for a long time."

"I have noticed she's been more comfortable with the men," I offered cautiously.

"You're a great boost, so supportive and safe. I know both of us have really appreciated seeing you over the past few months," Alex said, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek. "And it has led to a lot more exploring with other guys. In the last few months, she's gotten more serious with a few of them. One guy in particular."

"I didn't know that," I shared.

"Yeah, she didn't want to tell you," Alex disclosed. "She loves your 'magic weekends' as she calls them, was worried filling you in would burst the bubble."

"Oh," I said softly.

"Well after your last visit, he got very possessive about why she had ghosted him the whole time," Alex continued. "They argued, but then he told her that he loved her. That he wanted to be with her, that he wanted to move in so they could be together."

We stopped, Alex exploring my face for concern.

I felt a flash of jealously slide through me. And then I realized I was being ridiculous. Tova wasn't mine. I was married and how greedy it was to think that I could think of someone else as my own.

I reached over to touch Alex's arm, trying to allay her fear that this was hard for me.

"Alex, it is really ok. I want both of you to be happy and I would never presume that I can be enough for either of you," I assured her. "I want you to be happy with your boyfriend. I want Tova to find someone and if it is this guy, that's great."

A cloud passed across her face, but she quickly hid it away.

"See, that's why you are such a good guy!" Alex teased, punching me softly in the arm.

"So, what did she say?" I asked.

"She didn't. She avoided giving him an answer and has ever since," Alex said. "Tova's torn. She is afraid he'll walk away if she says no, but she isn't sure this is what she wants. And wanted to use this trip to take her mind off it. Which it was, until I fucked it up."

I brought her in close for a hug, standing together on the trail in a tight embrace. When separated, I looked her closely in the eye.

"It's ok. You're a good friend. And this is going to be ok. Ok?" I told her. She nodded. "Ok, let me go talk to her for a bit." Alex nodded again.

I hurried down the path. After a few minutes, I caught up to Tova.

"Hey, wait up!" I called when she was a dozen feet in front of me.

Tova turned, fixing me with a hostile glare. It cut through me in a way that I had almost forgotten, taking me for a second back to the first night we had met.

"What is it?" she spat at me, turning to look back. We stopped, facing each other on the trail. I held up my hands in a peace offering.

"I'm sorry if things went wrong," I started, searching for how to defuse the situation. "I know Alex is very sorry too."

"It's fine, forget it," Tova said in a dismissive tone.

I closed the distance between us, taking her hands in mine.

"She told me what's up. I really am sorry," I said gently.

"Oh," she replied quietly, looking away to avoid eye contact. "I wish she hadn't. That wasn't her story to tell."

"We'll, I'd love to hear it from you. I hope you feel like you can tell me anything," I said encouragingly.

She paused for a long second, and apparently deciding how to proceed, continued, holding one of my hands as we resumed walking down the trail together.

"So, after our time in Vegas, I didn't want to lose that spark. That feeling of being wanted," she began.

"I decided to put myself out there, take some risks to get noticed. Well, it worked. It really worked. I've met more guys, had more dates in this year than I'd had in my entire life.

"I've met some shitheads, but for the most part it's been wonderful. So many personalities, so different experiences," she continued.

"None of it was too serious. I'd see guys once or a few times and then we'd drift off in our own direction -- no big deal.

"But then a few months ago, I noticed something was changing. It wasn't a lot of guys, it was just the same three. We'd go out and then make plans to do something again. It wasn't too hard to juggle, and soon we fell into a nice rhythm. Oh god, I can't believe I am telling you all of this," she said, becoming embarrassed.

"Why? It sounds great. You really deserve people in your life that care about you," I replied.

"Well, that's just it. It snuck up on me. I realized that I cared for them too. And I was letting them in, telling them about my past, my feelings. Not us, of course. I kept that private. But they were becoming people I counted on," she revealed.

"After you came to visit, I met up with the one who is a doctor. I know, my mom would plotz herself if she knew I hadn't snatched him up," Tova joked, loosening up as she shared with me. "But anyways, he has me over for this romantic dinner and shares how much he missed me.

And that he doesn't want to be away from me again and that he wants to move in together."

"Wow," I said encouragingly.

"Yeah, right? I mean I never expected a guy to put that on the table. But he did. And I didn't know what say," she added, growing quiet at the end. I squeezed her hand softly for encouragement.

"So, what did you do?" I asked.

"Nothing. I said how nice he was, how much I liked him too, and that I would think about it," she said. "And that was three weeks ago, and I still don't know what to do. But I do know if I don't make up my mind soon, I'm going to wreck it either way."

"I'm sorry, that's really tough," I tried to console her.

"Yeah, and the truth is I'm not even sure what I want," she continued. "Part of me would be thrilled to have a guy like that want me. And another part of me doesn't even know how to decide if he's the one. I just don't know."

"That's a hard one," I echoed. "I can see why you are struggling with it. I really wish you had said something about it."

"I know. But this is my problem, my thing to figure out -- I didn't want to mess up this trip," she added with a hint of regret.

"You didn't mess up anything," I assured her. "I know both of us love you, want to take care of you."

"So ... you, love me?" she queried, her voice going up at the end.

"Uh. I mean, yeah, of course we love you," I struggled to find the right words. ""You should know that most of all, I want you to be happy. You're...incredible."

"Aww, well you're pretty great too, old man," she joked. She came in for another hug and we resumed walking down the trail, hand in hand.

After a few steps, we heard Alex's voice behind us.

"Any chance I can get in on this makeup session?"

Tova turned, studying her friend for a second, before beckoning her to join us. We embraced in a three-way hug, holding each other as the fight slipped away.

We descended down the mountain together, laughing and light again, the cloud between us lifted. Soon we arrived back at Jeep and loaded back up for the return to town.

As we pulled on to the main street, Tova pointed to a small café and maneuvered the car into a parking spot.

"How about some lunch?" she asked, encouragingly. I was suddenly aware of how famished I was and nodded eagerly. Alex did the same, and we disembarked from the car to check it out.

Entering inside, we were greeted by a light and airy space with a dozen tables spread across the main room. A line of big picture windows on the back wall let sunlight stream in. A handful of patrons were spread out across the dining area. Tova grabbed three menus and navigated us to a free table.

"It's a little laid back, but the food is totally worth it," she assured us as we sat down.

"I'm sure it is going to be great. Everything on this trip has been great. I might even say perfect," Alex said.

Tova smiled back at her and reached out her hand across the table. Alex brought her own hand to it, holding it as they looked into each other's eyes. I watched their expressions, not being able to read them. Then a small crinkle at the corner of Tova's lip silently communicated, 'Ok, if you want to.'

Alex came forward quickly, but Tova rose to meet her as they lips pressed together in a kiss.

I was a little shocked. I knew that after our time in Vegas, this was a new part of their friendship. But I'd never seen it expressed publicly.

Alex withdrew, and catching me staring, shot back a shrug of the shoulders and a look that said 'What?' I buried my face in the menu.

I was close to deciding when our server arrived. She was probably no more than 20, with a deep tan and blonde hair. She had done a few adjustments to the t-shirt uniform that now provided a much more revealing neckline, and zero tan lines to be seen.

"Hey guys, what can I get you?" she asked.

"Can we get a bottle of wine? Please, please, please!" Alex pleaded excitedly.

"Sure, why not?" I said encouragingly. I was mostly sober by now, and the wine would go nicely with the food.

The girls picked out a nice red Merlot.

"Great, I'll be right back," the blonde said before disappearing.

We chatted and after a few minutes, she returned with the bottle. Tova tasted and approved it and the server poured three glasses.

"Now, what can I get you?" she asked.

"Can we start with some bread?" Tova replied. "And then I'd love to have the vegetarian lasagna."

"Mmm, that does sound good," Alex added. "But I'll have the steak salad."

"And I'll have the grilled trout," I finished off the order.

The server wrote it all down and disappeared again.

Alex raised her wine glass and we followed suit.

"A toast to taking risks to follow your heart, and a new chapter for us!" Alex declared. We all nodded, clinking glasses and savoring the flavor of the fruity relief on our hungry lips.

We chatted about the hike and the views from up the mountain. Soon the bread arrived, and we attacked it to dent the hunger we had worked up.

"Does your family get into the outdoors much?" Tova asked, catching me by surprise. Although they knew about my home situation and the open relationship with my wife, we didn't talk about it much. I was never sure if it was too weird, or too boring, for young people like them.

"We used to a lot. When we were first together, we went hiking and would camp along the way. And our kids were into it when they were little, but now we're busy on the weekends and they wanted to hang with their friends -- not their lame parents," I explained.

"So, so lame," Alex replied, grabbing my hand to let me know she was teasing.

"I should suggest to her that we start doing it again. It was a lot of fun... even without the extracurriculars," I mused, smiling as I thought back on our morning.

We continued talking and the food soon arrived. Tova was not exaggerating. The simple preparation revealed an attention to detail and exquisite flavors. We each dug in, consuming the food with an intensity as we savored every bite.

"The owners were part of the L.A. restaurant scene and moved here to enjoy life more," Tova informed us as we were polishing off the last of our meals.

Satiated, we sat enjoying the last of our wine -- slightly dazed from the lovely meal.

I paid the bill, and we made our way back out into the sunny afternoon.

"I hope you have a great weekend!" our server called as we left out the front door.

When the bright light hit me, I realized the effect the wine -- and the weed earlier -- was having on me.

Although the girls had deposited their sunglasses on their faces, the slightly goofy grins on their lips gave away they were feeling the same as me.

Not wanting to leave the drive to chance, I ventured, "While we let our lunch settle, what if we check things out a bit before heading back?" They nodded in agreement.

We drifted down the sidewalk, gawking in the windows of the stores. We passed places selling antiques, clothes, a gift store, and a real estate office. And looking at the next property ahead, I saw we had returned to the raft outfitters we had driven by that morning.

The crowd of people from earlier had thinned out, apparently on outdoor adventures in the area. The door to the shop was open and after exchanging a brief whisper, the girls ducked inside. I followed.

The public area was one room with a handful of shelves offering up sunscreen, water bottles, sunglasses, and other last-minute essentials for time on the river. A rack of life jackets lined one wall, while near the back was a staircase leading down to the basement. "Clothes and Swimsuits" announced a sign next to the stairs with a large arrow pointing down.
