The Cabin


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Soon the shower warmed and I savored the relaxing feel as it poured over my body. I put my face under the warm torrent of water, rinsing the last sleep out of my eyes. Suddenly, a pair of arms closed around me from behind. I stiffened in surprise, before recognizing the familiar touch of Tova's hair as she nestled against my back. Holding that embrace, I sighed in contentment as the water poured down over both of us.

I felt her lifting up on tip toe, as she brought her lips close to my ear.

"Isn't this incredible?" she said quietly.

I nodded in agreement and the twisted around to kiss her. Our tongues danced together as the water enveloped us. My hands moved to her ass, firmly massaging them as her pelvis bumped against me. My fingers came around, and finding her aroused and ready, slid two into her. Her head arched back as she gasped at my aggressiveness. But returning her eyeline back to mine, she cocked an eye and disentangled one leg to prop it up against the opposite wall of the shower to give me unfettered access.

Having received her enthusiastic consent, I plunged both fingers back into her -- using them to stroke and rub her g-spot. Tova's head quickly lolled to the side as she let herself be taken by the sensation. My other hand shifted from her back to her bottom, supporting her weight and kneading her flesh. Bringing my mouth down to her breast, I captured her nipple lightly in my teeth, rolling it between my lips. Her legs trembled under her in response.

In a few short minutes, Tova cried softly as an orgasm bubbled up and out through her body. I held her as she lost her balance in the moment, her body relaxing into my support as she shuddered through the end of her climax. Her foot came down and her arms encircled my neck as she kissed me passionately.

Shifting, I began to reposition her so I could enter her from behind as we looked out over the canyon. But she stepped away from my stiff prick, shooing me with her finger.

"No, no, no time for that. The hot water will run out and we should make breakfast for Alexandra," she said briskly. Seeing my disappointment, she brought her fingers down to give me dick a few healthy tugs, "Aww, don't look so sad. I'll make it up to you this afternoon, if he can wait that long."

Her skeptical look down at the red, swollen pole let me know we both doubted I would be able to last until then. But I nodded in agreement and turned off the shower. We toweled off and headed into the kitchen to prepare a meal while Alex continued to doze.

Tova launched into a flurry of activity, mixing batter for buckwheat pancakes, chopping up fresh fruit, and brewing a fresh pot of coffee. I leaned against the counter, enjoying watching her naked body work and the appetizing smells filling up the room. She turned to me and asked if I could retrieve some robes from the bathroom. I found them in the bedroom. I retrieved two and brought them back to the kitchen where Tova and I donned them.

"Ok, now that you're less distracted, can you set the table?" she grinned at me.

Sheepishly, I began raiding the cupboards for the plates, glasses, and the other items for the lovely breakfast. Finishing my work, I returned to the kitchen to find the pancakes going down on the sizzling griddle and the components for avocado toast coming together. I came around behind Tova, wrapping my arms around her. We kissed passionately until she broke it off, finishing up the breakfast. I began carting the various items to the table in preparation for the meal.

Right as we finished, as if on cue, Alex came shuffling out of the bedroom. She wore the bed sheet like a shroud, clutching it to her body with only a tiny window left open for her face. Flopping down in a seat at the table, Alex brought her head down to the table -- pulling the edge of sheet down to hide her face completely. A hand snaked out to grab a cup of hot coffee and it also disappeared under the tent. After what I was a presume was a few sips, Alex thrust the sheet down to her shoulders and looked up at both of us, grinning impishly. Tova and I broke the silence with our laughter.

We attacked the meal with gusto, filling up our plates with the delicious spread Tova had prepared. I drizzled honey on the pancakes and the fruit. I added some yogurt to the side and was about to dig in when Tova leaned over the table to hold out a piece of avocado toast that I eagerly took a bite out of.

"Mmmmm," I said for emphasis. Tova rose and came around the table to offer the same piece to Alex who eyed it skeptically.

"Avocado toast. You really have gone over to the other side. What's next, colonics and burning smudges to clean the room of bad spirits?" Alex teased her friend.

"You know you love it," Tova shot back, pushing the piece of toast into Alex's reluctant mouth.

A portion of it ended up in her mouth, while some of the avocado got smeared on Alex's face. Tova wiped it off with a finger, which she let Alex lick clean. They finished it off with a friendly kiss.

"I do love you, babe," Alex replied, gently slapping Tova's tush as she turned away. Tova yelped and scooted back to her seat.

We continued the meal in a jovial mood, polishing off most of the food and then lingering to sip coffee from our cups as the conversation continued to flow. In time, we turned to plans for the day.

"Oh, I've got it all planned out," Tova declared, surprising neither Alex nor myself. "This hike about an hour's drive from here. It is a bit of a climb, but the view when you get there is well worth it."

"And the guy who owns this place took you there?" I asked.

"Yup. I guess not a ton of people know about it and we had the place to ourselves, which, was ... nice ...," she trailed off at the end.

"Oh sure, it's the view that you remember," Alex teased her friend.

"Hey!" Tova reddened a bit. "I definitely remember the view ... and what we were doing while we enjoyed it."

She broke into a broad grin and both of us joined in for a good laugh.

"This is definitely something I've got to see," I declared, and Alex nodded her agreement.

Plans set, we got to work cleaning up the breakfast and making ready for the outing. We all changed into hiking clothes. Soon we were back in the Jeep headed down the road.

It turned out that the route to the hike took us back through the nearby town. As we cruised by, I noticed activity on the street had picked up a bit in advance of the upcoming weekend. Visitors was strolling up and down, checking out the local shops and activities.

We drove by what I assumed was an outfitter based on the pile of rafts stacked on a trailer out front. Several young people in river attire were milling around in advance of a trip as a few equally young guides finished packing up the gear. I noticed the girls' heads turning to check out the tanned bodies of the guides as we passed and smiled to myself.

Soon we left the hamlet behind and were back on a road surrounded by the majestic forest. We turned off onto a forest road that ran along a small creek. Following it up as the landscape began to rise, pavement gave way to gravel and then a grassy dirt road as it twisted and turned its way upwards. It ended at a small meadow with a turnout where we parked the car. A simple carved post marked the beginning of the trail along with a small notice that this was federal forest land.

We clambered out and Tova retrieved a pack with water and supplies she had pulled together before we left the cabin. She held it out to me with an expectant look.

"What, being the man should still include certain duties. Or does that make me a bad feminist?" she asked with a note of challenge in her voice. I almost rose to the bait. And then, thinking better of it, grabbed the pack and settled it on my back.

"Don't worry, you'll get some sugar as a reward if you do a good job," Tova added.

We passed the post and fell into single file as we began down the trail. It entered the woods and continued in the same general direction as the road -- up. A layer of needles kept the ground largely free of undergrowth and the climb was mild to start. After a short walk, the trail cut to our left and found the creek that had run next to the road. The canopy opened up a bit as we walked next to the bank, dappled in sunlight. The path threaded around muddy patches and exposed rocks as we traced the water's path back to it source in the hills above us.

The route along the creek came to an end as it opened up into a marshy wetland that had probably been a small lake many years before. The path cut back into the forest and we followed it back into the shade under the towering trees. The terrain got steeper now and the trail used several switchbacks to take us up a slope. The pack weighed on me as the distance we'd traveled grew.

"Ok, us pack mules need a break," I said as we rounded another switchback with a downed log sitting conveniently just off the path. I was sweating now and my mouth dry from the effort.

"Too much for an old timer like you?" Alex teased.

"Careful you don't bruise his ego too much, or we might have to put him out to pasture," Tova teased back.

I begged them off with my hands as I settled onto the log and pulled the pack off my back. Tova fished around inside and handed me a metal canteen. I took two long swigs of ice-cold water and passed it over to them.

"Besides, I have something else in here that I think could take his mind off his troubles," Tova continued. She pulled out a small medicine container, which opened to reveal a cone-shaped joint. Retrieving a lighter, she sparked it -- pulling a few times to get it lit properly before passing it to me.

With a shrug, I took a healthy puff. The acrid smoke hit my well-used lungs and I stifled a cough. Blowing out the smoke, I noticed a different taste from the vape the day before. I passed the cone to Alex who took it and sucked down a long drag.

"That is a little harsher than yesterday," I commented to Tova.

"Oh yeah, that's a spliff -- it's got tobacco mixed in," she explained. "Needed to give you a little pep to keep you on your feet until the top."

I nodded as Alex passed it back to Tova. We sat and smoked, passing it around. The noise of birds and the wind in the trees murmured around us, undisturbed by the sounds of civilization.

I did my best to keep up with the girls, but eventually Tova caught me staring at her with a goofy grin as she took a hit.

"I do believe Tom is stoned," she commented to Alex.

I tried to hide it, covering the smile plastered on my face with my hand and looking at the ground. But realizing that I had only helped to confirm her assertion, I waved my hands in a 'guilty' expression and took the spliff back from her as we shared a good giggle. I pulled on it again and handed it to Alex.

"Oh honey, that was the point. We're glad you are feeling it," Alex added as she took it from my hands.

She took another long drag and then, leaning forward to kiss me, shot gunned the smoke into my open mouth. I breathed it in, holding it for a second and then exhaled as I watched Alex's satisfied, happy face. I drank in her hiking attire. Dark blue denim shorts and a sage colored silk camisole showed off her supple body with her hair tied backed in ponytail to emphasize her stunning features.

Tova's outfit also complemented her looks. A navy-blue crop top revealed her taunt belly and narrow hips. A pair of bright red shorts drew the eye to the two firm globes adorning her seat. White knee highs and a pair of Keds completed the look.

We kept passing it until the spliff had burned down to a roach, which Tova stubbed out before discarding. Each of us collected ourselves and rose to complete our journey.

I double checked my footing, adjusting to the intoxication. But I had to agree that the strain of the pack was a distant memory.

The trail finished a final switchback, depositing us on a ridge dividing the path of two streams that had eroded the hillside over time. We hiked along the top of the ridge, taking a more gradual climb towards the top of this series of hills. Every now and then, I would catch a glimpse of the valley below between the trees -- marveling at how far we had climbed.

As we approached the top, the trail split in two. A blaze in the tree indicated which way the trail continued, but Tova stopped at the fork.

"If you continue on, it links up with the network of trails that run through this region of the forest. But where we want go is this way," she gestured to the other trail the curved off to the left.

Alex and I fell in line behind Tova as the path curved around several clumps of trees and boulders. It descended slightly and then emerged into an open, grassy area. It was a small indentation on the edge of the hillside, a small basin that converged to a point that marked the edge of the trees a little below us.

I looked out, drinking in the panoramic view. Forest extended as far as the eye could see, drifting down to a valley before rising again to a new set of hills on the opposite side. Dozens of shades of green doted the landscape, reflecting the natural beauty before us. I exchanged looks with the girls, grinning my appreciation at this incredible sight.

"Yeah, this makes the hike worth it, right?" Tova asked, no answer in reply needed.

We made our way down to the middle of the grassy area. There were several large, flat stones in among the grass here. I guessed they were remnants a small pond or marsh that had worn them down over time before silt had filled it in.

Tova pulled a large blanket out from the pack and spread it across the grass. We flopped down to admire the scenery and recover from our exertion. Insects hummed as sunlight bathed us all in warmth. I lay back, looking up at the blue sky. It was perfect.

The women laid down on each side of me, snuggling in closer as time passed. Recovered, I felt Tova move against me as her hands began to wander over my body. Unhurried, she directed the warm glow of the moment into gentle strokes of my arm, side, and face. Turning to her, we kissed softly.

Alex soon joined in, copying Tova's efforts and stealing kisses for herself. I enjoyed the attention, my cock becoming stiffer inside my pants. Tova sat up and unbuckled them, pulling the clothing down to release my stiff prick. Alex sat up to join her as they began stroking me together.

They adjusted, bringing their mouths down on me to kiss and lick the crown and shaft. I groaned in pleasure as they took turns sucking me into their mouth and then sharing me as they kissed it up and down. They paused a moment as they shared a kiss with the tip in between, and then drew back to quietly whisper in each other's ear.

"And you haven't really experienced the best part yet," Tova explained as they finished and turned to smile at me.

They worked quickly to finish extracting me from my clothes, removing the shoes, shirt, and pants to leave me lying naked on the blanket. Taking my hand, Tova helped me rise and led me over to a large, slightly sloped stone that rose a few feet off the ground. At her bidding, I climbed up and laid on my back. The touch was soft, like worn sandstone, and it radiated the heat it had absorbed from the sun.

Tova and Alex stood over me, shedding their clothes as they stared at my nude form lying on the stone.

"I think he's lost a little of the hardness from earlier, can you fix that?" Alex directed Tova, who immediately obliged by bending over to take me into her mouth.

Up and down she worked me, sucking and licking the tip before descending down to take me in nearly to my root. Alex smiled, looking on from behind Tova. Enjoying the sensation, I closed my eyes. I savored the sunlight on my face, the warmth of the stone on back, and the soft mouth bringing me to full arousal.

Tova took her job seriously, working me back to a fully stiff state. Even then she continued strongly sucking and deep throating me with a relentless focus. Every now and then she would look up to register my reactions and then return his attention back to her efforts on me. Alex watched in admiration from behind, standing naked in the grass before me.

When she'd seen enough, Alex stepped forward, and placing a hand on Tova's shoulder, leaned down to whisper in her ear. Tova paused, listening, and then nodded as she released me from her warm mouth.

Without a word, she climbed up on to the stone and then me. Squatting over me, she reached down to take my dick, and lining it up with her pink pussy, slid down on to me in one motion. I grunted at the boldness of it all as her slick insides slid into place against my hard prick.

Tova, knees bent and ass resting against me, paused and looked down at me with a touch of concern. I looked up at her, the familiar laced pattern tattoo accentuated by two red roses. She brought of one her hands to my face in a show of tenderness, lifting up her bottom in time to slide nearly let me out before letting herself descend again.

The pattern continued, her pace slowly building. Once Tova has established a rhythm, her hands came up to stroke my chest and hair. All the while staring into my eyes with an expression that said this was all being done for my satisfaction. Her eyes held mine as I let her work me over.

For several minutes, I remained fixated on her gaze. But in time I broke eye contact to check on Alex. She remained in the grass, her fingers now buried between her legs as she drank in the scene before her. She caught me looking at her and smiled at the attention. Acting as if it was her cue, she approached Tova from behind -- walking up to the edge of the stone table we were fucking on. Reaching out to stroke Tova's head, Alex guided Tova's lips to her own as they enjoyed a sultry kiss. They made out as Tova continued to work herself on my shaft.

Alex's hands roamed down to cup Tova's breasts, using her fingers to tweak Tova's nipples. Tova sighed in contentment, submitting herself to Alex's will. Alex moved her hands to under Tova's ass -- helping it rise and then bringing it back down on my cock. We surrendered to Alex's direction, letting ourselves become players in her scene.

"Touch her," Alex instructed me, and I did -- moving my fingers to circle and stroke her clit through the folds of her pussy. Tova hissed in enjoyment.

"Now face me," Alex told her friend. Tova complied, lifting off me and reversing her position so her back was to me. She quickly settled on to her knees, bringing me inside her again. She redoubled her pace, showing off for Alex. Alex leaned in closer to resume kissing Tova, their hands now roaming over each's others chest and arms.

Breaking the kiss, Alex muttered to me, "Play with her ass." I complied, bringing my fingers to Tova's tight hole. I stroked and teased the entrance, relaxing the ring. I felt Tova quiver at the touch even as she kept up the rise and fall against me. The friends were now entangled, arms holding each other tightly as we all urged Tova towards a climax.

The quivering grew as my fingertips found their way into Tova, loosening her and redirecting the wetness from our lovemaking to her increasingly slippery asshole.

Alex brought her fingers down to Tova's snatch, caressing and rubbing the folds. Her fingers were firm but never rough as she worked them along where Tova and I were joined. Tova shuddered against us in joy.

Alex suddenly pulled back, grabbing Tova roughly by the chin to tilt her face up towards hers.

"Are you close?" she interrogated Tova. Her friend nodded in response, letting out a soft whine pleading for release.

"Then let us take you," Alex instructed her.

"Yesss...," Tova responded, struggling for words. She pled with her friend, "Please, Alexandra."

"Yes, that would please me very much," Alex responded.