The Coffee Shop Pt. 03


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The morning progressed smoothly and quietly. I decided to head out and grab lunch from one of the downtown restaurants for a change. The weather was so nice it seemed a shame to stay indoors. I headed off to the elevators, pressed the down button when I arrived, and waited. Why is it that elevators always seem to take so long? I heard a ding, and tuned around. A strangely familiar man quickly exited the elevator and effectively blocked me from entering it. I was about to ask him why he did that when he cleared his throat, somewhat nervously I thought, and spoke. "Ah...sorry about that Mr. Walton, but I would like to talk with you if you have a minute." His voice was rich and smooth, and it caught my attention immediately.

"I guess this can't wait until after lunch?" I ask him, with just a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"It's kind of personal," the man replied nervously. "Could we go back to your office and talk in private?"

"I suppose so," I replied. "You've aroused my curiosity. Please come this way."

He followed me quickly and quietly into my office. I locked the door after he sat down and made himself comfortable. Then I took my seat across the desk from him. I took the time to really look at this man, and the longer I looked at him the more familiar he seemed.

He was young, somewhere in his mid to late twenties I would have said, with short straight, blond hair, and sea green eyes, in a face that was handsome and boyish at the same time. The ears, the eyes the nose and mouth all looked perfect., and being clean shaven only added to his looks. He must be one of those lucky guys who are born with natural good looks. His was the face that you would expect to see on the front page of GQ magazine. In other words he was as cute as hell!

Looking down, with difficulty I might add, I took note of the suit he was wearing. It looked to be of an expensive cut, and it had that professionally tailored look to it. A two piece double breasted navy blue pinstripe suit cut close but not tight. It fit his body well. A simple red silk tie and a white dress shirt completed the outfit. I did not notice any sign of a belt when he was sitting down, but I would have guessed that if he was wearing one, it would be black to match the polished black shoes that he was wearing. His jacket was still buttoned closed, and he seemed very nervous for some reason. I could not imagine why. The man was at least two inches taller than my five foot ten inches, and he was far more powerful that I was. At least, that is the impression I received from the way his jacket seemed to emphasize his broad shoulders and narrow waist. (If it sounds like I was getting interested in this guy, yes I was. Can you blame me? He was very good looking, and I hadn't even seen him with his jacket off yet!)

"All right then," I said calmly. "Would you like to tell me what this is about and who you are? Your face seems familiar, but I can't seem to recall your name."

"My name is Mike Walker," he answered. "We met at the awards dinner a couple of months ago. I was one of the volunteers in your hypnosis show."

"Ah, I see," I replied with a smile. "I do remember you now. Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem, " he said nervously. "Well, not exactly....."

"Come on, Mike," I prompted him, and smiled warmly. "If you trusted me enough to hypnotize you back then, surely you can tell me what's on your mind, now."

"Give me a minute okay?" He snapped at me. "Listen, this was a bad idea. I'd just better leave now."

"I'm sorry if I seemed pushy, Mike," I said to him as he got up to leave. "Please, take your time, and decide if you want to tell me whatever it is that is on your mind. I'm not going anywhere right now. We've got the entire lunch hour if you need it."

"Well.......," he said after sitting back down and thinking for a few minutes. "I wanted to know if you did anything else with hypnosis, other than the stuff you did in the show."

"I presume that you had no problem with what went on the show, Mike?" I asked him. After he silently nodded his head yes, I continued. "Well, I have been known to hypnotize people and help them with things like stress relief and to relax more."

"And?" He asked hopefully.

"And what?" I asked back.

"What about other sort of things? Well, you know....." He blurted out.

"Mike, if you are hinting about what I think you are hinting about, then I think this conversation is best continued outside of work, where we can talk in private," I said to him calmly. "It's not that I don't want to talk to you about this aspect of hypnosis. I think it would be best to continue this conversation somewhere else."

"I see your point," Mike replied. "When and where could we continue this conversation?"

"Well, I am free this evening if you want to drop by my place and talk about this over a cup of coffee," I offered.

"Sure. When?" Mike asked.

"Say seven o'clock tonight?" I asked.

"Sure. Sounds good," Mike said. "If you'll give me your address I'll see you then."

I quickly wrote down my address and passed it over to Mike. He took it and thanked me warmly as he left my office. He was still a bit nervous, but not nearly as much as when he had entered my office earlier. Clearly he had something specific on his mind regarding hypnosis that he wanted to talk with me about. As he walked out of my office and I enjoyed the view of him in that suit, I wished silently to myself, that he'd still be wearing that suit when I saw him tonight. I let out a soft sigh as I realized that I'd neglected to 'suggest' to Mike that he wear that outfit of his when he came over to my place tonight. See what happens when you get distracted by a handsome face, and a good looking body?

Lunch was fine, and the rest of the day passed smoothly. I headed off home at five o'clock, looking forward to an hour or so of rest and a hot meal, before Mike came over.

I was sitting back in my chair reading the evening paper and enjoying a cup of coffee when the doorbell rang at about 6:30 PM. Puzzled, I got up, walked over to the door and looked out the peephole. It was Mike!. Still dressed in that suit. (Yes, there IS a God.) He was pacing back and forth in front of the door like a caged tiger. He wasn't just nervous though, he also looked kind of upset. I was a bit annoyed at his arriving half an hour early, but I shoved that feeling aside, as I opened the door.

"Hi, Mike," I said to him. "You're a bit early but that's okay. Would you like to come in?

"Yes, please," Mike replied and roughly pushed me aside as he entered. I forgave him that rudeness, since he seemed so anxious.

"Do you want to join me in the living room? Would you like a coffee or something else to drink?" I asked him.

"I'm okay, thanks," he replied as he headed into the living room.

He sat down on the sofa across from where I had been sitting in the chair. I sat down in the chair, made myself comfortable and waited for him to start talking. The silence was deafening. Mike just sat there looking at me, and then the wall, and then the TV and then back at me. He licked his lips a few times, and pulled at his jacket, and then fidgeted on the sofa. I absently noted that he was wearing a black leather belt with his outfit. I waited. Mike didn't say anything though. After a few minutes of silence I spoke.

"Mike," I said quietly to him. "What was it that you wanted to ask me regarding hypnosis?"

"Well, I guess I wanted to know if you did anything more with hypnosis," he said lamely.

"Such as?" I asked.

"Well, you know..." he said and then blushed. "Like do you ever use it with sex?"

"If you mean do I use hypnosis to arrange for sex, the answer is 'no', I don't," I answered him. "But I have used hypnosis to enhance sexual pleasure for some people."

"Well, that's sort of what I was hoping," Mike said with a sigh of relief. "I enjoyed being part of your hypnosis show a lot. I never felt so good except when I am having sex. So, I was wondering if you could give me commands so that when I have sex I enjoy it more."

"Mike," I said to him sternly. "You really should see a professional therapist if you are having sexual problems or difficulties. I can help you to enjoy the physical sensations of sex more, but I can't force you to do so. Is there something more specific that you had in mind? Maybe we should start slow, and just see how things go with your first session, okay?"

"Okay, I guess that makes sense," Mike said after a few moments thought. "Can we start now? I'd really like to go back under and enjoy myself for a while."

I looked at Mike until I had made firm eye contact with him. Quickly, I sent a few mental commands into his mind. "Mike, you will find yourself following the suggestions I give you easily and quickly. There is no way that your mind can resist what I am about to say to you, because deep down you know that you really want this.. The induction begins when I ask you to make yourself comfortable." Mike blinked his eyes a few times and shook his head as the suggestions took root in his mind.

"Sure Mike," I said to him. "We can start right now. Please try and make yourself comfortable, with your feet flat on the floor, and please unbutton your jacket so that you are free to move your arms about."

Mike sat back in the sofa, undid his jacket and placed his feet flat on the floor. He put his hands in his lap and then looked over at me. "I'm all set, Paul," he said.

"To begin with, Mike," I instructed him. "I'd like you to please close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths and try to relax a bit. I can tell that you are a bit nervous, and that's fine." I watched calmly and quietly, as Mike did as directed. He wiggled around a bit more, and made himself a bit more comfortable.

"Fine," I replied. "I would like you to hold your arms out straight in front of you, with the palms up." Mike opened his eyes, looked at me doubtfully and giggled as he did as I asked.

"What's the matter, Mike?" I asked, raising my eyebrow in surprise.

"I feel kind of stupid holding my hands out like this,' Mike said to me and giggled again. I ignored his giggling., since it was actually helping with the induction.

"That's okay, Mike," I said to him. "Please close your eyes again and pay attention to what I am about to tell you. I would like you to imagine in your mind, that I have tied a cord around your right wrist. A padded cord that is very comfortable," I said to him. "Now imagine that I am tying a string to that cord and on the end of the string is a bright red helium filled balloon. When you can feel the slight tug of the balloon on your wrist, just nod your head." It took only a few seconds before I saw Mike nod his head slightly.

"Imagine in your mind, that I have placed a small lead brick in your left palm," I said to him. When you can feel the slight increase in weight, when you feel your left hand getting just a bit heavier, nod your head." A second or two later I saw Mike nod his head again.

"Each and every time, when you feel these sensations, Mike, you just nod your head," I told him. "Another balloon tied to the cord and your right hand feels lighter, and as I add another brick to your left palm your left hand feels heavier." Mike nodded his head a couple of times and as I watched his left arm started to dip down and his right arm started to rise.

"Another balloon on the right, another brick on the left, and soon and very soon indeed you'll notice that the heavier your left arm gets, the lighter your right arm becomes, and the lighter your right arm gets, the heavier your left arm becomes." I paused for a few seconds, as I watched Mike's head nod a few more times. His left arm was dropping lower and lower as his right arm continued to rise upward. There were slight twitches in his arms as Mike tried to fight the effects of the suggestions. I noticed a slight furrow appear on Mike's brow as his concentration and effort increased. The twitches in his arms became jerks as Mike tried to prevent his left arm from going down and his right arm from going up. The strain and tension were slowly building up. "This is perfect", I thought to myself, dejectedly. "Just perfect. He's fighting me."

"Let your imagination go free, Mike," I said to him. "This is just a test to see how well you can imagine things with you mind. It is not a test that you can fail. You are safe and secure Mike. It is just as I told you during the show. You are safe and in control, so when you want to let go, do it. But if you are going to fight your imagination, and my suggestions, then we are both just wasting our time." The concern and confusion on Mike's face melted away with my reassurances. He let out a long deep sigh as he started to really let go, and his arms continued to rise and to fall.

"Another balloon tied to your right wrist, and another brick placed in your left palm," I continued. "Lighter and heavier, heavier and lighter. So heavy and so light. The harder you try not to let your right arm go up, the lighter it gets, and the harder you try not to let your left arm go down the heavier it becomes. Soon and very soon indeed you notice that as your arms continue to move, you find it easier and easier to concentrate on my voice and to follow it along. When you feel that happen you just nod your head a few times, Mike." Mike nodded his head almost immediately.

"For it seems with each nod of your head, and with each breath that you take, Mike, you can sense a tiny little bit of relaxation entering your body. When you feel that Mike, just nod your head if you like that sensation, nod your head again," I instructed him. Mike's head bobbed up and down a few times, as a soft sight escaped from his lips. I noticed that with each nod his head was not coming up quite as high as it had before. "The more you nod your head, the more relaxed you feel, and the more relaxed you feel, the more your nod your head." Mike's head started to nod every ten seconds or so, as the suggestions took effect. I noticed a slight smile touch his lips as his head nodded slowly.

"When you feel your left hand on your lap or on the sofa, Mike," I spoke to him. "Just nod your head and your right arm will continue to go up, and the heaviness in your left arm will spread out into the left side of your body. When you feel that happen you just nod your head, Mike, and you right arm goes up higher as the entire left side of your body feels even heavier. When you feel that your entire body is becoming more and more relaxed at the same time, when you feel yourself just letting go more and more Mike, you just nod your head, and your right arm continues to go up, while the left side of your body gets heavier and heavier." It was very satisfying to see Mike's right arm continuing to rise higher and higher, while his body started to tilt to the left. I didn't say anything for a minute or two. I just watched as Mike's body continued to lean more and more to the left, and his right arm continued to rise until it was floating straight up in the air.

I quietly got up and walked over to stand next to Mike. I smiled as I looked at him, the 'Leaning Tower of Hunk.' "When I touch you on the forehead Mike", I said to him. "The entire left side of your body will suddenly feel as if it is made of lead and you will topple over onto your side. Once you are lying there on the sofa, you'll feel yourself slip down even deeper and deeper into this wonderful, peaceful, restful state of hypnosis. When you want to slip down even deeper then, all you will need to do is to ask me to take you down even deeper. You'll find that it will be very easy for you to talk in a normal tone of voice. Just nod you head when you understand."

Almost immediately Mike nodded his head, very slowly. He sighed softly to himself as he sat there on the sofa leaning to the left. His face looked slightly tense, which was to be expected due to the tension in his body. I decided to wait a few seconds longer to build up the tension as well as Mike's expectations. (Okay, I'll be honest with you. I really just wanted to savor the sight of Mike sitting there in a that suit, hypnotized and going even deeper. He reminded me of an old high school teacher I'd had for Biology 101, who was a major league stud. I'd wanted that guy back then, and Mike had a similar build. So I guess you could say I was doing a little harmless fantasizing of my own.) Mike started to fidget after about 30 seconds. My hand darted out like a snake towards his head. As I firmly pressed two fingers on his forehead, I said in a commanding and domineering tone of voice, "Deep sleep Mike!"

How can I describe what happened next? How can I possibly help you to understand the sweet joy and excitement I felt as Mike's body slowly and gracefully toppled over onto his left side? If only I'd had a camcorder then! I would have watched that section of the tape until I wore it out. The onrush of joy (and yes power) that I feel when a new subject, who is also very good looking, slips down even deeper into hypnosis, is almost orgasmic. I don't cum, but I get wonderfully hard and feel very warm and mellow.

I looked down at Mike as he lay there on the sofa. He had a big grin on his face and his head was slowly moving up and down, as he kept nodding to himself.. He was lying on his left arm, but he had placed it so that he could rest his head on it like a pillow. His right arm was still up in the air and thus his suit jacket had been pulled up and to the side as he fell over This exposed the right side of Mike's body to my sight. I could easily see how well his shirt clung to that well muscled chest of his, even as it was pulled a bit at his waist. My eyes traveled down that shirt to his waist and the top of Mike's pants. I hesitated only a second or two and then let my hot and eager eyes continue their journey. Mike's pants were snug fitting, which is unusual for suit pants these days. The front pockets (okay pocket, but I could assume that the left one was going to be the same as the right one) were not pleated, but smooth, which again is not the normal style these days, and somehow gave the visual impression that those pants were clinging even more tightly to that body. There was no hint of a bulge or anything in the front of Mike's pants. (Believe me, I looked very closely to see if there was anything there, but there wasn't.) So, I could presume that although he was feeling good, he wasn't really getting aroused. A bit disappointing, but I would deal with that later, I decided.

I slowly let my gaze move from the front, to the back of Mike's pants. I knew even now that I would not be disappointed in what I found there, to judge from what I'd seen so far. (Boy do I have a gift for understatement!) I let out a soft wolf whistle of surprise as I drank in the delightful and delicious sight before me. Okay, so maybe to you a butt is a butt is a butt. Not to me, however. Some butts are very attractive, and some are not. This one had a LOT going for it, if you get my drift. It was all I could do NOT to reach over and run my hands over those butt cheeks then and there. Mike's suit pants followed the curve of his ass like a second skin. Those pants were stretched tight across his buttocks, and crotch. A wonderful sight indeed! I did not care if it was money, bills or just a collection of old papers that caused Mike's wallet to be so big and create such a huge bulge in his right hip pocket. Whatever the cause, that wallet only added to the situation. It forced Mike's pants to be stretched somewhat tighter. (Okay, a LOT tighter!) Oh how I do love these little (okay not so little) surprises! I almost reached down to take out that wallet, just so that I could enjoy the fun of pulling at Mike's pants. I was stopped though when I heard Mike say in a clear, calm and relaxed voice, "Paul, please take me deeper. I want to go deeper. It feels so nice."